Student Database Management System Bootstrap Project


1) The Student Database Management System project DBMS is basically a model to show how various real-life entities in a college are interlinked.

2) This Student Database Management System project is an extract from the model which is used in various institutions.

3) This Student DBMS project tries to map a relationship between various departments in an institution, their teachers, various courses by the teacher, and the students.

4) This Student DBMS project keeps a database about various departments in the institution, teachers involved, various courses taught by teachers, students enrolled in the institution, and keeps a report on the grades scored by students in various courses.



The Student DBMS project DBMS uses technologies like MySQL, WAMP, and PHP for storing and accessing the database also HTML, CSS/and BOOTSTRAP to maintain the GUI of the project.

MYSQL/WAMP: They were used to store the data of the Student DBMS project.
PHP: It was used as a backend language for storing and accessing the database.
HTML: Front-end language used for developing the architecture of the page.
CSS&BOOTSTRAP: Used for designing the page.


1) STUDENTS: This stores the various information about students.
2) DEPARTMENT: This stores the various information about Department.
3) COURSES: This store’s various information about courses.
4) INSTRUCTOR: This stores the various information about the instructor.
5) GRADES: This stores the various information about Grades scored by students.


The Student project DBMS mapped the various real-life entities of the institution like departments, teachers, and students and gave us a model through which we can efficiently store, manipulate and retrieve our data.

Through this Student Database Management System Bootstrap Project, we got a rough idea about how the data flows between the departments and how it is stored.

A DBMS Project on Fingerprint-based Attendance System

In this Fingerprint-based Attendance System Database management System project, we have tried to use the knowledge that we gained in this course to make a Fingerprint-based Attendance System. Although we had aimed to implement it using hardware due to hardware constraints, we have tried to implement it online. In this DBMS system, the Faculty for a particular course switches ON the system, and the system marks attendance for the students based on their fingerprints.


This system apart from marking attendance also maintains the student’s records and the faculty members. We have tried to incorporate the following features:

Administrator: For the modification of crucial information we have created an administrator account. The Administrator only has the privilege to add/remove courses and edit profiles of students and faculty members.

Login Page: On this page, the students and faculty members can log in to their accounts and view their information.

Register Page: For students and faculty members who don’t have their accounts can create their accounts by clicking on REGISTER on the login page. The register page asks for data and creates a profile.

Timetable: This page displays the schedule of all the courses.

Attendance: On this page, a list of the currently running courses and their respective faculty is displayed. There is a slot for the faculty fingerprint. Once the faculty fingerprint matches with any one of the faculty members whose name is being displayed on the page the system automatically turns ON the database to be modified. Now the students are required to input their fingerprints and their attendance is marked.

Tools used:

  • Database Management System: MySql
  • Server for hosting the project: Apache Tomcat with port number 8080.
  • Programming scripts: Java Server Pages, Javascript, HTML, CSS.

Relation to the course:

This whole project like many other projects has two ends. The Front end consists of the GUI which has been made using our prior knowledge and the Back end consists of database interaction which we have learned in this course. We have tried to incorporate the following things that we have learned in this course.

ER Model: The basic thing that we did before starting with the project was to make an ER Model and check the feasibility of the project. This helped us in enlisting the various aspects and classify them into entities and relations.

MySql Queries: In this project we have tried to incorporate the different queries such as Insert, Create, Update, and Alter that we learned in this course.

Triggers: To let the student know about his short attendance we have tried to incorporate the concept of triggers.

System Time: We have tried to fetch the system’s current time and have used it to compare it with the time of the lectures stored in the database.


While working on this project we brushed upon the knowledge we gained in this course and the hardships and problems faced in implementing such a real-time project helped us learn a lot.

Design & Development of Student Database Management System PHP Project

The purpose of implementing the ‘Student Database Management System’ is for the ease of maintaining student-related data on an institution, our system does serve this purpose and also is a means of communication between the students/parents and teachers during times when physical contact is not possible or when it is necessary to convey an important message quickly, due to this system a lot of paperwork, maintenance, space, time are all reduced for the purpose of handling large student data.

The goals achieved by this project are:

  • Centralized Database.
  • Reduced paper works and Stacking of files.
  • Easier Searching, Updating, and Storing the Details
  • User-Friendly Environment.

Along with the existing features, additional features can be added in the future, Like:

  • Handling admission details in a more detailed manner by Adding a payment feature through our site.
  • Extension of the current system for the entire institution.
  • Better interaction between the parents and the teachers.
  • Storing the records of co-curricular activities.
  • Assigning and reporting the assignments and many more.

Output Results:

  • Welcome Page with Register and Login Page

Teacher View

  • Teacher Home Page
  • Admit, Update Student’s details for a Specific Class
  • Fetch or Search the Student Details Using the Student ID
  • Admit or Add new Student Details to the Specific Class
  • Add or Update the Subject with its Instructor’s Details
  • Announce Upcoming Events and Circulate the Same
  • Update Attendance for each student in the Class
  • Update Internal Assessment Marks for each student
  • Update Exam Marks for each student

Student View

  • Student Home Page
  • View any Recent Announcements made by the specific Subject teacher
  • View Subject Details and Contact information of the subject teachers
  • View Internal Assessment Marks for each Subject
  • View Final Exam Marks for each subject
  • View the Attendance details


  • Database Support: MySQL 5.7
  • Web Browser: Google Chrome
  • Coding language: PHP, HTML, CSS, JS.
  • Server Deployment: Apache Server, MySQL Server.

Download & Deploy the complete Student Database Management System Project PHP & MySQL Code, Project Report, and Execution Steps readme file.


Development of Blood Bank Management System Java Project

Our Project “Blood Bank Management System” is a computerized system used to store and retrieve information related to Blood donations/inventory the project aims to expose the relevance and importance of Blood Bank Management Systems. The system allows the admin/receptionist to store and retrieve information like blood donor details, blood receiver details, amount of blood present in the inventory of the blood bank store, etc.

The Blood Bank Management System checks for the availability of a certain blood type like A+, A-, B+, B- etc. If the blood type is available, then the system allows the admin to further proceed with the procedure. Otherwise, it asks the admin to choose another blood type. The system asks the admin to enter customer details for further blood transactions. The main purpose of this Blood Bank Management System is to reduce the manual/paperwork involved in blood bank management and make it convenient for the admin/receptionist to store and retrieve data as and when required. The software supports the concept of modifications by admin and allows inserting, modifying, or deleting customer data.


Considering the volumes of data that need to be tracked and accessed, it would be very difficult to manage the accuracy and quality of data manually and deliver them accordingly. It would be almost impossible to get the details required in case of manual maintenance of data. The BBM (Blood Bank Management system) is an innovative solution that helps in managing huge loads of blood bank data. The Blood Bank management system simplifies the manual work and allows smooth administration of the operations of blood transactions.


This project is aimed to reduce the manual work involved in data maintenance in the Blood bank management system. This project is developed mainly to simplify the manual work and allows smooth administration of the operations of blood transactions. The purpose of the project is to computerize the administrative operations of a blood transaction and to develop software that is user-friendly, simple, fast, and cost-effective. It deals with the collection of Donors, Receivers’ Inventory information, etc. Traditionally, it was done manually. The main function of the system is to enter and retrieve these details as and when required, and also to manipulate these details meaningfully.

  • To ease the process of blood donation and reception.
  • To improve the existing system.
  • To develop a scalable system.
  • To be highly available


  • Ensure that all the functionalities of a manual blood bank are covered
  • To ensure proper contactable information.
  • Make sure the program is simple and easy to use.


The Blood Bank Management System is a great improvement over the manual system which uses lots of manual work and paper. The computerization of the system speeds up the process. This system was thoroughly checked and tested with dummy data and found to be very reliable. Thus, we have implemented a fully comprehensive and minimalistic efficient system for use by Admins/Receptionists without any additional training.

Limitations of the Project

The donor cannot modify/add/delete his details like address, and phone number. The whole project is done for an offline blood bank since there is no way to access the details online. Moreover, there is no feature to modify donor details.

Future Enhancements

The Blood bank Management System can be enhanced by including more functionality like allowing online access to the donor to modify the details if he has gone wrong while registering. Online implementation to the nearest blood banks may be implemented.

Visit Here or download the complete Development of Blood Bank Management System Java Project Source Code, Report, and how to run files.

Implementing a Blood Bank backend system.

An Individual Donor donates blood at the branch. The donated blood is tested for safe use. The Tested blood can either be kept as whole blood for ‘whole blood’ transfusion or can be processed into different components. The different components can be Red cells, Fresh Frozen Plasma, and Platelet Concentrate.

By using blood components, several patients can be treated with the blood from one donor, leading to optimal use of every unit of donated blood.

The system will be designed as a set of rest endpoints.

● Register a Blood Bank Branch with Address and Contact details.
● Register members who can donate blood or request blood or its components.
● Record blood donation details.
● Record Test results for a blood donation.
● Store request for donated blood unit either as Whole or as Component. Calculate Shelf life and update the inventory.
● Record blood or component requests and update the inventory.
● Search for blood or blood component active inventory across branches.
● Leader board – for top donors. By Period – by month, year, and By Branch or Across Branches.

Donation and Receipt Records can have the following information,

● Unique Transaction ID
● MemberID
● BranchID
● TransactionDate
● Quantity
● Tested
● BloodGroup

Inventory Records can hold the following information,

● Donor transaction reference
● Quantity In milli-liter
● Blood Group type
● Sub Type (Whole, RBC, Plasma, Platelet)
● Expiry Date
● Active


● Record blood test results, and mark the unit as unusable in case of a failed test.
● A Single donation by a donor can be fixed at 450ml for the assignment
● Interval of 90 days should be maintained between two donations by the same donor.
● Expired inventory should not be searchable.

Design & Development of Tender Management System Project


The Tender Management System was developed to enable the vendors to get all the tender details online and provide a facility to submit the tender. This Tender Management System project was developed & designed with Java & MySQL Database.

Existing System:

  • Contractors need to submit their documents by visiting the office or centers on time.
  • Contractors have to bid for a particular tender on time by applying forms and need to wait for an approval reply.
  • The Admin Needs to post the Projects or contracts as a poster or advertisements regularly.
  • It takes a long time to access tenders or vendors’ data access.

Proposed System:

  • User Needs to Have a Network Connection.
  • New User needs to register a new vendor on the website.
  • Contractors can log in and bid for some existing tenders.
  • They need to log in using their login-id and password which they used while registration
  • To reduce paperwork, and data that are available online, using this final decision can be taken by the administration and can contact directly to such suppliers.
  • Easy to access the tenders and vendors’ data.

Software Requirements:

Language: Java
Web technologies : J2EE (JDBC/Servlets/JSP)
Front-end Design : Html, CSS, JSP, Bootstrap
Database: MYSQL
Scripting: JavaScript , CSS

Application Work Flow



Uploading advertisement documents
Verifying projects and contractors by using their information
Accepting and Rejecting Bids
Maintaining data and confirmation of the final report.
Update Notice Board
Make some announcement
Block or unblock some vendors or company


The Company needs to get registered to proceed.
The company can log in with a valid username and password.
Apply or releases new tenders and view the status of the tender.
Make Some announcements.
Change the tender details


Vendors are the key persons or contractors who look for new upcoming tenders on the website
Vendors’ Functionality includes:
New Vendors can register
Login using vendor-id and password
View and update their profile
See the new open tenders and their details
Bid for a tender with an amount greater than its base price
See the bid approval or denial status

After the tender status approval, they can view and submit the documentation
Vendors can look for the important notice in the notice section


Our Project Tender management System Successfully Created a user-friendly environment for the tender management process.
This Project is flexible and changes can be incorporated easily.
Easy for further Modification
Saves a lot of time by doing most of the processes online
It may lead to increase profit and improve the quality of a company.
Assigns the tenders and project in a good manner and optimal way to the contractors in less time with low-cost charges.

Download the complete Design & Development of Tender Management System Project using Java, MySQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, and J2EE.

Development of Visitor Management System Java & MySQL Project

VMS also known as Visitor Management System is an interactive project which after considers the real-life examples of an institute dealing with daily visitors. It is designed from scratch using JAVA and Python and using a server-side language MySQL which is connected to the developer language JAVA using a JDBC connector.

The entire work of the Visitor Management System Java & MySQL Project is done on a local host which consists of the application using JAVA and Python involving the use of APACHE TOMCAT server and MySQL. The server side contains all the implementation related to setting up of database using MySQL, creating session models for joining different pages, and other transactions to be performed. It is responsible for picking up information from the database and displaying it on the client side which comprises a basic user interface built-in JavaFX as the software GUI.


In this fast-paced world, where everyone is squeezed for time, it is very difficult for an institute with a large number of students and instructors to manage and have a smooth-going and organized way of entertaining visitors. Logistically, the visitor management system allows the security system of the institute to conventionally check and enroll each visitor efficiently inside the premises without the hassle of identity clashes and any other inconvenience.
It is therefore the task of institute administrators to optimally design a visitor management system where the security department could save time. 


The motivation for designing this visitor management system is the keen observation of day-to-day problems faced by the security department, as the lack of info and medium among the teachers, students, and the administration of the institute such that there is difficulty in the efficient process of teaching and studying by the teachers and students respectively. Moreover, we value the recent learning about the programming languages as well as seeing how powerful and dynamic they are when it comes to designing system and database-based projects. The languages used to develop the project are extremely useful while working with the technologies at a workplace.

Aim Of The Project

This Visitor Management System Java & MySQL Project is designed to help students understand software design using programming languages from their basic capabilities to have a real industry-based client and service provider environment. This application helps the student to understand the basics of appearance and how a complete working application can be built from scratch. It also allows students to understand the concept of GUI-based applications and use it to embed MySQL and other programming languages. Further, it gives insight into how the client-side language interacts with the server-side language and finally with the database. This application is a server-based app so it involves the use of a particular institute server (in this case our localhost machines). The visitor management application is very versatile and can be enhanced by adding more functions and modified graphics for the use of the institute’s security department.

Project Perspective

The visitor management application is a web-based system.

User Interface & Characteristics

The two types of interface found in the visitor management system are as follows :

• User Interface: Officials of the security department can view the home page of the visitor management system. The officials can carry out a transaction based on deciding whether the visitor is a –
• New User
• Old User
The official also has options for “Checkout” and “Detail updating” of visitors adding to it he/she can also check the “Users not checked out”.

• Admin Interface: Along with other features the admin has superuser rights to –
• Report viewing
• Log viewing
• Entering the details of new cards

Design & Development of Online Examination Management System Project

This project is aimed to reduce the manual work involved in data maintenance in Online examinations and automates the Online Examination Management System. This project is developed mainly to simplify the manual work and allows smooth administration of the operations of an Online Examination.

The purpose of the Online Examination project is to computerize the administrative operations of an Online Examination System and to develop software that is user-friendly, simple, fast, and cost-effective. It deals with the collection of, Subject, Test and Exam information, etc. Traditionally, it was done manually. The main function of the system is to conduct exams online and reduce the delay of results.

The Online Examination System is developed using HTML and MySQL fully meets the objectives of the system for which it has been developed.


ADMIN: The admin is responsible for Exam conduction.

USER: The USER takes up the test by signing in and login in with his valid Login id and password.

SUBJECT: The user has options to take up a quiz on a particular subject on the list.

TEST: The user gives the examination for the subject he/she has selected. Formal testing often results in a grade or a test score.

QUESTION: The user selects the answers which he/she feels are correct and selects an option.

USER ANSWER: It stores all the correct answers to the questions which will be stored by the admin.

RESULT: It displays all the scoring made by the User after taking up the test.

Output Results:


  • The admin is required to enter their respective Login id and password for them to login into their respective portals.
  • Has the option to add subjects, add tests, and add questions.
  • Admin is provided an option to add a subject.
  • Admin adds test details.
  • Admin adds the questions.


  • The student logs in with his valid log in ID and password.
  • The user has to Sign up before he has to log in.
  • The user takes up the quiz.
  • The user has the option to take up a quiz on a particular subject on the list.
  • The user gives the examination.
  • The user gets results based on his performance.
  • Shows the right answer.
  • Result sheet of all users.

Hospital Database Management System Project using PHP & MySQL

Description of Project:

Hospital Database Management System Project using PHP & MySQL developed under the Database Management System Course study, It is DBMS based application that can handle different workflows related to a hospital using MySQL and PHP. The main aim of developing this project is to develop an online web-based system that registers, stores, and alters the data related to the day-to-day hospital operations to have some meaningful conclusions.

System Requirement Specification:

We have used Netbeans IDE 8.2 software to configure PHP/HTML/CSS scripts on our localhost webserver. The operating system was Windows 10 / macOS Catalina. The web browser is Chrome with PhpMyAdmin as Front-end and Back-end Integration. We deployed our web server on localhost using Apache(built-in server) using MAMP/WAMP (MacOS/Windows Apache MySQL PHP. At Least 8MB of disk space is required. We can implement Hospital Database Management in modern browsers like IE7+, Firefox, Safari, Google Chrome, and Opera that support CSS and HTML frameworks.


1) Managing Patients Information:

  • For deriving the age of a patient, given the DOB, we have created a function followed by a procedure 
  • To get an overview related to the blood groups of all the patients present in the database
  • To get the details of the patient who has the maximum number of appointments in this hospital
  • To display the patients who took appointments on the weekends
  • To get information about the patients who took an appointment during the current month
  • In our database, we have a table for all the patients in the hospital, and then a separate table for indoor patients. However, we do not have a table that shows the details of outdoor patients.
  • At last, we have generated a bill for a visit of a patient, which includes a patient’s visit charge, doctor charge, medicine charge, etc. And generates the total amount to be paid.

2) Managing Doctors’ Information:

  • To get information about the most famous doctor/s among the patients

3) Managing Appointment Related Information:

  • To get the trend of appointments for each weekday
  • To display patient-wise appointment details
  • To display year-wise appointment details

4) Managing Department wise HODs:

  • For identifying a HOD of a department

5) Managing Staff, Rooms, and Medicines related to Information:

6) Managing Admin/Login Details:

  • We have created a simple login and user registration system using authentication from Admin User Table.
  • There are some functionalities like creating a new administrator, logging out, and password change.
  • As a matter of Privacy Policy we don’t save ‘password’ directly but instead, store the HashCode corresponding to it

7) Managing other information:

  • If Contact no. is not a 10-digit number then a trigger will display an error message
  • For managing patient log details

Visit Here and Download the Complete PHP & MySQL Database Management System Project Code, Report on Hospital Database Management System

Student Job Placement Management System Project Idea


Student Job Placement Management System project explains Job Placement. This academic project mainly explains the various actions related to students placing to companies online. You can search for various jobs and shuffle according to the role. Our Project Include


  • Admin Module
  • Recruiter Module
  • Student Module

We can develop this application in Java, Spring boot, Hibernate, and MySQL. It’s a web-based project so I have to use HTML, CSS, Thymeleaf, and Bootstrap also.

The main feature of the project is to make Students placed easily. You can access this website from anywhere and everywhere. In the Admin module, the admin can add the Jobs and Manage. He can also view the total number of Students who applied to jobs on the website. And also Recruiters action. Admin can only see the admin page and Job if he wants to Add or delete jobs from the list.

In the Student module, the student can access the website and apply for the job.

In the Recruiter module, a recruiter can post new jobs and maintain the status of students.

Software Requirements:

Front end: Java, Spring Boot, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Hibernate, and Thymeleaf.
Back end: MySQL workbench 8.0.23CE.
Middleware/Server: Apache Tomcat v8.5. IDE: Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers
Browser: Best result on Google Chrome
Operating System: Windows 10

The Pages included in the project:

Home Page
Student – Register page
Recruiter – Register Page

Login Page:

Student – Login page
Recruiter – Login page
Admin – Login page

Student Details

Student – Dashboard
Student – Profile Details
Student – View Jobs
Student – Update Password
Student- Update Details
Student – Upload Resume
Student – Upload Picture
Student – Preview Resume

Recruiter Details

Recruiter – Dashboard
Recruiter – Profile Details
Recruiter – View Jobs
Recruiter – Add New Job Details
Recruiter – Check Applicant Lists
Recruiter – Change Password
Recruiter – Update Details
Recruiter – Search Candidate
Recruiter – Upload your Company Logo

Admin Portal

Admin – Dashboard
Admin – Manage Student
Admin – Manage Recruiter
Admin – View Jobs
Admin – Non-Placed Candidates
Admin – Placed Candidates
Admin-Update Password

Online Student Project Report Submission and Evaluation System PHP Project

Project Overview

The online project report submission and evaluation system enables the student to submit their project report online without submitting any physical file. Before the submission, the student needs to update their progress to the system and the lecturer can view their progress and give comments online.

The online project report submission and evaluation system is providing an online discussion and document sharing for students and lecturers. The pre-existing systems didn’t have the functionalities such as notifying the student when he/she is being added to the project group, online automatic generation of the certificate after the completion of the entire project, and many more which are being implemented in this version of the system.

The proposed system will take away the biggest risk out of the picture i.e. the manual transmission of all the tasks related to the project report and also the design is formulated in such a way that the impersonation will be reduced to a greater level. With the increase in technology, the need for systems is constantly increasing.

What is new today will be old tomorrow. Our system at present will help to overcome the drawbacks of the previous versions of the system as per mentioned in the literature survey. Smooth access and a more user-friendly UI will help the users to get a home-like environment.

A special feature has been inculcated into the system as a result of which the notifications will be received by the faculty as well as the students on their respective registered mobile numbers. The faculty who will be added to the portal as well as the students who will be allotted to them will all get an individual notification that they have been allotted under which group and to which project they have been entitled. No submission is permitted by the system after the deadline has been crossed. The upload report button will be automatically disabled by the system itself so that no reports can be uploaded once the deadline has been crossed.


  • The system provides online processing of the reports.
  • Accurate results can be obtained.
  • The proposed system is used to reduce chaos and manual errors.
  • By viewing the reports the management can improve the institutional facilities.


  • As society is developing and new trends are emerging in the education sector every coming day.
  • The ‘Online project report submission and evaluation system’ approach is all about managing project reports online for institutional and educational practices
  • Intelligence is used for the automatic generation of the certificates once the project report has been finalized or the deadline is crossed.
  • The motivation is to propose an intelligent system that can be implemented in any organization.

Use Case Diagram for the Proposed System:


With the increase in technology, the need for systems is constantly increasing. What is new today will be old tomorrow. The proposed system at present will help to overcome the drawbacks of the previous versions of the system as per mentioned in the literature survey. Smooth access and a more user-friendly UI will help the users to get a home-like environment. The electronic marking of student project reports will save a lot of time, effort, and energy as well as expenses. It will also be more accurate and reliable for both the students and their instructions. In all, it will be a great help at the institutional level.

This application can be implemented in various situations. New features can be added as and when required. Reusability is possible as and when required in the proposed system. All modules are flexible. A very useful functionality from which the students could benefit would be if the system had a forum where any discussion could be opened that is related to the project. In the future, a useful feature that can be added is a platform to upload the student’s projects (like applications) to their instructors by the students.

Software Requirements

  • Front-end Design: JS, CSS, HTML
  • Back-end Coding: PHP, MySQL
  • Web Browser: Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, or later.
  • Operating System: Linux, Ubuntu, Windows 10.
  • Application Server: XAMPP Server

Download the complete Online Project Report Submission and Evaluation System for College students with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP & MySQL Source code, and Full report documentation.