AI-Powered News Articles Search Web Application using IBM Cloud and Slack Bot


The purpose of this News Articles Search project is to develop a web application that fulfills our need to find the obvious and recent news articles and update them regularly. After the discovery service is integrated with Slack Workspace, it gives a bot as an intermediate to search news with a keyword. In addition, the web application also analysis the sentimental present in the news article and extracts keywords and concepts to make it an attractive and understandable format for the user to understand what is important and what is not.

Literature Survey

Existing Problem

News Article applications that are currently used are confusing the users, with multiple functions and an overflow of design, these applications still do not fulfill the demand of the news users and often get results from the past days, weeks, and months, which confuses the users only. Also, there is no way in these apps to know what the approximate feeling of the audience is regarding the article or news topic, which makes it less interactive and very low number of users.

Proposed Solution

Discovery service available in the IBM cloud, creating a web app to get the latest and obvious news results fast and user friendly. When integrated with Red Node Flow, the IBM Discovery Service can create a simple, engaging, organized user interface that provides users with relevant news articles as Discovery Service continuously crawls the web for the latest news to provide. By adding emotional analysis, we make the user interface more interactive, easier to understand, and attain more users.

Project Tasks

1. Creating and deploying the Watson discovery news app locally.
2. Integrating Slack-bot with Watson Discovery.
3. Creating node-red user Interface.
4. Integrating node-red UI with Watson Discovery.

Flow Chart:

Flow Chart

Experimental Investigation

First, we use the discovery service to configure and query adding our collection. A red node application is created in which the discovery is integrated and a simple flow of 5 nodes is created to enter the news topic and the results show related news. Slack then integrates with Watson’s discovery service so that news articles can be searched on more than one platform, and finally, sentiment analysis is performed on the data/news articles being searched.

Advantages and Disadvantages

1. The News Articles Search web application provides interactive sentiment analysis.
2. It can be accessed through more than one platform which is slack.
3. It collects and delivers the most recent data.
4. It does not have additional features like storing news history.
5. It does not provide a stand-alone app but rather uses a web application.


1. This News Articles Search web application can be used by any user in need of accurate and fast results.
2. Can be used by firms and organizations.
3. Can be used in the stock market to make predictions.

Bot on slack

Bot on slack


This News Articles Search project gives some basic working knowledge of the Watson Discovery Service and showed you how to use Discovery along with JavaScript and Node.js to build your own news mining web application. It also gives insight into real-world applications of AI and helps us understand Slack better.

Future Scope

1. The IBM Cloud and Slack Bot web application can be integrated with the cloud and made into a mobile app to use on it on-the-go.
2. Additional sentiments can be added to the UI.
3. Related and trending news topics can be shown to the user.


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