Active Kiosk with Speech ECE Project Abstract

Introduction to Active Kiosk with Speech ECE Project Abstract:

This project aims at providing automatic information reference system along with speech. The model is microcontroller based design and it also displays the stored information on the display. This devices are used in giving information regarding the bus and train arrival and departure timings in the stations. In this we will discuss the construction details and working of the display system

Working model:

In this we will employ a 89c51 microcontroller which displays the information according to the timings. To the microcontroller display is connected which displays the information and to it a voice chip is connected which gives voice signal for the displayed information. The microcontroller is programmed with the timing information and so it works accordingly. The microcontroller is provided with an input keypad so that we can change the timing   information when changes required. The microcontroller based design are very efficient and they can be debugged easily and they consume very less power. The microcontroller program is written in assembly language and it runs on keil software.

Applications and advantages:

This is cost effective design for displaying information at bus and train stations. As we are using microcontroller which consist of flash memories we can reprogram any number of times we want. This microcontroller design has a greater control for the displaying information. 

Download Active Kiosk with Speech ECE Project Abstract .

Generation of PN Sequences for Spread Spectrum Application ECE Project Abstract

Introduction to Generation of PN Sequences for Spread Spectrum Application ECE Project:

Introduction to spread spectrum:

Spread spectrum is an signal structuring technique which employs a frequency hoping of direct sequence for achieving multiple access of signal in telecommunications. We will employ frequency hoping spread spectrum(FHSS), direct sequence spread spectrum(DSSS), time hoping spread spectrum (THSS) and chip spread spectrum(CSS)  for generating pseudorandom of PN sequences. In this paper we will discuss the generation of PN sequences using spread spectrum.

Brief about spread spectrum:

By spread spectrum technique the signal is spread in frequency domain which generates a signal with higher bandwidth. For applying the spread spectrum a direction sequence signal is taken so that the signal can be used for multiple access and this decreases the potential difference at the receivers. At the receivers the original signal is retrieved. Pseudo random generators are used for generating pseudo random for the PN sequence. Radio signal is used for generating a wider signal using spread spectrum for the direct sequence signal. In synchronous digital systems spread spectrum clock generators are used to reduce the spectral density of the electronic interference generated in the system.


The spread spectrum is widely used for increasing resistance to a natural interference and to reduce the usage of power flux density. These are mainly used in communication in satellite downlink channels.  By using spread spectrum the noise in the signals can be isolated completely.

Download Generation of PN Sequences for Spread Spectrum Application ECE Project Abstract .

Industrial Automation Project Report

Introduction to Industrial Automation Project:


The proposed design is to provide industrial or home automation is useful for monitoring the devices from any distance. A micro controller is used which monitors are the components according to the given message, with the sensed information sent from the sensors. This paper discusses the working of temperature a heat controlling devices. As the automation is microcontroller based it automatically regulates the temperature changes.

Circuit design and working:

The circuit unit consists of temperature sensors which are connected to microcontroller unit which measures the radiations emitted from hot broilers. A signal conditioning circuit is used for energizing the signal coming from the sensors. A feedback circuit is provided in order to reduce the isolation between the ac line and output. The microcontroller based design are very advantageous in protecting the circuit from leakage currents and high voltages and power losses. We can design the automation circuit by using op-amps or IC voltage regulator but they don’t give quick responses and not that efficient as a microcontroller based design. The keil software is very advantageous in programming flash memories. It provides an interface for connecting target via serial line.

Applications and future scope:

Applications and future scope these type of automation system can used in homes, industries etc. By using this automation design, we can reduce the usage of man power, and the damage of devices can also be reduces.  By using transmission units we can control the equipment from long distances. Thus we can conclude that this kind of devices is very useful for regulating the temperature changes in the equipment.

Download Industrial Automation Project Report .

Artificial Vision System for Blind Using Ultrasonic Wave Transmission and Reception Techniques

Introduction to Artificial Vision System for Blind Using Ultrasonic Wave Transmission and Reception Techniques:

The main objective of this project is to provide safety for blind people from obstacles. This device ensures safety for the blind while walking. The device is to be carried by blind and when the device senses any obstacle it gives the message through voice processor and accordingly he can move. The entire design is built on the concept of embedded system and AT89C52 microcontroller is used which monitors the components.

Circuit design and working:

AT89C52 microcontroller is the heart of the design. The Ultrasonic waves are transmitted into free space and when these touch the obstacle its gets reflected. The reflected waves are received by the  receiver. The demodulator is used to process the signal and it gives the processed signal to the microcontroller. The microcontroller then drives the relay connected to the  voice ic APR9600  by which the blind person can come to know about the obstacle. The microcontroller is provided with an oscillator frequency of 12mhz, and a reset logic signal is fed to the microcontroller so restart when bugs occur. The entire circuit is provide with an rechargeable battery source. The advantage of selecting AT89C52 microcontroller is that it has an 8kb of flash memory. The relay is to drive the voice ic according to the given signal.


The device is very helpful for the blind people to go in a exact path without the help of others. Instead of using Ultrasonic signals we can also use light signals detecting obstacles. The ultrasonic signal response for after the detection of obstacle is delayed by 0.2 seconds which is to be overcome. 

Download Artificial Vision System for Blind Using Ultrasonic Wave Transmission and Reception Techniques .

Long Flashover Arrester Seminar Topic and Report

Introduction to Long Flashover Arrester Seminar Topic:

Long flashover arrester is a voltage control device which controls the voltage fluctuations in power lines when lightening occurs. This device is connected in the power lines poles so as to protect the power lines from the electric discharges occurred during lightening. In this paper we will discuss the causes of lightening and the working model of long flashover arrester.

Working model of Long flashover arrester:

Electric discharge occurs due to lighting and there are two possibilities for occurrence of lighting. In direct stroke the electric discharge occurs directly from the cloud to the overhead line. Due to presence of charged cloud electro statistically induced charges occur in indirect stroke. The long flash over arrester works on the principle of power arc flow. The long flashover arrester consists of two cables made of semiconductor material and they are arrested in such a way so as to form three flashover modules. To protect the power line from lightening the flashover is mounted and connected parallel to the insulator on the pole.

Applications and future scope:

This cost effective device for protecting the power lines from high voltages, the resistors are capable of arresting the voltage fluctuations in all the three phase lines. These voltage arrester can also be used in lager industrial equipment where voltage fluctuations occur frequently. If there are more number of voltage lines we can increase the flash over modules as per the requirement and it can operate at higher voltages.

Download Long Flashover Arrester Seminar Topic and Report .

IR Switch and Remote Control EEE Project Topic for Final Year Students

Introduction to IR Switch and Remote Control EEE Project:


This paper discusses the working of a infrared switch which can be used as a remote controller. As the pulse does not carry any information it can be used on as a switch. This device can used for switching on the appliances in a home or industrial automation systems.

Working model of IR switch:

By projecting the infrared light using a led on to the sensor we can make the switch on and off. The IR switch works at a frequency of 38khz, it operates at the same frequency of a tv remote. It consists of IR detection unit is built using a TSOP 1738 which detects the projected led light. It does not detect any other lights occurring due to tube light and day light. A CD 4049 buffer unit is employed which sorts the accumulated signal received at a instant of1-1.5sec . It sorts the original signal from the sequence of signals. A monostable multivibrator is used to used to generate a signal received at a instant of 1sec period. To make the switch on and off according to the given signal, a flip flop is employed which toggles the signal.

Applications and Advantages:

This type of remote controls can achieve high switching parameters in short instant of time. This remote control device can be used only for switching purpose because the signal does not convey any information. This type of device is used in industries for automatic switching of devices.

Download IR Switch and Remote Control EEE Project Topic for Final Year Students .

Controlling And Monitoring Of Industrial Parameters Using Camac Electronic Project Report For Download

Introduction to Controlling And Monitoring Of Industrial Parameters Using Camac Electronic Project:


The proposed design is to provide industrial or home automation is useful for monitoring the devices from any distance. The messages are sent from the pc using an Ethernet module. Atmel 89c51 microcontroller is used which monitors  the  end system according to the given message, with the sensed information sent from the sensors. The back end PC systems are connected to visual basic and they are provided input through multichannel ADC.

Circuit design and working:

The circuit unit consists of transmitter unit and receiver unit. The pc is connected to a Ethernet module which works in visual basic and the message is transmitted to the receiver by using a multichannel ADC transceiver. In the receiver unit light, humidity and temperature sensors are connected. The ULN drives are used for giving the signal to the relays there which drives the relays to put on and off. The clock speed of 89c51 is  will gill fast response compared to that of normal microcontroller and has a 8kbof flash which is sufficient for this design. The keil software is very advantageous in programming flash memories. It provides an interface for connecting end systems through visual basic. The multichannel ADC converts the sensed information from sensors and sends to the transmitter unit.

Applications and future scope:

Applications and future scope these type of automation system can used in homes, industries etc. By using this automation design, we can reduce the usage of man power, and the damage of devices can also be reduces. 

Download Controlling And Monitoring Of Industrial Parameters Using Camac Electronic Project Report For Download .

Power Quality in Energy Conversion Systems Electrical Project Abstract

Introduction to power quality:

Power quality is linked to devices using power electronics which maintains the switching parameters and voltage and frequency regulation. How the delivered power gets utilized effectively by the end user is called power quality. In this paper we will discuss about power quality and various categories of power quality. We will look into factors causing power quality and preventive methods.

Brief on Power quality:

All the factors which reduce the utilization of delivered power are considered and by rectifying the factors the power quality factor gets increased.

Steady state voltage frequency and magnitude:

Steady state voltage frequency and magnitude can affect the power quality actor factor which occurs due to phase locks in the applied voltage.

Voltage sags:

As the circuits works continuously the faults may occur resulting in voltage which reduce power quality, these are overcome in most cases by using fuse methodology.

Grounding and Voltage fluctuations:

Due to improper grounding and excessive neural to ground voltage connections transients occur. The transients along with the noise components may interact with the low voltages by which the circuit may get damaged. Due to constant changes occurring in voltages fluctuations occur which may affect the load elements which reduce the power quality factor.


Harmonics occur in the circuit due to power generation equipment and induction motors and transformers which cause voltage harmonics. So they need to monitor so as to increase the power quality factor.

Download Power Quality in Energy Conversion Systems Electrical Project Abstract .

Electrical Seminar Topic on Introduction to Motors

Introduction to Motors:

Introduction to motors:

The motor is the major part of the industrial equipment which drives the equipment. The motors are available in various types where each one serves different purpose. Without the use of motor we cannot accomplish the work. Depending upon the requirement the motors are manufacture accordingly from larger sizes to small sizes. Generally the motors run on AC and DC power supply.

 Construction and Types of motors:

We have different types of motors available which are used for various purposes in industrial equipment. The motors are designed by placing coils and a shaft is placed around the coils to generate motion. Depending upon the supply voltages the speed of the motor varies. The direction of motion changes when the supply voltages switches between the positive and negative cycles.

Mechanical motors:

These motors are used to generate mechanical motion require for machines in industries. These motors take electricity as input voltage and convert the electrical energy into mechanical motion. The speed of the motor varies depending on number of coils present in the rotor. By using the reference voltage the speed of the motor can be controlled.

Electrical motors:

The motors are used to generate electricity. The motors take mechanical motion as input and convert the mechanical motion to electrical energy. These are mainly used in electrical generators. In power stations these are used to convert the mechanical motion into electrical energy. Depending upon the mechanical energy provided and the windings present in the motor the voltage generated gets varied.


Motors are used in industries for generation of mechanical motion which drives the equipment to work accordingly to obtain the required output. Many advanced motors are available which can rotate at higher speeds and consuming low power.

Download Electrical Seminar Topic on Introduction to Motors .

Microprocessor Based Relays Electronics Project Report

Introduction to Microprocessor Based Relays Electronics Project:


Due to advancements in microprocessor technologies the switch from conventional to microprocessor based relays has increased. By use of microprocessor technologies the cost of maintenance has decreased. This paper discusses the design and working of microprocessor based relays for ac motors.

Brief into working process:

These are provided with data acquit ion systems which control the ac input. Memory modules maintain the relay algorithms which switch the relays according to the specified algorithms. Contact inputs are provided to control the relays and contact outputs are used for controlling the other equipment. The sampler converts the voltage and current inputs to digital quantity and provides it to the microprocessor.  For controlling ac motors they are fed to motor protective relays which protect them from open phase and reverse phase voltages. Motor protectective relays can control the overload conditions and over current time elements. Motor protective relays are designed based on sine wave form and the distortions occurring can be easily controlled. By connecting a advance phase capacitor the harmonics generated in the circuit can be controlled.

Advantages and Applications:

By use microprocessor based relays the switching can be obtained at higher rates with low maintenance   cost. The time taken for restoration is very less when bugs occur. It has low installation process and provides a controllable and reliable output. These protect he motors from break failures an fuse blown situations. By using the microprocessor based relays the faults can be easily identified and restored immediately.

Download Microprocessor Based Relays Electronics Project Report .