The Destination Sequence Distance Vector Routing (DSDV) Literature Review

The destination sequence distance vector routing (DSDV)

The Bellman-ford is considered as one of the general technique which is been established for the purpose of the destination sequence distance vector routing. The specific order is been sustained for the purpose of each routing entry that belongs to the routing table in order to indicate the particular information regarding the routing. Each and every node will include the different types of the routing tables which will maintain the general information such as the total number of the hops that are to be transferred towards the target node .

It will even maintain the information about the alternate hop as well as the destination series numbers. The table consistency which is towards the DSDV is been controlled in particular time as well as it will generate the updates that are obtained from each and every node in which the routing process is been carried out.

In the entire process if at all the configuration updates related to the networks are been utilized then the nodes will generate the updates and then the DSV will utilized these specific updates in order to uphold the route stability which is diagonally towards the network. The performance of different types of the protocols is entirely based on the reactions of the routing stability and in this process if the link or else the route breakdown is been detected towards the route then the infinity variable is been allotted for the routes and then the unique sequence number is been allotted by making use of the routing protocol of the DSDV.

Within the ongoing process if at all the node which is towards the route identifies the infinity metrics then it will immediately generate the updates. Then after the new route is been restored by means of the non-working route in order to sustain the routing stability of the network. Depending on the total information which is been received the updates of the routing table are been carried out that are starting from the new infinity metrics and then after they are compared by the current information which is already present in the process. Basically the updates related to the tables are been performed by considering the two different conditions such as above:

  • In the entire process if at all the packet is been received by using the greater sequence number then immediately it will be replaced by the current information.
  • Based on the similar sequence numbers the routing table is been updated.

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