The purpose of the Employee Work Appreciation based on Customers Feedback project is to appreciate the employee’s work based on the feedback given by the customers and the employees. The feedback given by the customers to a respective employee is analyzed i.e. is it polite feedback/satisfied feedback…etc. Based on that, employees will be given appreciation.
Block Diagram:
Flow Chart Diagram:
1. IBM Cloud
2. IBM Watson Tone Analyzer
3. Node-RED
4. Create an employee database in the IBM cloud and upload sample 4 employees feedback JSON files.
1. Choose a Project Idea:
Employee Work Appreciation based on Customers Feedback.
2. Conduct Background Research
3. Compose a Hypothesis:
Based on our Study and the information gathered we can decide how well an employee is appreciable.
4. Design your Experiment:
First, we need to collect employee reports in which feedback is given by the customers.
Next, we give those reports as input to the Tone analyzer service which predicts the emotion behind the feedback.
5. Draw Conclusions:
After Building our model, we can able to know how well the employee is working and appreciate the employee’s work based on analysis of customer feedback.
Result Screenshots:
Sentiment Analysis:

This Employee Work Appreciation application is used for deciding whether the employee’s work is up to the mark or not.
This system can also be used for employees to check whether they receiving good or bad feedback from customers so that they will improve their work.
Node-RED Flow:
IBM Cloud databases
Input employee reports stored in the employee database
Output sentiment by tone analyzer stored in sentiment database.