Gateway of Business Portfolio Java Project Abstract

Introduction to Gateway of Business Portfolio Java Project:

Gateway of Business Portfolio is a web based application used mainly for recording and maintaining stock trading information.

The application can store details of shares issued by various companies as well as a list of all the customers who are involved in the buying and selling of shares.

Normally Admin will update the share values depending on price movement and the accrual of profits or losses. 

Project Analysis:

Admin Module:

It’s a module used by the administrator (stock exchange employee). Using this module the administrator can perform the following transactions:

This module is all about an administrator (stock exchange employee). By using this moduthe the administrator can do the following transactions: 

Add company: This function allows the administrator to add details of companies releasing shares.

View Details: This function enables the administrator to view the details of companies involved in trading, with symbols assigned to those companies.

Add Quotation: This function allows the administrator to add the number of shares and prIce of each share of respective companies.

Buy Transaction: This function enables the administrator to get the  purchase details of shares of each customer based on their customer ID ‘s.

Sell Transaction: This function allows the administrator to track the sale of shares by customers.

Update Information: The function of this part, let’s the administrator update information relating to the movement of prices of shares. Companies which show profit have increased share values and companies showing a loss have reduced share values.

Clients: This function allows the administrator to pull up all the details of his customers, which are on his portal.

 User Module: 

View Portfolio: This allows the user to view the details of his/her portfolio, including all transactions and profits and losses from these transactions.

Symbol: The customer can view details of shares of every company recorded on the portal by using the symbols assigned.

Selling shares: This function allows the customers to sell his/her shares.

Purchasing Shares:  This allows the customer to purchase shares.


Sales History Module:  The user once he logs in using his user-id and password can look up the entire history of sales of shares, conducted through the site.

Purchases History Module: The user can examine all the share purchases made by him. 

Reports Module: Both the administrator and the user will get reports:

Admin Reports:

  1.  List of registered Companies
  2.  Profits gained in the form of commission.
  3. Feedback given by visitors.
  4. Customers report of any specified registered company.
  5. Purchases or sales of specified customer based up on customer id. 

Customer Reports:

  1. List of available companies.
  2. Details of shares of a specified company through symbol.

Download  Gateway of Business Portfolio Java Project Abstract.

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