A survey study on the state of the art computer network technologies

Learning outcome: 

  • To give students an insight computer communication systems using existing infrastructure
  • To allow students to learn how to perform an extensive survey of the literature using scientific publications.
  • To allow the students to learn how to critically evaluate existing approaches. 

Aim of the assignment: 

To investigate and analyse the way in which new, state of the art computing and communication technologies, and various approaches are used to solve problems in one of the following: 

  • Distributed computing
  • Various high-speed computer network technologies
  • Wireless access methods
  • Wireless LAN technologies
  • Wireless WAN technologies
  • Network management
  • Network Security 


You have to write a Journal paper on the problems faced when dealing with one of the areas given above. You have to look into

–      Provide literature survey about the architecture of the technologies used in these areas.

–      Specify problems faced by using scientific publications (especially published material such as conference and journal papers)

–      To discuss the implications of these problems on the underlying infrastructure and/or applications using these technologies.

–      The required changes, various solution approaches for the problems specified. At least two alternative solution approaches in details.

–      Critically evaluate the provided solution approaches.

–      Provide Evidence of critical thinking in the discussion.

–      Address the questions arising from current literature and in this way further knowledge of the area studied.       

–      The report should demonstrate all necessary qualities in terms of writing skills, format, and contents as specified above.-       

–      The journal papers, should consider existing design, and development problems in computer networks (can be within the context of design, quality of service, performance, security, mobility etc.), provide alternative solutions from the literature, and critically analyse the proposed solution approaches. 

Your Journal paper of maximum of 6 PAGES (and I mean 6 pages) should explore and critically analyse the problems and be able to evaluate the solutions proposed.


  • Additional research work outside of that covered in class will be required for the successful completion of this assignment
  • Ensure to provide reference illustrations taken from scientific publications, books and the world wide web
  • Be sure to include a reference section in your report indicating any sources of information used
  • The submission should be in your own words with the exception of quotations from other sources that should be highlighted in quotation marks “…” and referenced 

Formal Reports – A recursive View 


Research or development is effectively useless if it is not communicated to other people. Many mediums for this communication exist, e.g. books, scientific papers, reports, television and lectures. Each medium is appropriate to the material it is to be used to impart. A formal report is often used to communicate laboratory work. To ensure that such reports achieve their aim, it is necessary to adopt a common format for that report. This document describes a common format and explains some ramifications and thoughts that lie behind the choice of that format. 


The results of laboratory work are always important. Even if an experiment failed it is still necessary to report and share results, not merely to record them. If results are not communicated, or the communication is itself a failure, then appropriate conclusions or courses of action cannot be taken; the work then becomes effectively insignificant. It is therefore important that scientific work be imparted in a proper manner. Many mediums exit for the proper and successful communication. A formal report is that medium chosen for the proper communication of laboratory work. 



Communication of scientific work often takes a similar format, whatever the chosen medium is. This format can be summarise d as:

  • summary or abstract;
  • introduction;
  • theory;
  • procedure;
  • results;
  • discussion and further work;
  • conclusions;
  • references and appendices

It is advised that a formal report follows closely this format. 

Summary or Abstract

The abstract should be a brief summary of the contents of the report. This is the part which is mostly used to understand the subject area and the nature of the report and great care should be taken when it is written. 


The introduction should briefly place work in its appropriate context and gently “lead in” to the subject of the report. It should describe other, closely related, work in the field – using reference where necessary – hence placing the work in its historical and technical context. 


The major theory required by a reader to understand the work should be described. It may sometimes be necessary to omit this section or place its content in appendices. 


A description of the experimental procedure should cover techniques, equipment and components used, and their limitations (where appropriate). 


Results should be presented, highlighting important features, so as to draw the reader’s attention to the success of the work. Much use should be made of graphs, waveforms and tables, if applicable.The results of a scientific work are always difficult to assess. In preparing for this, you as the author should ask yourself does it achieve its objectives? Is it a clear report? Have there been any mistakes? etc… 

Discussion (and further work)

The results of the work should be discussed and explained, compared with theory to validate results. It is sometimes impossible to distinguish between results and their perusal, and it may be advantageous to combine these sections. 


The conclusions should briefly underline major results and their relevance and importance. 

References and Appendices

Any references cited should be placed in a list after the conclusion. Appendices should contain material not directly relevant to the main body of the report, i.e. specifications of components. 

Note: The above structure obviously will not suit all reports. Sometimes it may be necessary to omit some sections, sometimes to include others. The sections you should never omit are the abstract, the introduction, the discussion and the conclusions.

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