Test Case Sample Examples

Test Case 7:

Input: checking the move of the Bishop.

Status: Performed

Output: It is satisfying the rules of the game if any other move that is not a valid move of Bishop is performed an dialog box will be displayed, the dialog boxes for the test cases are shown below the screen shots for the test cases.

The above screen shots shows the valid moves of the Bishop, and if any other moves for the Bishop are the dialog box appears as shown below

Test Case 8:

Input: checking the move of the Queen.

Status: Performed

Output: It is satisfying the rules of the game if any other move that is not a valid move of Queen is performed an dialog box will be displayed, the dialog boxes for the test cases are shown below the screen shots for the test cases.

The above screen shots shows the valid moves of the Queen, and if any other moves for the Queen are the dialog box appears as shown below

Test Case 9:

Input: checking the move of the King.

Status: Performed

Output: It is satisfying the rules of the game if any other move that is not a valid move of King is performed an dialog box will be displayed, the dialog boxes for the test cases are shown below the screen shots for the test cases.

The above screen shots shows the valid moves of the King, and if any other moves for the King are the dialog box appears as shown below

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