Attendance Tracking Management System PHP & MySQL Project

The Attendance Tracking Management System maintains the information about the attendance of the students in primary school. The system also maintains the record of all the students and faculty in the school. The records are maintained to maintain the attendance of students. The Attendance Tracking Management System shall be developed using client/server architecture and will be compatible with any Operating System. The front end of the system will be developed using HTML and CSS, and the back end will be developed using PHP and MySQL.


With the increasing number of students and the courses, the departments, faculties, and the students are facing issues like:

  • The attendance is taken manually by the faculty.
  • Data in the attendance list might be inaccurate due to deception.
  • Faculty needs to manually analyze the number of absentees and the percentage.
  • It is very time-consuming and the result of the calculation might be inaccurate.
  • Data loss may happen and the whole attendance process is prone to human mistakes.

The proposed software would allow the following functionalities:

  • It enhances the speed of performing attendance task easily.
  • The entire student’s attendance data will be stored and managed properly and effectively.
  • The system enables the lecturer to add, view, delete or make changes accordingly.
  • The system enhances the calculation process to be more accurate and fast.
  • The system will help to analyze all the data inserted and then verified whether every student is following the university attendance policy or not.
  • The attendance will be marked period wise and the reports of the students will be generated.


The Attendance Tracking Management System for students is to be developed. The system would allow the following functionalities:

  • It enhances the speed of performing attendance task easily.
  • The entire student’s attendance data will be stored and managed properly and effectively.
  • The system enables the faculty to add, view, delete or make changes accordingly.
  • The system enhances the calculation process to be more accurate and faster.
  • The system will help to analyze all the data inserted and then verified whether every student is following the attendance policy or not.
  • The attendance will be marked date wise and the reports of the students will be generated.

Overall Description

• The ATMS maintains records of attendance of students and details of students, faculty and courses in the school.
• It is assumed that the students have already admitted in the school.
• It is assumed that the students are already enrolled in the courses.
• The system administrator will receive the lists of the admitted students (course wise) from the academic section.
• The establishment section will provide the list of faculty appointed and courses offered in the school.
• The ATMS maintains and views the attendance of students enrolled in the course offered by the school.
• It allows the faculty to mark the attendance of the students in his class.
• It allows the student to view his attendance.

The administrator/DEO will have to maintain the following information:

  1. Attendance details (only admin)
  2. Student details
  3. Faculty details
  4. Course details

Download the complete project on Attendance Tracking Management System project PHP & MySQL code, project report.

Daily College Class Work Report Book PHP Project Code


Problem Definition

To maintain classes throughout the semester, Academic Institutions follow a course/ lesson plan that informs about the order in which classes shall be held. Daily reports are generated and are periodically cross-validated with the lesson plan, such that any inconsistencies can be identified and managed; doing so aids the institutions in reaching course deadlines effectively and in completing curricula without any hurry or stress. This report is known as Daily College Class Work Report Book. A typical Daily Class Work Report requires three candidates, a Report book, and a Lesson-plan document.

A Lesson-plan is created by Academic In-charges, after considering various factors such as potential holidays, with the aim that it must be followed for a stress-free administration.

Each page of a Daily College Class Work Report Book has a table with rows about the hours in a day and columns about the days in a week. Each table cell has two boxes, one for the subject details and another for the topic discussed in that subject; and between table cells, there is an additional space provided for remarks related to the above cell. An additional column is provided for the signature and details of the Class Representative.

These candidates consist of a Class Representative (a student), a Class In-charge (or a mentor), and an Academic In-charge. The CR (Class Representative) notes down the details regarding the classes conducted and the topics discussed on the Daily College Class Work Report Book and forwards it to the CI (Class In-charge). The CI verifies the report for errors and in turn forwards it to the Academic In-Charge. They cross-check the report with the lesson plan and make relevant remarks wherever necessary.


Login Module:

Authenticates the user details and based on the account type, it redirects to an appropriate module

Academic In-charge Module:

Presents a unique page for the Academic In-charge, wherein they can select a class in their respective departments. During the beginning of a New Year or semester, it allows for Academic In-charges to create and upload new schedules, Lesson plans, and other such data.

Class Representative Module:

Allows Class Representatives to add or modify details relating to classes that have occurred, during the semester.

Reporting Module:

The data, entered by the CR, will be stored in the database and a report will be generated. This report will be displayed to the respective CRs, Class In-charges, and Academic In-charges. The report will have an option for approval and also an option that allows for In-charges to notify lower-level members to make respective changes, in case of any inconsistencies. This module is incorporated in the ‘Home page’, where Class In-charges and Academic In-charges can access other data such as Lesson-plan, and Schedule details.

UML Diagrams

Activity Diagram

ER Diagram

Output Results will be below:

Download the complete PHP & MYSQL project on Daily College Class Work Report Book. Here you can download the project code, and report.

Snippet Visualization System PHP Project Code Report PPT

this web-based Snippet Visualization System is to provide a visualization-based technique for web search results based on textual snippets. This project was developed with PHP, javascript, Ajax, and MySQL Database. Here Students can download the complete project code, and report PPT.


Many internet users search for some query and as a result, they get a ranked list of URLs.
The user could get disappointed with this related search.
Hence, we are developing a system that is focusing on retrieving search results in thumbnail form.
Users can interact with more results in a single view.
It affords easy navigation and is straightforward to interpret with the user.


To perform pre-processing of collected data.
To perform similarity identification and ranking of the snippets using the k means algorithm.
To perform optimization of the snippets for visualization purposes.
To analyze the performance of the proposed system via experimental evaluation of results.

System Architecture

System Architecture


1. Collecting information:

It is the first step where the system will collect data from a custom search engine and store it in a database for further processing. Data is stored in the form of text, URLs, and descriptions displayed on each web page.

2. Pre-processing:

It is the second step where each entry returned from a textual query is processed and its term frequency vector extracted. 

3. Similarity Identification:

Multidimensional projection techniques may be employed to generate visualizations that favor the perception of groups of similar documents. Such methods typically represent documents as points in a two-dimensional visual space, where neighboring points correspond to documents with similar content. However, points only convey information on neighborhood relations.

4. Ranking:

Snippets collected in similarity are then ranked in this module using the following algorithm.
• Text-based ranking algorithm.
• Weighted page ranking algorithm.

5 . Optimization:

This module Optimizes the placement of the snippets to avoid overlapping while preserving data neighborhoods as computed by the projection.


For the implementation we have used different web technology ie., PHP, javascript, ajax, and open-source databases i.e., MySQL


We introduced the Snippet visualization technique to visualize the collection of the textual result returned from the webpage.
The system collects URLs from webpages displayed as a result of a search query and stores them in the database.
After storing the data in the database it will display all collected text, URLs, and descriptions on the server side.
Then it starts preprocessing the collected URL. Hence it is useful to the system to do further task. Finally, preprocessed data as output is displayed.

Snippet Visualization System Home Page

Download Snippet Visualization System Code Report PPT

Human Resource Management System PHP & MySQL Web Application Project

The HR Management System is a simple academic web-based mini-project created with PHP & MySQL databases. The primary goal of this Human Resource Management System PHP project is to build a web application that helps the organization manages its human resources.

There will be the main module named the project module in the human resource management system application. It Records of all employees in the organization are stored in the application MySQL backend along with their skills and abilities. When a new company-based project is assigned to an employee team, the project module creates a new file. Details of project team members and the estimated completion date of the project or deadline will be set.

The project manager in the application should update the assessment of team members in the application. This rating is used by the application to make recommendations for promotions. The final decision on employee future promotions is made by the senior manager.

The second module of the application is the hiring module that can be used in the new employee hiring process in the company. This module provides information on future projects and progress in current projects, based on which it predicts the demand for talent.

The third and final module of the application is the Employees module, it will be available to all the employees to view their salaries and permitted leave details. Using this HRMS web application, all employees can easily check the information and ask questions at any time on the Human Resource Management System page. Top management can also use this system to access employee records and performance statistics of the employees to improve the organization’s standards.

HRMS Project

Download Human Resource Management System PHP & MySQL Web application mini project. This project was developed with HTML, CSS, Javascript and Bootstrap.

Online Medical Store or Pharmacy Shop Java Project with code

Here download the complete Online Medical Store or Pharmacy shop Java Project with code, Abstract Seminar, Project Report, and how to run project user manual. The main aim of developing this project is to buy medicines online.



An online medical store is a pharmacy that operates over the Internet and sends orders to customers through shipping companies.
This project helps the users to provide medicines on time to the delivery location online.
This system requires a prescription for the specified drugs which is prescribed by the doctor and validated.


The main goal of this project is to help the user easily find medicines that are good for their health.
If there is no medicine in the store, it will be brought elsewhere.
If a prescription is attached to any medicine, the service department will check and confirm the prescription accordingly.


Online medical store has become famous these days.
Certain changes have to be made to the existing system or technology.
There is no feature of asking for prescriptions for the specified medicines.
This is the drawback of the existing system.


As the existing system has exhibited some ineffectiveness and inefficiency, some features are to be incorporated.
The prescription will be asked for specified medicines or drugs.
This helps in reducing the misuse of drugs.


I3 processor or more
Hard Disk: Min 40GB HDD
CPU TYPE: Pentium processor IV


Designing Tool: Notepad++
Operating System: Windows 7 or higher
Back end: JAVA, MySQL Database


This system helps to significantly reduce search time by allowing the user to enter a health issue and search accordingly.
The system also allows the user to add items to the user’s cart and place an order to pay for them.
This system will help reduce addiction.
Thus, this system is a great help in getting the most suitable medicine for the user’s health.

Download Online Medical Store or Pharmacy Shop Project Java & MySQL Source Code

Download Online Medical Store or Pharmacy Shop Project Report / Documentation, it includes Project Synopsis, UML Design Diagrams, Output Screen results, and SRS.

Download Online Medical Store or Pharmacy Shop Project Final Review Seminar PPT

Academic Project Management System Java & MySQL Project

The design and development of the Academic Project Management system are to provide a complete student academic project submission system. It is an online-based web application where students can submit their final year project works like project code, project reports, review-wise paper presentations, etc through the online system.

In this Academic Project Management project, the main users are Students, Project guides, and Administrators. This application was completely developed with Java & MySQL databases.

Students can download this full project code, report, and PPT and deploy it in your local system to get some knowledge about how to make an Academic Project Management project for their academic project reference purpose.


Academic Project Management is an issue faced by multiple educational institutes in India.

This is due to the absence of an automated system.

College faculty members manually gather all the project reports and inputs from students and store them physically at specific locations.

To overcome this practical problem and to make ease the process, a secure web application must be developed. 


  • To reduce the physical effort of maintaining CDs and documentation.
  • To ensure all necessary documents are submitted on time.
  • To establish transparency between guides and their teams.
  • To allow ease in monitoring and issuing of suggestions.
  • To enable secure login and authentication of students


  • Generally, a non-automated approach is followed.
  • The students are required to form teams that are placed under the guidance of an Internal Guide.
  • The Project Coordinators ensure projects are completed on time and meet all the requirements and regulations.
  • The heads of the Departments provide valuable suggestions and comments.
  • Students require approval from the above-mentioned.
  • The project documents and reports are physically stored


  • Utilizing the web application, the entire flow can be automated so that the students need not submit any soft and hard copies of the project and the college need not maintain all the collected records.
  • All the coordinators and guides can review the process and project, and appraise with approvals or disapprovals through an automated system.
  • They can also provide feedback.
  • The system makes it easier to assess deadlines and submissions.



  • Students can log in and post all the project details and view project details online.
  • Change your own profile details.
  • Encrypted login.
  • Upload project details, documents, and reports.
  • View all project documents.
  • View and update project status.
  • Receive feedback.

Internal Guide:

  • The internal guide can view the project documents, abstracts, reports, results, and codes. They have command of the projects which are allocated to them for monitoring. They can approve/disapprove project inputs.

Project Coordinators: 

  • They are required to ensure all project developers meet deadlines and submit quality projects that have been approved by the internal guides.
  • View project documents, reports, and results.
  • Provide feedback.
  • Approve/disapprove projects or documents.
  • View project progress and status


  • HoD plays a vital role in academic projects posted by students
  • View project details.
  • Approve/disapprove project details.
  • Project feedback.
  • Add College information to display on the dashboard.

Activity Diagram:


  • The Academic Project Management application provides secured login and authentication to the users.
  • Students can upload, modify and view documents.
  • The process of submitting project reports and getting approval has been made easier via the online web application.
  • The coordinators have the ease to provide feedback and guidelines to the students, the progress is also monitored.
  • A chat module can be attached to provide a seamless interaction between students and faculty.
  • A notification system to inform deadlines and announcements can be added.

Vehicle Registration for College Parking Android App & Web Application Project

Here Students can download the source code of Vehicle Registration for CBIT College Parking Android App & Web Application Python Sqlite Project. Complete Project Report, paper Presentation & output Video guide also available to download.

Problem Statement

The Vehicle Registration for College Parking project will consist of 2 main User Interfaces, the mobile application for students to sign up, log in to the app, add vehicles (up to 2 per person) and apply for a parking sticker, delete vehicles and apply for a new CBIT college parking sticker with fine.

The second User Interface is the admin functionalities which will be in a web application developed with python coding and MySQL database. The admin will be able to log in, receive all the applications for vehicle registration, verify and approve, receive fine payments physically, update payment status in the application and issue parking stickers and dismiss any vehicle registration (in case of misbehavior). It will also consist of a statistics page where registration and payment statistics will be displayed based on the date given.

Vehicle Registration for College Parking Use Case Diagram

Activity Diagram for Mobile App:

Activity Diagram for Web App:


The database for the Vehicle Registration for College Parking project was created in MySQL Workbench. 3 tables have been created.

User table

This table will be holding all the credentials of the users and admins. Every user id will be unique.
This data comes in handy when an admin/user tries to log in, if those credentials are authentic then they will be redirected to the dashboard.

Registration table

Holds the data of all the registered vehicles. Every registration id is unique for easy search. Necessary information about the person and vehicle is stored. Registration status can be dismissed, deleted, approved, or pending. The registration date is stored for statistics.

Payments table

Holds the data about the payments made physically. There are 3 criteria for payments – adding back deleted, dismissing vehicle, and for newsticker. Payment status gets updated to ‘paid’ once done physically. The payment date for statistics.


Mobile Application (User)

Welcome page

Web Application Home Page:

Download the complete Vehicle Registration for CBIT College Parking Android App & Web Application Python Project Source Code, Project Report, PPT, and Output Video File.

Movie Ticket Booking / Reservation System Java & MySQL Project Source Code & Report


Web-based Movie Ticket Booking/ Reservation System for cinema halls and multiplex movie theaters which can be accessed over the internet. Presently most movie lovers book their tickets via Paytm or Bookmyshow mobile apps and websites. This web project will automate the reservation of movie tickets and inquiries about the availability of seats. This online java based application includes email confirmation for the movie tickets with seat numbers and movie time. This project was developed using Java & MySQL.

Users of the system

  1. Administrator
  2. Manager
  3. External users

High-Level Requirements

  1. System to allow the administrator to maintain masters such as Cinema Halls, type details like multiplexes or single, number of screens, seating capacity per screen, approximate rates per screen, other facilities at the location and its map, etc to be published.
  2. The cinema halls listed are of different types and offer different types of seats/classes. Information like seating capacity, and rates for different classes. Only 50% of the seats are available for online reservations.
  3. System to allow the admin to upload the details of a number of shows, movies being screened, ticket rates, etc on the site only on registration.
  4. System to allow users to search for cinema halls, movies, and shows based on selection criteria, for 2 weeks in advance.
  5. System to allow users to choose the seats which are available for a selected movie, selected screen, selected show, or selected class. Users can select the mode of transfer of tickets whether through the courier or collection at the counter, and charges for the same are to be added to the total of ticket charges.
  6. Users subscribe for new release information.
  7. System to mail information as per subscription.

System Design Use Case Diagram:

Class Diagram:

Activity Diagram:

Movie Booking Output Screens:

  • User login page
  • User home page
  • Book ticket page
  • Select movie Page:
  • Book Ticket Page
  • Ticket booked Page
  • Payment gateway Page
  • Subscribe to the new movies page
  • User Registration page
  •  Manager Login Page
  • Cinema Hall Registration
  • Movie Timings Page
  • Add a new movie page
  • Admin login page
  • Manager registration page

Home Page

Book Your Show Page:

Download Online Movie Ticket Booking Java & MySQL Project Source Code & Project Report.

Download the complete Desktop application Project code on Online Movie Ticket Booking System.

Training and Placement Cell Management Java MySQL Project Source Code & Report

Training and Placement Cell Management is a web-based application that provides an automated system for creating shortlisted candidates based on published qualifications and other criteria that companies seeking to run on campus. It is serviced and managed by Training & Placement Officer TPO. This Java project consists of skills such as student’s personal information, 10th grade, CGPA, B. Tech or GPA scores, and technical skills. This system is an online application that accesses the training and placement cell with the appropriate login.


The current system does the whole process manually. TPO records all the student information. If any changes or updates are required to the student’s profile, they must be made manually. It is tedious and time-consuming, lacks data security, requires more manpower, and requires a lot of paper and space. This process is very difficult when the number increases.


The proposed system aims to develop a system with better facilities. The proposed system can overcome all the limitations of the current Placement Management system, for example, student data is stored in a database, which provides greater security of information, ensures data accuracy, reduces paperwork, and saves time. This makes the flow of information more efficient and allows for the easier generation of shortlisted students in campus placements.


Operating System: Windows XP, Windows 7
Language: Java
Scripts: JavaScript.
Database: MySQL


With the help of this application, the placement cell project can produce the eligible student list for a specified company automatically without any manual work. It produces accurate results consuming less time.

Output Screens:

Home Page

User Uploading XLS Marks Sheet Page:

View Results page:

Custom Stitch – Online Cloth Stitching Website Java Project Code & Report

To develop a Custom Stitch – Online Cloth Stitching application that gives users custom-made clothes according to their sizes entered in the application.

Below is the detailed requirement for the Custom Stitch project. We need to know if it’s feasible to develop that application in java or PHP or any other programming language. We need to start developing the application according to the requirements.

Custom Stitch Project Overview:

1. The name of the application /project will be Custom Stitch – Online Cloth Stitching website 

2. After opening the application, the user should get the option first is to register and then login

3. After successful Registration/login, they will take to the home screen of the application

4. On the home screen they will be able to see the available catalog

5. After selecting any of the products from the catalog the application will ask the user to enter their body measurements either in inches or in centimeters

6. After entering their body measurements application will ask the user to enter their delivery address and the application will show the expected delivery date

7. When all of the details are filled “Order is placed and will reach you soon” this type of message should be displayed on the screen.

Output Results of the Custom Stitch Project:

Home page:

Welcome to Custom Stitch Website

Customer Register page:

If directly clicking on Login then the application should through the error like register first and login.

After clicking on submit button the pop-up will be displayed registration is successful.

After registration, the application should route the user back to the welcome screen so that they can log in

Customer Login page

View Category Page:

Select & Order Online Page:

at the screen, users should be able to select an item and then proceed

Customer Selecting  brand Page

Fill your details