In past five years, social networking applications had gained a lot of support and popularity all over the world.”The world is a global village “; this terminology has proven true in this aspect. So taking this thought into consideration, we are developing an application which would be a different view point in social networking world.
An application named “Friend tracker” will serve its users with a new picture of social networking. Generally in such(Social Networking) applications, people stay in touch through posting and sharing their comments, pictures, videos, and much more.
There are times, when people like to know the current location of his/her friend/(s) or colleague/(s), apart from staying in touch, which we do in social networking applications. Taking this thought into consideration, we are planning to develop an application which will behave as follows:
This application will provide user with his/her friends location using GPS (Global Positioning System). It will provide global position of that device itself the user is holding,and through satellite. The premises of application are not premised up to this extend only. It also facilitates user to make new friends that are using that particular application and are connected through internet.
The application offers an ability to work with location sensitive information. It will allow the user to login/register to the system. The user can also make friends by searching the application users and sending request to them. He/she can also accept or reject the request received by him/her from other application users.
He can select particular friend from his friend list and can trace his/her current location, provided that he owes Android GPS based mobile phone and his GPS facility should be activated.
Application gives surety that user’s personal and location based information is never shared without users permission. For accessing this application, user has to be connected through internet.
Requirement Specification:
Registration for very first time
Description: The user of the application has to register him/her for the very first time usage of the application. The registration details include username, E-mail id, gender, city, mobile, picture (optional).
Login into the system
Description: The user has to login into the system for usage of application. Login details include verification of username and his password.
Viewing location of his/her friend
Description: User should be able to view the location of any of his/her friend from friend list, provided that GPS of that particular friend should be on.
Sending Request
Description: The user of the application should be able to send request to the other user/(s) of application, and wait for the respond, in form of acceptance.
Responding to Request Received
Description: The user of the application can also receive request from other users of the application.
Manage Profile
Description: User of the application can manage his/her personal profile details by editing and updating it as and when he/she wishes.
Friend List
Description: User of the application should be able to see his/her friend list on demand, from where he/she can view location of any of his friend.
Store Location Details
Description: The user of the application should be able to store location of any of his/her friend along with date and time.
Removing a Friend
Description: User of the application should also be able to remove the any of his/her friend whenever he/she wishes to.
Trace current Location
Description: Once login into the system, user must be provided with its own current location to be displayed on map.
- Hardware
o An android phone consisting of GPRS.
- Software
o Operating System: Android 2.2 or higher.
o GPS enabled in a device.
- Development Tools
o Eclipse
o Android-sdk version 2.2 or higher
o A Personal Computer with minimum configuration will do, for better performance of application, configuration can be enhanced.
Use case Diagram
Main Use Case
The above use case contains all the activities that user of the application can carry out while using the application.
Individual Use cases
1) View Friend’s Location
The application user selects the friend and tracks its current location.
2) Sending Friend Request
User has to search a friend among the users of the application before sending friend request.
3) Responding to friend request
While receiving friend request from other user of the application, user can view his profile details before accepting or rejecting a request.
4) Managing Profile
Application user can view his personal details before editing/updating those details.
5) Removing from friend list
While removing a person from his friend list, application user has to select him from that list. User can also view her personal details before removing that person from his friend list.
Sequence Diagram
1) Searching a friend
Processing: List of people already registered to the application will be created.
2) Getting friend’s location
Processing: Calculation of the latitude and longitude will take place and based on that data, position of the user will be located in the map.
3) Managing Profile
Processing: Details of the user will be selected and in second processing, updation of the details will be done in the database.
Class Diagram
User can register him/her self for using this application. He can send request, accept friend request and from that friend list will be maintained. User can trace the location of the user who is his/her friend.
Structure of Classes used
User Interface Design
Outline of User Interface Layouts
1) Login to the system
When user starts using this application, he will be shown this login page. If he is already registered into the application, than he just have to click on “Login” button and he will be redirected to the main page. If he is not registered into the application, than he has to click to “Register” button to use the application. And if he clicks on “Register” button, than he will be redirected to the register page.
2) Register to the system
On entering these details and on clicking on “Create Account” button, s/he will be registered to the application. And after that he will be redirected to the main page.
3) Map will be shown with options:
User can view the map and the above shown options. If s/he clicks on “Friends Location” s/he will be redirected to the Friends List page.
4) Friends List
Selecting one of the friends from list and clicking on “Location” button s/he can view his/her friend’s location. And on clicking on “Unfriend” button that person will be removed from his list
5) Manage Profile
User can edit his/her details. And after editing it, s/he can save that updates.
6) Search
He can search new friends and can send them friend request.
7) Request remaining to be accepted
User can view, who have send them the request. And he/she can also view sender’s profile and on that basis s/he can accept or reject the request
Screen Snapshots
Login Page
Application starts with the login page. On entering login details and on clicking to login button, user will be successfully logged in to the system. If s/he is an anonymous user than s/he can register himself/herself to the application.
Current Location Page Menu
After getting logged in to the application, user will be shown his/her current location. Being on current location page and clicking on menu, user will be shown this menu from which he can select any of the option.
Friend’s Location List of friends for viewing their location
If user wants to view location of his/her friend than he can select “Friend’s Location” and he will be redirected to the page containing list of users. On selecting one of the friend from the above list, he will be redirected to the page containing the details of that friend.
Friend’s Detail Page
On clicking on “View Location” he can view the location of that particular friend.
Location of the friend is viewed.
Latitude and longitude of the friend will be shown on toast. Address of that friend will be shown on the toast.
Message Dialog Change View
On having a long press on the screen, message dialog will be opened. On clicking on “Change View “ option user can change the view from street view to satellite view. On clicking on get distance user can get the distance between him and his friend. On clicking on address, he can view the address of his/her friend. On clicking on “Change View” user can the view from satellite view to street view.
View Location View Distance
Firstly, user will be shown his own location and than the diastane between him and his friend. Distance between user and friend will be shown to the user.
Manage Profile Manage Profile
On clicking on Manage Profile, user will be shown with his own details. On updating his details and on clicking on “UpdateAccount”, user can update his details.
Search Friend Search Friend
On clicking on “Search Friend”, user will be shown . User can select particular user and he will be redirected to his personal details.
Search Friend Search Friend
On clicking on “Send Request”, user can send request to that particular user. If that person is already his friend than he will be shown an message like “Friend Request sent ERROR..!!”
Pending Request Pending Request
On clicking on “Pending Request”, user will be shown list of friends who are waiting for their request to be accepted . On selecting particular friend, user will be shown with the friend’s detail.
Pending Request
On accepting the request, user will be shown with the above message.
Future Expansions:
• The height of the user from the surface of earth will be calculated.
• User can set destination location.
• User can find the distance between its current location and destination.
• User can find remaining time to reach the destination.
• User can search specified location.
how to download this project sir..??
if u have the source code to this please email me ty 🙂
i need its source code can u please send it !
sir i liked this project , i would like to include this thing as a part of my project , i would take this as one module of my project…
how to download this project sir..??
how to download this project?
how to download this project???
please….may i get it’s source code…please
plz give me a full source code………..
plzz.send me source code of this project
plz send me source code
how to download this project.. can u pls send the source code of this project
how to download this project ..plz send the sourse code of this project
i like this project.can u pls send me the source code of it
i like this project very much ..plz send the sourse code of this project
Hello Sir,your project is awesome. Kindly send it to my email.I’ll be glad to learn from you.
Plz send me source code….
Sir, can you send me your project to my email.
i ‘d like use this for my fyp reference.
Sir, i really need project, please provide download link. Guys if any body got it please mail to my mail id
i really need this project, please provide download link. if any body got it please mail to my mail
Please I need this project; please provide download link or please on my email
Sir, can you send me your project to my email.
i ‘d like use this for my fyp reference.
can I get the source code of this project ,,,
Hi I need this project
please provide download link or send on my email
Sir, can you send me your project to my email.
sir,can you send me this project to my email
If you got the source code then please forward me at
I have implemented such types of but map is not showing as like this , I am getting exact user location in the form latitude and longitude and by this i am getting real address but map is not showing in map , if you are able to help me so please help me
sir i wanted to buy this project..
please sir contact me on
I need source code ,I really impressed for this idea … If any one got this code and send it to my mail please please
i want this can i get the source code
i want to implement this project….. plzzzzz provide me code for this project
I need these project source code pls
I want to download this project..
i really want this project please send me the source code
Hello Sir, I would be grateful if you could sent me the project and the source code for my study.
Thank you.
Plz send me the source code
Please send me the source code at I would be grateful if you help me out.
Please send me the source code at I would be grateful if you help me out.
I liked this project, how can I get the complete source code?
Please reply ASAP
please send me source code : thanks
Hello, please aid me the sourcecode to this project need some help in completing mine
Sir, plz can i get the source code i would like to use it as a refrence for my project.
thank you .
Hello Sir,i need its source code can u please send it !
Thank you.
Please mail me this project, i would like to include it in my mini project. thank you.
Please mail me this project, I am interested to study the coding. TQ
Pls send me the source code…
Please kindly send me a basic source code on
please….may i get it’s source code…please
Could you please provide me the source code
Sir Pls Can u email me the project.
my mail id ==>
sir, please provide me the source code of this project “GPS based friend tracker” as soon as possible. I’ll be very thankful to u..
Please provide me the source code of this project “GPS based friend tracker” as soon as possible. I’ll be very thankful to you..
Please provide me the source code of this project.I will be highly delightful to you for the same.Thank you in advance
sir i need this project for referance for my froject a kind of safety oriented app… can u plz send me this project source code
Could you please provide me the source code
How do I download the source code of this project?
sir please send me source code of this project “GPS based friend tracker “
my mail ID
please send the project to my mail sir..i needed it
i need the source code to try with minimal design..please mail me the project at
i need source code….. please send it
kindly send the full source code sir
pls email me the source code of this project
can you send source code for me
sir i need a simple project .
Sir tell me how to donload this…….my mail id is
GPS Based Friend Tracker Android Application i would like to get this project as aknowledgement
hello sir,
I like this project can u send me the source code of it
I have this Project. I am ready to sell this project.
Mail me for further details.
GPS Based Friend Tracker Android Application source code please send me sir…
if you got the src plz forward it to me….
Please Send me the code urgent on
hello sir
i need to source code kindly send me urgent
I need the source code of this project. It will be really helpful if you could mail it to
hi sir, i want your project code with android application as soon as possible. please mail me soon sir.
plz sir mail me this project source code its really urgent coz its really helpfull for me
plz sent me gps based frind tracked app source code
plz sent me gps based frind tracked app source code….this my id plz sent me code
Sir plz send me source code
Can u please send the project details and the source code at
Sir, I like to download this source code. So how will i get the source code….
can u please send me a source code at
please send me code of this project
please send me code of this project on this email
please send me code of this project on this email
Hi sir, I want source code. send me please
Hello sir this project is amazing can u please send me this on my mail id
i need this project because i will learn new things from this project.
i like this project very much ..plz send the sourse code of this project
i like this project very much ..plz send the sourse code of this project
I understand all the work you do and i just want to do something additional on it…
so if u can share then please send me this project
Thank u
kindly send me the source code at asap sir. i need it for a project plzzzz
please, send me the source code of this project.
please send me source code urgently if anybody have on
hello sir
i need the source code kindly mail it at
i’m going to make it in android studio
please sir send this project code or atleast send project documentation…
please send me code of this project on this email
I need the source code of this project. It will be really helpful if you could mail it to
please send me source code of this project… i want it.. my email id :
Awesome! Please send me the source code sir.
Hello sir
I need this project source code please send me at
Hey I am interested in this project. I am planning to do this as my final year project. Can you help me by providing base paper and any useful codes
Hello Sir,
I like this project so sir could u pls send the source code to my email-id
Plzzzz sir.
hello sir
i need to source code kindly send me urgent.
Please sir send me source code by mail.Mail me at
hello sir,
I want your code for reference , so it will be very helpful for me.
Email id :
sir, i need a source code for this project.,please send the source code to email..
please sir send this project code
plzz provide me this complete project.
plss provide me complete project via ….
sir i need this project source code…..pls sent to my mail …
it is very interesting.please send me the whole project source code and documentation on
Need source code at
I would really aprecciate you could send me this project source code, thanks in advance
sir please provide me the source will very helpful to me.
sir please provide me the source code it will very helpful to me. At this mail add
Respected Sir please provide me the source code it will very helpful to me, it’s very urgent. At this mail add
hi this is the good idea.i am highly interested to see source code can you please send on my email id
Send me code
Plz send me Source code at
it is nice thing plz send me the code
can i get whole project source code and also documentation to plz. It is very interesting.
I need a source Code for this project could u please send the source code to my mail ID.
plz send me the source code
i want source code of this project. please someone help!
plz send me the source code of gps based friend tracker android application at
source code please..!!
Respect sir. can i get the package or the source.
Best regards
hello, could you please provide me the surce code of this application. i want to make similar application for my major project in college..
sir i have liked this project very much, i wanted to submit it as my mini project,i will be thank full to you if
you send the source code,my email id is
Sir, Please send me the source code for this app to
Can u please send the project details and the source code at
pls sir i want the source code as soon as possible.
plz can u send the full project to my mail?
Please send me the source code. Asap.
I need your help ….. I am thinking to build a project on my university which is just like seems to your project so plz if u can…..mail me source code
Thank u
plz send me source code
sir , please send me source code.
please send me the code..
please send me the code..
PLZ sir send the source code to me
Plz send source code…
please send me the source code
mail me at
sir i need this source code
please send me project at
Sir plzz snd me the source code
Please send me source code
Sir plzz send me the source code
I need your help ….. I am thinking to build a project for my mini project which is just like seems to your project so plz if u can…..mail me source code
Thank u
please send me your project source code at
I want to make project as you did.
Can you send me the source code for Reference.
Thank you……
Sir plzz send me the source code at
t is very interesting.please send me the whole project source code and documentation on
sir, I would like to work on this project of yours, can u plz send me the source code and documentation to
Hii dear friend gauthm i want to ask you something. Can u tell me the main objective of this project? Plz help me why we’ll track my friends…
Plz send me the source code and db file
Sir can u please send me zip of source code and db file on.
please send me source code
can u please send me zip of source code and db file
can u please send me zip file of source code and documentation on
Please send me code to
i dont think this is ethical ,apart from parents using to track their kids when there are moments of crisis… apart from it i would like to improvise a Little as in making only 1 person per day to be tracked.. i would be grateful if i am allowed to study the code..
thanks and great work
can you please send me source code.
Sir, I am working on this project but my code is not woking correctly. Could You Please Send Me The code.
hii….rahul u r project is completed or not
can u please send me zip file of source code and documentation on
Please can I get the source code for this project. Thank you.
can you send source code of this project to my mail id
Sir I would like to work on your project so please help me an send the source code and documentation to
Kya kisi ko project mila ya nahi from the admin. If so then please mail me at It would be a great pleasure.
Pls send me Android source code
I want Android source code of spy mobile
send me the complete project code on
Kindly send me the complete project code on
can you send me the source code at
We have been working on a similar kind of project and would appreciate if we are given the source code. Did anyone get the source code?
Can you send me the source code on . Thank you.
pls can you send me the source code for this app.thnks
Please send me the source code & documentation
, can u plz send me the source code and documentation to
Sir I would like to work on your project so please help me an send the source code and documentation to
sir please send the project on
sir can you send me source code please !!!!
Hi Sir ..Please send me source code at .I ‘ll be very thankful to you Thanks
i like project
hi sir…please send the project on
I need this project, if you can send me?
Please send me the source code along with apk file
Hi there can you send me the source code please asap. I am learning Android and I want to know how it’s done.
Thank you
Can u please send me this project.!
Hello sir
Can u please send the project details and the source code for my study.
can you please sir send me the source code.
sir plz kindly send me the source code of this project. I shall be very thankful to you.
sir , can you please send the full source code to my e ,ail id
Can u send mi a code of project
sir , can you please send the full source code to my email id
do u handle db on sqlite???
my project is somehow similar as yours so can i get some help like how do you started and all like this ..plz send it to
can u send project and documentation for college project i would like to do; my mail Id:
i would like to work on our project for my final semester, so would you please share your source code with me.
can u plz send me the source code and documentation to
Hi sir , this is really great. Can you please help done it by sending the full source code to my e-mail.
i would like work on this friend tracker please send me the source code.
send me the complete project code on
send me the complete project source code to my mail is.
sir,can u send me the source code.
my project is somehow similar as yours so can i get some help like how do you started and all like this. can u plz send me the source code and documentation
Could you send me src code for reference?
sir, can u plz send this project.
send me the complete project code
Hi, can I have the code for this system plz? my email is –
Please send me all the related data
please send me the source code of this project.
Dear Sir, Please send me source code.
please send me the source code, for the email id
Sir can u please send me a zip of source code and db file.
can u please send me zip file of source code and documentation.
Can u Send me the Source Code plzzz i am Working on this project.
Please can I have the source code of this project, thank you
pzzz, send me project source code.
Hai sir, can u send pls send the source code.
Pls send me the source code and project, i need for my task.
thank, Dear sir,please send me the source code and document!
dear sir..can i get the source help very appreciate..
can u send project and documentation for college project i would like to do;
sir , can you please send the full source code to my email id.
Could you send me source code and documentation for student project i would like to do.
Thank you
Please send source code.
Pls send me source code.
Sir Kindly provide the source code. I will be really very thankful to you. 🙂
Can you send me the full project.
can i have the source code plz.
Thanks for the tutorial, Pliz can you send me the source code for this project (zip file for the project)
am interested in the project and would like to work on it, can u send the source code and documentation
send me the complete project code on
i am working on monitoring app. Your app will be very help ful in my final year project. please send me document and source code to my eamil
I am working on a similar project can you pls send me the source code and db to my email. It will be very useful
I need this project source code can u please send this to my email.
Is it possible to track the device even it is switched off. if it is possible means plz send me the ideas and source code Sir. It is very helpful for my project sir.
hai sir i need this project because i doing my mca final year project like this so please send this project source code to me…… pls…
I am working on a similar project something like friend tracker,can you send me the source code and db to my email pls,it is very helpful for my project,thx alot
I am working on a similar project can you pls send me the source code and db to my email. It will be very useful
I am working on an similar idea so can you please email me the source code. It would be a great help.
I am working on a similar project something regarding to Staffs tracker to detect their current location for students emergency purpose,can you plz send me the source code and database to my email id,it is very helpful for successfully make my project.
Friends i need source code for this project please send me. its very helpful fr me.
I am working on a similar project can you please send me the source code and db to my email. It will be very useful .
I am working on similar project …can you help me….can you mail me the source code and db …
can i have the source code?
Hey sur please can i have the code source ?
Hey sir please can i have the source code ? I really need it .
can u pls send me the project source code
can i have the project source code ? Pls send it to my email
Please help by known to me that how i can i devolope like this project or get the source code of this project.
Please help me! devolope like this project or please send me the source code of this project
heloo , i am working on this project can u send me the source code of this project on my email ..
could you please sent me the source code for this project.
Can you give me video of this tutorial for better understanding? If yes, then send me through email.
can you please sent me the source code for this project.
can u please mail source code or can u please give me an idea for this project
Plz mail me the source code
plzz send me the source code of this project
please can you end me the source code for this projetc
please send me the source code of this project, thanks much!
please send me the source code of this project. thanks much! my address:
can u email me the source code for this project?
Sir Kindly provide the source code. I will be really very thankful to you.
Where is source code I want to work out on this
kindly if you want to share then I will work on that
share me here at my email.
Hi , can i get the source code please ? Thanks
did anyone get this project source code? if you have kindly email me also.
plz, sir send me this project. bcoz tomorrow is my external and I have to give project to friend finder so plz help me, sir, this is my email id
hi, Please send me the code for this app.
Sir pls send me the source code for this gsp based friend tracker project pls sir!.
hi, can i get a source code for this project .
kindly send me the source code .thanks
Please I need source code for this project,
sir can you please send me the source code.
Please help me with the source code of this project, I’ll appreciate.
Thanks once again.
will you please send me the source code
source code please.
Pls send me this project code
can you please the source code of the project
sir send me this project. I have to give project to friend finder so plz help me, sir, this is my email id
Hello sir, please send me source of this app, i will be very thankful to you.
I’m interested in this project… Can I have access to this also the development team?
Hello sir, please send me source of this app, i will be very thankful to you.
please snd me the source code plzz plzz
give me a source code
can you please send the source code.
Can you share the source code please ?
please send me the source code ,thank you very much
Can you send me the code of this please!
send the source code