Wireless Internet Telephony BE Seminar Abstract

Wireless Internet Telephony BE Seminar Abstract is defined as real time voice or multimedia communication over the internet or packet switched network two telecommunication  standardizations  bodies  are  used  IP to  make  wireless  Internet  telephony a reality  in  the  wireless  telecommunication  network.

Using wide range of wireless devices, mobile end-user changes their location to access Internet telephony services. In wireless telephony, mobile end-user access services from any terminal or from anywhere. This requirement is called universal access.           

The architecture depends on mobile agent that acts as folder & carries services. Mobile agent is software program with characteristic to move from node to node on network while execution.

The mobile agent provides universal access requirement in an efficient manner to relocate to new devices being used by end-user or the SIP proxy H.323 gateway which is close to the end-user.

A mobile agent or MSA (mobile service agent) and elements like Service Creation Unit, Service Management Unit & Service Publication Unit handles the creation of new services. The SMU manages user subscription that creates and maintains MSAs.

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 Internet TelephonSeminar Report 

There are four phases in the service life cycle. They are creation, deployment utilization and withdrawal respectively Service Creation unit, Service management Unit, Mobile Service Agent & Service publication Unit. Service maintenance takes place over the network without any human interaction.

 Mobile Service Agent (MSA) needs an agent execution environment (AEE) on every node. AEE is running agent platform where Mobile Agent can move and provide encryption.


 The service architecture is applicable to telephony or nontelephony service. This paper presented two solutions for subscription handling. They are agent swapping and dynamic agent upgrading. The main component of architecture is MSA, SCU, SPU and SMU.

The requirements are ease of service creation, tailored service, interoperability with existing technologies, service manageability, universal access, multiplayer environment, and support for a wide range of service.

The solution for subscription handling, swapping and dynamic update answered the concerned for deployment and withdrawal.

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