School Website Project Documentation

School website project documentation covers detailed explanation on modules and detailed explanation of every module are explained in this topic.

The High School website mainly contains the following tabs in the menu whose functionality will be varying depending upon the roles(Admin and Student).

  • Home tab
  • Profile tab
  • Events tab
  • Learn tab
  • Quiz tab
  • Logout tab

Now each and every Tab of the main menu will be redirecting the user to the different pages depending on the role of the logged in user. Here we have asumed that there is only one Administrator in this website and his login credentials are user Id =1 and pwd=”Admin1”.Rest all user IDs are treated as students.So when ever the user logs in with user id 1 then the system exibits the admin module functionality.For all other user IDs the system Exibits the Student module functionality even though the Menu tab remains the same for both the modules.Let us start describiting the difference in the functionality of each tab for Administrator role and Student role.

Administration Module:

In the Administration Module as already discussed all the insertions of data into the high school data base  will be taking place.The explanation of the functionality of each tab related to Admin module is a below(screen shots have been provided in the appendix of this document for better understanding).

Login into the website as an Administrator(means user id =1 and pwd = Admin1).

Home Tab:

When the Administrator clicks on this tab he will be redirected to Homepage.aspx where in which he can see the information like what actaully this website is meant for.This page is common both for the Administrator and the students.

Profile Tab:

When the Admin clicks on the Profile Tab then he will be redirected to the Registration.aspx from where he can register a new student into the high school database.By giving all the inputs Admin then clicks on the Submit button to insert a new student record into the database.The fields of this page are explained as below. 

  • Student Name:Enter the Name of the Student.
  • Father Name:Enter the father name of the registereing student.
  • Group:Select the group from the available  list of groups such as Maths,Science,Social etc.
  • Batch :Enter the year of the course eg:2005
  • Email ID:Enter the email ID of the student
  • Contact No:Enter the Contact number of the Student
  • Address: Enter the Address of the Student.

Reset button is provided to clear all the textboxes that have been filled by the Admin so that the admin can upload one more student.

Result:Once all the Data has been filled by the Admin,he should click on the Submit button .Then a new profile will be inserted into the Database and a Message will be displayed mentioning that the Profile has been created successfully.

 Events Tab:

 When the Admin clicks on the Events Tab then he will be redirected to the EventsCreation.aspx from where he can create a new event into the highschool database.By giving all the inputs Admin then clicks on the Submit button to insert a new event that will happen in future in the school into the high school database.The fields of this page are explained as below .

  • Event Title:Enter the title of the event which you want to get displayed to the student such as “Quiz Competeion for the Maths students”.
  • From Date:Select the From date of the event i.e. the date on which this event is going to start in the school from the calender control which will appear on clicking the calender image  .
  • To Date:Select the To date of the event i.e. the date on which this event is going to end in the school from the calender control which will appear on clicking the calender image  .
  • Event For :Enter the specific group name for whom this event is emant for such as Science students ,for all etc.
  • Contact Person:Enter the contact person name.
  • Contact No:Enter the Contact number of the person in contact.
  • Email Id:Enter the Email ID of the contact person.

Result:Once all the Data has been filled by the Admin,he should click on the Submit button .Then a new Event will be inserted into the Database and a Message will be displayed mentioning that the new Event has been created successfully.

Reset button is provided to clear all the textboxes that have been filled by the Admin so that the admin can upload one more Event.

Quiz Tab:

When the Administrtor clicks on the Quiz Tab then he will be redirected to QuizCreation.aspx page from where he can insert a new question into the database for each course selected by him.Here the Administrator is provided with a Dropdown list to select the course for which he wants the questions to be mapped.After giving all the required information to each and every question the Administrator clicks on Submit button to insert the new question into the Database which will be added to the questions list of a particular Course such as Social,Maths,Science etc. The fields of this page are explained as below .

Select Course: Select the course from the list of courses available in the dropdown list for which you want to map the questions that is going to be created.

  • Question ID:Accepts an interger as a question ID for the the question which is going to be created.Eg Question ID = 1
  • Question:Enter the Actual question which you want to be inserted in the Database for the selected course.
  • Answer 1:Enter the first option of the asnwers tothe question.
  • Answer 2: Enter the second option of the answers to the question given.
  • Answer 3: Enter the third option of the answers to the questions given.
  • Answer 4: Enter the fourth option of the answers to the questions given.
  • Correct Answer: Enter the exact answer for the given question so that that can be used to calculate the result.

Result:Once all the Data has been filled by the Admin,he should click on the Submit button .Then a new Question will be inserted into the Database and a Message will be displayed mentioning that the new Question has been created successfully.

Reset button was provided to clear all the fields that have been filled by the Admin such that he can insert one more Question into the database by selecting the course from the available list of courses.

Learning Tab: When the Admin clicks on the Learning tab the he will be redirected to the Learninghome.aspx where in which he can see all the content that was uploaded for online learning. For each and every course that was uploaded there is a tab provided such as Maths, Science, Social etc.

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