Ultimate Search Tool Visual Basic Project Report

Introduction to Ultimate Search Tool Visual Basic Project:

Ultimate Search Tool  Is Implemented Using Microsoft Visual Basic and Microsoft Developer Network(MSDN) and SQL server for connecting with servers to keep Tracing of  users and recent History of users and also act as a server for Data base.It is used to search the files or folders on network as well as in the computer by remote accessing,by specifying the ip addressof Required system .The desktop searching is very fast because the files/foldersin system memory are loaded into the data base and it has another feature like it maintains the history of the users who accessed the our systems

The ultimate search tool has three Modules

1.Network File/Folder Search

2.Desktop Search

3.Net Spy

 Network file- folders Search Module: 

  • By using this module we search a folder/file which is in shared mode by specifying the ip address of the system.we can’t search a folder/file in the entire ip-address range. This tool is only helps in finding the folder/file with in ip-address range or for selected ip
  • It searches the folder/file based on their size and  type of file.it may be document,exe,mp3,mp4
  • This module also allows user to copy the folder/file and can access the data reside in it.
  • It also has another feature like identifying the network pool automatically along with device information which is shared
  • It searches the file/folder in the network by creating the threads for every ip and searches for specified ip whether it is available within the range or not
  • Filters can be specified if we want to search a particular file by specifying  extensions  like .mp4,.mp3,.doc,.exe,at the same time user can specify ping time out. 

Desktop Search Module:

  • By this desktop search module we can search file/folder  based on the type,name,description or  specified file/folder can be searched
  • In this data should be inserted from Hard disk to the data base.it has back-end modules that simultaneously transfer the data to database and second modules with watching the system which has additional components (1.update 2. Delete 3. Rename 4.Change).
  • These additional components have specific functions.
  • Update component checks for any changes in the system hard disk delete component checks weather any file/folder is deleted rename component checks weather any file/folder renamed,change component checks weather any folder/file  size changed or not.All this information is collected and transferred to the data base. 

  Net-Spy Module: 

  • By This module  the user can know who accessed the folders\files that are in shares mode
  • The other users can get the information of the user like remote Operating   system,user name,system name and also information about shared devices.If another user tried to access folder/file it gives information like folder/file name along with its location and they can also change,rename or delete the file.
  • The User name is also notified who tried access our system.

Download  Ultimate Search Tool Visual Basic Project Report.

Automobile Inventory Management System Project Report

Introduction to Automobile Inventory Management System Project:

Now-a-days in every field usage of computer has become more mandatory it is an electronic device which has made a huge difference in every one’s life. Based on the drive of technology this decade is called as the period of Information technology. This has taken a important place in this world that no one can lead their life without the computer.

This consists of two components which is hardware and software. Keyboard, mouse, monitor comes under hardware, operating system and all the related programs comes under software. A decade ago the usage of computer was only for engineers and scientists but now everyone are using the computers and it has become a part of their life. With this it has become an important factor for everyone to know how to build a information system that is computer based application.

Apart from that the initialization of the programming languages which is platform independent and also the object oriented language as this has changed a lot in the programming logics and styles. For building the computer application .Net has acquired a huge name and also has become an important factor or language tool among all other languages. The initial work that has to be done for building the application is analysis of the requirements this is very important.

In this process one can gather the user requirements of what and how they are expecting the application to be, this makes easy for the developer to develop novel application. These requirements must be in detailed, quantifiable and also must be relevant. There is a process of developing the application in the software engineering and in this such requirements are called as the functional specifications.

Before developing a flow chart makes that easier which step has to go if the condition is yes and if which step if the condition is no. This deals with complete information on how the application can be designed. 

Download  Automobile Inventory Management System Project Report .

Programming for the Website Coursework 2 Assignment

1.  Module number   
2.  Module title  Programming for the Web
3.  Module leader   
4.  Tutor with responsibility for this AssessmentStudent’s first point of contact


As above. 
5.  Assessment Practical & Report. This assessment assess all learning outcomes. 
6.  Weighting   75% 
7.  Size and/or time limits for assessment


Report 1000  words max and source code 
8.  Deadline of submission

Your attention is drawn to the penalties for late submission


9.  Arrangements for submission  School Office – Your work must be submitted with the appropriate cover sheet which must confirm that the assignment is your own and has not been submitted for another assessment. You are advised to keep your own copy of the assessment
10.  Assessment RegulationsAll assessments are subject to the University Regulations.


11.  The requirements for the assessment  ASP.NET & VB.NET exercise 
12.  Special instructions  You must demonstrate your work in the lab during your normal lab time on  
13.  Return of work  Verbal feedback will be available at the demonstration and written feedback will be available from the School office 3 weeks from date of hand-in 


14.  Assessment criteria 


You should not use any third-party scripts. 


Programming for the Web

  1. Description

The Edinburgh Secretarial web site was originally developed and implemented in PHP/MySQL and is now being developed in ASP.NET 3.5 using VB.Net for the code behind programming. You are required to implement the Edinburgh Secretarial website in ASP.NET 3.5 according the functional requirements listed below. You will be supplied with an asp.net solution (cw2-tr12010.zip) which will contain most (but not all) of the necessary .aspx pages and resources including all of the images. You should not alter or edit the supplied HTML/ASP markup in any way except as directed in 4.4 below.

  1. Deliverables

a)       The original resources you were given completed as per the specification detailed below.

b)        A report detailing how you achieved it.

  1.  Using AJAX Credit will be given for the correct use of AJAX where appropriate. 
  1. Requirements

4.0 Data Storage. You will be supplied with a database called edinsec in the projects App_Data folder which will contain two tables called clients and messages. You should familiarise yourself with the table structures and decide which additional fields you want to add to the clients table. You should install the .NET membership schema into the edinsec database and not in the SQL Server data folder. Note that in the messages table you will need to edit the msgid field and make it auto increment.

User Roles. There are two Role categories of user of the Edinburgh Secretarial web application: (i) client – registered clients, (ii) administrator – the system administrator (superuser). Note that casual browsers, i.e., ordinary members of the public, are not assigned a specific role. The behaviour (functionality) of the pages, and more importantly the navigation options, will be different for each category of user. User roles should be implemented using ASP.NET Membership.

Navigation. Use the supplied .inc files to display the correct navigation options for each category of user using .NET’s membership and role manager. If you do this by simply testing for the existence of a session variable you will lose marks. If an authenticated user is a client (i.e., they are logged in), load navigationM.inc. If an authenticated user is an administrator load navigationA.inc. If the user is not authenticated load navigation.inc.

Authentication. The Edinburgh Secretarial web site uses a Master Page architecture (edinsec.Master). When the site is visited the home page displays as shown below.

The login markup is contained in the header div in the master page and authentication should be initiated here using .NET Membership. On log in the header div an all pages should display as shown – in this example the home page is displayed, for other pages the page indicator will be as appropriate: 

Register Page. The Register Page (register.aspx) currently displays as follows:

There are errors in the markup on this page which you need to fix. When fixed the register page should display correctly as follows:

Registrations should be processed as follows. With the exception of the name, organisation, and address fields, all fields should be processed using ASP.NET membership. In processing this data the client’s approved (or active) status should be set to false. You should then retrieve the encrypted UserId from the aspnet_Membership table (installed as part of the ASP.NET membership schema – see 4.0 above) and store it along with remaining fields – name, organisation, and address – in the clients table.

Note: All fields (text boxes) should be validated using an appropriate asp tag – you should not use javascript for field validation.

Contact Page. The Contact page (contactus.aspx) displays as follows:

The Contact page contains a form allowing casual browsers to send ad hoc enquiries. This data should be stored in the edinsec database in a table called messages.

Administrator Tasks. When an administrator logs in the Home page and navigation options will display as follows:

Approve. The Approve page (approve.aspx – to be implemented by you) should display all unapproved (inactive) clients in an appropriate format to be decided by you, the only caveat being that the page should retain the look and feel of all the other pages. The administrator should be able to approve a client by clicking a check box. Once approvals are confirmed the client should be assigned to the client role and the approved field set appropriately.

Enquiries (All). The Enquiries (All) page (enqall.aspx – to be implemented by you) displays all ad hoc enquiries from the messages table and should display as follows (or as close to this as you can get). The respond column should contain a link to start the default mail client.

In the example shown all client messages are displayed on the table, those that have previously been read are marked as such. An administrator can ‘unread’ a message by unchecking it. In the example shown AJAX was used to manage this and update the messages sqlserver table as appropriate. You don’t have to use AJAX but you will get extra marks if you do. If the administrator clicks on a radio button in the Messages columns the message text should be displayed in a new (popup) window.

Enquiries (Unread). The Enquiries (Unread) page (enqur.aspx – to be implemented by you) displays all unread ad hoc enquiries from the messages table and should display as follows (or as close to this as you can get):

The required functionality for this page is the same as that for the Enquiries (All) page.

Client Tasks – My Documents. When a client logs in the home page and navigation options will display as follows:

The My Documents page (mydocuments.aspx) has not yet been implemented. It is your task to do so according to the following requirements:

  • it should have the same look and feel as all the other pages
  • all of the clients jobs should be display in a similar format as the ad hoc messages
  • the information displayed in the table should be:

To achieve this you will need to create a table in the edinsec database and populate it with data. You do not have to do this programmatically but you should retrieve the data programmatically.

Password Recovery. You should implements password recovery using .NET membership.

Report. Your report should contain a brief discussion of the following:

  • how you implemented your solution
  • the benefits and drawbacks (if any) of using the .NET membership approach to authentication over the do-it-yourself approach of  earlier versions of the .NET framework
  • the advantages and disadvantages of using frameworks like .NET as opposed to using a ‘loose’ collection of technologies such as MySQL, XHTML, PHP, and JavaScript.

Marking Scheme 

New Client Registration:                    15 Marks

Authentication and Navigation:       15 Marks

Administrator Tasks:                          25 Marks

My Documents:                                   10 Marks

Password Recovery:                           05 Marks

Display Page name in header:          05 Marks

Report:                                                  15 Marks

AJAX:                                                    10 Marks

Total:                                                     100 Marks 

You will lose marks if:

  1. You can’t retrieve the encrypted UserId from the aspnet_Membership table (2 marks)
  2. Unvalidated textbox fields (1 mark per field)
  3. Using a session variable test to determine the correct .inc file to load (5 marks)

In order to access and mark your practical assignment the following conditions must be strictly observed.

  1. Your project should be zipped into a file called set11105cw2-<matric number>. For example, if your matric number is 12345678 your zip file will be called set11105cw2-12345678.zip. 
  1. You should upload your solution to webCT as per instructions.

There will be no exceptions to this – if you don’t do it your work will not be marked.

Collaboration and Plagiarism

This is an individual piece of assessment and the work submitted should be entirely your own.  You are not allowed to collaborate with other students or to copy the work of other students. Your coursework will be electronically checked against all other submissions. In the event of any doubt about authorship you will be interviewed and may be asked questions about any aspect of the work. 


You submission should be handed in to the school office

You will be required to demonstrate your work at your normal lab time and place commencing during week commencing . 

Note that your assignment & coversheet should not contain your name, only your matriculation number. Your submission should include your report and a printout of your program listings. You must submit your project in zip format via WebCT. You should keep your own copy of all work submitted.

Software for Transaction in Fruit Center VB Project Report

Introduction to Software for Transaction in Fruit Center Project:

The motive to develop this software is to do the all work in fruit center very easily. This software will be going to develop in Microsoft visual basic. This software will going to reduce the paper work of the fruit center and make easy for owner to maintain all the records of transaction safely. This result in less use of man power and less cost which were required to keep the records and have to maintain it. This software helps us to generate bills, make payments and do various transactions. This software helps us to get the owner’s information very easily. This software is capable of handling all the process involved in the fruit center.

In this software we have provided a login form which contains user name and password which only owner of the fruit center have so the owner has the access to all the transactions and records and no unauthorized person cannot have access to the records of the fruit center. Hence it provides security for the software.

Purpose:- This software helps us to maintain all the record of the fruits in a easy way and reduces a lot of paper work. This software is design in such a way that any shop owner can have access to it whether it has knowledge of computer or not. This software will speed up the transaction in the fruit center. Bu it we can access all the records of the shop at anytime and anywhere.

Requirement:– For running this software we require windows xp as a operating system. Microsoft visual in the front end and oracle database in the back end. Its hardware requirement is that it requires Pentium processor, minimum 40 GB hard disc, minimum 256 RAM, monitor, keyboard and a mouse.

Download  Software for Transaction in Fruit Center VB Project Report .

Development of a Feature-Rich, Employee Transfer Application Project

Introduction to Development of a Feature-Rich, Employee Transfer Application Project:

The feature rich employee transfer application is an Intranet web application for the client ABC Technologies to create of its employee transfer data and maintain it by the system administrator or manager. The information includes the transfer files of an employee, new transfers of employee and salaries and implement allowances for the employee transferred. 

The application has the following functions in it.

  1. Login for both employee and System administrator
  2. Interface for Forms to fill for searching and updating of existing employee transfer record. Forms for making new transfers.
  3. Interface to create a doc format of transfer related records.
  4. Automatic mail generations for both employee and managers.
  5. Logout. 


Software required: Visual basic 6.0, ASP and HTML, Database SQL Server 2000, Windows 2000, Internet explorer. 

Hardware required: A system with 2 GB hard disk and 256 MB RAM. 

Process of Software Development: To develop a employee transfer system the team consists of at least 5-6 professionals and the project duration must be 6 months.

  1. Specification should be made available for the whole system and records.
  2. Database of at least 100 to 200 details of transfer of employees.
  3. High level design consists of all records employee search, transfer in the form of flow charts.
  4. Development of front end with the help of ASP and HTML, JavaScript, middle level like entries and form with visual basic and back end with SQL server.
  5. Integrating all records with programs.
  6. Testing of the program with no error in running.

Download  Development of a Feature-Rich, Employee Transfer Application Project .

Visual Basic Projects Report on Time Table Generation

Introduction to Time Table Generation:

This project targets to develop software for college in order to handle the ’ Time Table Formation’ for the pupil as well as staff. The head of every Department has problem in delegating work to their subordinates and response for the work position. This software resolves the problem by permitting the pupil and other employees to see their assigned subject and Time-table.

This software helps to handle the particulars of the Time-table of pupil and staff. Visual Basic. NET is employed as front end which is used to craft the user interface. Microsoft Access  is employed as back end and used to craft the database and save the particulars. Anybody with a little computer knowledge can approach and deal with the software with ease, hence it can be termed user-friendly. It also offers security to the users by offering perfect login.

The modules of this project include

  • Course description
  • Department description
  • Employee description
  • Time Table assignment description
  • Subject description

The shortcomings of the existing system:

  • The handling of the augmented source document due to augmented transaction makes the maintenance tough.
  • Maintenance also suffers in case of a wrong pupil or employee entry. 

 The benefits of the suggested system:

  • Offers precise information
  • Eases the manual work
  • It lessens the functions related to  documentation
  • Offers current information
  • Amicable environment by sending caution  messages

Hardware Requirements:

The system should have a Pentium IV processor, a RAM of 1 GB, a 15” color Monitor, a Hard Disk of 80 GB, an LG 52x CD Drive, a Logitech keyboard and mouse.

Software Requirements:

A microsoft Windows XP platform, a Front end-VB.Net, a Back end-MS Access and Environment – Microsoft Visual Studio.Net2005 are required.

Download Visual Basic Projects Report on Time Table Generation .

Hospital Management System Project In VB

This projects deals with Hospital Management. A hospital management tool depends on doctors, Patients and employees. Doctors who are in and off should be checking he statues of this tool and also patients who are joined and who are discharged and taking the appointments in fixed time period. This tool shows what the facilities in hospital are. This tool is involved in the lot of interfaces those are welcome, login, MDI, Doctor, Services, Employee and Ward

The Welcome is involved what time are getting for administration then login is interact with who are authorised person to involved the tool. Using the MDI is to interact with more documents and taking the action of the management then the application is taking the important information for operation services. The Doctor interface is involved is which doctor is available and which doctor not. It is display all the personal information of doctors like address, phone numbers, specialization and qualification.

Searching the doctor information using Id. Add and remove the employee statues using the employee interface also check which department he/she belong to. Outpatient interface is taking care of the patient is paying the bill or not and check with any doctor appointments. Service is taking of which administrator is taking the file and which department is belong the patients and who is in charging the patient. Tool is totally user friendly that will easy to maintain the administrators.

Capabilities are easily maintained database for Employees, doctors and administrators. The database can be access any times management needs and more reliability and more secitry. Tool is a good quality and developed in VB, this is containing various sub tools are developed in checking the conditions and proving the good quality. If the data loss then it should be effected to all the tools and the tool is not totally set in the VB may be upcoming technology is used to developed very easily.

Download Hospital Management System Project In VB.

Sample Visual Basic Project Free Download

Computer science , MCA, BCA students can use this sample visual basic project as major or mini project for there college course. Students can gain knowledge on visual basic platform and coding used in this project. 

Here we provide large collection of visual basic, java, C++ , asp.net projects reports with source code for free download.

Network Load Balancing Project User Case Diagram

Each machine has its own copy of everything it needs to run the  Web application which includes the HTML files, any script pages (ASP, ASP.Net), any binary files (such as compiled .Net assemblies, COM objects or DLLs loaded from the Web app) and any support files such as configuration and local data files (if any).

This means each server must be configured separately and run the Web server as well as any Web server applications that are running. If you’re running a static site, all HTML files and images must be replicated across servers

if any machine in the cluster goes down, NLB will re-balance the incoming requests to the still running servers in the cluster. The servers in the cluster need to be able to communicate with each other to exchange information about their current processor.

user case diagram network load balancing

Network Load Balancing Project ER Diagram

This processing as well as tine taken to generate well reports where also even when large amount of data was used. The system is designed in such a way that even when large amount of data used for processing there would less performance degradation.

Software Interface

The design part and interface id done the front end ASP.Net and SQL server as a backend of the project.

Operational requirements

The database or databases that are being failed over to the stand by server cannot be used for anything.

ER diagrams network load balancing