Unconventional Propulsion Technologies Project Report

This Unconventional Propulsion Technologies Project Report gives details on Unconventional Propulsion Technologies in aerospace. The report begins with Introduction and other contents of the report are air propulsion, Spacecraft propulsion. The subject of unconventional propulsion is very wide covering devices such as ducts, propellers, pre-swirl and post-swirl devices through to oscillating propellers and even winds propulsion. This report is concentrated over unconventional methods that can be used for air propulsion and space propulsion.

The word propulsion is come from Latin words “pro meaning before or forwards and pellere meaning to drive.” It means to push forward or drive an object forward. A propulsion system is a machine that develops thrust to push an object forward. Propulsion: known for its secondary importance about the general, behind its major energy imposter.

In technological advances and all, by far the least alternative improvement has been succeeded in the utmost greatest importance right behind alternative energy methods. In an ancient period, the means of propulsion was animals, later being supplemented by wind power was used for sailing ship. From the time of Industrial Revolution, mechanical propulsion has been possible; at the beginning use of steam engines was started. Most vehicles were using an internal-combustion engine, with various energy sources to power them.

There are various energy sources to power. They are generally categorized as Vehicle propulsion, Air propulsion, ground propulsion, Marine propulsion, Spacecraft propulsion. Air propulsion is defined as moving an object through the air. This report explains various unconventional methods for air propulsion. Spacecraft propulsion is a method used to accelerate spacecraft and artificial satellites the report further explained about the spacecraft propulsion and its classification, advantages and disadvantages.             


Unconventional Propulsion Technologies is to develop guidelines for carrying out propulsion tests and extrapolating the results to full scale for propellers with ducts, partial ducts, pre-swirl and post-swirl devices, tip plates and Z-drives. Propulsion Technologies is to Inspects, maintains, modifies, tests, and repairs propellers, turboprop and turbo shaft engines, jet engines, gas-turbine turbine engines, and engine ground support equipment (SE).Manages aerospace propulsion functions and activities.

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