Issues in Bandwidth Pricing using Software Agents IIT CSE Project Report

The process of communicating the service or value of a product to customers is called marketing. Marketing can also defined as the art of products selling, but it is only some fraction of marketing.Marketing satisfies the needs required by the society through exchange processes and build long term relationships.

An organizational function Marketing can be looked at as and set of process for creating, communicating worth to the customers and delivering and maintaining customer relationship in the ways that benefit the organization, company and its shareholders. Marketing is target oriented through analysis of market and market segmentation. As well as behavior of consumer buying understanding and providing good customer value

Internet is now main source to marketing and advertising industries. Internet is extraordinary tool for marketing as well as main source of information which is the cheapest means that is able to reach the customer. In this twenty first century, internet is become a big source for collecting information and converting the data into beneficiary results at a rapid rate for many individuals, firms and companies. From households and small scale industries to foreign markets online trading or marketing is the dynamic way to reach the high volume of customers or people.

In this online marketing pricing is main concept which gives profits to the organization. If the pricing software gives error then it will be a great loss to the organization. In this project we are going to deal with the issues creating in bandwidth pricing using software agents.

Bandwidth is item of interest and by adaptive method trading is done, Shop bots and price bots are software agents. For demand and supply fluctuations marketing is highly sensitive. In this project a mathematical model is developed for marketing analysis and the two different strategies of pricing effect studied simultaneously through variety of market methods.

Download  Issues in Bandwidth Pricing using Software Agents IIT CSE Project Report.

Routing In Internet CSE Seminar Report

Introduction to Routing In Internet Seminar Topic:

The aim of this project is how routing is done in the internet. The basic operation includes finding a path from source to the destination. The packet may traverse many times because of large complex networks before reaching destination. Based on the link weight chance of getting in to the traffic. The process of sending and receiving includes when the data is transferred over internet the data is divided into packets.

The packets are assigned with header containing the destination ip address. These links are routed by the router. The data is first sent to router and incoming data packets are made to wait in queue. And the router determines the best way to transmit the packet to the destination ip address. The manual methods are often error prone and they are not scalable. The conditions of network are varied with time and the search algorithms. Thousands of optimization parameters are present if the network has highest OSPF link weightage.

Implementation of routing:

 Find all possible routes between source and destination

 Depending on the population size select some path as initial chromosome

Fitness evaluation:

The fitness evaluation is done by calculating fitness value of each chromosome

Fitness = no of hops * 10 – total cost of path


The parent is selected as randomly


The common point between the parents is found then they are crossover the parent paths are combined to form two new children paths. Based on fitness value off spring get selected


The nutation rate is 1% so this step was ignored

Population size = 4

Number of generations= 2

Crossover probability = 0.99

Mutation probability = 0.01


The shortest path is found by this routing algorithm. The algorithm mainly used in OSPF routing algorithm Which is used in IRP.

Download  Routing In Internet CSE Seminar Report .

Online Shopping Project Report

Introduction to Online Shopping Project:

The aim of this project is on the online shopping application it is developed using HTML5, JAVA script, CSS, JSP, SERVLETS. The application is very useful where the buyer can directly buy the products from home via internet on mobile or system. The application reduces lot of work load for customer as well as owner. The transaction of money is completed in real time system. Some of the online shops are EBAY Amazon. By this online shopping the product is directly delivered to customer home.

Proposed System:

The development of this application contains following activities

  • Profile management facility for customers in secure manner
  • All the products are accessed through e-mal like kitchen accessories, Food items.
  • Shopping cart is also created for customers for total amount checking
  • Recent offers updates to customers via mail
  • About most of them purchased are shown.


There are 4 modules in this application

  • Customer
  • Employee
  • Admin
  • Security and authentication


The customer module contains information about the products and offers and the price of the products. Before that the customer has to register in this application for this registration form is developed the new users must register and can continue the shopping.


The Employee module contains Employees who are working in the company. The details of every employee are stored in this page. The Employees process the data of the customers and their orders.


The admin module contains user’s details and category entry, sub-category entry and Product master.

The manufactures list of products and their details are shown at left side.

Security and Authentication:

The security and authentication module contains about access privileges to customers and employees for various operations. The security is very important for online transactions to done correctly without being hacked.

Download  Online Shopping Project Report .

A Simple Software Production Line for End User Development Project Abstract

The paper is about implementation of Model-driven engineering (MDE) and Product line engineering (PLE) for future software development and also to increase automation of application development. End user development (EUD) is an emerging paradigm where end users create and adapt systems themselves. Implementation ofMDE and PLE for EUD in small domains is done by using a simple software production line that allows domain engineers to easily set up product line member instantiation environments for end users. 

MDE it uses models as the primary engineering artifacts and provides different aspects of a system where as PLE focuses on application domains, rather than individual systems, and allows individual systems to be built automatically. Product line engineering which is opposed to single system engineering methods addresses multi-system scope development. PLE uses domain engineering for development of generic systems from concrete systems or components can be reused in different systems can be instantiated. 

This type of building concrete systems based on results of domain engineering is referred to as application engineering. The two roles involved in end user development are domain engineer and end user. End user is the one who is advanced computer user with domain knowledge but are neither skilled nor interested in software engineering. The role of the application engineer is made dispensable. Since end users build their systems themselves which is main goal of EUD. 

Present software product line tools are suitable for large domains and are focussed at skilled developers Whereas SimPL is intended for small domains and specifically targets end user development: End users instantiate product line members using a graphical domain specific modelling language that is provided by the domain engineer who employed SimPL to set up the product line member instantiation environment. Domain engineers only need to write the product line specification to set up the instantiation environment, such that end users can use the graphical editor and the code generator that are part of SimPL.

Access Control and Site Security Project Abstract

Access control is the policy-driven limitation of access to systems, data and dialogs. It is all about controlling the access to systems and to identify authorize and unauthorized users (Who should have access) and the operations done on the systems if authentication is done. 

Access Control mainly includes User Authorization and User Authentication. Authentication is all about access of system to individual .Whereas Authorization includes access permissions to users once they logged into the system. 

Access Control Tools includes Physical access control and Logical access control.

Physical access control includes Building Security Basics and Access cards using Locks, Monitoring tools. To implement Security basics we can follow single point of entry to building, Providing Security centers  Provide Training to security personnel and employees, and have Data wiring security. Regarding the access cards the pin can be short, should provide two factor authentication and a central system in case of Card Cancellation. 

Logical access control includes User profiles, Firewalls, Biometrics. User profiles which includes IDs and Passwords, where cracking of Passwords is difficult whereas hacking of user accounts is done commonly than hacking root. Password attacks can be Dictionary attacks and Hybrid attacks Common word with single digit at end, etc. Logical control biometrics includes Biometric authentications and Biometric systems. Biometric authentications use Biometric Methods such as Face recognition, Voice recognition, Keystroke recognition, Rhythm of typing etc. 

Wireless LAN (WAN) operations uses spread spectrum transmission for data transmission which are hard to detect but 802.11 does not provide security but helps easily to detect so  devices can find each other and prevents frequency dependent propagation problems than security. Whereas Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) is not enabled by default which uses 40-bit or 128-bit encryption key with shared passwords which are difficult to change so rarely changed and uses Flawed security algorithm.This concludes the different access control methods used for controlling user authorization and authentication.

On Credibility Of Simulation Studies Of Telecommunication Networks Project Abstract

In the recent computing systems, programming can be minimized, or can be replaced, by an icon on a computer monitor. We can even notice success in modern science and technology for implementing these powerful tools for telecommunication networks. But most of the researchers have an opinion that we cannot depend on of published results of telecommunication networks based on stochastic simulation as they lack credibility.

Our project focuses on two necessary conditions of a credible simulation study: usage of appropriate pseudo-random generators for independent uniformly distributed numbers, and usage of appropriate analysis of simulation output data. 

The first step of any performance evaluation studies is to use a valid simulation model. Such that in case of communication networks assumptions should focus on network’s internal mechanisms its limitations, and characteristics processes and secondly the valid simulation model should be used in valid simulation experiment. At this stage we can face issues on Application of elementary source of randomness and appropriate analysis of simulation output data. 

Our research publications of telecommunication network suggests that majority of published results of simulation studies do not satisfy the basic criteria of credibility. This can be overcome when scientists or engineers study performance of networks by accepting fuller responsibility for credibility of their results. When we consider telecommunication networks it requires a long run in order to obtain results at desired level of precision and excessive run-time effects development and validation of simulation model which is again a challenging task.

Human Face Recognition Using Neural Networks Project Abstract

Human Face Recognition Using Neural Networks Project is about the development of human face recognition system (HFRS) using multilayer perceptron artificial neural networks (MLP). The system takes the face image as input from video camera and also detects the presence of an object in front of the camera and detected facial area will now be used as input to neural network to perform recognition. 

The operation of   HFRS has three modules: Human head tracer (HHT), Eye locator (EL), and Recognition of face (RF).HHT module includes sensing the presence of an object in front of   video camera   and to locate the human head in image frame. EL module includes searching for location of human eyes in the image frame and responsible to scan for left and right eyes of face image. RF does the main task of human face recognition. The input of RF is the image of human face and is compared with several output nodes with set of face images fed in database.If nooutput nodes responds to input image, the input image is considered as not recognized else it is recognized. 

HFRS process includes capturing head and shoulder of human object with equipment, detection of image and approximate location of human head and scans for eye features and once eye features are detected and face input area is known is compared with several output nodes with set of face images fed in database. 

It concludes that when the optical bruin damage (OBD) technique is applied to MLP there is no significant increase in its ability to recognize face images.

And MLP without OBD has ability to reject non face images. But When is applied to MLP deletes the ‘unnecessary’ weights from network. This reduces MLP in making wrong classifications on non-face images.

A Candidate Set Free Algorithm for Generating D Optimal Split Plot Designs Project Abstract

This paper is about a new method of generating optimal split-plot design. An advantage of using split-plot design is that, no need to specify the candidate set in prior. This can be more useful when the candidate set is too large. 

The word split-plot design comes from agricultural experiment. A factor that changes between separate plots of land is a whole-plot factor and in sub-plot factor levels varies within each plot. Though split-plot implementation is economic we prefer over randomized design in some cases.A usage of split-plot designs mainly focuses on sample size, whole plot size and priori model.

 The algorithms of Goos and Vandebroek choose combinations at factor level and arrange in whole parts so that D-optimality criterion is maximum but it becomes a problem when number of experimental factors are large or when experimental region is highly constrained. Because a candidate set which covers the entire region requires a large number of factor level combinations. 

There are two ways by which practitioner’s money can be saved. First, the algorithm provides an opportunity to reduce sample size when compared to the use of fractional factorial designs. Secondly, it provides efficient solutions for challenging practical problems than can be found using available methods. 

The main aim of Split-plot experiments is non-specification of the candidate set in prior. The performance of candidate-set-free algorithm is implemented using proof-of-concept example and wood products experiment.

CSE Seminar Report on Symbian Operating System

Introduction to  Seminar Topic on Symbian Operating System :

Symbian OS is an open operating system popularly used in advanced smart phones from handset providers. It provides features like contacts, messaging, and mailing system and also extends its services to enterprise information system.

Symbian OS which is the current name of operating system was previously known as ‘EPOC’.  The name of EPOC still exists in class/file names and also in documentation of earlier. EPOC is still used to refer kernel. Symbian OS is based on three rules firstly it focusses on integrity and security of user data; secondly it focusses on user time that it should not be wasted and finally as efficient utilization of resources.

The key feature of Symbian OS is performance: i.e. the applications of this o.s demands to work at even low battery and even with minimal memory. And other factor is multitasking: i.e. it allows the tasks to access parallel so that performance supports object oriented approach. Also these applications provide security and data can be stored in secure manner.

Symbian OS is not open source software. The phone manufacturers are provided with parts of source code. The APIs are documented publicly so that its implementation can be done by the users. To provide access to certain fields the developer needs to sign to the application. The developer has a capability of signing into their own application.

The Symbian OS is based on basic language of c++ and the OS is based on microkernel architecture with several layers designed from top to bottom.

In this paper we have introduced a new OS named Symbian, which is mostly used in advanced phones and its features.  And a detail level of Symbian is explained.

Download  CSE Seminar Report on Symbian Operating System.

Online Mentoring System Java Project Report

Introduction to Online Mentoring System Java Project:

The Project is about developing an application which can help women in all aspects; it may be providing online training or can be providing opportunities of interest. So that it is beneficial for women in all fields. And even making them experts in the domain they have chosen with the help of some training.

 In the existing system, there is a lack of opportunity for encouraging rural women for pursuing their carriers. In the present days women are not allowed for regular studies. If they have opted for distance mode then there will be a lot of communication gap between the trainer and students. And also takes many years for course to complete. 

In the proposed system an application is developed to provide various services to women. It includes providing training online by domain experts and also the queries can be raised and resolved online by tutors or experts. Training is provided on multiple domains by experts. 

To implement this project we have four modules administrator module to handle mentors and student details who has registered with the application. Mentors module where a master mentor is used to track all mentors details, student module involves the students to register with the application before accessing information and reports module where administrator generate reports regarding the available mentors, students , course details and more. 

We can conclude that this application provides an opportunity for women to learn some online courses and even resolve their queries with the help of experts than going by traditional approach. 

The software used for this application includes:

                                  Operating System: Windows,

                                  Technology            : Core java, Adv. Java (JDBC, Servlets, and JSP),            

                                  Database                 : Oracle.

Hardware required:

                                Hardware: Pentium with minimum p4    

                                Ram         : 256 mb minimum.    

Download  Online Mentoring System Java Project Report.