Automobile Utilization Visual Basic project Report

Introduction to Automobile Utilization Visual Basic project:

This new software of automobile utilization has been developed keeping in mind the needs of automobile companies that deal with the transaction of various automobile parts. What this software aims to do is keep a record of all purchases and sales that has been performed by the company, in order to keep things smoothly running for the company.

Another appreciated feature of this software is that, after it creates a detailed record of all the transactions that have taken place, one can even set up a password for security reasons so that no one else other than the one who knows the password can access the information. 

The best thing about the software is that the accounting data does not have be maintained manually, it is done automatically. This can be done because the management system of the database is in perfect sync with the table, which is why when any transaction in the form of either purchase or sale is made, the entries get automatically updated and makes all the necessary changes in the table. Some other added advantages of this new utilization software are –

  • The production of report in case of any transaction is done very easily.
  • This system is much more fast and effective than the manual system
  • With the help of this software, records can be found and located very quickly
  • It has a certain amount of flexibility that makes working with it much easy
  • Also the storage time for data is much longer 

However the only disadvantage one could come up for this system is that it is power dependent, which manual system is not. But other than that, it lags behind the automatic utilization method as it

  • Has difficulty in producing any report quickly
  • Is difficult to search for records.

Download  Automobile Utilization Visual Basic project Report.

Traffic Flow Management using Wireless Sensor Networks Project Report

Introduction to Traffic Flow Management using Wireless Sensor Networks Project:

The wireless sensory network is the latest technological advancement that is doing wonders in the field of management of traffic flow. With the help of the sensing, communicating and computing from a tiny device, management of traffic flow has become much smooth over the years.

Any type of wireless sensory network is made up several autonomous sensors that re distributed within the device. The task of these sensors is to keep a tab on physical conditions like record the temperature, pressure, level of pollutants, motion, vibration etc. the wireless sensory network was developed because of the active involvement of the military because it helped them in surveillance of the battlefield.

However over the course of time, it is now used by several civilian and industrial applications. The areas of applications in these two areas include – monitoring of industrial process, traffic control, home automation, monitoring of habitat and environment and healthcare applications. 

Keeping the success of the wireless sensory network in mind, it has now been decided to introduce in the management of traffic flow. System gurus think that it is wise to divide the system in three layers of the wireless sensor network, higher level coordination of traffic lights agents and localized traffic flow model policy.

What has been decided is that the wireless sensor networks are to be installed on those roads that have a very high traffic count and should ideally be those that goes out and in to the intersection. The task of the sensors is to detect the numbers of the vehicles, and the speed of it and then send the data to the nearest located Intersection Control Agent which in turn is the one that determines the flow model, based on the information that the sensor provides. The objective of this system is to make sure that traffic flows smoothly and that people do not have to spend a lot up time caught up in the traffic.

Download  Traffic Flow Management using Wireless Sensor Networks Project Report.

Library Management System Visual Basic Project Report

The library is very necessary and knowledgeable to the people. The existing library is giving its services manually on the basis of subscription they use for the particular period of time in which they can rent and read the books. The Librarian keeps all information regarding the books in a register that mentions which is issued and which is their in the Library.

The manual recording in library system is now replaced with the computer. The automation gives the librarian to run off from the large paper work and save lot of time. The computer has the large memory capacity and efficient in retrieving the information.

The Library Management System has focused on the computerization of all transactions of the Library in an user friendly interface that can be managed in an efficient manner.

The Existing System

The current system in the Library records the requests by the member and search for the book in the Library and then the details related with issue has been noted into the record. During the time of returning of book the librarian identifies the record about the due time. In case of returning after due time the book has to be charged extra rent. The manual recording of all transactions and entries consumes more time and cumbersome.

The Proposed System

Our Proposed system has made the whole process computerized which is more easy and efficient to operate. The system enhances the accessibility of the library management in terms of quality, range and services. The computerized system make user to explore the library books and easy to store data and retrieve data. The computerized library management is more perfect, accurate and accessible than manual library management. 

The Hardware requirements are processor Pentium IV, 40 GB hard disk drive, 256 MB RAM.

The Software requirements are Windows XP or 2000 operating system, Front End- Visual Basic 6.0, Back- SQL Oracle (SQL plus 8.0).

Download  Library Management System Visual Basic Project Report.

Web Based Employees Communication System Asp.Net Project Report

The Live Meeting is the project that has been developed for the convenience of the employees in segregated places of the same company to communicate each other. This project creates a digital room for the project leaders, system administrators and programmers to communicate each other by sending messages. 

The administrator from his system keeps contact with their project leaders and programmers by log in to the system and after completion of the work he can log out. This also provides application for the offline messages. The administrator first identifies the IP address of the desired employees and interacts with them. This is useful as the administrator can get the ongoing work reports and its status. 

The system records the login time of the user automatically. By seeing the current online system and IP address is identified by the administrator for sending the messages to the programmer, single or multiple. The application reduces the cumbersome desk work which enhances focus of the programmer on to the project. 

The Proposed system features: 

  1. The administrator and the Project leaders or Programmers will always be in contact about the progress of their project.
  2. The login time and log out time is automatically recorded for the user for their work time.
  3. The online as well as offline messages can be seen.
  4. The employee hierarchy is formed. 

The functional features of the Live Meeting: 

  1. Message sending
  2. Chatting
  3. View messages
  4. Employees status and hierarchy i.e., Administrator -à Leader -à Programmer.
  5. Login
  6. Logout 

The Hardware requires PC with 2 GB hard disk drive and 256 MB RAM.

The Software requires Windows XP operating system.

Download  Web Based Employees Communication System Asp.Net Project Report.

Project Report on Linux From Scratch

Introduction to Linux From Scratch Project:

The LFS’s is to provide the need of understanding to the learner about the Linux System and its features. The interesting one in learning the Linux is to make Linux environment according to our needs and likes. The important feature of the Linux is it gives us to control the system rather than depending on others Linux program. 

The other advantage of the LFS is prepared a compact Linux system. While the installation of the current distribution, many programs are needed to add which are actually not required. The programs occupy the disk space and reduce the CPU capacity. 

The very important feature is the security in custom generated Linux. The whole system is compiled by the source code which enables the user to do audits of all and the security where ever required. 

Module: The module for the new Linux distribution is compiled in such a way that the new Linux system is generated in the already installed Linux distribution. They might be Red Hat, Debian, Mandriva and SUSE. The existing Linux now hosts as the preceding point for the required programs along with the compiler, and a linker, shell for creating a new Linux System. There are five modules to create LFS system which are following.

  1. The new Linux native partition and file system to be generated.
  2. The need of downloading the required packages and patches
  3. To construct a temporary system
  4. To construct a LFS system 

The Existing System 

The existing system has many programs to be installed, some are not useful. It also occupies the large storage volume. The system is not according to the user interests. The protection of the system is more concerned. 

The Proposed System 

The Proposed system consists of more advantages. The LFS system is created in compact system. It is user orientated due to customized. This system is safer. It can be audited easily. 

The Hardware required are Processor Pentium IV, 512 MB RAM, 80 GB Hard disk drive. The Software consists of operating system is Linux.

Download  Project Report on Linux From Scratch.

Library Management System Visual Basic Project Abstract

Introduction to Library Management System Visual Basic Project Abstract:

The Library management system is the application software that is developed to make a record of Book purchasing, book searching, book issuing and  rent, book returned, catalogs, stock creation, all other fine books, popular and bestsellers and other Library related works. 

The aim of the project is to make the manual handling of Library system into computerized system which includes all above features. 

The scope of this software application is to generate the automatic process of manual handling of Library records and to handle the stock as well as book issues related information. 

The user can get the information regarding the important reviews and immediate search of records. 

The Hardware used is processor Pentium IV 2GHz or above, 2 GB RAM.

The Software used is Windows XP operating system, Visual basic 6.0,MS Access.

Download  Library Management System Visual Basic Project Abstract.

LGI Monitoring System VB.Net Project Report

Introduction to LGI Monitoring System VB.Net Project:

The LGI Monitoring system is the finance information application in developed in Windows Operating system. The application provides all information related with the Loans, the Grants-in-Aid and also Investments. The LGI Monitoring system project is developed under and for the use of Ministry of Finance to ease their procedures for Loans and the Grants- in- Aid applications.

The project aims to computerized the processing of all applications and cases related to Loans and Grants, Investments in a very systematic way that has been starting from entering the Loan sanction details to producing their reports for the RBI New Delhi and CAS Nagpur. 

To maintain the thousands of LGI files and records is not an easy procedure which cannot be remembered especially histories and the old records in the form of paper and documents.

The Software system gives the solution to this in a very efficient manner in which the authorized person can easily access the information filled. This developed software has gone through the three stages of testing. The first stage consists of the DH level which asks to enter all data of Loan sanctions. The second stage includes the AAO level which is made for the security purpose that sorts out the data of DH level. The third stage is the PAO level that modifies the information. The information need to be passed which then enables the report generation for the RBI. 

The work is now easy by the automated software system that make the user to enter the data in the form for all Loans and Grants and Investments which will be  processed for the in the Computer and easily retrieved. 

The Hardware requires are Pentium  IV processor, 256 MB RAM and 20 GB hard disk drive. The operating system is Windows XP and Software programs are Vb.Net 8.0 and Crystal Reports, SQL Server 2000.

Download  LGI Monitoring System VB.Net Project Report.

Suspicious E Mail Detection Java Project Report

Introduction to Suspicious E Mail Detection Java Project:

The suspicious e- mail detection is the specialized Mailing system that recognizes the e- mail threats by looking out the keywords like bomb, RDX etc. sent by the user. This e- mails first to be blocked by the administrator and then go for the identification of the user. The system consists of 5 modules that are very advantageous.

  1. Login module
  2. Registration module
  3. Administration module
  4. User module
  5. Mailing module 

The Login module is useful for the authenticated administrator and the user. The Login information about the person has been entered so they can access the safe mail. 

The Registration module provides the user to first register them to access the safe mail. 

The Administration module is made for the administrator for management of keywords, to add new keywords along with the identification of the blocked list which consists of discarded mails. 

The Mailing module allows composing mails and sending mails along with the checking mails. 

The Existing System 

The Existing system cannot determine and detect the suspicious mails and offensive mails. 

The Proposed System 

The Proposed system can easily identify the offensive mails and block it. This would be very helpful to identity the anti- social mails, the system can be secured and would be helpful in the investigation agencies.   

The Hardware needs in this project includes of Pentium processor of 233 MHz or above along with 128 MB RAM. The hard disk must be 20GB. 

The Software includes the Operating system Windows NT/2000, JSP along with Tomcat Server, HTML and Javascript for the Client, Database Oracle 10 g/XE, the integrated development environment is My Eclipse 6.0.

Download  Suspicious E Mail Detection Java Project Report.

A Minor Project Report on FTP

Introduction to A Minor Project Report on FTP:

File transfer protocol is a network used to copy a file. And even for transmitting files between computers using internet. FTP is mostly used to transfer web page files from their creator to the system that which acts as their server to everyone on the internet, can also be used  for downloading programs or any  from severs.

The contents of FTP are scope, definition of problem, problem description, theoretical background, system analysis and design, system planning, DFD, ERD & sequence diagram, adopted methodology, system implementation & details of hardware and software used, snapshots and work report.

 Scope: To ensure portability and compatibility & even to ensure system moves with time, in order to program the system by using appropriate syntax.

Theoretical Background: File transfer protocol is used to exchange and manipulate files. It is on client-server architecture. It is also used as an application component to automatically transfer for program internal functions.

Software Development Life Cycle: SDLC consists of a set of steps in which each step uses the results of the previous one. Important components are planning, analysis, design, and implementation and the waterfall model is a sequence of stages in which the output of the each becomes the input of the next.

 All these   stages are generalized into different ways as follows:                                                                                                                           

  1. Project   planning, feasibility study   
  2. System analysis   
  3. System   design
  4. Implementation
  5. Integration and testing
  6. Acceptance, installation, deployment
  7. Maintenance are the steps for SDLC.                       


  1. Cabling and installation
  2.  Observation was fixed to a specific area
  3. The camera cannot be easily moved to another.


  1. Wire connection
  2. Image clarity

 Facts considered in the feasibility analysis were technical, economic and behavioral feasibilities.

SCOPE: web site maintenance and publishing, uploading and download of images, movies and music files.

Assumptions: The details related to area to be monitored and Administrator is created in the system.


  1. End user/ Primary actor
  2. Pre-conditions
  3. Success Guarantee
  4. Trigger

  Work Report: It is done 5 phases. And the project is finished.

Download  A Minor Project Report on FTP.

Secured Authentication For Online Banking Using Mobile Phones CSE Project Report

Introduction to Secured Authentication For Online Banking Using Mobile Phones Project:

Online banking is all about money transactions through a secured website by any virtual or retail bank, credit union. It got some common features too, which are divided several categories.

Generally conducting a financial transaction like account to account transfer, online purchasing, payment of any bill,  etc. whereas in Non-transactional  it is cheque links , co browsing , etc. 

SECURITY: Generally there are two different types of security methods.           

The system is called as PIN/TAN in which the PIN is a password used to login and TAN is one-time passwords, but it can create different problems so for secured way of using TANs should be done by a security token.  

ATTACKS: Normally online attacks are based on the user steal login data and valid TANs. Correct transactions and fake transactions are shown on the screen and in the background respectively, so by this it can be identified.

COUNTERMEASURES:  To avoid phishing and pharming kind attacks users should use  scanners and should be careful while downloading  software.

Secure Hash Algorithm: this algorithm is a series of cryptographic hash functions i.e., a block of data is converted into a fixed size bit string, for a secured password hashing.

BASE64: It is a group of encoding schemes for translating or encoding the data from binary to textual and even storing complex kind of data, etc in different form but with no change in the data.

Client Design: J2ME program is to be installed on the mobile phone, and then the key token program generates the dynamic key such as IMEI, IMSI numbers and token sent by the server through a text message.  And username, pin must be entered to get security token.

Database Design: It is used to store complete information about the clients .

Implementation: computer based software tokens is the proposed system which is secured and consists of 3 parts, namely,

1. Installed software, 2. Server software, 3. GSM modem.

Registration and Login Module: The basic information such as name, age, addressed. Are to be registered while creating the account, it includes both IMEI and IMSI numbers.

ATM process module: When the client enters the token number, the server identifies and extracts from the stored Database. Then further processes like withdrawal, fast cash, balance enquiry, can be  done if authentication is successful.

Generally for each and every transaction, a unique password token is given in order to avoid theft or hacking attacks.


 User friendly, proposed work on various mobiles, Bluetooth and WLAN features for cheaper token generation.

 The Proposed system is successfully implemented and tested for secure. 

Download  Secured Authentication For Online Banking Using Mobile Phones CSE Project Report.