The Destination Sequence Distance Vector Routing (DSDV) Literature Review

The destination sequence distance vector routing (DSDV)

The Bellman-ford is considered as one of the general technique which is been established for the purpose of the destination sequence distance vector routing. The specific order is been sustained for the purpose of each routing entry that belongs to the routing table in order to indicate the particular information regarding the routing. Each and every node will include the different types of the routing tables which will maintain the general information such as the total number of the hops that are to be transferred towards the target node .

It will even maintain the information about the alternate hop as well as the destination series numbers. The table consistency which is towards the DSDV is been controlled in particular time as well as it will generate the updates that are obtained from each and every node in which the routing process is been carried out.

In the entire process if at all the configuration updates related to the networks are been utilized then the nodes will generate the updates and then the DSV will utilized these specific updates in order to uphold the route stability which is diagonally towards the network. The performance of different types of the protocols is entirely based on the reactions of the routing stability and in this process if the link or else the route breakdown is been detected towards the route then the infinity variable is been allotted for the routes and then the unique sequence number is been allotted by making use of the routing protocol of the DSDV.

Within the ongoing process if at all the node which is towards the route identifies the infinity metrics then it will immediately generate the updates. Then after the new route is been restored by means of the non-working route in order to sustain the routing stability of the network. Depending on the total information which is been received the updates of the routing table are been carried out that are starting from the new infinity metrics and then after they are compared by the current information which is already present in the process. Basically the updates related to the tables are been performed by considering the two different conditions such as above:

  • In the entire process if at all the packet is been received by using the greater sequence number then immediately it will be replaced by the current information.
  • Based on the similar sequence numbers the routing table is been updated.

The Proactive Routing Protocols Literature Review

The proactive routing protocols

Basically the proactive or else the table driven protocols are having the spontaneous and convenient routing entry to the target which is diagonally towards the routing table of different types of the nodes. Even though there is no necessity these specific protocols will always hold the static route towards the destination and then the sufficient quantity of the control is been maintained by these protocols. There are two different types of the protocols such as the DSDV-destination sequence distance vector as well as the OLSR- optimized link state routing which belongs to the table driven protocols.

  • The destination sequence distance vector routing (DSDV)
  • The optimized link state routing protocol (OLSR)

The Routing Protocols of MANET Literature Review

The routing protocols of MANET

Now a day’s the mobile technologies have gained more importance and for this reason the different types of the applications related to the mobile computing are been utilized all over the world. Generally there are more possibilities for the process of developing the current technologies which are having more demand. The mobile Ad Hoc networks are considered as the best one among the existing mobile technologies because it is having one of the major benefit that there is no necessity architecture and this specific networks are capable of functioning themselves which are referred to as the autonomous systems.

The typical MANET major function is to manage the routers as well as the wireless links among them. The routers are made up of the mobility nature and for this reason they are capable of moving from one specific location to the other location diagonally towards the virtual graph which is been created through the routers as well as the wireless links.

Because of the presence of the individual nature and the few infrastructure operations the MANET will be able to attached or connected to any kind of the internet as well as it could even be functioned and controlled in a separate manner . It is already been proved that the mobility is considered as the general nature of the MANET and then there are more possibilities of happening of the issues for the route or the link stability, and then there is a necessity of the appropriate routing protocols in order to assure the routing stability towards the MANETS. In general there are two different types of the routing protocols such as the proactive routing protocols( table driven) as well as the reactive routing protocols(on demand).

How to improve the security for the wireless LAN network

Improving the security for the wireless LAN network is the key study area in this paper and to achieve this two scenarios are created using the OPNET modeler simulation tool. First scenario deals with the default wireless LAN configuration and the second scenario deals with the secure wireless LAN configuration. A MANET is simulated for these purposed and 10 wireless LAN mobile nodes are used and a single wireless LAN server is created to support these nodes.

OLSR routing protocol is used for routing purpose and three applications are created in these scenarios to generate the traffic and they are video, voice and FTP and they generate the CBR and TCP traffic respectively. When the two scenarios are created they are simulated and the results are analyzed and from the analysis few observations are derived and they are as given below 

When all the scenarios are compared against the performance metrics used, it is observed the performance of the secure wireless LAN is high when compared to the normal wireless LAN configuration. Key aspects like FTP, Voice, Video and Wireless LAN metrics are compared against the scenarios and across all the comparison process the secure wireless LAN parameters has imposed an optimal conditions on the network in terms of routing, traffic sent, traffic received, jitter, load and delay.

From this indication it is understood that if the parameters of the wireless LAN are changes to ensure the safety across the network then the overall performance of the network is improved a lot across any application used in the network. Secure wireless LAN settings has ensured a optimal packet delivery ratio, reduced the congestion on the network by minimizing the traffic sent and received across the nodes and thus it is proved that wireless LAN performance is optimized with the required security considerations.

ECE Seminar Report on Voice Morphing

Introduction to Voice Morphing Seminar Topic:

Imagine if your voice can be changed just like the president and give instructions to get your visa stamped. It looks as if kidding but technology can make it possible using Voice Morphing. Turning of one speech signal into another speech signal is called as Voice morphing.

Voice morphing technology is first developed at Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA by George Papcun and had seen light in 1999. Voice morphing is a process of cloning speech patterns and bringing accurate copy of a person’s voice using which an operator can say anything in the voice of someone else.

Voice morphing main aim is to keep intact the shared characteristics of starting and ending signals in the process of making a smooth transition while changing other properties.

Speech morphing can be successfully achieved by signal transition represented by acoustic waveform taken from sampling of analog signal. This signal is split into multiple waveforms or frames. In this way transformation can be applied to each frame of signal. Two important properties of signal to be known are pitch and overall envelop of sound. Manipulation of pitch plays important role in morphing. In order to successfully morph pitch should be smoothly changed throughout the signal.

To achieve this signals are stretched and compressed to match important sections of each signal. In order to create intermediate sounds for morphing interpolation of two sounds can be done. finally the frames are converted back into a normal waveform.

Voice morphing has military applications such as psychological warfare of subversion. It can be turned into powerful weapon in provide fake orders to the enemy’s troops as if coming from their superiors.

Download ECE Seminar Report on Voice Morphing.  

Technical Paper Presentation on Virtual Retina Display

Introduction to Virtual Retina Display Presentation:

Virtual Retina Display (VRD) is an alternative to conventional bulky power consuming video display units. In VRD’s video is focused on minuscule image right on retina. Color is produced using LED triads of Red, Green, and Blue (RGB) by mixing in required proportion. Video signal is intensity modulated when light gets scanned by retina. Collimating optics is used in raster patterns when scanning is performed directly by retina.

We can use VRD systems in military applications for helmet mounted displays. In medical field it can be used for complex operations. It can also be used in cameras for better display screen which consumes less power that the conventional liquid crystal on silicon and organic LED displays.

Key features of VRD are as follows:

Weight to Size ration: – since there is absence of intermediate screen and all parts being small and light weight VRD is portable and can be used in hand held and head mounted devices.

Power consumption: – VRD consumes power in mille watts since scanner is a resonate device with high figure of merit. Entire light enters pupil in VRD because of employing small aperture. This allows power efficiency.

Resolution and brightness: – With a million pixels and high grade scanners are having an ability to scan over 1000 lines per frame almost nearing HDTV. Even in day light SLD source provide brightness to the level of see through mode.

Stereoscopic display: – in order to provide natural vision both eyes are addressed separately using stereoscopic display. 

Download Technical Paper Presentation on Virtual Retina Display.  

New Trends in the Communication through Wireless Networks

Wireless Networks Project background

Wireless networking has changed the communication patterns being followed traditionally across the world and always the increase in technology leads to improve the communication all the time. Day by day the usage of these wireless networks are increased and many number of applications are also invented in this context and these applications uses the best features of the wireless networking to make available to the end users at the optimal conditions.

In general wireless networks are popular due their seamless operation node and they can be deployed across any conditions without any specific infrastructure requirements. There are different categories to be considered across the wireless networks and the most popular among them are wireless local area networks (WLAN), where the introduction of WLAN technology has taken new trends in the communication thru wireless networks. In general this wireless LAN can be considered as the best choice of networking when there are few resources available against the networking operations.

There are different nodes and servers against the wireless LAN’s and these nodes will act as the source and the servers will act as the destination in  most of the cases and the communication among the nodes and server is purely a wireless based and there are some access points as well in this technology. This access point plays the key role in completing the communication mechanism across the network and they act as the center points in the network. The parameters that make the wireless LAN to work are the actual application being used across the wireless LAN and the nature of the traffic being generated. 

In general the wireless LAN contains mobile nodes and fixed nodes and the mobile nodes are flexible enough to move randomly to the desired position across the network and thus they have some topological problems as well. Apart from the advantages with the wireless LAN there are some basic issues and the most important among them is the security. Wireless LAN networks are prone to node level and network level attacks and they are feasible enough to encourage the attacks on the network. Mobility is the major nature of the wireless LAN that makes it to open for the security issues and these issues can be of different types like packet flooding and Dos attacks.

Wireless networking

The behavior of the wireless LAN is completely changed due to these attacks and they can’t support the nodes anymore during the communication process and thus a perfect security model is required always and in this process there are many security models introduced and most of them are proved to helpful in identifying and preventing the corresponding security threats. In this project the simple wireless LAN topology is considered and the basic security requirements are analyzed and the impact of the security against the overall performance of the network is also studied. Importance of security for the wireless LANs is the main point considered in this research and it is improved across the simulation done in this project and the actual problem identified is given in the next section along with the proposed solution.

Paper Written and Submitted By Teja.V

Seminar Report on Virtual Retina

Introduction to  Virtual Retina Seminar Topic:

A person can be provided with virtual video streaming in front of his eye using the present technology of virtual retina. In virtual retina makes use of photon generation and manipulates to produce a high resolution colorful virtual image and is projected directly on retina of eye without any optics in between. Here the photon source is modulated with video information which is later scanned in a particular type of patterns and is projected on to user’s retina.

Here coherent or non-coherent type of photon generator can be used. Further if needed to scan a color virtual image one can use color light generator and directly project it on user’s retina. This system can also use depth accommodation cue to change the focus of photons rapidly depending on the user’s preference for different virtual pictures. For sensing of pupil of eye of user an eye tracking system is also used.

This pupil detection can be used to move the scanned photons in relation to the entrance pupil of eye. Further if there is movement in eye then the virtual picture should also move accordingly without any distortion in picture quality.

The (VRD) virtual retina display can also be called as (RSD) retinal scan display or retinal projector uses the technology to display the image directly on to retina.

The user can visualize the picture as if floating in front of his eye. With the use of LED’s and adaptive optics it is possible to create screen less display and fantastic color gamut and brightness which is far more better than conventional televisions. 

Download Seminar Report on Virtual Reality.  

Security across the Wireless LAN Networks and Simulate the Proposed Security Model Using OPNET Modeler

Problem definition in Wireless LAN Networks

The actual problem identified in this project is that the importance of wireless LAN security to improve the overall performance of the network and also how the security can be incorporated on the network at the simulation level. OPNET modeler is used as the simulation tool and the basic network selected for the simulation of this project is Mobile Adhoc Network (MANET).

Campus is selected as the network area required for the simulation and 1000 X 1000 square meters is taken as the size of the network and therefore the creation of a fresh scale of network is done and when once all these settings are done, then the network is said to be prepared for using. OLSR routing protocol is considered as the required routing protocol and this protocol is applied for 10 mobile nodes, where these nodes are the wireless LAN mobile workstations and a single wireless LAN server is used.

In this particular scenario three applications are used for the generation of the traffic needed. The three applications used are the FTP, voice and video conferencing and these are used for the generation of TCP traffic across the MANET. Two scenarios are created and the first scenario is used at the default settings for the wireless LAN and the second scenario is improved in terms of security and the wireless LAN metrics are changed to improve the overall application and network security of the network.

security across the wireless LAN networks

Performance metrics of voice, video, FTP and Wireless LAN are considered and the overall performance of both the scenarios is analyzed against the comparison graphs to understand the behavior of the network at normal conditions and secure conditions that were imposed at the second scenario. Following are the actual aims and objective of the project and they are as given below 

Aims and Objectives

Following are the aims and objectives of this project

Aim: To evaluate the importance of security across the wireless LAN networks and simulate the proposed security model using OPNET modeler.

Following are the key objectives of this work

  • To review the importance of security across the wireless LAN and understand the impact of security on the performance of the network
  • To design the simulation scenarios to simulate the security model in OPNET
  • To create two scenarios and the first scenario to deploy the normal conditions and the second scenario to implement the proposed security model
  • To simulate the scenarios and achieve the results
  • To evaluate the results against the chosen performance metrics and understand the working nature of the proposed security model
  • To conclude the results and suggest the future recommendations
Paper Written and Submitted By Teja.V

Seminar Report on Virtual Reality

Introduction to Virtual Reality Seminar Topic:

We begin out topic by saying that “Reality is Relativity”. If we consider that a ball is stimulated using a computer but in reality for this to happen a combination of zero’s and one’s should work inside a computer. Similarly if a human brain imagines a beautiful girl in his mind then a bio-chemical reaction takes place in the brain. We can come to a conclusion that simulated events and simulating events exist together. Even if these two events coexist they may not be in the same form.

Super Transformation is linking of material world, human brain and simulation of computers when this happens then a virtual reality is created. This process can also be called as Lorentz transformation which sets one-to-one relation with the three worlds. We can also call this combination as super universe.

The virtual world is art work of the beings of that universe. Virtual life is the result of evolutionary changes in that universe. Virtual intelligence is combination of both virtual body and mind and when the two are superimposed it has the power to so super transformation.

In simulation we need to know about VR and 3D visualization. In order to have realistic simulation perception of depth is essential. There are various mechanisms through which we can perceive depth. They are Perspective, Light and shade, Parallax, Stereo-vision and Atmospherics.

Some of the applications are useful to schools for creating objects to show to children, simulated driving helps to learn driving in any terrain, in medical world to examine anything, military applications cannot be left aside.

Technology gets changing every day hence use the latest technology to one’s advantage for making life smooth. Many things can be achieved using virtual reality because some programs are near to real life. But nothing beat real life.

Download Seminar Report on Virtual Reality.