In this article, the author discusses the change that companies require. It is important to ensure to that each and every person associated with the company studies and assimilates the refinement which is essential for the process of change. The author also offers a thorough description of all the aspects and factors that trigger business trends.
The author also writes about the various strategies implemented and about the management tools which are utilized for staying competitive in the market. The author provides a clear explanation of the various factors that are associated in organizational changes. He attempts to help us to recognize the various stages of the process.
The author provides an explanation on the requirement and the benefits of the alterations by exemplifying 3 separate models which are- the Lewin change model, Kotter Change Model and finally, the Lussier Change Model. The author also helps the reader to understand the culture of the company and the progress which is associated with it. The author writes about the attributes which are part of in the company culture, atmosphere and progress.
The author also proves an explanation regarding the various aspects of company culture and climate. The author explains the external and internal forces which bring about changes in the organization. Hence, the author suggests that it is better to be aware of these forces – this enables the organization to function and develop without problems.
The researcher concludes that the author has described the advantages and disadvantages of organizational change in a very efficient manner. However, the researcher feels that more illustrations will make the article more comprehensive. The Researchers feel that the author has a done a good work by describing the pros and the cons of the organizational change. After reviewing the document, they feel that adding more illustrations would give a clear picture of the article