Online Library System Assignment

The paper is about automation of present library management system i.e. implementing online library management system. The paper focuses both user for providing search facility and librarian for managing library system. The reports has information regarding online library system its implementation and also the limitations of the system along with future recommendations.

The main aim of the project is to develop an application which is multi-user and also the application should provide access facility depending on the user. If the user is ordinary then normal search facility should be provided with the help of staff. And for the librarian should have access to manage the library system providing access like adding, deleting and updating items in library.

An access to the application of system requires the person for logging in with authorized credentials, else the user is not allowed for accessing further and the page is directed to login page. In this way security is achieved depending on the roles. The application has one database for storing details regarding the books. The tables used in the database are staff and user table for storing staff and user details, book table to store book information, issue table for storing status of books and much more.

The limitations of the system is updating of the system is difficult i.e. we will not be able to add new user or change the details in database , the password management is not application controlled needs to be changed from database prospective and the application is simple but not advanced and does not provide security up to the mark.

The requirement what we have given in proposal is not fulfilled in the  project as due to some limitations like time limit and some requirements are not in scope of project.

Download  Online Library System Assignment .

File Splitter .Net Project Report

Introduction to File Splitter .Net Project:

The main aim of this project is to develop a file splitter. This developed using Visual c#, Java Development Kit. File splitter is used to split the large files into smaller parts which help in transferring the files over internet. The data may video audio or anything. The splatted data has information about the remaining files and they are joined as single file after transferring the data. These data can be protected by a security lock.

Tasks of file splitter:

  • It reads the actual size and find it size
  • New files were created depending on the target size and splits as needed
  • It creates memory for new files based on their size
  • The splitted files are stored on disk
  • Split size 1.4MB
  • Split size 650MB
  • Split based on user choice

Techniques in splitting:

Split size 1.4MB:

      In this technique the data that is to be transferred is splitted into a size of floppy disk size that is 1.4MB. For Example a 4.8MB file has to transfer it is splitted into three equal size of 1.4MB and it is transferred to destination and all files are rejoined as 4.8MB. But this method is suitable for small data not for larger data such as gigabytes.

Split size 650MB:

     In this technique the data is splitted into a size of cd that is 650MB. This method is suitable for Gigabytes larger data can be easily transferred over internet. After that the files can be rejoined on destination side

Split Based on User Choice:

    Based on the user choice the data is splitted as per user requirement. It is most commonly used technique. Because user can specify his choice and based on his estimation the data is splitted and it is transferred over the internet to the destination and rejoined as source file.

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File Systems Project Report

Introduction to File Systems Project:

The aim of this file system is to describe what is a file and it allocation and access methods and structure of a file. Basically file is a collection of similar data, collection of records and similar documents. The files have different data structures that all accessed by a common method which is in built in file system. The order of arrangement of file is based on how the program by which it is created. The files can be accessed by the user by specifying the name, extension and period. If taken image file like charu.jpg it is identified by name first called charu and the name first and extension jpg it indicates an image file and the operating system finds an appropriate program to open it. It is generally opened by default image viewer.

Access Methods:

                             There are two access methods

  • Sequential
  • Random


                        In this method writing are reading the file is done one after another in a sequential manner. If the transaction is processing against master file then the two files must have their record in same sequence.


                     In this method reading or writing a file is unordered that is random manner. This method provides fast accessing of a file. For the location of desired file the location should be given to operating system Based on address generation index the file was accessed easily.

Directory structure:

                   The secondary memory hard disk is partitioned into two or more disks. Each partition contains information about the files that present in it. This information is added to VTOC volume table information.

Logical structure of directory:

  • Single-Level Directory
  • Two-Level Directory
  • Tree-Structure Directory

Download  File Systems Project Report.

Minor Project on File Search Engine

Introduction to Minor Project on File Search Engine:

The aim of this project is search the all files with in the computer. It is developed using Java Development Kit and net bean. The software provides various features like it provides location of files and also files with similar names this would be helpful if the correct name of the file is unknown the user can also search the file by specifying the extensions like. Avi, .mp4, .doc, .exe. The software also provides help in finding a file by typing any part of the string .It also provides various possible names when the user searches for a file. Anyone can use this software with basic computer knowledge and it is user-friendly software.


It is a standard alone application software so it can cover huge users. The computers that are using this software have access to all files that stored in secondary memory (Hard Disk).   This software can even run on a system with lower configuration without internet connection. There is no need of knowing exact file name or extension.


 The software is independent of configuration.

 It is compatible with windows as well as Linux.

 No necessary file extension or name.


This software being configuration it can be used on any system. The scope of the software is very vast so this software can be widely used. This reduces the work task in searching a file in the entire hard disk by just specifying extension or any part of filename. This software easy to maintain

Download  Minor Project on File Search Engine.

Fee Management System Project Documentation

Introduction to Fee Management System Project:

The main of this system is to develop fee management system by using c language. This system mainly reduces the work task and it is easy to maintain the records for a long time than normal hand written records. The user can check his record details by just entering his name no need to search all the record. With the help of this system fee calculations can be done very easily by this system. So the maintenance and management of fee became very easy.

Proposed System:

                          In this new fee management system the difference between old fee system and new fee system is shown. The new system can overcome the old fee system by adding some additional features likeit is totally computerized and data can be easily maintained in database for a long time

Problem Statement:

The aim of problem statement was to design a model

  • The model must be user-friendly
  • It should not allow viewing others data
  • The data privileges should be easily viewed
  • By all this features the admin can handle data easily

Functions to Be Provided:

  •  The user interface should be completely menu driven and user-friendly
  •  The user should not find any difficulties in options field
  •  Faster response should be present
  •  It should also provide view, add, delete features for better fee management system 


From this system we can conclude that it provides better fee management system and also lot of convince than the old system. This process is very fast data can be easily entered lot of time is also saved. It is very easy to understand and this program can be used anywhere based on requirement.

Download  Fee Management System Project Documentation.

Online Mobile Sale Purchase System Project Report

Introduction to Online Mobile Sale Purchase System Project:

                           The aim of this project is developing online mobile purchasing system by using Java development kit (JDK), SQL server for database management. By use of online system lot of time is saved for purchasing mobiles. This is done by fully automated system. By this full support is given to the seller for convince. By this process we can get faster results in selling mobiles & purchasing mobiles 


                         The scope of this process is vast comparing to manually selling purchase systems

Some of the key features are:

  • This process can be used in corporate world
  • It can be used by the user residing in different locations
  • There are no restrictions to customer when purchasing mobile

Feature Scope:

  •  Being web-based application can be used from any where
  •  No Need of owner when purchasing mobile


  •  It is very secure
  •  And It Is Easy To use
  •  It is reliable and provides accurate results


This mechanism has following Stages

  • Login
  • Test
  • Result

Download  Online Mobile Sale Purchase System Project Report.

Flexible Deterministic Packet Marking Documentation

Introduction to Flexible Deterministic Packet Marking Documentation:

The main aim of this project is to developing ip trace back system. This is implemented by using java development kit. This is also known as flexible deterministic packet marketing (FDPM). The source of ip packets are determined quickly and easy to trace out than the other mechanisms. This process is done by having small number of packets. Due to built in overload mechanism makes this achieving the required trace back.

Existing System:

                     The attack graph contracted by ppm algorithm would be wrong if termination condition is false.


  • Packet Travel path can be determined
  • Packet can be loss or it may be duplicated
  • Chance of losing original packet

Proposed System:

                      In This process termination is determined correctly and also enhances the reliability of ppm algorithm. The Best feature in this algorithm in this process is when the algorithm is terminated it guarantees correctness of attack graph.


  • Various probabilities are marked are marked by routers of the attack packet
  • Packet loss and duplication can be avoided
  • Packet path can be determined
  • Network traffic is reduced

Download  Flexible Deterministic Packet Marking Documentation.

Fast Multi-Resolution Image Querying Using Color Characteristics Seminar Report

Introduction to Fast Multi-Resolution Image Querying Using Color Characteristics Seminar Topic:

The main aim of this project is to build content-based image retrieval depending color and generic shape.  Another name of content-based image retrieval is also called as query-by image content (CBIR). It is originated in 1992 and it is used by Kato. For searching the images in the large data-base content-based visual information retrieval is used. Based on the size shape and color and other information are extracted from image by content-based image retrieval. There is another way to search the images by keywords, captions but this procedure is very expensive to achieve.

The CBIR process retrieves images automatically from database by syntactical analysis of image features. The tools that are used in this process are pattern recognition, signal processing and computer vision

Technical Progress:

                            From day-to-day the interest in CBIR was going on. With the help of current technology textual information can be easily extracted from images. But it’s a difficult process because it should be handled personally for describing every image information in data-base. There is a loss of images when different names are used in their descriptions.

Potential users of CBIR:

  • Art collections
  • Photograph Archives
  • Retail catalogs
  • Medical Records

Content-Comparison Techniques:

        There are three techniques

  • Color
  • Texture
  • Shape


                   This technique follows comparing the color histograms in images. This technique is most widely used.


This technique follows by checking visual patterns and spatial in images. Actually Textures are represented using textures by identifying number of textures the images can be easily identified.


                     Shape is detected using segmentation and edge detection and also particular region in the image. But in some circumstances human involvement is necessary for shape detection.

Download  Fast Multi-Resolution Image Querying Using Color Characteristics Seminar Report.

Image Processing CSE Project Report

Introduction to Image Processing Project:

It is fun for the youngsters to edit various images and perform number of operation on them and to change the look of the image. To do this they use various software’s available in market and are free for downloading. There are also many websites available which allows image editing or image processing. This document gives us a short description about Image Processing. Image processing is basically about performing various operations on the image such as brightening, we will also discuss various technologies used in image processing and its application.

            Image processing can be carried into two ways.

a.)    Optical Image processing:

Optical image processing is the one which is carried by using high definition optical lenses which we can call as Cameras with high definition lenses and optical zoom.

b.)    Electrical Image Processing:

Electrical Image Processing is the one which is carried in two ways.

a.)    Analog Processing:

Analog image processing is the one which is done with the help of electrical signals are altered and used to change the image.

b.)    Digital Processing:

Digital processing is the one which is carried put using the digital  computers.

            Some of the applications of the operating systems are.

a.)    Robotics.

b.)    Graphics and animations.

c.)    Medical field.

d.)    Satellite Imaging.

Let us go through the Index Terms used in Image Processing.

a.)    Image Restoration.

b.)    Color Image Processing:

c.)    Wavelets:

d.)    Compression:

e.)    Morphological Processing:

f.)     Image Segmentation:

Now we will go through the analysis of Image Processing.

a.)    Noise Reduction.

b.)    Convolution and Mask

c.)    Edge Detection

d.)    Image Data Reduction.

e.)    Real Time Image Processing.

Applications of Image Processing are as follows:

Image processing is widely is used in the field of Robotics, Medical, in Ultrasonic and X-Rays.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Image Processing:

Image Processing is widely used in the field of robotics and these robots captures images and help in many important things. Image processing is widely used in Geological Survey. It is also widely used to find out various minerals.

            Disadvantages of Image Processing are use of image processing requires a deep knowledge of this technology so a no-vice programmer cannot use it. The experts also need a deep knowledge of many other fields to develop application in this field.

Download  Image Processing CSE Project Report.

Ultimate Search Tool Visual Basic Project Report

Introduction to Ultimate Search Tool Visual Basic Project:

Ultimate Search Tool  Is Implemented Using Microsoft Visual Basic and Microsoft Developer Network(MSDN) and SQL server for connecting with servers to keep Tracing of  users and recent History of users and also act as a server for Data base.It is used to search the files or folders on network as well as in the computer by remote accessing,by specifying the ip addressof Required system .The desktop searching is very fast because the files/foldersin system memory are loaded into the data base and it has another feature like it maintains the history of the users who accessed the our systems

The ultimate search tool has three Modules

1.Network File/Folder Search

2.Desktop Search

3.Net Spy

 Network file- folders Search Module: 

  • By using this module we search a folder/file which is in shared mode by specifying the ip address of the system.we can’t search a folder/file in the entire ip-address range. This tool is only helps in finding the folder/file with in ip-address range or for selected ip
  • It searches the folder/file based on their size and  type of may be document,exe,mp3,mp4
  • This module also allows user to copy the folder/file and can access the data reside in it.
  • It also has another feature like identifying the network pool automatically along with device information which is shared
  • It searches the file/folder in the network by creating the threads for every ip and searches for specified ip whether it is available within the range or not
  • Filters can be specified if we want to search a particular file by specifying  extensions  like .mp4,.mp3,.doc,.exe,at the same time user can specify ping time out. 

Desktop Search Module:

  • By this desktop search module we can search file/folder  based on the type,name,description or  specified file/folder can be searched
  • In this data should be inserted from Hard disk to the data has back-end modules that simultaneously transfer the data to database and second modules with watching the system which has additional components (1.update 2. Delete 3. Rename 4.Change).
  • These additional components have specific functions.
  • Update component checks for any changes in the system hard disk delete component checks weather any file/folder is deleted rename component checks weather any file/folder renamed,change component checks weather any folder/file  size changed or not.All this information is collected and transferred to the data base. 

  Net-Spy Module: 

  • By This module  the user can know who accessed the folders\files that are in shares mode
  • The other users can get the information of the user like remote Operating   system,user name,system name and also information about shared devices.If another user tried to access folder/file it gives information like folder/file name along with its location and they can also change,rename or delete the file.
  • The User name is also notified who tried access our system.

Download  Ultimate Search Tool Visual Basic Project Report.