An Asynchronous Leader Election Algorithm for Dynamic Networks Seminar Report

Introduction to An Asynchronous Leader Election Algorithm for Dynamic Networks Seminar Topic:

This seminar topic is about the Asynchronous leader election algorithm. This is the famous election algorithm which is used in the dynamic networks. In the dynamic network the topology of the communication changes frequently. This algorithm is used for asynchronous networks. 

The implementation of this algorithm is based on the ideas of the routing algorithm by name TORA. This algorithm is a routing algorithm used especially for the mobile Adhoc networks. In the implementation of this algorithm whenever there is a change in the topology each component which is connected has a unique leader. 

This TORA makes use of the various algorithms like wave algorithm so that the logical direction of the communication can be reverse. In this algorithm if at all a node has lost its lastly outgoing link then it will start searching for the leader. In case if it does not get path to the leader it makes itself as leader. 

In this algorithm it can capability of selecting any node as the leader and also involves the less number of the messages when compared to the other algorithms. For messages it focuses on point-point communication other than preferring the broadcasting. 

The main functionality of the leader of the network involves communication. It ensures a clear and also the transparent communication in the network. A network leader is capable of identifying and also can access sources of the knowledge with and outside the network.

We can conclude that this is the famous election algorithm which is used in the dynamic networks where the topology of the communication changes frequently. and also this algorithm is used for asynchronous networks.

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