“Review Based Rating Prediction” is a web application developed in java. This application relates to the features obtained by analyzing textual reviews. In this application the information retrieval retribution to analyze a utility function over a product. A product utility is a measure that shows how much it is preferred according to user’s current context. This context inference is distinguished from the user’s review history and the item review history. Based on the users purchased history and the rating history the present product rating will be automatically predicted. The predicted ratings can generate recommendations that are product-based and will appear at the recommended items list in the product page. This project predicts the rating score that a user will rate an item.
Existing System:
In the existing system, the rating is not generated automatically by the product user have selected. User’s previous history is not considered. Each and every product needed to be searched which takes a lot of time. No previous history is available and no recommendations are available.
Proposed System:
The proposed system is the automated system. This system considers users history and predicts the product rating. Users can get recommendations similar to the selected products which save a lot of time and effort to users. All the details of the users and purchased data will be available. This system compares the similarity with the item reviews and users performance.
Admin needs to give valid username and password to get logged into the application. Admin can add all the details of the category. Admin can add all the details of the product. Admin can view all the details of the products. Admin can view all the details of the purchased products. Admin can view all the details of rating and reviews.
The user needs to fill all the details in the registration form to get login credentials. The user can get logged into the application by entering unique username and password. The user can view his profile. The user can view all the details of products. The user can view all the details of products and can add the products to cart. The user can view all the details of the products in the cart and can purchase the products. The user can view the details of the purchased products. The user can give ratings and can review the products.
“Review Based Rating Prediction” is an application that satisfies the need of both the admin and the users. This application successfully helped to produce better prediction rating scores in comparison to the standard prediction methods for the user while purchasing the product.
Output Results:
Application home page with admin and user modules:
- Admin needs to give valid username and password to get logged into the application:
- Admin home page:
- Admin can add all the details of the category:
- Admin can add all the details of the product:
- Admin can view all the details of the products:
- Admin can view all the details of the purchased products:
- Admin can view all the details of rating and reviews:
- The user needs to fill all the details in the registration form to get login credentials:
- The user can get logged into the application by entering unique username and password:
- User homepage with functionalities:
- The user can view his profile:
- The user can view all the details of products:
- The user can view all the details of products and can add the products to cart:
- The user can view all the details of the products in the cart and can purchase the products:
- The user can view the details of the purchased products:
- The user can give ratings and can review the products:
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