The research abstract Building Your Own Web Server Computer science seminar topics with Abstract explains how to build our own web server. It elucidates all the technical aspects involved therein. The abstract talks about Webster2 and its detailed construction. It says that Webster2 is the fourth generation web server designed and built and fully capable of supporting all our current web server needs. It has the stability and performance necessary for serving pictures, large documents, music, and video files for our friends etc.
Generations of Webster: The research paper identifies the webster2 generations and explains in depth the technical aspects of all the four generations of Webster2. The abstract suggests that besides the energy conservation issue, Webster can be put on the Internet without concern for viruses and spyware. Webster’s software is written entirely in C++ with no underlying operating system with exploitable security flaws. Since, by design, there isn’t any write access to the underlying file system, it is unlikely the website content can be compromised. Finally, since Webster supports basic authentication, access to the website can be controlled with a username and password.
Protocols uses in Webster2 design: The paper explains then different protocols used in Webster2 design. It comments on:
- DHCP. Webster2 can use DHCP to obtain its networking parameters (IP address, and so forth) from a DHCP server on the network to which it is attached. If DHCP isn’t used, the networking parameters can be set statically via entries in a configuration file.
- DNS. DNS is like a phone book for the Internet for turning host names into IP addresses. DNS entries must be in place so that Webster2 can be found on the Internet by name. The research paper also explains different protocols like NTP, FTP, and HTTP.
The paper concludes by considering that Webster2 was fun and easy to build and helps conserve energy. Webster2 is the fourth-generation web server designed and built and is fully capable of supporting all the current web server needs. It has the stability and performance necessary for serving pictures, large documents, music, and video files for family and friends.
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