NIT Computer Project Report on Hierarchical Multicast Routing Protocol Based on QOS

Introduction to Computer Project on Hierarchical Multicast Routing Protocol Based on QOS:

The main achievement of the existing software is to low down the cost of the networks from the start till the destination networks. Here the concept routing can be distinguished in two different sub-types like unicast and the multicast types of the routings. Here in the unicast sub-types the packets are transferred from one network to another and in multicast the receivers of the networks are group together in one multicast groups. Here it provides copies of the process report from the each source are till the destination source. It mainly follows the QoS path called as the Quality of the Services.

This system has a main content called as the iDomain which is the device used as the Networks for the existing systems, Here other domains are combined together and  made a single large network. This system then follows the three different steps like the Multicast routing, Hierarchical routing and the QoS based routings too.

This hierarchical multicast routing protocol is used in the QoS the Quality of the Services which is tested by the networks. Here the Routers never attain the multiple tree routers in various fields like the CBT, PIM-SM. The advantages of the Hierarchical system are that we can develop the plain and the hierarchical instances of the routing networks. It provides the Quality services guarantees for the multiple cast trees. The performance level is also increased by the proper working and the arising of the progress reports too. The Quality of the Services and the Hierarchical system is together implemented properly in order to overloads of the messaged of the previous networks.

There are also certain demerits of the Hierarchical system like that the buffering of the current work process can be even repaired and can be updated more. This can also make the messages of the networks less and thus can save the overloading issues. 

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NIT Computer Science Mini Project Report on Hierarchical Data Backup

Introduction to Mini Project on Hierarchical Data Backup:

The existing system is design to develop and target the type and the style of the design and also the proper system to keep the proper backup the data in the database. This data is stored in the backup by using the function storage methods. This software is mainly developed to get the recovery backup of the required data’s.

Here there are various data that are very difficult to get the backup of such data. This system uses then LAN called as the Local area network which needs to be very secure and very active in storing the database backups. Ethernet card are also used here to work with the system.

The results that were shown by the software where JOINS which says that when the user gets registered with the group then every time he has to be notified with the notifications when he logs on. And even the user has to be a satisfied person when he Logs in the application. Save file, Delete File, Retrieve files and unjoin the file are the basic architecture and function that every application have.

The design of hibernate language is made from three attributes namely the client to server then again from server to another client. All this three attributes keep the maintenance’s of the data that is gained from this client to server connections.

This software was mainly developed for the getting the backup of the largely required data by using the Local area network service. It also helps in addition and also the deletion of the files whenever the user needs it to.

For this process user must be completely registered to the group and them is permitted to carry out this process easily. The updated version of hibernate language has a great additional capabilities for the data storage too.

 Download  NIT Computer Science Mini Project Report on Hierarchical Data Backup .

Anna University Computer Project on Performance Evaluation of RMI

Introduction to Performance Evaluation of RMI:

The world wide spreading network of the internet brings the challenges to the web applications and distributed applications like e- commerce. The RMI provides the solution which is made for the JAVA only applications for the distributed applications developers. The one problem to the users is related to the better performance in good quality service. The Project fulfills the necessity and estimates the performance of the distributed applications which is constructed and developed in RMI.

The Existing System

The Existing System provides the Invocation of the remote image or object by means of the General, Activation and the Custom Socket Factory Procedures. The General Procedure or method has server which develops the various remote objects and images and let the object accessible to the users and provide the remote objects for invocation to the clients. The client can invoke the one or more objects made available from the server. The Activation method gives the implementation of the objects execution.  The socket factory method manages the implementation according to needs of the user.

The Proposed System

The Proposed method estimates the performance of the all three methods with exchanging of the files like text files, image files and the video files. The files are exchanged or transferred by the mentioned invocation method and the performance is estimated by observing the features like round trip time, latency, transmission rate.

The search module is available to search the methods for locating of the methods existence. The search mechanism is of two types Keyword based search and the extension based search. The GUI does not show the low profile information and made access of the all methods and show the actions done. 

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Anna University IT Project Report on Peer To Peer Architecture

Introduction to Peer To Peer Architecture Project:

The Peer to Peer online communication technology is considered an advantage for the communication on one side and the threat on the other hand. The security of the communities can be put on the trust on the peers. 

The Project is based on the Peer Trust i.e., a reputation based trust supporting framework, consists of the Adaptive trust model to measure and compare the peers on trust between them to work on the basis of the transaction dependent feedback model. This can applied to the P2P network. 

The Project Peer Trust Model posses the two important features.

  1. The three fundamental trust characteristics and two adaptive factors in computing trustworthiness between the peers.

            The feed back of one peer to other peer.

            The transactions between the peers.

            The feedback review.

            The transaction context constant.

            The community context constant. 

  1. General trust between the peers. 

The Project describes the ideas used for the application implementing in the decentralized P2P climate, to validate the efficiency of the model, experiments that posses the multi skilled and profit of the model. 

The Existing System 

There are many online P2P communities that has reputation management system like eBay, Amazon, Yahoo, Edeal, Slashdot, The existing systems have some following problems.

  1. The community’s reputation system is unable to recognize the sincere and fake feed back.
  2. The peer cannot be set as reputed due to single honest transaction performed by them.
  3. The system doesn’t give any incentive for the peers for increasing the price due to inappropriate feedback. 

The Proposed System 

The Proposed System is called the Trust Model. The aim is to develop and construct a Peer Trust which is a excellent P2P trust model for measuring and the estimating the trust of peers in the community. The five features for the identification of the peers trust is the system ultimate model. 

 Download  Anna University IT Project Report on Peer To Peer Architecture.

Bluetooth Interactive Dance Club System Computer Project Topic for Engineering Students

Introduction to Bluetooth Interactive Dance Club System Computer Project Topic:

The project is based on the development of the Collaborative music creation system known as CodeBlue. The system consumes less cost, less power and little features of the Bluetooth technology. The system works in an amazing manner in which the dancers need to have dress integrated with the CodeBlue system possessing the Bluetooth accessible sensors which measures and the return information of the dance steps to the Bluetooth access centers situated in the presentation area that further transmits the information to the control systems.

The software changes the dance steps to the musical editing in real time, changing the melodic and rhythmic features of the music stream into theMIDIparameters. This configuration part helps the DJ to edit the output of the sensor produced music and give an idea to create different channel to provide the CodeBlue entertainment for the participants. The Project presents the architecture, design, hardware, software application of the CodeBlue. We also evaluate the development of application by the use of technology. 

The CodeBlue system is a battery operated wireless sensor system that has been incorporated in the participants dress. The sensor sends the data in the form of pressure and temperature to the wireless access points for the Bluetooth. The sensor module posses the body sensor, microcontroller and Bluetooth module. The Bluetooth access points posses the power and LAN connections which is integrated on the top of the Dance club. 

The access points transmit the data packets by the Ethernet LAN to the CodeBlue controller system. The controller displays to the Standard Musical Instrument Digital Interface orMIDIfile for different effects. 

The access points also transmits signals to the controller to display the data packets to the Standard DMX lighting controller by the MIDI to develop a visual lighting effects produced by the automated lighting instruments. The CodeBlue allows the DJ system administrator to particular GUI to evaluate the music list and effects for every sensor and program parameters. 

 Download  Bluetooth Interactive Dance Club System Computer Project Topic for Engineering Students.

Computer Project on Secured Authentication for Online Banking Using Mobile Phones

Introduction to Computer Project on Secured Authentication for Online Banking Using Mobile Phones :

The Banks now days provide the facility of online banking to their customers to perform financial transactions by the virtual bank or digital bank website. The Proposed system assures the online banking in a very secured and efficient manner. 

The customer of the bank is allowed to perform transactions through ATM’s with the help of personal key security password or token provided by the online bank server to the customer’s mobile. The key token is created by the application of the SHA256 and Base64 algorithm by use of  IMSI and IMEI register number of the customer mobile. The SMS are being sent to the customer after assuring the customer is registered and verified the account owner. 

The customer will be provided a PIN and the Master key after registering to the online banking services.  The customer has option to use the Unique Master Key in case of losing the mobile. Normally the private key token can be applied for the transactions for the easy and secured authentication instead of taking the USB tokens. 

The facility for the customers is more secure and easy to perform the transactions and hacking is avoided. 

The Existing System 

The swipe card and the pin given to the customer to access of ATM’s for the transactions. If the card is lost and may be theft, an unauthorized user access possible. The existing system has no solution for the lost of card. 

The Proposed System 

The Proposed System has answer to the problem and Online Banking System provides the authentication to the Mobile phone to perform transactions and confirm the transactions to avoid the unauthorized access. The Mobile phone is better option for the Online Banking authentication as compared to the USB flash drivers. The threat free system has a token number to the customer different for every transaction to withdraw money, balance enquiry and the fund transfer. 

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Peer To Peer Architecture Computer Science Project Report

Introduction to Peer To Peer Architecture Computer Science Project:

The advanced technology in the internet now a days is Peer to Peer architecture or P2P that consists of the nodes that are interconnected in a network that is supposed to be peer to other node for the data sharing and communication.

The conventional LAN architecture is depended on the Client / Server principle. The one or more computers act as server for the connected computer clients. The LAN architecture cannot make the communication properly within the computers. The direct communication between two clients is not possible if the server is not in active mode.

The P2P clients can communicate with one another without the presence of any central server.  The current work to develop programs by the programmers are done through P2P architecture because the communication cannot be interrupted and without the need of server.

Purpose of the Project

The aim of this Project to reduce the limitations and the demerits. We developed an Autonomous Agents which has all features of the ideal P2P architecture. The features and focus of the P2P architecture are following.

  1. To develop of community of peers to have direct data communication.
  2. The presence of the Virtual server that connects the peers.
  3. The amazing shifting of the two modes the Virtual and the Pure P2P for the use of the both architecture.
  4. The effective P2P communication to share the services and the resources.
  5. The server free clients for the easy communication.
  6. The Autonomous Agents to help one another in solve the problem.
  7. The Autonomous Agents can bring out the new conclusions.
  8. Supported search.
  9. The Agents can perform the task without the presence of the user.
  10. The Agents can search the resources and the services automatically. 

 Download  Peer To Peer Architecture Computer Science Project Report.

Online Shopping Mall Software Requirements Specification Java Project

The Online shopping mall is developed to give the service to the customers in a single window by using internet. The vendor has been provided a digital space on the website, a online shops, the customer can login to the website and purchase all things online without visiting the shop personally. The module is particularly developed for the Administration to manage all the shops and allot shops according to category.

The project is focused on the features of the Online shopping mall to instruct the programmers and also validate the software for the client.

The Scope

The functions of the Online Shopping Mall are as follows.

  1. The module for registration and the profile updating management.
  2. The module for the accessing of the e- Mall to select items for the desired category such as Food items, Kitchen accessories, Apparels, Daily needs etc.
  3. The module to search the services and the items.
  4. The module called shopping cart for getting many items and logout after purchasing all items. 
  5. The systematically arranged data for the Administrator and the shop owners to observe the most purchased items by the customers.
  6. The database has been managed for the frequent shoppers to provide them schemes.
  7. The shop owners looks and response for T processing orders, to make home delivery of the ordered item, feedback receiving and answering questions, updating the order status.

The other advantages of the project

  1. The authorized access of the confidential data.
  2. The 24 hours availability.
  3. Good designed and attractive.
  4. The advertisement space for the customers attention.

The system is developed by JAVA EE programming language, HTML, XML, Apac he Tomcat 6.0.18 server, Eclipse J2EE web application as tool development.

 Download  Online Shopping Mall Software Requirements Specification Java Project .

Human Resource Management System DFD

Introduction to Human Resource Management System Project:

The human resource management system is a database of the employees information, talents, employee schedule and the projects under taken. The HRMS database provides the information by the external corporate databases and directly. The attendance summary display provides the management of the employee scheduled plans and the other scheduled activities.

The function known as the Human resource search and scheduling is made for the human resources with desired skills. The interface is developed for the handling of the external database and the HRMS database. The view of the external database and the HRMS database is made for the common user interface. The HRMS server and the HRMS database is applied in the programmed system. 

The HR work in an organization is to maintain recruitment of employee, time management, management of the payroll, and other employee management process. The manual handling of the employee recruitment, time scheduling and the salary slip creation for the thousands of employee organization is difficult task. The requirement of the automated system makes the job easy for the HR department in a effective manner. 

The current system has some problems like the test conducting feature is difficult, the attendance system need to update every time by login. The attendance and the appropriate salary with leave can be made easily by applying the proposed system. 

Limitations of the Existing System 

There are many modules in the system. The existing system is manual and limited modules are automated. The JAVABEAN tag cannot be made. 

The Proposed Project 

The Proposed Project eases the HR work with efficient processing. The recruitment process is made automated and includes written test, Technical test, HR test etc. For the HR help it posses the time management schedule, leave management schedule and the payroll management schedule. 

The Proposed system is the computerized system that includes the computation of the inputs, easy access of the database. The information is easy to retrieve as output. 

The modules includes

  1. The user profile management and the registrations.
  2. The applicant module for the registration.
  3. The module made for the recruitment process.
  4. Employee attendance and leave record for the salary preparation.
  5. The payroll module for preparing the salary and generates the pay slip.
  6. High secure for handling confidential data. 

 Download  Human Resource Management System DFD .

Operations Support System for the Telecom Company Billing Module CSE Project Abstract

The Project is aimed to produce a module specifically mentioned for the Billing of the Telecom Company. The Customer needs to call the Customer Care by the help of and activation module to make a new wireless connection.

The customer care then makes a details for the customer service preference and see the customers credit ability. The customer care then generate a phone number by which the customer can make and receive the phone calls. The module makes every record of the dialed calls by detecting the connections for the calls. The module identifies the customer and all information for making a billing. The billing also includes the roaming service provider.

The system records the updates of the call called call detail record or CDR’s for the customer. The updated information regarding calls has kept in a billing mode and sent the invoice to the customer. The payment made by the customer has been recorded in the customer details. The history record is being updated for the ease of the Customer Service Representative and the Auditing Managers. 


The CDR consists of the usage date record for the particular number. The start time and the end time. 

Rate Plan 

The rate plan is a record for the customer plans subscribed like the Plan Id, Monthly fixed charges. 


The invoice is the bill made for the customer for the usage of the number consists of the Telephone number, Invoice number, Invoice date, Total call charges, Total roaming charges, Benefits and Discounts, Invoice amount, Payment due date. 

Payment details 

The Payment details consists of the Telephone number, Invoice number, Payment date, Payment amount, Payment methods, Credit card number, Cheque number, Bank name, Bank branch, Enchantments status.  

 Download  Operations Support System for the Telecom Company Billing Module CSE Project Abstract.