Introduction to Seminar on Wireless Communication Mobile IP:
When we internet in our mobiles we are provided with IP number that is the unique identification of the device. It consists of nodes and nodes consist of network information and user information. Whenever you get connect to the internet you get connect to the host and IP address is provided and when you disconnect the host and connect to the other network then your previous IP address does not work with new network and you will not receive any data.
But in the case of mobile IP you can freely jump from one host to another host. Mobile IP has three parts mobile node: it jumps from one link to other link while you get connected to the same IP. Home agent maintains the list of the mobile nodes and keeps the current location of its address. Foreign agent: it tells the home agent about the location of the mobile node, or provides the address of the mobile nodes.
Working: they work in three steps; agent discovering: they determine whether the agent is connected to the network or not. They will look after the service and IP address of the foreign agents. After that it is moved to the registration: registration:now the nodes are configured and secured with home agents.
Home agent checks the registration and then provides authentications. Tunneling: In these mobiles nodes send data to its IP address and they are addressed to the home network. First the data are encapsulated when they leave from the node and the DE capsulate when they reach the destination. In this data is transferred to its location.
Applications: IP used in the 3G, DVB or WLAN and many other like VPN and VoIP.
Advantages: they are strongly secured and required to be registered.
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