Online Project Management System Project in Asp.Net

   Online Project Management System Project  in is having a broad future scope as it can be extended to provide services to the customers (seekers or employers) online. This system can be implemented for online transactions without the intervention of the authority. 

Project Management System Project

This application can be useful for developing job portal related systems through which users from any location can update job updates and post to website and search for jobs and recruit employees in shot time.

Youtube video link to view design details.

How To Run Online Project Management System:

softwares required:
jdk 1.6.0
Tomcat 5.5
Oracle 10g

create user in oracle
user name:pmis
create user <username> identified by <password>
grant resource,connect to <username>
conn <username>/<password>
Copy all the tables

create dsn name -pmis

copy the application folder in tomcat webapps folder .
run tomcat server.
open the browser and type the localhost address i.e.,
http://localhost:<port number>/<application name>

 Project Report Overview:

  1. Abstract
  2. Introduction

            Introduction to Organization

            Introduction to Environment

            Software Used

            Hardware Used

Requirement Analysis

            Problem Analysis

Introduction to UML

            Feasibility Study

            Technical Feasibility

            Operational Feasibility

            Economic Feasibility

            Cost-Benefit Analysis

            Preparation of Requirement Specification

            Software Requirement Specification

Software Design

            Object Oriented Design Methodology


             Design Tools Utilized

            Activity Diagram

            Sequence Diagram

            Class Diagram

            Object Diagram

            State Chart Diagram

Database Design


            Table Description


            Levels of Testing

            White Box Testing

            Black Box Testing

            Testing Strategy


            Algorithmic/Navigational Description

Database Design:



































































































































































1 Sid Varchar2(15) PRIMARY KEY
2 To_id Varchar2(50)  
3 From_id Varchar2(50)  
4 Subject Varchar2(100)  
5 Msg Varchar2(1000)  
6 Date_time Date  


























Discussion Board Project in Asp.Net

Web application on Discussion board project is a website is similar to that of existing forum scripts which are in PHP language. This software will have similar features with admin and user modules.

Discussion Board Project

Mybb, PHPBB are few free forum scripts which are available for free download. These forums provides solution for users to install in easy steps and update posts to website. Discussion board project will have related features which are designed for college project purpose.

Advantages of Discussion Board Forum:

This software can be used for developing discussion forum websites.

Admin can post content for discussion like projects, technology news, mobile news, software coding topics and help students to get solution.

User can share views on topic by posting reply for selected posts.

Users can ask questions on topics and get solution from other users.

Admin can post content by adding category and help users to find related information under same category and sub category.

List of forms designed in this forum:

Under admin option:


Add category

Add subcategory

Admin home

Admin master page

Change password


Update profile

View answers

View profiles

Under User Option:

Change password

Create topic

Create question



Post reply

User home

View profile

View answer

Download Discussion Board Project in Asp.Net Source Code 

Help Desk Project Management System Project in Asp.Net

Help desk project management system software ( ASP.NET ) helps is taking requests from different departments and assigning work to respective department and completing task in short time span.  This help desk concept is developed for software companies for improving process of communication between team members, team leaders and networking team using a simple web application.

Project Category:

Online Help Desk website Software

Design Overview:

Project design consists of five phases where each module will have a method to communicate with other module and after viewing request they can reject, process to other team.

Main modules:

Admin, team leader, team member, network manager and networking engineer

Admin:  He can handle team leader requests and reject requests an forward request to network engineer for further processing.

Team Leader:  Each team leader will have option to take request from team members and even reject requests and forward request to admin. He can track request status and view employee profiles.

Team Member: Employee who is working for a project will request for help by raising complaint which will be forwarded to team manager. This module will have employee profile who can edit at any time.

Network manager: Network manager is head for different networking employees who will take requests from admin and forward to team members

Network Engineer:  He is network employee who will take task from manager and complete task and update status.

Download Help Desk Project Management System Project Source Code in Asp.Net

Software requirements:

Front End design: Asp.Net ( C# )

Database: Sql server

Cab Service Management System Project in Asp.Net

The software which is useful for managing car travel agency for handling office works is defined as cabs service management system “.  Software is designed in using SQL server.

Project Category:

Cab Management system Software

Project Synopsis:

Web-based software are playing important role in managing administration works in different fields. These applications are reducing manual work and manpower. Considering the importance of management software cab service management application is designed for cab agencies.

This application can handle

Finance Management: List of forms and their operations in this module

Profile Updating: The manager who will manage the finance details profile is updated to the database using this form.

Vehicle Billing System: Using this form payment for booking vehicles is updated.

Vendor Billing: Vendor details with payment details are updated in the database using this form.

Human Resource Management:  Useful for managing employees-related tasks. Main forms in this module

Employee Details: Add, delete, and modify employee details, registration of employee

Shift Scheduler:  Today plans for employees are managed using this form.

Batch Information: Employees are divided into two batches each batch for each route batch is maintained.

Travel Management: The manger of this department will look after the route, and employee details to visit that route with date and timings. Main forms in this module

City: Information on routes and places of the entire city are available in this form

Shift Details: Shift details of each drive are available in this form which will help to contact the driver

Search: Users can search for different routes and find out distances and calculate costs.

Maintenance Management System: The manager will have permission to look after vehicle maintenance like spare parts, vehicle allocation…etc.

Vendor Details:  Add, delete, modify vendor details and update the database

Download Cab Service Management System Project Source Code in Asp.Net.

Download the Cab booking System PHP & MySQL Project Here.

Download Online Cab Booking Service PHP & MySQL Project.

Case Based FAQ System Project in Asp.Net

Students and staff in the School of Computing would benefit from having a system of Case Based FAQ System Project (FAQs) that was interactive and for which it was easy to add FAQs. Similar questions are asked frequently at similar times of year and so can be reused many times each year and also in subsequent years.

FAQ systems normally contain textual FAQs and it would be good if the interaction with the FAQ system could be in natural language. By indexing the FAQs with keywords and doing matching between words in the query and the keywords and text in the FAQ, it is possible to retrieve FAQs that are similar to the query.

A simple use of synonyms or background knowledge of some concepts in these FAQs will enable a useful interaction with the FAQs. The underlying methodology of the FAQ system will be Case-Based Reasoning (CBR).

CBR systems solve new problems by retrieving similar cases from a database of previously solved problems (i.e. FAQs). The project will focus on the content and keyword labelling of FAQs so that FAQ cases are easy to acquire and are retrieved for relevant queries.

Online Missing Vehicle Tracking System

Online missing vehicle tracking system application for police department project provides knowledge about the latest technology in developing application, this application has to web enabled application and it provides more knowledge about client server technology how they are communicating in a sufficient manner.

Online Missing Vehicle Tracking System
Online Missing Vehicle Tracking System


Thousands of automobiles are missing every year, usually these automobiles recovered by police, actually the problem is to find the lost of vehicle was totally change. The police has to be try to trace out actual owners of vehicle by considering RTO based license and chassis number. But this ia a lengthy process time consuming is very high to check the records of RTO, because of this delay the vehicles are reached to their owner has taking longtime.

Youtube Video Link To view Presentaion DFD, ER diagram

So in our proposed system we need a centralized SMS based application for police department. The details of vehicles recovered by sending out an SMS. This application is used to capture the details of stolen vehicle and their owner details. This application is used for police in recovering stolen vehicle in less time.

The process involves in data entry and police station information and total setup, lost vehicle data setup, sms request and backup process for this purpose web based application has to be developed.                                                

Main modules of this project

  1. Access management module is used for data entry for user’s access.
  2. Police station information setup and maintenance module is used for maintaining police station information
  3. Lost vehicle information setup and maintenance module is used for lost vehicle data along with FIR.
  4. SMS query reading module is used for the process of incoming SMS and searching process.
  5. Search results notification module is used to search the database for matching details of lost vehicle.
  6. Last one is archiving and backup module 

Front end of our project is Microsoft .net framework and back end is SQL serverDB. This is a simple  and interactive form, data storage is fast and easier form, because data maintain is a systematic manner, data transfer is very easy with using latest technology.

Download Online Missing Vehicle Tracking System Project Report

1000 Projects & Seminar Topics Category List

Full List of 1000 Projects Categories including .Net, VB, CSE, ECE, EEE, Mechanical, Electrical, Electronic, Chemical, Civil Project abstracts, Reports, Source code and All Final Year Seminar Topics with video Presentations available to download.

1000 Projects Categories:

  • .Net Projects : Download All Final Year .Net Projects , Project Reports, Project Abstracts, Project Ideas on latest topics.
  • 2010 CSE projects : This category consists of 2010 CSE projects titles and you can download 2010 base paper and project report. We had provided project execution demo video for every projects 2010 for cse.
  • 2011 CSE Latest Projects : This category consists of 2011CSE projects titles and you can free download 2011 project report and abstract. We had provided project execution demo video for every projects 2011 for cse.
  • 2011 latest ECE projects: In this category you can down 2011 latest ECE projects titles, 2011 latest ECE projects abstract, base paper and project report.
  • Advertising Projects : Download Advertising Projects,Advertising Presentations and PPT’s,Final year Advertising projects.
  • Aeronautical Engg Projects : Download All Final Year Aeronautical Engineering Projects, Project Reports, Project Abstracts, Project Ideas Here
  • Android projects : This category consists of android projects list, android projects with source code which can be downloaded by final year students. Here we listed out collection of android projects.
  • Animation Projects : All Animation Projects can be available in this Category. Mainly it can be useful for animation learners. Here we provide latest collection of android projects for students with reference material for free download.
  • ASP.Net Projects : Download All ASP.Net Projects, ASP.Net Final Year Project Reports Here
  • AutoCAD Projects : Mechanical engineering students can find latest collection of autocad projects with project report and reference material for free download. Students can find autocad projects ideas, autocad project reports for students.
  • Automobile Engg Projects : Download All Btech/BE Automobile Engineering Final Year Projects, Project Reports, Project Abstracts for free. Here we provide latest collection of mini and major projects on automobile engineering.
  • B.SC Computer Seminar Reports : Students from BSC stream can download latest collection of seminar reports , seminar topics. Seminar topic for b.s.c computer science are listed in this category.
  • BCA Projects : BCA students can download latest collection of bca projects in java, bca projects in vb, bca projects in Projects listed here consists of project reports with source code.
  • BCA Seminar Topics : List of BCA Seminar topics available here are collection of 2010,2011. BCA students can download latest bca seminar topics with full report for free. Along with seminar topic students can also download paper presentations.
  • BIO Medical Projects : Download All BIO Medical Engineering Final Year Project Reports, Project Abstracts, Project Ideas. Here we provide latest collection of biomedical projects for ece students. Students looking for ideas on biomedical projects can find topics with abstracts and reports for free download.
  • Bio Technology Projects : Download All Bio Technology Final Year Engineering Projects, Project reports, Seminar Topics, Project Abstracts, Project Ideas and Papers on Bio Technology. Students can use this information for mini and major projects.
  • Bluetooth Projects : This category consists of bluetooth projects list, bluetooth projects for final year students, bluetooth projects for electronics students. You can download bluetooth project abstract and project reports.
  • BSC Final Year Projects : Final year BSC computer science students can find latest collection of bsc project ideas, reports for free download. Students can use these project source code for mini and major projects.
  • Buy Projects : Final Year Students can buy projects with 50% off. It contains 2011 projects, 2012 Projects for CSE, ECE, EEE, Mechanical, Chemical Engineering.
  • C# Projects : Download All C# Projects,C# Presentations & PPT’s,C# Robotics projects,CSE Final Year C# Projects. Here we provide latest collection of projects with source code and project reports.
  • C++ Projects : Download All Final Year C++ mini Projects, major Project Reports, Project Abstracts, Project Ideas. Here we provide latest collection of C++ Projects with source code for free download. Projects listed here are part of final year major and mini projects for cse students.
  • CAN Protocol Projects : This category consists of projects based on CAN Protocol and CAN protocol based embedded projects. Final year students can download mini and major projects reports on can protocol.
  • Career Guidance : Provides Career Guidance to Freshers, Final Year students. Here we provide articles for engineering students and students who are looking for career guidance. These articles are written by experienced software engineers.
  • Chemical Projects : Download All B tech, BE Chemical Engineering Final Year Projects, Project Reports, Project Ideas, Project Abstracts, Final Year Chemical Seminar Topics. Here we provide latest collection of projects for chemical engineering students.
  • Civil Engineering seminar topics : Civil engineering students can download latest collection of Civil Engineering seminar topics with paper presentations and seminar reports for free download. Here we cover latest civil ideas with ppt and reports.
  • Civil Projects Topics : Download All CIVIL Engineering Final Year Projects, Project Abstracts, Project Ideas, Project Reports, Final Semester Projects. Here we provide latest collection of civil project ideas with full reports and paper presentations.
  • Cloud computing projects : This category consists of cloud computing 2011 projects list and cloud computing project abstract. Here we provide latest collection of cloud computing seminar topics with full reports and paper presentations.
  • Cognos Projects : Download all Cognos Projects for Freshers and Experienced Data Warehousing professionals. Here we provide latest collection of cognos projects with full project report.
  • CSE Mini Projects : Download All CSE Mini Projects documents,.Net CSE Mini Projects,ASP.Net Mini projects,C++ Mini Projects,Java Mini Project. Students can find latest topics on networking.
  • CSE Paper Presentations : Download All .Net Project paper presentations,C++ projects paper presentations,Java Project paper presentations,CSE Final year paper presentations,Seminar topics paper presentations
  • CSE Project Reports : Computer science final year and third year students can find latest collection of cse min and major project reports for free download. M.E final year project reports and CSE final year project reports are provided with source code and ppt.
  • CSE Projects : Download All Computer Science Engineering Final Year Projects, Project Abstracts, Project Reports, C, C++, JAVA, .NET, C#, VB, PHP Projects. CSE projects listed here covers different topics in java for final year students for free download.
  • CSE projects Topics : CSE project topics listed here consists of java topics, topics, project topics and other programming languages. CSE final year students can download project reports and source code for these topics.
  • CSE Projects with Source Code : Download All CSE Projects with source code,C++ Projects source code,Java Projects source code,.Net Projects Source Code,PHP Projects source code. Projects listed here consists of cse mini and major project with source code in java.
  • CSE Seminar Reports : Computer science third year and final year students can download cse technical seminar reports, cse seminar topics with ppt for free download. Topics listed here are latest cse seminar topics on different technologies like cloud computing, blue tooth , cryptography …etc.
  • CSE Seminar Topics : Download All Computer Science Engineering Seminar Topics, Technical Presentations, White Papers, Paper Presentations, ppt’s. Here we cover latest topics and provide idea for cse students to chose best topic for final year seminar topic.
  • CSE Technical Seminar PPT : Computer science and information technology students can find list of cse technical seminar presentations and reports for free download. Paper presentations listed here of latest 2012 topics.
  • Data Mining Projects : All Data Mining Projects and data warehousing Projects can be available in this category. cse students can download latest collection of data mining project topics in .net and source code for free. Final year students can use these topics as mini projects and major projects.
  • Data Warehousing Projects : Download all Data Warehousing Projects, Data Mini Projects, Informatica Projects, Cognos Projects. Here we provide latest collection of data mining projects in .net for final year cse students with source code for free.
  • Distribution System Project Ideas : This category consists of Project ideas for final year students on Distributed system and its applications. cse students can download latest ideas and topics with reports with source code in Students can use these topics as mini and major cse project.
  • ECE and EEE Project Abstracts : This category consists of latest abstracts which can be used for institutions for developing new projects for electrical and electronic final year students. Electronics students can download mini and major projects with abstracts and project reports.
  • ECE Final Year Projects : Electronics final year students can download latest collection of ece projects with abstracts and reports for free. Projects listed here are part of ece final year projects on embedded systems, micro controller, robotics. Projects listed here are best be final year projects with full reports and circuit diagrams. Students can also find ece mat lab projects.
  • ECE Mini Projects: Electronics final year students can download latest ECE Mini and major Projects on embedded systems, micro controller , robotics , vlsi …etc with project reports and abstracts for free download. ECE project topics an ideas listed here will guide students to select best project for there major and mini project.
  • ECE Technical Seminar PPT: electronics and communication students can select best ece technical seminar topic and idea and download ppt documentation for reference. Students can find ECE Technical Seminar topics on wireless communication, GPS, GSM, Mobile technology and many latest topics.
  • EEE seminar topics : electrical final year students can select best technical seminar topic eee with paper presentation and full project report for free download. Students can find collection of seminar topics on power systems.
  • Electrical Presentations PPT : electrical and electronics students can select listed electrical presentations topics and download ppt presentations for free. Seminar topics listed here covers neural network topics, power quality control, power systems ,scada, micro controller ..etc.
  • Electrical Projects : Download All Electrical Projects, Project Ideas, Project Abstracts, Project Reports for free. Electrical final year students can select electrical best topics form list and use these projects for mini and major projects. Electrical diploma students can also select best topic for major project.
  • Electrical Seminar Topic : BE electrical engineering students can select best topic and ideas from below mentioned electrical seminar topics. Students can download electrical seminar topic reports and abstracts for free.
  • Electronics Abstracts : electronics and electrical final year and third year students can select best electronic project with full project report for free download. Students can find latest electronics abstracts for mini and major projects. Project reports helps students to get over view for implementing project.
  • Electronics projects Topics : This category consists of electronics projects abstracts, ECE project reports and paper presentations. Students can select best electronics project topics on robotics, embedded systems, GPS, GSM, wireless communication ..etc. Here we provide full project reports for electronic projects and abstracts with circuit diagrams.
  • Electronics Seminar Topics : Download All ECE ( Electronics & Communication Engineering) Final Year Seminar Topics, technical Presentations and ppt’s. ece students can select latest topics form below mentioned list and download seminar report and paper presentations. This list consists of Electronics Seminar Topics on latest technology like gps, gsm , wireless communication with abstract and full report
  • Embedded System Abstracts : Electronics and electrical final year students can select best topic form embedded system abstracts listed below. Embedded system projects listed here are for free download. Students can select topic for mini and major projects on embedded systems.
  • Embedded System Projects : Download All Embedded System Final Year Projects, Embedded System Electronics Projects, Embedded Systems Electrical Projects. Students can select latest embedded project topics for final year ece major and mini projects. List of projects available here consists fo project reports and source code for few projects.
  • English Lab Projects : Download English Lab Projects, PROJECT WORK A study on Communication skills, Btech 1st Year English Course
  • Fresher Jobs : This category consists of latest updates on job placements around the county.Here you can find fresher jobs, 2+, 3+ experience jobs details. Jobs listed here consists of government jobs , software jobs, rail way jobs. We provide detailed information on application process, ending dates for application and salary details.
  • Google Android Projects : Here in this Google Android Projects Category all Google Android Projects with source code & documentation can be available to download. Projects listed here are sample projects for engineering students.
  • Government Jobs : This Section Provides details about Recruitment 2012, 2013 in Govt Sector like IBPS, Defence, SSC, UPSC, NGO, Railway and more. This category give us Government Jobs information.
  • GPS Projects : This category consists of GPS based project for final year students. GPS projects can be useful for telecom engineers and electronics engineering students. Electronics and electrical final year students can download gps projects with project report and abstracts.
  • Graphical LCD Projects : This category consists of graphical lcd projects source code project documentation and project abstract. Electronics and communication students can use graphical LCD projects for mini and major projects.
  • GSM Projects : This category consists of gsm projects for final year ece students and gsm project ppts and project reports. Electronics final year students can download latest collection of gsm projects with project reports for mini and major projects.
  • IIT CSE Projects : Computer science students form IIT can download project reports of previous year students. IIT CSE Projects listed here can be used for reference. These reports can be downloaded for free.
  • Industrial Management Projects : Engineering students can download industrial management projects with full reports and reference material for free download.
  • Informatica Projects : Download all Data warehousing and Informatica Projects for all final year students. Students can find latest collection of informatica projects with reports and presentations for free download.
  • J2EE Projects : download all J2EE Projects, Advanced java J2EE Projects, J2EE project Source codes, J2EE Engineering Final Year Projects, etc. Computer science final year students can find latest collection of java projects source code for students for free download.
  • Java Based Projects : Download All Java Projects,Java Presentations and PPT’s,Final year Java projects,CSE Java Projects. Information technology third year and final year students can download Java Based Projects for final year students, Java Based Projects topics and list of projects with source code and reports for free download.
  • Java Struts Tutorial : This Java Struts Tutorial provides details about Struts, Servlet and JSP, Spring, Hibernate 3.2/43.4 (pre-requisites: JDBC), RMI-EJB, RMI, JNDI, EJB, JMS, And other j2ee module topics, xml-webservices
  • Linux Projects : Information technolgoy students and computer science students can find large collection of linux projects for begineers and differnt linux project topics and there list are provided here.Download All Linux Projects,Linux Presentations and PPT’s,Final year Linux projects,C++ Linux projects
  • Literature Review on Projects : iterature Review on Projects is related to dissertation msc projects. Students from different countries who are pursuing msc projects can use this information as reference for project report preparation.
  • Mainframe Projects : Download all Mainframe real time Projects, Mainframe fresher Projects, Mainframe experienced Projects with source code and project reports for free. We provide list of collection of main frame projects.
  • MATLAB Projects : Download All MA TLAB Final Year Projects, MAT LAB project Reports, MAT LAB Projects Ideas. Electronics and Electrical final year and third year students can download MATLAB Projects with source code, MATLAB Projects for eee and ece with project reports and abstracts.
  • MBA Dissertation Topic : MBA Dissertation Topic list provided here consists of project reports for ms mba students. Students can use these projects as reference for dissertation projects.
  • MBA Projects : Download All MBA Final Year Projects, Project Reports, B School Projects, Business Project Abstracts, MBA Papers, MBA Presentations. Final Year mba students can find mba projects on finance, MBA Projects on banking, MBA Projects on marketing with project reports and abstracts for free download.
  • MBA Seminar Topics : Download All MBA Seminars, Presentations, PPT’s, Seminar Ideas, Seminar Abstracts, B School Presentations, Business Seminars Here.
  • MCA PPT Presentation Topics : MCA PPT Presentation Topics listed here covers latest technologies. Students can find detailed explanation on each topics with abstract and paper presentation for free download.
  • MCA Projects : MCA Projects available here are implemented in, java, Visual basic and C++, php . MCA final year students can use these topics as reference for mini and major projects. Students can download list of MCA Projects with documentation for free download.
  • MCA Seminar Topics : MCA Seminar Topics list and ideas provided here consists of full seminar report with abstract and ppt for free download. MCA Seminar topics on latest technologies are provided here with seminar reports.
  • Mechanical engineering project ideas : Mechanical engineering and students can download latest collection of Mechanical engineering project ideas with project reports and abstracts for free.
  • Mechanical Projects : Mechanical projects list and ideas provided here consists of project reports and paper presentations. Students can use these projects for mini and major projects reference material.Download All Mechanical Engineering Projects, Project Reports, Project Abstracts, Projects Ideas, Project Documentation.
  • Mechanical Seminar Topics : mechanical engineering students can find latest collection of seminar topics on new technologies with seminar reports and paper presentations .Download All Mechanical Seminar Topics, Mechanical Seminar Ideas, Mech Presentations and PPT.
  • Micro Controller Projects : Micro controller projects listed here are for electronics and electrical engineering students. Students can download Micro Controller Projects project reports, Micro Controller Projects list and Micro Controller Projects in c for free. Download All Micro Controller Based Final Year Electrical and Electronics Projects, Ideas, Abstracts.
  • Mobile Computing : In this category you can find list of mobile computing projects. You can download mobile computing project abstracts, mobile computing projects in java, .net with source code.
    CSE final year students can download Mobile Computing projects in java, Mobile Computing projects with source code for free.
  • MS Dissertation Projects : MS students can download latest collection of ms dissertation projects source code and reports. These dissertation projects are part of previous year final year ms projects. These projects are submitted by uk , us , canada ms students.
  • Ms-Access projects : Ms-Access projects listed here are for Computer science final year students. Ms-Access is used for back end application as database for storing data. Ms-Access projects database is used for vb, .net, c# projects. Download full project reports and database with source code.
  • MSC MCA Projects : MCA and MSC final year students can search for projects in java,, visual basic, c with full source code and proejct report for free download.In this category you can download MSC projects in micro biology, MSC projects in computer science, MSC projects in physics and information technology
  • Networking Projects : Computer science students can search for list of Networking Projects topics and ideas with source code and project report for free download. This category consists of Networking Projects for CSE,Networking Projects PPT, Networking projects in java,Networking projects topics for final year students.
    Networking projects available here are implemented in java which are useful for IT and ece students.
  • Oracle Database Projects : This category consists of Oracle Database Projects Database Projects for CSE final year students,Oracle database projects free download with source code and PPT.
  • Personality Development : This Personality Development contains all posts related to personal growth and Self Improvement. Students can gain knowledge and improve communication skills for attending interviews.
  • Php Projects : CSE engineering students can select php project topic from given list.Students can download php project topics for beginners with source code.This category consists of Php Projects for CSE final year students,1000 projects in PHP, PHP projects with source code free download,Final year PHP projects.
  • PLC Projects : Electronics final year students can search for list of PLC projects topics and ideas. Download All Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Based Projects in this category for Btech/BE ECE, EEE, EIE Students.
  • Polytechnic Seminar Topics : Polytechnic students can download list of seminar topics and ideas with paper presentation and seminar reports. Topics listed here covers latest technologies.
  • Power Electronics Projects Abstracts : Electrical engineering students can find list of Power Electronics Projects topics with circuit diagrams and developed using matlab. In this category you can download power electronics project abstracts and ppt and project report.
  • projects on image processing : Computer science be students can download projects on image processing with project reports and source code. Image processing projects listed here are implemented in matlab, java and c.
  • RF Projects : This category consists of RF ECE project abstracts, RF project circuits, RF project ppts and project reports. Electronics and electrical final year students can download project reports and circuit diagrams on RF.
  • Robotics Projects : This category consists of Robotics Projects for Computer science engineering students, Robotics projects for mechanical students,ECE final year projects on robotics. Engineering students and diploma students can download project abstracts and reports based on robotics which can be developed as mini and major projects.
  • Robotics Projects Abstracts : This category contains robotics projects abstracts for electronic engineering students. Here you can download free abstracts. Electronics final year students can download project reports and reference material on robotics projects for free.
  • Salesforce projects : Download real time Salesforce projects, sample Salesforce projects, example, Salesforce projects for freshers and experienced personas
  • Sample Resumes : MBA, MCA, Fresher, Experienced, Btech, BE, JAVA, .Net, Testing Sample Resumes downloading Section. Final year students can download sample resumes for preparing resumes for IT jobs.
  • SAP-ABAP Projects : Computer science and information technology students can find latest collection of sap abap projects with source code and project reports.Download All SAP-ABAP Projects,SAP-ABAP Presentations and PPT’s.
  • SQL Projects : Engineering compuer science studens who are looking for sql projects for begineers and can download sample sql projects with source code and report for free.Download All SQL Projects, SQL Projects Ideas, SQL Presentations & PPT’s Here,CSE Final Year SQL projects
  • SQL Server Tutorial : This SQL Server Tutorial provides step by step student class notes for all Engineering Freshers and SQL Server Job holders. This tutorial is useful for every student who want to learn sql server tutorial from online. Step by step classes are provided for easy understanding on every topic.
  • Telecom Projects : This category consists of Telecom Projects for final year students.Here you can download Telecom Project Reports and abstracts,telecom projects in c++. Projects listed here consists of project reports and source code for free download. Projects listed here for ece, tce, mba, final year students.
  • Term Papers : Term Papers topics and ideas listed here are final year seminar topics which covers latest topics. Students can download term paper on cloud computing, bluetooth , network security and other topics. Students can download full term paper reports for free.
  • Touch screen projects abstracts : Touch screen projects abstracts category consists of list of touch screen projects. Here you can download for free of cost.
  • VB projects : CSE , IT, MCA Students can search for latest VB projects with source code and project report for free .Download All VB Projects, VB Projects Ideas, Visual Basic Presentations & PPT’s Here,VB Final year projects,VB CSE projects.
  • VC++ Projects : MCA,BCA,CSE,IT students can download latest VC++ Projects topics with source code and full project report for free download. Download All VC++ Projects, VC++ Projects Ideas, VC++ Presentations and PPT’s.
  • VHDL Projects : VHDL Projects list and topics available here consist of full project source code and project report for free download.This category consists of list of vhdl projects with source code and project report and latest vhdl project ideas for final year students.
  • VLSI Projects : ECE and EEE final year students can download VLSI Projects topics from given titles with project reports and source code for few projects. Click Here To Download all VLSI Btech Mtech Final Year Student Projects Here.
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Real Time Processing of ECG Signal on Mobile Embedded Monitoring Stations .Net Project

This document shows the problem that is faced with the processing of the teal time of the EGC signal from the end of the patients who are embedded with the mobile monitoring system. Usually two ECG measurement systems are used in the tests and a two ECG corbel along with a 12 channel ECG device issued. Both the products as well as the devices belong from the Corscience company. Because of the processing problem a 12 channel ECG from the device through the Bluetooth to the mobile stations, the packet parsing problem was discussed and it leads to two solutions.

Another portion of the processing of the biomedical data is visualized. Another presentation of the window presentation foundation solution was made and tested. Monitoring systems that are embedded on the mobile device are based on the wide mobile operating system that is designed by the Microsoft company.

On the basis of the. Net framework the entire system is designed and at the  same time it is also based on the .NET Micro Framework, .NET Compact Framework and Microsoft SQL Server. In the real environment in the room if cryogenic that is at the -136 degree centigrade the project is tested successfully.

In the extreme conditions the devices that are used for measuring are tested and it includes rigorous testings in a crogen room in a spa Czech republic. The platforms that were developed passed through In sense testings with high credibility of data that is measured for the physicians.  Further these experimental data will be used by the physicians to make recommendations for the heart patients who are kept in the cryogenic chamber for healing purposes. By a certain percent in these kind of situations the recovery time can be shortened. This is a better procedure which also reduces the time taken for the treatment. 

Improved Performance Models of Web-Based Software Systems ASP.Net Project

Some resources are accessed by the web based software while executing the clients’ request. At the same time typically several requests arrived which lead to a competition for the available resources. Such situations querying is based on models and it is recognized widely.

Novel models, algorithms have been proposed to limit the queue model of the factor of performance. Plus, it is also shown that the algorithms and proposed models can be used to predict the performance of a web based system software in the environment of ASP.NET. Our work aims to validate the models that is proposed as well as the algorithm to verify the accuracy of the prediction of the performance with the measurement of performance in the ASP.NET surroundings. The results showcased that the metrics performance and algorithms are much more correct and accurate that the algorithm and the original model.

The web based software application system is an important and complex consideration as it has a large number of users who provide high service availability with low time of response. At the same time a certain level of throughput is guaranteed. A properly designed model for performance and appropriate algorithm evaluation can help in the prediction of the metrics performance in the early development process.

Several methods have been proposed in the last few years  for this issue. Most of them is based on the queuing networks of the extended versions or directly on the queueing network. Petri-nets and stochastic Petri-nets are used by another group. Stochastic extension of the algebraic process is the third kind of approach like EMPA, TIPP and PEPA. There are many factors that can influence the performance of the metrics. Various configurable parameters have been investigated by various  papers. And they affect the web based software system performance. For retrieving the factors that influence the performance are used in the hypothesis tests and statistical methods.

Phone Billing and Managing VB.Net Project for MCA Final Year Students

Introduction to Phone Billing and Managing VB.Net Project:

This project focuses on administration and billing of the phone and make sure that it is developed as a part of the X standard Visual Basic stand alone project. More Phone Billing And Administration is an application software that is designed to maintain the data related to the entry of the phone application, allocation of phones to silent, shifting old phones, management of pain complaints, call registrations, generation of monthly phone bills its.

The existing system is based on manual application and thus this project aims to make this seem automate. Apart from maintaining the phone billing in a computerized manner this application can also manage:

Phone numbers that are allocated to customers

Monthly entry of bill

Generation of monthly bill

Registration of complaining

Managing the applications that are received in connection of phones


To make the system of phone bill generation and billing process automatic this application can be used by any company that is engaged in phone billing.