Automobile Inventory Management System Project Report

Introduction to Automobile Inventory Management System Project:

Now-a-days in every field usage of computer has become more mandatory it is an electronic device which has made a huge difference in every one’s life. Based on the drive of technology this decade is called as the period of Information technology. This has taken a important place in this world that no one can lead their life without the computer.

This consists of two components which is hardware and software. Keyboard, mouse, monitor comes under hardware, operating system and all the related programs comes under software. A decade ago the usage of computer was only for engineers and scientists but now everyone are using the computers and it has become a part of their life. With this it has become an important factor for everyone to know how to build a information system that is computer based application.

Apart from that the initialization of the programming languages which is platform independent and also the object oriented language as this has changed a lot in the programming logics and styles. For building the computer application .Net has acquired a huge name and also has become an important factor or language tool among all other languages. The initial work that has to be done for building the application is analysis of the requirements this is very important.

In this process one can gather the user requirements of what and how they are expecting the application to be, this makes easy for the developer to develop novel application. These requirements must be in detailed, quantifiable and also must be relevant. There is a process of developing the application in the software engineering and in this such requirements are called as the functional specifications.

Before developing a flow chart makes that easier which step has to go if the condition is yes and if which step if the condition is no. This deals with complete information on how the application can be designed. 

Download  Automobile Inventory Management System Project Report .

Controlling a Stepper Motor with a Micro Controller Project Report

Introduction to Controlling a Stepper Motor with a Micro Controller Project:

The existing system is the .net application which shows a demo of a connection of a stepper motor to a computer parallel port. It can be controlled by scroll wheel of the mouse. It is done or can be done using Both Visual C# and Visual Basic software. It is an interesting topic for those who have never experienced this machines or stepper motors. It also helps us to learn how to communicate with the parallel ports and how it is controlled. For this the code are written on the scroll event. But the important thing is if the connections are done incorrectly then the whole pc will get damaged.

It takes approx. 3-4 hours to complete the entire project and its working. And takes a price up to less than 50$ in dollars.

Stepper motors are contemporary electric device which can separate a full rotation into single-single steps. The best example of stepper motor is the bar magnet and coils. This device has different stepping modes such as single stepping, half stepping, high torque stepping etc… here the single stepping each coil is activated and the motor moves a single 1 step further, single stepping is also called as Single coil excitation. Half stepping gives every step a double speed of resolution. High torque as its name desire this mode makes the arrangement of higher torque, high torque is also called two coil excitation.

The main thing required in this work is the parallel port sockets which are available in the PC’s and other things like printer, scanner, webcams etc… this sends an 8 bit of data from the pc to printers and other devices. This port has various pin no. and pin names with pin nos. from 1 to 25. His port can also be used to farce with other device like LED, relays etc… It is very useful to create toys like RC cars, robots and much more. 

Download  Controlling a Stepper Motor with a Micro Controller Project Report.

Software for Transaction in Fruit Center VB Project Report

Introduction to Software for Transaction in Fruit Center Project:

The motive to develop this software is to do the all work in fruit center very easily. This software will be going to develop in Microsoft visual basic. This software will going to reduce the paper work of the fruit center and make easy for owner to maintain all the records of transaction safely. This result in less use of man power and less cost which were required to keep the records and have to maintain it. This software helps us to generate bills, make payments and do various transactions. This software helps us to get the owner’s information very easily. This software is capable of handling all the process involved in the fruit center.

In this software we have provided a login form which contains user name and password which only owner of the fruit center have so the owner has the access to all the transactions and records and no unauthorized person cannot have access to the records of the fruit center. Hence it provides security for the software.

Purpose:- This software helps us to maintain all the record of the fruits in a easy way and reduces a lot of paper work. This software is design in such a way that any shop owner can have access to it whether it has knowledge of computer or not. This software will speed up the transaction in the fruit center. Bu it we can access all the records of the shop at anytime and anywhere.

Requirement:– For running this software we require windows xp as a operating system. Microsoft visual in the front end and oracle database in the back end. Its hardware requirement is that it requires Pentium processor, minimum 40 GB hard disc, minimum 256 RAM, monitor, keyboard and a mouse.

Download  Software for Transaction in Fruit Center VB Project Report .

Social Networking Website Project Documentation

Introduction to Social Networking Website Project:

We must know the meaning of project, it has seven letters which has different meaning. P Stands for planning which deals with the idea of project. R stand for resource that is the money problem. O stands for operating in which operation is prepared. J stands for joint effort. E stands for engineering that means a well educated engineer can make this useful. C stands for co operation and T stands for technique, it gives shape to the project.

This project is all about social networking for developing connection between people. The internets allow as connecting with one another in a global manner. Some of the great examples of social networks are Face book and Twitter.

Many people are using them as a daily need and most of them have heard about it. They may bring income through advertising and additional paid service.

Social paradise is a project in which we develop a social networking website with a professional touch. In we can build our professional profile and can connect with other professionals. It uses concept of Facebook in which we can keep track of people that what they are doing.

Facebook also allows people to develop their application and host them in Facebook whereas Twitter allow as to post a blog which can fed subscribers. This service is used to know people they what are up to.

Development Phase:- It requires Microsoft visual studio at the front end and Microsoft SQL at the back end. Additional adobe Photoshop for editing pictures and windows xp or windows 7 as a operating system. For hardware it must have core 2 duo or above processor, monitor.

Its RAM should be of 2GB and CD\DVD as the backup media. This software can easily be updated in future and we can retrieve data from different user through this software.

Related projects: Social networking site project in php

Download  Social Networking Website Project Documentation .

Java Project Report on Government Document Work Flow Management

Introduction to Government Document Work Flow Management Java Project:

It is the application developed using java scripts which also include HTML and JSP. It used the features of servlets and struts. It used My SQL for storing data or for data base management, to maintain the record of the government. It can be developed using eclipse and dream weaver. We can also add the bar code for the scanning purpose or security purpose.

There is always the problem of the government record or files where they are kept, it is very difficult task to maintain the file in the government record where they are kept. Customers always have to face the problem in government offices by spending hours but they get nothing. So to overcome this problem, an application is generated that can be used to maintain the record of the government offices. To make this better we use bar code that has the information of the particular department and the reason for the record.

Every customer will be given specific login id and password so that they can login from internet anywhere and anytime. This will reduce the headache of both customer and government. But this application they can be updated with the information.

This application includes the management process, proper documentation and information of the employee, bar code generation and scanner for any search. Documents are scanned by bar code before adding or retrieval and after that reporting of the statics data.

This application allows the user to setup their document and do the routing process if exceptions are generated. For every generation we have to generate the bar code for submitting the document and employee can also set their record in the data base for specifying in the department.

 Download  Java Project Report on Government Document Work Flow Management.

Citizen Card System Project Abstract

Introduction to Citizen Card System Project:

The project ’Citizen Card system’ provides us the data regarding the citizen of a country. Every citizen has a unique Id to trace the personal data in each and every division or service that he enters. The data can be traced using the unique Id of that particular citizen. In case a citizen wishes to use the services or utilities by the Government or private institutions, he ought to go to the various divisions with varied Id for that specific division. But a citizen card allows the citizen to enjoy all the services and utilities under a single card. The citizen card system assists us in gaining the data regarding the services or utilities as well as providing the data regarding the conduct of the citizen in credit rating.

The prevailing system is a system operated by humans and the citizen requires to reserve his data through excel sheets or disk drives, but there is always a risk of losing the data due to mismanagement. The suggested system is more user-friendly and makes the entire project maintenance very uncomplicated and manageable.

This system motivates people to get the Citizen Card, which is a multi-purpose card. This is a social responsible website and functions on the principles of the citizen data and strengthening the citizen safety in the country. The citizen card system has eight modules which are Administrator, Citizens, Guest, Managers, Issue citizen cards, Search, Authentication and Web services.

.Hardware Requirements:

An Intel Pentium or above Processor, a RAM of 512 MB, a Hard disk of 20 GB are required.

Software Requirements:

A Windows XP or later Operating System Server, a Database server-Microsoft SQL Server-2005, Client-Microsoft Internet Explorer, User Interface-Asp.Net with Ajax, code behind-VC#.Net and tools- Microsoft Visual Studio.Net-2008(Framework 3.5) are required.

Download  Citizen Card System Project Abstract .

Chits Management Asp.Net Project Report

Introduction to Chits Management Project:

The project,” Chit Management” is a web-based application, that permits the user to register into the website and receive the description regarding the chits and the auction sum associated to their chits. It also permits a newly recorded individual to unite with a new chit based on their needs.

The administrator plays a pivotal part in this project as he has the entire authority on the website and can alter the data, wherever it’s required in the database.

The “Chit Management” project explains chit description, consumer description, chit amount description etc. The chit management will digitize the several operations executed in the chits and also offers user to respond and view the description. It facilitates the users to update or alter the description if required.

A chit is a reciprocally profitable plan where a association of persons contribute to the chit and a member of that association is granted the prize sum and dividends are shared by the remaining members of the association. A chit comprises of ‘n’ number of persons and they ought to pay an amount for ‘n’ number of months. The amount is evenly distributed amidst those persons. The amount can be paid in cash or via bank, within a week later to auction. A member can take part in auction from the beginning only if he has paid the amount in time.

The chit management system comprises of six modules: Administrator, Registration,   Authentication, Customer, Update and Contact.

Hardware Requirements:

A mother board-Intel® Pentium®d Processor, a CPU of 3.00GHz, a RAM of 0.97 GB, a keyboard of 108 keys, a two-button mouse and a Hard disk of 80GB are required.

Software Requirements:

A Microsoft windows XP Operating System, Front end-Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, Back end-Oracle and Microsoft Word documentation (for preparation) are required.

Download  Chits Management Asp.Net Project Report .

Chat Server Project Report in Java

Introduction to Chat Server Project:

Chat server is an online system created for the community of people to interact with one another on the Internet. This system provides solution to most of the shortcomings of the traditional system. The teachers, students and the firm are profited evenly by the suggested system. The system preserves a great amount of time and effort too, for both. A new software has been introduced for chatting, which is called Chat Server. This software plays a pivotal role in decreasing the interaction gap among the various people in a college, so it can be termed as very significant for the college.

This system includes four stages of interaction or three modules:

  • Administrator level: Administrator level enables only the administrator to log in to it and  make required alterations in database and other significant fields of the system, by going to this level. He has the authority to accept or decline the request of a newly registered user.
  • Staff level: Staff level is meant for the employees functioning at different divisions and departments. The employees will log in employing the user ID and password.
  • Student level: Student level enables the student to login in to the site from any place. He can get to know the position of other chatters by login and can chat online and offline and also send feedback to his teachers.
  • Parent level: Parent level enables the parent to chat with his ward as well as the teachers.

Hardware Requirements:

An Intel Pentium class, 600 MHz or higher, a RAM of 256 MB, a Free hard disk space of 600 MB, a super VGA monitor and a CD ROM drive of 52X is required.

Software Requirements:

An Operating System of Windows 2000 Advanced Server Windows XP, client side-HTML and server side- JSP, Servlets are required.

Download  Chat Server Project Report in Java .

Centralized Authentication Registry Asp.Net Project

Introduction to Centralized Authentication Registry Asp.Net Project:

This project ought to be executed employing Web Services or WCF technology solely. The aim is, in the largest institutions, the User documents will be integrated in a register. For the access of various applications, the validation description will be restored from the register (generally Lotus Notes Domino or Windows Active Directory) and grounded on documents, the applications access part will be offered.

For instance, in an institution, the staff member will be recorded with an application to satisfy the connecting formalities. When he associates himself with an institution, he receives an User ID and Password, similar documents he/she ought to be capable to employ the Intranet/Internet applications of the institution such as Mails, Attendance, Leave plans, Staff member reference for new jobs, employing Email of the institution to buy objects with firm trademark.

Functional needs:

Manages the various applications

  1. Maintain staff members’ data
  2. Offers safety to the applications
  3. Produce reports
  4. Constrain the  authorizations via web services
  5. Maintain user profile, alter password, description in case of forgetting the password.

Non-functional needs:

  1. Safe access of private data(user’s description) ought to be offered
  2. Access of the application round the clock
  3. Application ought to be approachable over Internet
  4. Reformed element design to gain reformed performance at peak time
  5. Manageable service grounded architecture will be greatly suitable for expansion in the future.

Hardware Requirements:The system should have an Intel Pentium or above Processor, a RAM of 512 MB and a Hard Disk of 40 GB.

Software Requirements:The Software needs include  a Windows XP or above Operating System, a Database- MS SQL Server 2005, a Web Server-Internet Information Services 6.0 or above, Web Technologies-HTML, CSS, Java Script, ASP.NET with VC#.NET, Client Application- Internet Explorer 6.0 or above  and IDE & Tools-Microsoft Visual Studio.Net-2008, AJAX Tool kit, Web services.

Download  Centralized Authentication Registry Asp.Net Project .

Knowledge Management System Project

Currently, Knowledge management is attaining an important notice from person’s related to educational jobs and field jobs as well and in a wider viewpoint, it is handled by educational hypothesis and popular media. Several articles are perceived while the inner things they allow into awareness regarding education and considerable Knowledge Management (KM) organizations in this media and actually, the media tries to attach to the supplementary access of Knowledge Management (KM) aims and goals. Five guiding arrangements are identified and studied in the Knowledge management comprehension. Yet, when the hypothesis is instructive in particular parts of Knowledge management (KM) intricacy requirements and a “different arrangement” and “different procedures” manner of thoughtfulness as it seems.

Since the period of the ancient Greeks, the exploration on data on humans is an internal topic of perspective and epistemology. Knowledge management (KM) is an old inquiry linked with both Eastern and Western research professionals, focused by an old perception of Knowledge management.

The Chinese and the Indian researchers from that era possess a same long and accurately composed custom of highlighting data and access for the conduct of religious and worldly manner of life. Actual data or data on how to do and what to do is constantly important although, Knowledge management has been a comprehensible task. In 3000 BC, the foremost trials at Knowledge management (KM), such as grabbing, keeping and getting back, began with the Cuneiform tongue.

The information was beautified with a fashionable in wet mud and then burnt. For hundreds of years, advanced technical procedures got their mechanisms in affecting Knowledge management methods. For example, the proficient growth mechanism custom of the thirteenth century inaugurated supplementary precise and systematic Knowledge management jobs.