Online Library Management System (Summer Project using J2EE) Source Code

This is a website project created by the University students especially for the students of college campus.
Here a student can Search, Apply, Reserve or Cancel the Reservation for the Library books.
The Student must sign in with their College Library username and password to access these services.

High-Level Design

1. Login:

It accepts the username and password and checks them. There are two types of users: Administrator and Student.
There are three attempts if the supplied input is wrong.

2. Main Module:

This is the main screen window which contains different menus for a particular user.
The main module contains several sub-modules like adding/deleting users or books to the database, issuing/returning books.

3. Student module:

3.1 Search: Search a book.
3.2 Apply: If the book is available to apply for the book.
3.3 Reserve: If the book is not available to reserve it.
3.4 Cancel: Cancel the request for the book.

4. Student Record :

Contains the details about book issue, return and fines etc
4.1 Issue: Issuing the book
4.2 Return: Returning the book.
4.3 Status: Status about the borrowers and pending requests etc.
4.3 Report: Generating the report.

5. Data Entry :

This includes sub-modules for adding/deleting the users and books to the database.
5.1 Books :Add/Update/delete the books
5.2 Users : Add/Update/Delete users

6. User Accounts :

It includes sub-modules for adding or changing the username and passwords for the users, enabling and disabling etc

Unit Test Plan For Online library management system

Sl No Test  Case Name Test Module Expected Result
   1 Login_fnValidate_Valid() Calls fnValidate() after entering valid User Name and Password. Displays the Welcome Screen
   2 Login_fnValidate_Invalid() Calls fnValidate() after entering invalid User Name and Password. Displays error message as “Invalid username or password!!”
   3 Student_fnAdd_Valid() Calls fnAdd() and saves entered details to the database if all the validations are met. Displays a message “Employee details are successfully added to the database”
   4 Student_fnAdd_Invalid() Calls fnAdd() and displays error message if any of the required field is left empty and other validations are not met. Displays an error message “Sorry Cannot Add… Please fill all the mandatory details!!” or “Sorry Cannot Add… Invalid details!!”
   5 Student_fnApply_Valid() Call fnApply() and saves all the valid entered details to the database. Displays a message “book details are available in the database”
   6 Student _fnApply_Invalid() Calls fnApply() and displays error message if any of the required field is left empty and other validations are not met. Displays an error message “Sorry Cannot Book details are not available!!”
7 Student_fnSearach_Valid() Call fnSearch() and saves all the valid entered details to the database. Displays a message “book details are available in the database”
8 Student_fnSearach_Invalid() Call fnSearch() and displays error message if any of the required field is left empty and other validations are not met. Displays an error message “book details are not available in the database”
9 Student_fnReserve_Valid() Call fnReserve() and saves all the valid entered details to the database. Displays a message “book has been reserved successfuly”.
10 Student_fnCancel_Valid() Call fnCancel() Displays a message “book that has been reserved is cancelld”.
11 BookInfo_fnAdd_Valid() Calls fnAdd() and saves entered details to the database if all the validations are met. Displays a  message “Bok Information details are successfully added to the database”
   12 BookInfo_fnAdd_Invalid() Calls fnAdd() and displays error message if any of the required field is left empty and other validations are not met. Displays an error message “Sorry Cannot add Book details!!”
13 BookInfo_fnIssue_Valid() Call fnIssue() and saves all the valid entered details to the database. Displays an message,book is issued successffully


BookInfo_fnIssue _Invalid() Calls fnIssue() and displays error message if any of the required field is left empty and other validations are not met. Displays an error message “Sorry Cannot be able to issue the book. Book is already issued…
15 BookInfo_fnReturn_Valid() Call fnReturn() and saves all the valid entered details to the database. Displays an message,book is returned


16 BookInfo_fnReturn _Invalid() Calls fnReturn() and displays error message if any of the required field is left empty and other validations are not met. Displays an error message “Sorry Book is not received.
17 BookInfo_fnStatus_Valid() Call fnStatus() and saves all the valid entered details to the database. Displays an message regarding the status of the books.
18 Admin_fnAddUser()



Calls fnAddUser() and saves entered details to the database if all the validations are met. Displays a message “Student details are successfully added to the database”
19 Admin_fnAddBook()



Calls fnAddBook() and saves entered details to the database if all the validations are met. Displays a message “Book details are successfully added to the database”
20 Admin_fnDeleteBook()



Calls fnDeleteBook() and saves entered details to the database if all the validations are met. Displays a message “Book details are successfully deleted from the database”
21 Admin_fnDeleteUser()



Calls fnDeleteUser() and saves entered details to the database if all the validations are met. Displays a message “Student details are successfully deleted from the database”

UML Diagrams:

Class Diagram:

ER Diagram:

Download the below attached Development of an online Library Management System Project Code & DB

Loss Control System for Insurance Producers .Net Project


Insurance companies issue various types of policies to protect home and business owners from various types of unforeseen calamities such as fire, floods, theft etc.  However, prior to issuing or renewing a policy, the insurance company conducts a field survey of the property to ensure that the property is adequately secured and is not vulnerable to damage.  Thus the insurance company ensures that the chances of damage or loss are controlled.  For example, if a petrol pump has to be insured, the petrol pump owner should provide for adequate fire safety equipment, signboards prohibiting smoking near the fueling area etc.

In order to conduct these surveys, the insurance company enlists the services of independent surveyors residing near the property.  These surveyors are trained personnel and are pre-approved for certain types of activities.  The aim of the project is to develop a system used by insurance companies and surveyors to record the surveys to be done, assigning a surveyor to conduct the survey, capture, and approval of survey results, recording and approving of the surveyor’s Time and Expenses (T&E) Report. 

Workflow of the proposed system

Detailed Functionality

 1.    Record the Surveys to be done

Prior to issuing or renewing an insurance policy, the underwriting department raises an RFS (Request for Service) in LCS.  The details to be entered include –

Location to be surveyed

Type of insurance coverage (fire, theft, flood etc.)

Date by which the survey should be completed

Surveyor ID  (to be searched based on the location’s pin code)

Type of service requested (eg. Survey.  In future, the same system can be extended to verify insurance claims)

The estimated budget for the survey (This is the amount of money that the insurance company is willing to spend towards surveyor’s T & E)

The underwriter may also attach a copy of insurance policy application to RFS.

  1. Working with an RFS

Once an RFS is assigned to a surveyor, he/she starts working on the RFS.  The surveyor should be able to query the status of various RFS’s assigned to him/her.  Typical activities that are carried out by Surveyor on RFS include –

Scheduling a visit to the location – Enter the scheduled date and time in the system and update the status.

Survey the location and Write a Survey report – Attach the survey report to RFS on completing the site visit.

Writing recommendations and following-up on recommendations – Writes recommendations on the corrective actions to be taken at the location and updating the action taken on the recommendation.

Entering time and expense details – Record the time and expenses incurred to carry out the survey and the follow-up actions.  These details have to be entered by date and activity.

Close RFS – After all the details are entered, the surveyor closes the RFS.

  1. Approving Time and Expenses

The underwriter reviews the T&E reports and either approves or disapproves the expenses based on the budget.

In case it is disapproved, he/she cites the reasons for disapproval.  The surveyor is informed to update the expenses accordingly.

If it is approved, it is sent to the finance section for payment.

  1. Reporting

This module generates various reports for surveyors and underwriters.

For surveyors –  List of RFS by status,  List of RFS received or completed during a given period, Report on T & E for a given period

For underwriters – List of RFS by status (across surveyors or for a specific surveyor), List of RFS raised or completed during a given period,   T&E claimed and paid during a given period.

UML Diagrams:

Use Case Diagram:

Sequence Diagram:

Activity Diagram:

Class Diagram:


Software Requirements:

Visual Studio .NET

Front-End: C# in ASP.NET

Back-End: SQL Server

Hardware Requirements: 


Hard disc: 80 GB

Test Cases: Test case name Test procedure Pre-condition Expected result output Specification
1 Login Enter userid and password Displays pay bills form success Login
2 Login Enter admin and password  

Displays the status

success Login
3 Login Enter user and password Error message success Login
4 Pay bills Enter details Select billername, date, accountno Displays bill paid successfully success Pay bills
5 Add biller Select the biller Select billername Add biller successfully success Add biller
6 Add biller Select the biller Select name Displays as already exists success Add biller
7 View details As admin Displays list of pending transactions success View status
8 View details As admin Update status Displays status success View status
9 View details As user Edit date, amount Displays all transaction of that user success View report

Download the below-attached Loss Control System for Insurance Producers .Net Project Source Code

Online College Management System PHP Project

The “Online College Management System” is concerned with three categories of modules:

1) User( student, parent or any user)
2) Admin
3) Faculties

User (student, parent or any user):

The user can view own result & attendance.
The user can know about college info., management, goal & objective.
The user will display fresh news & event.
The user can download fresh exam time table, syllabus, assignment as well as view blacklist which created by admin based on its attendance.

The user provides facility to know the fresher message from the director.
The user can easily view courses details as well as subject details which are college given you.
The user can view faculty details as well result of own subject which takes on college.
The user can view fresh album which uploads by admin.


Admin can perform add/update/delete and search following module :

  • course module
  • semester module
  • subject module
  • Student module
  • exam module
  • result module
  • the attendance module
  • faculty module
  • college info module
  • download module
  • event module
  • news module
  • login module & user type module

Admin can create an online blacklist using student attendance
Admin can upload student data as excel file as well as syllabus, blacklist, exam time table, student result & attendance, and fresh photo gallery.


Faculty also give a login to manage his/her profile.
Faculty can view own subject result so faculty can easily analyze own result so they will try to better result.
Faculty can view own subject attendance.
Faculty can upload own subject assignment.

Use case Diagrams:


Puducherry Tourism Statistical Report and Information System


Puducherry statistical analysis and information center is a website designed for Puducherry tourism Department. In this web site people who all over the world can know the details about Puducherry. One can find its location, specialty and can find their place to stay in Puducherry. As an information center, peoples can get all the important details about Puducherry like the Hotels, Restaurants and its location. They can also find the available travel services and packages in Puducherry are. Help Desk allows one to know the important contacts in Puducherry.

This project contains various modules like User, Admin, and Hotel.  The whole project has been developed by using PHP, HTML, CSS, and MYSQL as a back-end tool.

The User module is a complete Web site for the peoples to see. Peoples can enter into the Web Site freely can collect information’s, know its location and can see photos of Puducherry. The whole website will be User-Friendly and attractive.

Admin module concerns with maintaining the tourist information of Puducherry. They have to collect this information from the hotels located in Puducherry and have to send the details to Indian Government. This manual work is now changed as a computerized work. The department can collect the information from the hotels through the website and can print the details in the given proforma.

Hotel module concerns with updating hotel data’s to the admin database online. The person who is managing the details of the customers who is coming to a particular hotel has to update the database with a unique username and password. They can change the password to their sufficiency. The hotel management updates the database to the Tourism department through the website.

Both the Admin and Hotel module are designed with high security with username and password.


To develop a better website for Puducherry tourism department
To increase Security for information’s
To update the information using internet facility
To reduce manual work in a simple way.
To reduce the Paper works


The organization is undergoing major work through human interventions.
Maintaining Tourist information
Maintaining Hotels in Puducherry
Sending Details to the Government
Maintaining the Proforma of every month


The proposed system reduces the manual activities in the existing system.
It helps in maintaining the information of tourist and hotels in Puducherry in a database which replaces the paper.
Writing the details in the paper is replaced by printing the information in the paper.
The proforma will be printed whenever necessary so no need to maintain it the information in the paper.


Database files are maintained instead of papers, which contains all the necessary details about the hotels and tourist.
The proposed system provides faster access.
The system provides effective report generators.
The organization’s cost and time effectively reduced by the automated system.


1) User

This module is a complete website which is designed for the Department of tourism.
People can collect information about Puducherry with this site.
As the concept of AJAX is implemented with this Web site people find it easier to load the pages.


2) Admin

This module concerns with maintaining the tourist information of Puducherry.
The information’s collected from the hotels can be saved in the database and can be used to print proforma.
They can add a new hotel and view the information of a particular hotel.
This module was designed with a secured login hence the user has to log in with the password.


3) Hotel

Hotel module concerns with updating hotel data’s to the admin database in using internet facility.
The person who is managing the details of the customers coming to a particular hotel has to update the database.
The updating of the database was carried out with a unique username and password by using the Pondicherry Tourism Web site.


TABLE DESIGN (user_admin)

TABLE DESIGN (hotel details)


  • A search system can be incorporated to search for a particular place in Puducherry.
  • Facility of booking of tickets and rooms can be done through the internet.
  • May enhance the payment scheme for ticket booking through internet.
  • Calendar events of Puducherry can be added.


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • API


  • PHP (for server-side scripting)
  • JAVASCRIPT (for client-side scripting)


  • MySQL


  • AJAX

Output Results:

Home Page

How to reach



View Hotel

Printing Proforma

  1. Install XAMPP
  2. How to connect the DB
    • Go to the URL http://localhost.
    • U will be navigated to another screen
    • In that click on PHPMyAdmin on the left side panel
    • On the new screen in the create new database text box type” tourism_pdy” and click on create.
    • In the new screen comes up you can find the option to create a new table for the existing DB. There look for Import option in the upper navigation.
    • Now click on import and import the text file “tourism_pdy” which I gave with the project and click on go
    • Now it will show “Import has been successfully finished, 29 queries executed.”
    • Database part is completed
  3. How to run the project
    • Copy the source code and paste it here in the path “C:\xampp\htdocs”. Means that the project source code should be inside the htdocs folder of the XAMPP. (This is very important)
    • Now open the browser and give the URL like “http://localhost/project_folder_name/index.php”
    • If the source code is copied as such it should be http://localhost/pondi/index.php
    • Now you will be able to see the project

House Tax Billing System Java Project


Billing system will save both time and manpower in the process of automating the regular house tax billing system.


The house billing system maintains information of customers. The data of customers is stored in a single file which consists of customers information, bills file, tracking bills to know the status of bills.
Evaluation of customers bills takes longer time due to integration in the system.


It takes a number of customers information in one file.
Acquiring one customer information becomes tough.
It takes more time to find particular customer information.
Calculation of customers bill takes longer time


The house billing system stores customer information. It calculates the house tax of the customer based on area.
It is calculated by maintaining different files such as customer information file, bills files, tracking bills for the status of the bill of each customer. All the information of customer can be searched by using bill number.


It contains a single file for every customer information so that accessing of data becomes easier.
Calculation of customers bills does not take much time.
It provides enough space to store separate files.
Accurate bills are calculated.


Managing Customer records: we will be able to search the details of the customer which are present in files, where details will be in the form of house type, built in the area, location. The generating reports we will be able to display all the details of customer file with details in the form of files.

Managing the generated bills: we will be creating bills information with details like customer name, bill number, the area of the house, and bill. we can update the details of the customers using bill number.

Tracking bill status: In this payments of the customers will be updated. We can display the defaulters who pay the tax irregularly. Defaulters should have to pay fine based on the number of days delayed by them.

Menu design and integrating of all modules: we integrate above modules into one file. we add username and password to log in for accessing the details of a particular customer.

UML Diagrams:


We can conclude that we can create Bill for house tax for the registered customer. We can add new customers to the Database. We can search for a customer in the database and all the details of customers are safe with username and password of the clerk.

Output Screens:

Mini Project on Online Car Pooling System


The online carpooling system is a web-based application is to provide us with a simple riding platform between the car owner and car user. This project enables users to access mobility assets own by others exactly when they need. It shows a medium for available cars to pick up them on the interest of car owner with time and capacity.


Personal ride booking and sharing services allow customers to arrange transportation quickly.
Ride booking Apps typically use a smartphone, GPS technology to match a customer’s location with the nearest available car.
In this online carpooling system, the customer receives an estimated pickup time, a description of the arriving vehicle, and an image of the driver. At the destination, the user can pay automatically.

Existing System

The online carpooling system is an emerging criterion that provides comfortable and consistent rides for both the user and the car owner using this application within the city can be somewhat difficult.

Proposed System

The online carpooling system connects car owners to people in their vicinity who needs a vehicle.
A platform as a link between supply and demand is provided creating a new mobility service.
The ride fare is fixed by the car owner within the range of kilometers traveled and will even take care of all administrative issues.


Car – owner:
To connect with server owner must give their username and password then only they can able to connect the server.

  • Step1: Start
  • Step2: Car owner login with id
  • Step3: Searching for the server
  • Step4: Connect to the server
  • Step5: viewing the admin details
  • Step6: Conformed the ride
  • Step7: Stop

Owner accepting nearby user, the owner is going to get the request from the user considering his starting point.

  • Step1: Start
  • Step2: Admin login with username and password
  • Step3: We need to register by giving all the details
  • Step4: Start the ride
  • Step5: User searching for this ride related post
  • Step6: Selecting the ride
  • Step7: Viewing user details and ride details
  • Step8: Stop

After getting the registration request to the admin, he personally verifies whether the user or the car owner is genuine or not .if genuine then there request is accepted.

  • Step 1: Start
  • Step 2: Admin will make a post of his ride
  • Step 3: User login with username and password
  • Step 4: User needs to register the details
  • Step 5: Viewing user details
  • Step 6: Admin accepts the user details
  • Step 7: If the admin does not accept the requesting user needs to choose another driver
  • Step 8: Stop

UML Diagrams:

ER Diagram:

Data Flow Diagram:

Online House Rental Management Java Project

House rental portal is a webpage where house owners, clients, customers can exchange information effectively and inexpensively.

Provides user-friendly interface, satisfying the needs of the consumers.

Employs a new strategy that facilitates easy management of rental houses.



This module is operated by the user who is the owner of the property and wants to give it for rent. The owner should register with an application which will be authorized by the client. The owner can upload room details, pictures, location, rent ..etc. which comes under owner module. The owner can view the house and add house form his module.


This module is operated by a client who is an admin to this application who will look after users registering with the application (owners and customers ) and active and deactivate them.


This module is operated by a customer who needs to register with the application. A customer is a person who is looking for rent. The customer is activated by client and customer can search based on specifications and get results about rent details.

Output Details:

  • Home Page:
  • Owner Registration Page:
  • House Owner login Page:
  • House Owner home Page:
  • View Owner profile page:
  • Add House details:
  • View added House details:
  • Client login:
  • Client Home:
  • View owner and activate:
  • View user and activate:
  • Customer Registration:
  • Customer Login:
  • Customer Home Page:
  • View Profile Page:
  • Search Houses:
  • Results Page:
  • About us:


  • Online rental house portal is designed to meet every aspect of the consumers.
  • Features commercial and residential properties for the sale and rent properties.
  • To simplify work for the rental managers so that work can be efficient and effective.


  • The housing sector remains vigilant to face the challenges of the change of the existing system.
  • People migrating to other cities or states either for different purposes.
  • Finding a shelter, which fits all the requirements of the customer is hard, most of them don’t match their needs.

Graphical Representation of Student Performance and Project Reporting System


This project can implement features like: The first feature is “Graph”, it shows the graphical representation of the student’s performance (attendance and aggregate). The second feature is the “Projects”, here all the project titles with description are stored in the database so that it will be helpful to our juniors and it also helps to know if the new projects are colliding with existing.

Existing System:

  • In our college, the projects are stored in the CDs so there is a problem in accessing.
  • In our college website, the student’s performance is not shown clearly.

Proposed System:

In our application, we are introducing “Graphs” and “Projects”.
Graphs – Here the student’s performance(like attendance, marks) is shown in charts. Where bar graphs are aggregate in semester wise and curve graph for attendance.
Projects – Here all the projects are stored, we create a hyperlink of all the project titles when we click on it the page will be redirected to the project description. There is a search bar where we can search any project by the project’s name or by guide’s name or by the year and duplication of projects can be eliminated.

Modules of Project

Modules Description

Back End: Database, which stores the student details and list of projects with their description.
Front End: User interface, where the client can view charts and project lists.
Middle End: It is the logic or Java code which retrieves data from the database(backend) and display it in the form of charts and it also displays the project lists so that it is easy to access rather than from the CDs.


  • We used MySQL for storing student information and list of projects with descriptions.
  • Java language for coding the logic and HTML & CSS for designing the page.
  • Morris.js chart, JChart are the packages helpful for projecting the charts.
  • Every project title is hyperlinked to its description.

UML Diagrams:

Use Case Diagram:

Class Diagram:

Sequence Diagram:

Activity Diagram:

Screen Shots:


Our data set includes student’s details of our college like every semester marks, attendance percentage and details of all the projects done by students of CSE.


In this project, we showed the students performance in the form of charts so that it is easy to know the student’s overall performance.
This project also consists the details of all the projects done by the CSE students in our college.

College Information Management System (CIMS) Application

College Information Management system (CIMS) application that effectively manages the storage and retrieval of information on the internal network of a college. In other words, it is a web application for a college.

How a College Functions?

    There are many activities that take place in a college. They are below

  • Admissions: The traditional process of admission requires a student to collect the admission forms, fill them and submit them to the college.
  • Student Enrollment: The student applications are screened and those found suitable are called for an interview and finally selected. 
  • Planning and recording schedules: It is necessary that every college prepares its own academic timetables for:
    1. Classes for each course.
    2. Sports and games.
    3. Extra curricular activities such as competitions and cultural activities.
    4. Meetings and seminars held to review academic schedules teaching strategies and other requirements of the college. 
  • Staff recruitments: the college periodically recruits Teachers, Professors, and Non-teaching staff members. Records on their salaries leave the position, etc., need to be maintained by the college.

As listed above the CIMS application should allow performing all the activities and if possible additional activities in a more easy and efficient manner. This application should be highly scalable and customizable for different types of colleges depending on their requirements.

The application should have an interface for accessing and retrieving data about students and staff and the college itself.

  1. A database management system in which data can be stored safely, while also being easy to access.
  2. A website for the college where outsiders can obtain information about the college.
  3. A central server that controls all the information of the college and also hosts the website of the college.
  4. An internal communication system for exchanging information, scheduling meetings and conferences. 

The following list gives an overview of what CIMS may contain.

This is abstract information about a college process.

Admissions for staff and students

  • Academic details – attendance, exams, marks.
  • Complete fee details, course wise and student wise.
  • Exams – performance.
  • Library Management.
  • Staff: Teaching, Non-Teaching.
  • Leave: Students, Employee
  • Attendance Students, Employee
  • Courses – currently offering, new courses.


  • Timetable
  • Curriculum scheduling
  • Calendar 


  • Student academic report
  • Student TC details
  • Leave Reports
  • Pay Slip
  • Library Report
  • Department wise report
  • Full Academic report 

Planning intranet for a college Requirements   Data management between departments of a college.

Every college has staff and students and all the data related to students and staff that are maintained in college records in the form of files. Similarly, the college maintains the daily activities such as timetable, year wise curriculum, and examination schedules. Maintaining such huge data for years the college needs

  • Manpower
  • Space in the office to maintain shelves, cabinets, and racks
  • Good administration strategy
  • Perfect organization
  • Ease of use
  • Efficient data retrieval 

That is we need to have an environment that is organized with numbered file cabinets. In such a system every folder has its place.

But maintaining such an extensive file system is not possible manually and it is also not cost effective.

Now the question is what makes it easier to maintain such data?

The solution is computerizing the management system.

  • Online website.
  • Internal file management.
  • Keep track of student and staff files.
  • Library management system.
  • Scheduling conferences, news, and announcements.

In order to develop the intranet, we need to do analysis about the requirements of the college system. After the analysis, we need to design the structure flow and model of our Intranet Project. We then need to write programs in Java and integrate to test and deploy the Intranet for a college.

What are the analysis and design, what does it include? 


This deals with an investigation of a whole product part by part. It is the abstract separation of a whole into its constituent parts for study. The analysis of any particular project is the paramount requirement before any other operation


It is a preliminary or initial sketch indicating the basic plan required to execute the project.

Think of what we need to build.

Identify the data needed to be organized in the INTRANET.

  • Student data
  • Staff data
  • Books data

Student Data:

Students may be categorized into two types. An enrolled student and a new student to enrol. The fields that specify the students are as follows.

Admitted Students

  • Personal information
  • Name
  • Parent
  • Address
  • Contact information
  • Date of birth
  • Gender
  • Academic information
  • Admission number
  • Course joined
  • Date of joining
  • Remarks

 Application form for new students

Personal information

  • Name
  • Parent
  • Address
  • Contact information
  • Date of birth
  • Gender

Academic information

  • Applied date
  • Previous college information
  • Previous degree details
  • Course applied for
  • Percentage of marks
  • Application id
  • Application mode (online/offline)
  • Nationality

Official details

  • Accept/Reject
  • Remarks
  • Application mode 

Staff data:

The staff may be categorized into two types, teaching, and non-teaching staff.

Personal and general details

  • Name
  • Gender
  • Nationality
  • Contact information (permanent/present)
  • Application mode
  • Professional job experience
  • Income details

Book data:

Managing the data concerning books is called Library management.

Student Details

  • Student identification number
  • Student name
  • Student address
  • Date of issue of the book
  • Phone number

Book Details

  • Book code
  • Book name
  • Price
  • Number of copies
  • Author
  • Publication
  • Edition
  • Course
  • Transactions
  • Book code
  • Student identification number
  • Date of issue
  • Due date
  • Date of return

Conferences, meetings, news

  • Date
  • Time
  • Purpose
  • Audience
  • Place


  • Website data
    1. College history
    2. Curriculum
    3. Courses offered
    4. Achievements
    5. Contact information

  Designing the project

    This includes

  • Finalizing the flow
  • Establishing relations
  • Designing the GUI
  • Organizing the data management

Plan for flow

  • Login
  • Main window
  • Options to view students, staff, library, schedules
  • Student
    1. Admitted
      • Select a classroom from list
      • Next, Previous, Add, Save, Modify, Home, Search.
    2. New Admissions
  • Next, Previous, Home, Update Status, View all.
  • Staff
  1. Select a department
  • Next, Previous, Add, Save, Modify, Home, Search, View all.
  • Library
    1. List of the category of books.
    2. Available books.
    3. Check whether the book is available or with the student.
    4. Ability to issue books and note down the details.
  • Schedules
    1. Calendar
  1. List of schedules.
  • Web
  1. Homepage
  2. Links to admission form, course details, contact information, etc. 


  • Login dialogue for CIMS
  • Main page
    1. Student details
    2. Employee details
    3. Library details
    4. Payroll
    5. Attendance
    6. College information
    7. Course information
    8. Latest happenings
  • If we click on Student link
    1. Admission details
    2. Course information
    3. Academic details
  • If we click on Employee Link
  1. Personal information
  2. Course responsibilities
  3. Academic details
  • If we click on Attendance link
    1. A screen with two options, student lists or employee lists with present or absent status appears.
  • If we click on the library link
  1. Books Available for Issue
  2. New books to add
  3. Status of books
  4. Return books with fine (if any)
  • If we click on college link
    1. Just shows the college details
  • If we click on course information
  1. Course details
  2. Subject details
  • Latest happenings
    1. Calendar
    2. Timetable
    3. Holidays
    4. Notice
    5. News and announcements
  • Other pages

Web page: A home page with the following links

  1. About us
  2. Courses
  3. Admissions
  4. List of students
  5. Staff
  6. Contact us
  7. Library
  8. Administrator

Food Ordering Management System PHP & MySQL Project

Summary of the System: 

There is a lot of scope online food ordering business and we can tap it to the max extent possible as everyone has access to an online ordering facility via the internet. Food business usually will have high demand and hence online business prospect for food ordering should be profitable.  We will provide an easily accessible interface wherein the customer can view and place the order easily.

The customer can register initially with minimum details and will be allowed to check the menu items before ordering them, adding them to cart and submit the order. The system records the details in MySQL database so that it will be easy to retrieve later. The users of the system also include employee/admin who will handle info related to product addition and assigning vehicle for placed orders.

Problem Statement:

The food business in restaurants is being carried out in the same fashion for so many decades. In the restaurants, when the customers visit, they will read the large menu cards which just has the name of the item and price. They have to decide in moments time and place the order just to wait in the queue for getting the ordered items on their table. Sometimes, the waiting time is so huge that the customers will actually lose interest in the item. Moreover, some customers will be in their office or busy to come physically to the restaurant and eat.

To ease the process of ordering the items, giving a description of each item and getting the item on the table the online food ordering system is designed. Some of the common problems are listed below.

The general problems faced while ordering food physically in a restaurant are listed below.

  1. Viewing the complete description of the menu item before ordering.
  2. Placing the order standing in a queue.
  3. Waiting for the customer’s turn to get the food.

These hurdles will be avoided by placing the order online

Users of the System:

The users of the system include the customers and the employees. The employees of the system are responsible for updating the menu items as well as the delivery of the item to a particular address. The customers will visit the website, check for the items available in the menu, order for one or more items in the menu. All the activities such as ordering items online, delivery of the items by employees, the vehicle used to deliver the items etc. will be recorded in the database for all the events.

Users of the database:

The top-level management who owns the food business will be using the database. They can try to infer details like

  1. what is the most demanded item?
  2. Which item is not ordered at all?
  3. What amount of business is made on daily basis?
  4. How the delivery of items is being carried out? etc.

Use Cases:

Use case diagram for Customers

Use case Diagram for Employees

The architecture of the Application 

Entities and its Attributes:

The main entities identified in the system are listed below.

  1. Customer [Attributes -> cid, name, email, pwd, phno, address]
  2. Employee [Attributes -> eid, name, phno, email, password]
  3. Orders [Attributes -> oid, pid, cid, odate, quantity, delivery status, vehicle]
  4. Products [Attributes -> pid, name, description, price, file]
  5. Vehicle [Attributes -> vid, status,vehicle_number]
  6. Cart [Attributes -> id, cid, pid, qty, status] 

Logical Design: 

The identified entities along with the attributes in the system are listed in Section 1. The tables that are designed are given below.

Customer Module:

The customer table consists of below details

  1. cid {primary key} [type : int auto_increment] assigned for each unique customer.
  2. name [type : varchar(30)] represents name of the customer
  3. Email [type : varchar(30)] represents email of the customer
  4. Pwd [type: varchar(30)] used for saving password of the customer
  5. Phnno [type : int(11)] is used for saving phone number of customer
  6. Address [type : text] used for saving the address of the customer

This table is used to get the details of customers

Employee Module:

Employee table is used to save

  1. eid {primary key} [type : int auto_increment] assigned for each unique employee.
  2. name [type : varchar(30)] represents the name of the employee.
  3. Phno [type : int(15)] is for saving phone number of employee
  4. Email [type : varchar(32)] saves the email info of an employee
  5. Password [type : varchar(32)] will save password of employee

Orders Module:

Order table used to save

  1. oid { primary key } [type : int auto_increment] assigned for each order.
  2. pid { foreign key references products: pid } .
  3. Cid [foreign key references customer: cid]
  4. Quantity [type : int (25) ] represents the quantity of the ordered product.
  5. Odate [type : datetime] represents a timeframe of the products ordered by the customer
  6. Quantity [type : int (11)] provides the quantity ordered by the customer
  7. Delivery status [type : tinyint(1)] saves the delivery status whether delivered or pending
  8. Vehicle [type : int(11)] helps in assigning vehicles. foreign key references: vehicles vid

Products Module:

Products tables used to save

  1. pid {primary key} [type : int auto_ioncrement ] assigned for each product.
  2. name [type : varchar(20)] represents the name of the product.
  3. description [type :text] represents the description of the product.
  4. Price [type : double(10,5)] saves the price of the product ordered
  5. File [type : text] saves the image of product ordered

Vehicle Module:

Vehicle table used to save

Vehicle [Attributes -> vid, vehicle number]

  1. vid {primary key} [type : int auto_increment] assigned for each vehicle.
  2. Status [type : int(11)]
  3. Vehicle number [type: varchar(30)] saves the registration number of the vehicle assigned for delivery

Cart Module:

Cart table used to save

Cart [Attributes -> id, cid, pid, qty, status]

  1. Id {primary key} [type : int auto_increment] assigned for each cart
  2. Cid foreign key references customer id from the customer table
  3. Pid foreign key references products table
  4. Qty saves all quantities related to products added in cart
  5. The status will save delivery status

Entity-Relational diagram:

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