This is a simple web-based school project developed for Online Food Menu Review System. This application was created with simple java code, HTML, CSS, and backend MySQL db.
Once the customer gives a review, the name and review rating/grade will be saved alongside their food and the comment on a page which will be saved in a database that can be accessed later using the admin login. Here Students can give reviews a number of times, Once the review is given student gets the message: Thank you for your feedback, Please wait 2 minutes to enter another review
The architecture diagram of the system is below:
The output results are shown below:
index page :
Admin Login page :
Student Login :
In this project users are students and for the student login no need for a username and password for students, Only names and grades are sufficient. The student Login Page consists of two fields below:
Enter name
And enter grade
View Dish Comment
On the dish comment page, A dish should be a name of a dish or a picture of a dish
Admin View Review
In the admin view review page, the student’s name and comment will be visible.
Viva Questions:
The end product that will be made will be a website or some other format as an app or something else. Then why is MySQL needed if it’s on the web?
The E-Students Consultancy project is a comprehensive web application that is most useful for simplifying the testing process. Its role is more visible in the business environment, as well as in other types of sectors. The system simplifies the testing process by assessing the student’s abilities and fitness. Because the world is a competitive world, it is difficult to examine every individual, and it can also lead to misunderstandings or inaccurate results.
This system is useful for managing the student inspection process; A new user of this system can register his identity to access its features. After successful authentication, this system generates a set of individual questions for users; The user can make their choice to select the correct option from the target test. After filling in the answers to each selection question, the questionnaire ends with an automated process of the system.
This system manipulates the results of the questionnaire, showing the set of skills of each user, creating a survey on the results, and helping the organization or any commercial sector to choose the right person for the ideal job.
existing system
In this modern world the existing online job searching system provides minimum secure authentication for the students that’s why the resulting process takes so much time. Students have to wait for a period to know the result of the attended online tests, even if it may take a month or a while. Each and every student are forced to register their identities on the consultancy site for the job and they have to wait until the respective persons respond to their registration.
So there is a chance to miss the other opportunities from others. Students are required to pay for getting the premium details (like Contact details) of the registered companies. To avoid this type of problem a new method of consultancy portal is required.
Provides minimum security means for individuals
The major disadvantages of this system are low efficiency and time consumption.
The maintenance cost of the existing system is high and it should be barred by the students only.
Students feel hesitation and there is an opportunity to miss other opportunities.
Proposed System
In this proposed approach individual secured authentication means are provided for each and every student and company, the student can enter into the system with proper identities, so it is easy to find the fraudulent people if any mismatching occurs. The E-Student Consultancy provides a bridge between students and corporate, which leads to attaining job offers and online test scenarios. Free access is provided so the students and companies can attain the details securely without any delay. The online test generation process allows the student to feel free and attend the test to know their individual talent. The result will be delivered immediately once the test is over. This system is used to test the students and their eligibility level.
Secured login mechanisms are handled.
Reducing the workload of the companies and students.
Time consumption is comparatively good.
Easy access and Online Test Procedures make the students feel free to work.
Results will be delivered to students instantly.
Implementation and maintenance cost is low.
The E-Student consultancy provides two types of registration processes on the company side and the student side, in the company side the registration process depends upon the company name, contact details, and vacancy then creates the complete registration process. On the student side, the registration process is based on the personal detail like name, Mail Id, address, etc
The company details manipulation process allows the user to create the company details with proper identities. The following details are required to register the company into the server: company name, contact, and the number of vacancies available in the company. These details are registered into the server, which is useful to the students to find out the company details and the number of vacancies available in the company, and address of the company. This is used to view the job vacancies in the company and reduce the job search time.
The online test manipulation process is one of the major implementations in this e-student consultancy. That is used to test the student’s ability and fitness for the job. In the online test generation module questions are created by the company individuals and then it will be uploaded into the portal for student access. The students can register and attend the test which is created by the company individuals. The student’s mark will be calculated by the server at the time of completing the test. The student mark denotes whether a particular student is eligible for the job or not.
The result analyzing process is used to generate the result for the test which is attended by the student online and the test generation process creates the result immediately once the student answers their last question. Once the mark is generated then it will immediately be transferred to the respective student mail.
This is a simple web application that can be used to search hotels. This application will help in searching nearby hotels and also give weather reports of that place such that they can know the weather details priorly to near that hotel in order to travel. A currency converter is included with which everyone can view hotel prices in their desired currency. Additionally, discount coupons are included, which will help user to access the cheapest hotels nearby.
API’s to be used:
Google maps:
The google maps API fetches the data from google e.g. here Maps API is a server that returns information about a place, an establishment, a geographical location, or a prominent point of interest using an HTTP request. Methods are available for place search, details, and autocomplete queries.
The place API returns in JSON format.
Currency converter:
Planning to use online currency converter API web services. This API allows covering the currency to whatever the users needed.
This API returns data in XML format.
Weather API:
This API forecast the weather near the hotels, which uses information from the Rapid API: this API has all the information like temperature, humidity, wind, etc..
This API returns data in JSON format.
Discount coupon:
Planning develops discount coupon API, which gives what best hotels are available nearby with the best discounts possible.
The aim of this project is to create a Restaurant Management Database (RMD) is an online application for restaurant management. This system wakes to provide service facilities to restaurants and to the customer. The services which are provided are food ordering, reservation of the table by the customer through the system online, menu information management, and report.
The main goal of this project is to make the customers satisfied to get the food from anywhere
To develop the online ordering and reservation system in restaurants.
To develop a user interface for an online restaurant management system to provide online menu information for customers to order
Project requirement
The basic requirement is to make the customers log in and order their favorite food online. To do so they need to look at the menu. Thus, there must be a menu with quantity and price options. Thus, these basic requirements are addressed for now.
Mission statement
The objective is to help the customer to order food online and get them delivered through an interactive application.
The application should support customer registration
Registered customers should gain access through username and password
There must be an interactive menu with all details
Customers should be allowed to browse the menu
Customers can place an order by adding the menu item to the cart.
Interview Questions
What tables are needed for the system?
How will we ensure that there are no duplicate records in the database?
How will the customer know whether the item is available or not?
What navigational options are good for customers?
How do secure customer payment information and personal information?
ER Diagram
Product ID
Product name
email id
product details
delviery status
duedate & time
date time
table choice
Output Results:
Admin Dashboard:
All Orders Details Page:
Restaurant Management Table booking Admin Page:
Popular Dishes Page:
Here you can freely download the complete Restaurant Management System project Source code with both MySQL and MSAccess database code, User Manual Report.
Efficient management of student-related information becomes challenging for any educational organization when the volume of data and operations over that data increases. Information systems and database systems are the needed tools that help in the efficient management of such large volumes of data. These systems not only manage the data but even help in the easy retrieval and processing of useful information.
This project work vision is thus to come up with an efficient database management system that is capable of maintaining student records for an educational organization.
Project Objective
The objective of designing and implementing such a database management system is to manage the student records in a proper and organized manner, enable data flow and information flow among various activities related to student information processing, and secure the student data.
The project scope is as follows:
To come up with an efficient database management application for student record management.
The application shall help to add student records like their personal information, fees-related information, scholarship-related information, course-related information, and marks-related information.
the application shall allow to edit or delete any student record based on authorized permission
The application shall allow generating reports like marks statistics, feed duellist of students, etc.
The application shall have access based on authorization and role-based authorization shall be enabled for read and write processes.
The key information like payment, and a password shall be stored in encrypted form for security purposes.
Value proposition
This database application shall help the educational organization to keep track of all the student records and manage them in a more efficient manner. It shall reduce the number of manual errors, do the student record processing task in quick time and thus reduce human effort. It shall enhance the student and teacher experience in generating reports and getting key notifications.
Technical development plan
The existing system makes use of excel based records. These are file-based systems. The biggest challenge in this system is that there are more duplicate records due to the lack of any control mechanisms that control duplicates. Database management system makes use of a primary key that is unique and it is capable of identifying any unique record. Thus, it is a way of eliminating duplicates.
The existing system is not user-friendly to use as they lack user-friendly APIs. With supporting scripting languages like PHP, CSS, and Java Script it is possible to come up with an interactive GUI. Such GUI helps the user to do the tasks in a more efficient manner.
Thus, the proposed system shall make use of the following:
Front end: PHP
Back end: MySQL
Web Server: Wamp server
Operating system: Windows 7 and above.
Development Methodology
The application development shall adopt the Rapid application development methodology and develop the application in a small set of tasks. The objective shall be to come up with a rapid prototype and iterate it as per the testing results. The development process shall begin from starting from system requirements, system design, coding, testing & debugging implementation & maintenance. It shall be an iterative process.
The development tasks shall be small manageable tasks. This shall make project monitoring and management easier.
Requirements Analysis
The first functional requirement of the project is to have an application capable of adding and managing student records.
Thus, the application should allow Admin to do the following
Add student: to should allow the admin to add student details like name, enrolment id, contact address, course enrolled, subjects, date of birth, address, gender, and other details.
Activity diagram depicting adding or deleting student
Figure 1: Activity diagram depicting adding or deleting student
Manage student: to allow the admin to view student records, delete existing student records, and edit or update any existing student records.
The application should allow the admin to add marks, manage marks and generate a result
The admin can add subject or course details.
The application should allow the admin to generate lists of students who have not paid fees and those who have availed of scholarships.
Manage user records and change passwords
Students can do the following:
The application should allow students to register,
view result and download result
Conceptual diagram
Student record system overall architectural diagram
Figure 2: Student record system overall architectural diagram
Tasks of Students and Admin are explained in the figure below:
Figure 3: Task in detail
Interview Questions
With front-end designer:
What entries are needed for a student form wherein details can be entered?
What entries are needed for the resulting form so that admin can add marks for the students?
What entries are needed for the course and subject form?
With back-end designer:
What columns should be used for a student table, result-in table, course table, user table, and fees table?
Which column should be the primary key to help in unique row identification?
How to connect the front end and back end?
Student table:
first name
last name
Date of birth
Contact no
Primary Key Varchar (10) Unique
Varchar (30)
Varchar (30)
Varchar (30)
Varchar (100)
Varchar (30)
Varchar (30)
Varchar (30)
Varchar (30)
Course table:
Course name
Primary Key Varchar (10) Unique
Varchar (30)
Varchar (30)
Subject table:
Subject name
Primary Key Varchar (10) Unique
Varchar (30)
Varchar (30)
User table:
Primary Key Varchar (10) Unique
Varchar (30)
Varchar (30)
Varchar (30)
Result table:
first name
last name
Marks obtained
Total marks
Primary Key Varchar (10) Unique
Varchar (30)
Varchar (30)
Varchar (30)
Varchar (30)
Student Record System Application Manual
Software required: Wamp Server, MS Access, ODBC driver, and Windows 7 or above operating system
Extract the Zip file as an SRS folder.
Install Wamp server
In the www folder of the Wamp server Copy and paste SRS complete folder
Open the Wamp server and start all the services
The SRS folder has a database file named srms.mdb file.
Open odbc driver by clicking on data sources.
Click Add and select Microsoft Access Driver .mdb and accdb.
Enter the Data source name as srms and select the folder path where the srms.mdb file is i.e. C:wamp/www/SRA/srms.mdb
Click finish and see that the srms.mdb is listed as the new database.
Now open a web browser and type URL localhost/SRS
This shall open the home page
The admin can enter the application through username and password as admin and admin
From the dashboard the admin can navigate to any sections like course, fees, subjects, students, results, etc.
For example Admin wants to add a student
The student form opens wherein the student details can be entered.
In this way results, courses, subjects, etc can be added and updated.
On the student end, the student can enter the application through the Roll number as a password and select the class from the dropdown list.
On entering details if the results are not ready you get
From where the result file can be downloaded.
Download Student School Record Keeping System Application Database PHP, MySQL, and MSAccess Project Code and Database.
The canteen automation system project is designed to select the food items from a web application with cost, time of cooking, and give rating for products. This application is designed to help students to order food items without giving orders to waiters or going to the counter and giving orders. Most of the colleges don’t have order-taking system students should directly reach the counter and give an order which is time taking process in order to solve this problem this online order-booking system is designed.
As there will be many students who will be giving orders from different departments as a web application is designed with multiple admins, each department will have one admin who will take request and process request. Another problem is best food from today’s canteen menu can be known by checking ratings given by other users based on that students can give orders. Students can also give reviews for each food item along with ratings. NLT is used to calculate the sentiment of each review by taking the yelp dataset and applying machine learning and NLTK to calculate sentiment and store it in the database.
Proposed system:
In the proposed system food ordering is done online and each department has its own admin who handles requests on daily basis, users can give a rating of food items which will help other students to select the food item from the list. Sentiment analysis using Yelp data set and NLTK and Machine learning are used to store the sentiment of each review given by the student.
Helps students to give orders from any location inside the campus and save time by reaching the canteen based on the given cooking time from the application.
Sentiment analysis is done for reviews using NLTK and Machine Learning. Sentiment and Rating are useful for students to select food items.
Stress is commonly defined as a feeling of strain and pressure which occurs from any event or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry, or nervous. In the present situation, many people have succumbed to stress especially the adolescent and the working people. Stress increase nowadays leads to many problems like depression, suicide, heart attack, and stroke. The current technology, using Galvanic skin response (GSR), Heart rate variability (HRV), and Skin temperature are being used individually to detect stress.
In this project data set is created using five features age, gender, body temperature, heartbeat, and blood pressure, and four stages of labels are used for detecting the level of stress. A decision tree algorithm is used to train the data set and create a model and use the Flask framework to take input data and predict the stress level of the user.
Existing systems were designed to detect stress by taking tweets as input from the Twitter or Facebook data set and machine learning algorithms are applied to detect stress from tweets.
Most of the existing system works were on social networking stress data not on body-based sensor data.
Stress level is calculated based on tweets posted by users.
The proposed system is designed by collecting data from sensors and preparing data set on three features (temperature, heartbeat, age, male or female). Using this data set machine learning Decision tree algorithm is applied using and the model is saved. Front end web application is designed to collect new user features and passed them to the model to predict stress stages which are divided into 4 stages.
Data is collected from real-time sensors and a data set is created for different ages and male and female users.
Data is trained using machine learning which helps automate the process of stress detection.
The web applications can help users to easily check their stress state based on their features.
Data collection:
In this state data is collected from real-time sensors and stored in an excel sheet with five features age, gender, temperature, heartbeat, and this data is applied for machine learning, and a model is created.
Data preprocessing:
Features are extracted from the data set and stored in the variable as train variable and labels are stored in y train variable. Data is preprocessing by standard scalar function and new features and labels are generated.
Testing training:
In this stage, data is sent to the testing and training function and divided into four parts x test train, and y test train. Train variables are used for passing to the algorithm whereas tests are used for calculating the accuracy of the algorithm.
Initializing Decision tree Algorithm:
In this stage, the decision tree algorithm is initialized and train values are given to the algorithm by this information algorithm will know what are features and label. Then data is modeled and stored as a pickle file in the system which can be used for prediction.
Predict data:
In this stage, new data is taken as input and trained models are loaded using pickle and then values are preprocessed and passed to predict function to find out a result which is shown on the web application.
Security system authentication application is designed to provide a three-layer login procedure for any application. Most of the login security methods have three procedures which are password-based login, OTP-based login, and login and OTP combined authentication procedure. These methods can provide login security for users to a certain level but some application requires more authenticated methods which are mainly useful for banking and payment methods.
In this project, three-layer login methods are developed which have password login, image selection then OTP login. In this application when a user registers with the application user fills out the registration form with the image selection option which is stored in a database. Whenever the user logins to the application first user need to give a password if that is correct second stage image selection should be done if the image is correct then OTP is given then the user can log in to the application.
The main objective of the three-level security system is to provide advanced security to web applications and to prevent unauthorized access.
Text passwords are the most commonly used technique for authentication and have several drawbacks.
Graphical passwords provide a promising alternative to traditional alphanumeric passwords due to the fact that humans can remember pictures better than text.
A simple graphical password authentication system that consists of a sequence of ‘n’ images and the user has to select the click points associated with the correct image for successful login.
The task of selecting weak passwords is more tedious, discouraging users from making such choices.
We proposed this security system as a building platform to access the system.
Examinations are part of an education system where every institute is using an online platform for conducting examinations through websites. Existing methods mostly work on manual methods where there is a need for human resources, use of paperwork, and time-consuming process.
In order to solve this problem and provide an effective platform for institutions and students, an online examination platform provides the best solution. This web Online Examination platform has simple features which cover admin, teachers, and student modules. Admin can view students who are registered with the application and add teachers based on department and view tests and marks of students.
Teachers can log in with a valid username and password and upload test detail with questions and times for each test along with positive and negative marks for answers. Students can register with the application and select a test and take the test. Students can view marks, results, ranking, and history.
Conducting online examinations needs a planned process where resources and time are important. It is not possible to conduct exams where students can write exams from any location.
Developing an online examination system that works on a web-based platform can help in conducting exams from any location in a short span of time and students from any location can write exams.
Colleges and institutions conduct exams through examination centers where each student is provided with seat allocation and time. Based on that user need to be available at that location and time and take the test.
This method needs a user available at that location.
Resources and costs are involved in the examination process.
The proposed Online Examination system works on the online web portal where students, admin, and lecturers can be part of this portal by registering with the application. Admin will add teachers and students can register with the application and view all tests available and take tests and view results and ranks.
Students and institutes can save time by conducting exams online.
The entire process is online students from any location can take tests.
Data security in cloud computing is a mostly researched topic that has various solutions like applying encryption to data and using multi-cloud environments. But still, there are many issues related to data security. In this project, we are using ECC digital signature method to sign the signature of user data while uploading to the cloud and use the same digital signature to download when required.
Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) is a modern family of public-key cryptosystems, you can use an Elliptic Curve algorithm for public/private key cryptography. To be able to use ECC; cryptographic signatures, hash functions and others that help secure the messages or files are to be studied at a deeper level.
It implements all major capabilities of the asymmetric cryptosystems: Encryption, Signatures, and Key Exchange The main advantage is that keys are a lot smaller. With RSA you need key servers to distribute public keys. With Elliptic Curves, you can provide your own public key.
In python, the above-described method can be implemented using the ECDSA Algorithm.
Using public key cryptosystems with both public and private keys can give security for data compared to single key encryption. In this project, the ECC algorithm is used for securing data to the cloud and uploading data to the cloud.
Existing system:
AES and DES are mostly used cryptographic algorithms for securing data. These methods are used in most of the applications which use single keys for encryption and decryption.
These methods are old methods that are used in most applications.
They use a single key for encryption and decryption.
Proposed system:
In a cloud environment data security is very important as data is stored in third-party servers there is a need for effective multi-key encryption techniques like ECC algorithms. In this project, we are using the ECC algorithm in python language and using the cloud to store encrypted data.
The time taken for the encryption process is less
Multiple keys are used for the encryption and decryption process.