Vehicle Detection System Using GPS Project Synopsis


Nowadays there are many accidents occurring at turnings, these occur due to over speed of vehicles across turnings, and the drivers don’t come to know about the vehicles approaching them at turnings. Due to this, many people lost their lives. We can avoid these accidents by developing an application which can detect the exact location of multiple vehicles using Global Positioning System and alerting the user on turning, by providing the information regarding no of vehicles approaching towards the user.


  • This application will detect the current location of the vehicle and notify if there are any vehicles approaching on the other side of the turnings. So this will minimize the accidents at deep curves.
  • We use GPS and microcontroller to know the locations of the vehicles.
  • It sends an alert to the respective driver on detecting the nearby vehicle.

Existing System:

  • The present system for vehicles to check the opposing flow of traffic is to look through concave mirrors which are placed at the side of the road.
  • These concave mirrors are very convenient to use as it can be placed anywhere without any restrictions.
  • But these concave mirrors doesn’t work when the vehicles are overtaking on a single road.
  • And when the vehicles are at high speeds drivers normally can’t take their eyes off the road, so they don’t observe the mirrors. This will lead to accidents.

Proposed System:

  • In order to overcome the risk of accidents, we propose the idea of “Vehicle Detecting System”, which gives an alert to the drivers, about the opposing vehicles within a particular radius of the vehicle, through the phone.
  • This application works on GPS.
  • It takes the location of vehicles and alerts the drivers if there are any vehicles within the radius of their vehicle.
  • The phone acts as a GPS module to know the location of the car and the phone/microcontroller acts as the receiver of the alerts sent to the driver.

Use Case Diagram:

2018 – 2019 ECE and EEE major projects List


Welcome to 1000 Projects ECE Projects Section., These are the below advanced Electronics and Electrical Projects List which can useful for ECE and EEE students for their final year projects submission.

  1. Face recognition based attendance management system using Raspberry Pi
  2. Finger scanner and facial recognization based door security system using Raspberry Pi.
  3. Smart garbage bin municipal operations.
  4. Agri-bot: Agriculture robot.
  5. Pipe inspection robot with live video streaming over android application
  6. Smart trolly for easy billing using a raspberry pi.
  7. Product sorting machine with color identification using a raspberry pi
  8. Advance surveillance robot using a raspberry pi
  9. Intruder alert system: IOT based home security with E-mail and photo using a raspberry pi.
  10. Web application based home automation using a raspberry pi.
  11. College notice board display over IOT.
  12. Smart toll plaza with RFID based door opening system and balance alerting over the message.
  13. Vehicle security system with engine locking over IOT
  14. Smart travel luggage bag.
  15. Accident identification based alerting location over GSM and GPS.
  16. Railway Track Pedestrian Crossing between Platforms (Movable and flexible railway platform).
  17. Greenhouse monitoring and Weather station monitoring over IOT
  18. Smart assistive device for deaf and dumb people.
  19. Semi-autonomous Garbage collecting robot.
  20. Solar power based grass cutting and pesticides praying robot.
  21. Smart Wearables: Emergency alerting with location over GSM for women.
  22. Automatic car washing and drying machine with conveyor support.
  23. The real-time voice automation system for the college department.
  24. Patient health monitoring over IOT
  25. Automatic gear shifting mechanism for two-wheelers.

Smart Home Automation System ECE Project

The main aim of developing this Project is to automate our Home easily. In this project, we control 2 AC Load Devices, 2 Bulbs, Small exhaust Fan. Here we have temperature monitoring device and Methane gas detector device.

With the help of the Kit, we can control all the appliances in the home through the android app and moreover LPG gas detector in the house where sensor senses the gas and it will automatically on the exhaust fan, and when Temperature in the house increases it automatically switches on the exhaust fan.

The temperature can be displayed on the LCD Screen in the Project. In this project we are using Aurdino board, 4 channel relay Module, Bluetooth for controlling the devices and LM 35 for the Temparature sensor, Smoke sensor, 16by2 LCD Display and samll plug box for connecting the 2 ac loads.

We have an android app to control the lights, fans, the temperature in the home.

Working Video of the Project:

Locking and Alarm System using a two-step Security along with GSM Modeling

Detachable, reusable and cost-efficient lock system for existing safes using a two-step security along with gsm modeling

Even though in today’s market there are innumerable digital locks and safes available it is almost hackable plus not everyone can afford it. Our main objective of this project is to model a locking and alarm system which can be attached to any sort of the existing traditional locking mechanisms.

It will be developed along with keeping in mind that not all traditional systems can be replaced overnight. But to make them more secure a fuss-free kit can be made which will be useful for both domestic and business purposes.

Even though today’s market has innumerable digital locking systems, not all the traditional locks and safes can be replaced overnight. To solve this problem we propose a system where the modern tech can be used on the traditional method at a low cost.

Here we will use a two-level security system to make it more reliable. The system can also be further expanded by connecting its alarm signals to gsm sims.

This kit can be used for both domestic and business purposes

The main aim is to model this kit in a way that even a layman can use it for his own benefit.

GSM Based Smart City garbage Bin Monitoring System

This is Smart garbage Bin Monitoring System, In this Project, we are monitoring garbage of the dustbin, Once the garbage bin is filled we can see the status indication of the LED. There is an IR sensor in the garbage bin. In the same way, we also get the alert message is saying that the garbage bin is filled.

Here we are using GSM Modem, which is going to use to send an alert message saying that the particular garbage bin is filled and the indication is indicated there with Green & Red indications. If it is Green- The garbage bin is empty, If it is Red – The garbage bin is full.

Basically here the Arduino board is playing a major role in sending the commands to the GSM Modem saying that when to send the message. This Aurdino board is receiving input from IR sensors saying that what is the garbage whether it is full or empty.

When this gives the digital input to the Arduino, this Arduino will send the output signal to the status indication entities and also it sends the output signal to the GSM modem saying that send the message to the particular number saying that garbage is cleaned.

This is a very advanced project rather than IOT, in IOT there is lack of internet access but here we are using GSM. This GSM one message send to the Municipal Office and another message will send to Cleaning Section.

Density based traffic control system using IR sensors


The main aim of developing this Density-based traffic control system project is to provide real-time traffic signaling system in the city to reduce traffic jam.

In this project we are using IR sensors, Sound Sensors, Aurdino Omega to monitor the 4-way traffic density. Each Line has 3 IR sensors, IR sensor is basically a sensor which can detect the obstacle, basically, it works on the proximity principle, It has an IR transmitter and IR Receiver, where IR transmitter sends IR Light where it sees any obstacle the same transmitter light will be reflected back and falls on the Receiver LED. Based on the light reflection,  here we are monitoring the traffic density based on the number IR Sensors Sensed.

Drawbacks in the Present System:

Huge Traffic Jam on the roads with the existing system

Auto & Manual Mode in the present Traffic System

In the Auto Mode, Traffic lights are in the Timer Mode the Time will fix for 1 minute or 2 minutes, Manual Mode takes more human effort.

Proposed Development:

But here we have developed as per traffic density the signal system will work, It mainly works with the help of sensors, If one sensor sensing when the green light signal time is 3 seconds, If 2 sensors are sensing then it will on for 6 seconds, If 3 sensors are sensing then the Green light will on for 9 seconds.

Based on that we just make a priority for all the 4 sides, Moreover, in our project, we have made some complex algorithm that monitoring the traffic density based on the IR sensors, this is just too makes the Things faster in the morning times when we are going to offices.

Moreover, it has a sound detector which can detect the sound which can detect the outer sound, but this is only the program to take the digital input of the vehicle. When the ambulance comes then the sensors will give input to the microcontroller board. This microcontroller board it makes the priority for this line of 9 seconds.

In this Prototype Kit, we have not used DSP Kit in the project. But the sensor if we connected to the DSP Kit if we connect to the microcontroller then We can connect to the ambulance siren also.

This Project can be applied to the real-time city traffic light signaling system.

GSM and GPS based Smart File Security System


The main aim of this Smart File Security System project is to design and development of a certificate folder tracking system. The tracking devices are GSM and GPS modules. The GSM and GPS tracking system are one of the modern accurate tracking devices. Our design comprises with the Arduino MC that controls whole the system.

These devices are used to locate the particular location of the objects such as lost certificate folder, identification of lost keys and send their coordinates to the user through an SMS. GSM digitizes and compresses the data, then sends the data to a channel in its own time slot. It operates at 1800 MHz frequency band. GPS receiver collects the information to calculate the user’s exact location.

The tracking devices are used to locate particular objects using GPS (Global Positioning System).The design consists of GSM and GPS system to track the location of the object. By arranging this tracking device in the objects like folders, briefcase etc. the user could track their location from time to time. This makes the user find his belongings within less time.

The design is done in such a way that the system could be arranged in less space and accurate in tracking locations. As there is a GSM slot in the design, the user could get coordinates of the object from time to time through SMS. The design consists of an alert system to find an object by the sound.

The size of the microcontroller can be decreased, and it can be arranged in the small objects. As this project is based on a microcontroller, GSM, and GPS. This project is developed with low cost by integrating GSM and GPS.

The system consists of different modules which are linked wirelessly with GSM modules. Cost effective SMS service of GSM network is used for transfer of data between the modules. This service provides the information about the location of the place, of the certificate folder.

Working operation of project

In this project we are using Arduino nano as microcontroller unit for reading and sending the data, We have GPS NEO 6M for getting the current location of module and this is interfaced to Arduino nano to pin 2 and pin 3, GPS NEO 6M will send the serial data in NEMA format to Arduino nano, and Arduino nano will take longitude and altitude values, whenever the GSM modem receives the message it is sent to Arduino nano and this will send the GPS location to sender (file owner).

GSM modem will be connected to Arduino nano to pin 0 and pin 1 RX and TX, Arduino nano and GSM SIM 800 and Arduino nano will communicate each other with AT Commands, GSM modem will have SIM card. We have small piezoelectric buzzer integrated into the file for easy identification of file with the sound indication.


• Certificate files.
• Property document files
• Other Important log data files etc…


This project is very useful as compared to existing file folders system which can track the file with small SMS with help of GPS system. This project can be further modified to IOT for more easy access with android application.

Voice operated Grass Cutter Robot

In this voice operated grass cutter robot Project, we have used Arduino Uno board and Bluetooth to receive the voice commands from android mobile with help of the android app, 4 Channel relay circuit board to make motor H-bridge circuit for driving  4 DC Motors to make the robot move in multiple directions.

The entire communication is happening with the help of Bluetooth modules.

we have placed cutter blade in the bottom to cut the grass.

Working Operation of the grass cutter robot:

Step 1: Switch on the robot.

Step 2: In android mobile open the android app (voice-controlled application).

Step 3: In that app select voice control option and speak “forward, Backward ” etc… based on the commands robot will respond on the ground.

Smart Luggage System IoT Project


The main Idea of the Smart Luggage System IoT Project is to develop a luggage that could be user-friendly. The project is more of a luggage less of a robot.


  • Bags have always been an integral part of travel life whether it may be a travel bag or a plastic bag or even leather bag every bag has its own importance and carries different functions and utility.
  • Dragging the luggage all over the place has been done since the golden ages.
  • Thinking of a luggage which conveys its weight, tracks its location, which follows the user automatically or manually, by the touch of the present technology to the old baggage it may bring out its true potential.
  • This has motivated the project all along so that it is user-friendly and could be operated by a Smartphone.

Proposed System:

  • There are a lot of applications to the luggage but all of them are not controlled from the luggage instead the commands are sent from the mobile phone to the luggage via Machine to machine communication.
  • The mobile phone has a pre-installed application software with a pre-installed set of instructions.
  • They wait for the user to send the commands.
  • After the microcontroller embedded inside the luggage receives instruction from the user it acts accordingly. This can either be for tracking its location and send it to the user or send the luggage weight.

Hardware Components:

  • ESP8266 Wi-Fi module

Software components:


Working Model:

  1. When Bluetooth is Connected

2) When Wifi  is not Connected

App Screens:

Screenshot of app showing Welcome Page

Screenshot of app showing HomePage

Screenshot of app showing displaying Weighing Module
Screenshot of app Displaying Weight
Screenshot of app when Tracking is Pressed

Screenshot of app in Autonomous Mode
Screenshot of app in Manual Mode


  • Painting/Artwork Security:  With a GPS device owners can quickly learn the location of a stolen piece and recover it immediately.
  • Prevention of Car Theft: By installing a tracking device on a vehicle, the location of it can always be known. The vehicle can be easily recovered, but the device will also act as a deterrent for thieves. This will prevent the nightmare of having a car stolen from occurring in the first place.
  • Police & Private Detectives: Police can benefit by attaching tracking devices to baggage during investigations, allowing them to easily track movement and come up with solid evidence.
  • Hiking: With a GPS device, hikers who get lost can be recovered quickly should they ever come up missing


  • Don’t worry losing your luggage anywhere! It has an onboard GPS module to help you track its position using Google Maps.
  • Whole system integration is controlled through Application installed in Android where controlling the device will get very easy to the user.
  • Weighing the luggage will become easy.
  • The carry of luggage is changed with motorized wheels.

Future Scope:

  • The application should be more dynamic and it should show the live feed of the movement of the luggage which updates every time the luggage is in movement. The tracking could be taken online using the cloud technology.
  • The introduction of Digital Locks into the luggage will help the user secure the contents of the luggage with the help of dynamic encryption algorithms and techniques which will safeguard any Machine to Machine Communication.
  • It comes with GSM module which helps us to triangulate its location when GPS is failed to retrieve the data.
  • Get the status of the flights, regulations using app and pack accordingly.


  • The limitations of the traditional luggage will overcome with Smart Luggage. The market is still new and has potential to accept the new face of luggage.
  • Know the weight of your Luggage at any time and pack accordingly.
  • Move the luggage easily using autonomous and manual modes.
  • The smart luggage will ensure its safety and builds security for its user. From built-in scales to GPS tracking and mobile apps, these bags won’t make hauling stuff any lighter, but they could make the experience less harrowing.

Smart Helmet With Sensors For Accident Detection


  • According to a survey, in India two wheelers account for 25% of total road crash deaths. The main reasons for the fatalities are drunken driving, delay in treatment post accident and serious injury sans helmet
  • The main objective of this project is to design an intelligent system which will prevent a drunk person from driving and also identify accident if any. This system is capable of providing security and safety to the bikers against road accidents. The circuit is so designed that the bike won’t start without wearing helmet and if the rider is drunk.


To develop a prototype of the product that includes the following Technologies:

  • RFID tag system for unique communication
  • Arduino Pro mini 328
  • GSM and GPS modules
  • RF communication systems


  • This entire unit is powered by the battery. Smart helmet comprises of Arduino Pro mini 328,Piezo electric sensors, MQ3 alcohol sensor, RF transmitter, RFID tag and a rechargeable battery.
  • Here the Smart box is integrated with Smart helmet in such a way that the rider can start his vehicle only when he wears helmet and also if he is sober. After switching the bike ON, the rider must bring his helmet near to the Smart box to feed the RFID reader with RFID tag value.
  • The rider must now put on the helmet and after evaluation, a signal will be sent through RF transmitter which will be sending a code with RFID tag value.
  • The receiver present in the Smart box will accept the code. Galileo board will read the code and activate the relay. After this the rider can start ignition.
  • An SOS message with the accident location will be sent to the mobile numbers which are preloaded by rider(he can set those numbers by sending a message to gsm module) and immediate help can be provided.

Required Hardware:

  • Arduino pro mini 328
  • GSM(SIM 900A) module
  • GPS module
  • MQ-3 alcohol sensor
  • Push button sensor
  • Accelerometer-ADLX345
  • RFID tag and reader
  • RF transmitter and receiver 434MHZ (RKI 1064)
  • Rechargeable battery