However, there is no MBA Project study conforming this relationship and the contribution effects of each strategy in a college setting. The discoveries resulting from this study will have a significant impact to marketing in private academic institutions. Therefore this Examining the Marketing Strategies study will contribute to the academic fields of marketing. This Educational Institutions study will also impact the field of marketing in a positive way because it will create a new insight regarding the effects of implementation of different marketing strategies in private academic institutions settings in India. Following are the actual aims, objective and research questions identified in this research
Aims, Objectives and Research questions
Aim: To evaluate the role of segmentation marketing, positioning marketing and marketing mix across the Indian private academic institutions enrollments.
Following are the research objectives
- To critically review the current marketing strategies implemented across the higher education and evaluate the key limitations among them
- To understand the role of market segmentation, market positioning and market mix in fetching up the desired levels of enrolments across two Indian private academic institutions.
- To do a qualitative research methodology and evaluate the findings using the questionnaire and gather the primary source of information from the administrative officers and marketing heads of ANURAG institute of science and technology and SHADAN college of engineering in India
- To analyze the findings and understand the core aims and objective of this research
- To conclude the role of the identified factors against the student enrolments and make few recommendations
Research questions
Following are the main research questions identified for this Examining the Marketing Strategies research
- What is the role of traditional and latest marketing strategies across enrolments in private academic institutions?
- What is the role of market segmentation against the enrolments across private academic institutions in India?
- What is the role of market positioning against student enrolments in Indian private academic institutions?
Thesis Educational Institutions organization
Chapter 1: This chapter discusses the main project background and the key problem identified across the research
Chapter 2: A detailed level of critical analysis is done against the higher education marketing and key driving factors in discussed in this chapter.
Chapter 3: The actual research methodology adopted in this research is given in this chapter
Chapter 4: The key findings from the interview process are given in this chapter
Chapter 5: A detailed analysis is done from the findings and the research questions identified are answered in this chapter
Chapter 6: Conclusion to the work done and few recommendations are made in this chapter