School Website Database Design:
This website was developed using Microsoft SQL Server 2008 as the backend. The database design contains few tables and store procedure as per the requirement. Few tables designed were as below
School_users : This contains the data related to all the users of the website such as the student name, Fathers name, course, batch, email, contact number, address etc.
Courses: This table contains the course id and course name that have been assumed in our website such as Maths, Science, Social etc.
Questions_list: This table contains the questions and the corresponding answers as well as the course_id to which that question belong.
Events_list: This table contains the complete information related to the events of the school, which has been conducted, or going to be conducted in future in the school.
Instead of having inline queries written in the DAL we have created stored procedures for all the necessary functions to get reusability of the created stored procedures and to maintain perfect coding standards throughout the website. The stored procedures created for this school website can be explained as below.
sp_createEvent :This Stored procedure is used to create a new event i.e. to insert an new event into the high school database by the administrator which is going to happen in future.
sp_getevents :This stored procedure is used to retrive the events that have been scheduled during that period when given the from data and to data by the students.
Getquestions : This Stored procedure is used to retrive the questions from the database depinding upon the course seleted by the student for the quiz.Here the iput is Course ID.
Sp-getprofile:This Stored procedure is used to retrive the pofile of a particular student when he click on the profile on the menu tab in his login.
Updateprofile :This stored procedure is used to update the existing profile of any particular student in the student login when even the student feels to uodate his existing profile.