The pulse generator is controlled with the help of micro controllers and it has several parameters. Timing circuits are included which is used to control the instrument operation. The output pulse amplitude using a power supply source of the output stage of the generator. Pulse generators are used in troubleshooting. It is also used in development and other applications where it is used to pulse shape the signal of the test.
Search pulse generator is used in order to provide conditions of test for the evaluation of performance of several electronic systems. Usually the test signal replaces the missing signals in the analyzed system. Various kind of pulse signals are available and rectangular pulse shape is the most common.
The shapes of the pulse generator depend on the pulse shape that it generated and on the range of the frequency of the signal that is generated. There are various common futures of all the kind sof pulse and signal as well as generator. The use frequency should be stable and well known.
The constructed rectangular pulse can be controlled by the 8-bit micro controller pic16f876-20. The amplitude of the pulse enables to set the system and it range from .1 to 1.5 V. the power supply voltage can be adjusted at the push and pull transistor stage. The error of the amplitude is less than.42%. the duty cycle as well as the frequency are adjusted with the timing circuits of the micro controller so that it does require any sort of hardware.
The range of frequency of the generator range from 10Hz to 5MHz. the rise time of the output is is measured and it gives 18 ns and the fall time is 21ns. Under 1V the range of amplitude time rise will increase. In many applications these parameters are suitable.