CSE Technical Seminar Report on Dynamic Memory Management

Introduction to Technical Seminar Topic on Dynamic Memory Management:

The main objective of this paper is to give idea of dynamic memory management. As usage of computers are increasing are day to day, memory management is more important one to be considered. Dynamic memory management is defined as the process of dynamically allocating the memory. The memory when not in use should be freed such that the computer system can work effectively.

Brief into dynamic memory management:

The memory allocator should meet four design criteria such as efficiency of representation, speed of allocation, speed of reusing and utilization of memory. Memory allocator must examine all the segments in the pool and two search criteria’s are followed , they are first fit and best fit.

The problem of fragmentation can be achieved by the algorithm and roving pointer method. In algorithm, first the address is searched in the string address and verifies whether the segment is free or not. If the segment is found free then the segment is divided into two parts i.e length and remainder. The boundary tags are allocated and is exited. If all the memory is searched without any success then it comes out with an failure.

The main problem with the algorithm is it does not specifies where the search has to begin. Roving point method specifies where the search has to begin. When a particular segment of memory is released, then it combines with the other segments and forms a larger segment.  

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