Mobile Content Management System Project

Mobile content management system Project or CMS system is a master’s project developed in programming language. Main objective of this project is to help user to update new products to mobile stores and buy products from the store.

There are different modules developed for performing this operation.  List of forms used in this application.

Login form: Used to login to mobile CMS application using  registered user name and password. For this application (Username: admin ; Password : admin@)

About, contact us: Details about application and contact information of developers are provided in this form.

Change password: Users can modify existing password using this form.

Process order:  When user selects product from the list he should follow few steps. Adding product to chart,  process for payment.

Add product: When user want to add new product to list this form is used. Enter product name, product description, thumbnails..etc.

Register:  New use registration for generating unique user name and password.

Remove from Chart: After adding product to list user can remove product from chart using this form.

Store : List of products available on store are displayed using this form.

Support: For customer support on product user can find contact information in this form.

Content Management System Project

Content management system project with source code in with full database, abstract and documentation. Content management is one of the fast growing business in fields like government, education, health, software..etc.

Project Abstract:

At present every organization is managing their own website for selling products or advertising organization. Total numbers of users who are using internet are increasing from day to day.  Managing data and updating daily activities regulary is important for any organization to increase users.

In order to manage content we need content management experts who can write content, publish content, and manage old and new content.

Project Category:

Web data management.

Radiant Tour Reservation System Project in Asp.Net

Radiant Tour Reservation System Project is specially designed for tourism purpose. This application will help users to contact tourists and hotels from any location and get support.

Radiant Tour Reservation System Project Modules:

Hotel Module

This Module deals with the various hotel details. Hotel details generally we will maintain hotel master. It has all the details like Name of the hotel, hotel address, hotel type, contact person details, number of rooms in hotel and facilities available in that hotel. Here we will maintain hotel tariff according to the room type, bed type, sharing type, seasonal wise age group wise i.e. adult. Junior, child, corporate and rake rate wise. Group wise discounts will be accommodated. 

In this module we will have different pages like 

  1. Hotel Chain
  2. Hotel Master
  3. Room Category
  4. Hotel Season
  5. Hotel Surcharge
  6. Hotel Room Tariff
  7. Child Room Tariff
  8. Hotel Meal Tariff
  9. hotel Facilities
  10. hotel Voucher 

Itinerary Module 

Itinerary Module deals with client profile, Fixed touring packages, it schedule and custom itineraries in this reserving of hotels and vehicles etc has been handled. In this itinerary Total package price and adult price, child price breakups will come automatically. Customer master screen also included in this module. Customer contact information, group details, breakups of individual arrivals and departures in the group, customer code generation and tracking will be there. Grouping can be done customers wise, Guide and drivers allocation will be done. 

In this module we will have 3 different pages like

  1. Client Profile
  2. Fixed Itineraries Booking
  3. Custom Itineraries Booking 

Vehicle Module 

            This module deals with various types of vehicles. It has Vehicle Master it capture Vehicle details i.e. Vehicle type, vehicle own or hired, vehicle registration no, Vehicle chassis No. Insurance details standard mileage, how many seaters. Vehicle tariff for Own vehicle and Hired Vehicle based on hour wise , Km wise based on Vehicle Type. It will capture Rake rate and corporate rate. In this duty slip / vehicle allocation and bill generation also there. 

            In this module we will have different pages to access easily like….

  1. Vehicle Type
  2. Vehicle Master
  3. Vehicle Tariff
  4. Vehicle Allocation
  5. Vehicle Voucher 

Reports Module 

            In this module we can generate the various MIS Reports to keep track of the revenue, customer statistics agent’s performance, month wise , during the days and year wise etc., Voucher where generated for the customer for all the accommodation and transport facilities asked by the customer. 

  1. Activity Reports
  2. Admin Reports
  3. Customer Reports
  4. Hotel Reports
  5. Itineraries Reports
  6. Mailing List
  7. Vehicle Report

Software Developers Web Portal Project in Asp.Net

Software Developers Project is a web portal which is place for software developers to meet at single place and develop applications and find coders under different platform with a friendly environment.  Buyers who are looking for software developers can find registered developers and hire them for developing applications from different parts of the country. 

Software Developers Web Portal Project

With this web platform developers and buyers can benefit to get best resources in short time. Buyers can select coders and hire them and pay amount through online process which will reduce cost for product development compare to existing procedure. Coders can take projects and work from home rather then visiting company.

            In present trend use of web applications are playing important role in providing service for users with out any issues related to area and location. This project main idea is to provide platform for small business persons who are looking to develop applications for their offices or business purpose. Normally they cannot contact big companies to develop small projects with this platform they can contact coders and complete their work.

Proposed System

  • Software programmers and business personals can interact with each other.
  • Easy to find developers for small projects and complete work in short time with less cost.
  • Scope of reaching maximum number of clients who are located at different parts of the world.

Software Developers Web Portal Modules:


Admin will look after registration process of buyers and coders and do their work on website. If  they are not active for long time their accounts will be deleted from database.


Coders will register with application and update his profile with technical skills. Coder will have option to bid project and time to complete project. When coder bid is accepted by client he can start work and get money for project development.


Buyer will post project requirements and provide bid option for coders and respond to bidding process and allot work to coders and give payment after project is completed.

Distribution Management System Project Modules

Distribution Management System Project Modules over view is provided in this article. Users can download project report and synopsis with PPT from below links.

Area Master

            Area master is the task where an administrator is supposed to provide the distance between an area for different syndicate members.  This distance is later used to know the nearest syndicate member for a customer. 

Product Master

            This is the task where an administrator needs to enter the details of the products according to the category wise into the database.  Here he has to update the details of the products whenever they are changed. 

Member Administrator

            In these tasks the administrator has to maintain the details of the syndicate members.  Here he may add a new syndicate member, edit the details of a syndicate member and delete a syndicate member.  All the syndicate member details are stored in different tables in the database. 

Visitor Administration

            In this task the administrator has to maintain all the details of the visitor in the database. He may need to edit or delete the details of the visitors. 

Category master

            This is the task in which an administrator adds edits or deletes the details of categories.  All the products are divided into categories depending on their type. 

Accessories Master

             This module is used to inform the customers and visitors about the various accessories available.  Here all the details of the accessories are entered into the database and updated or deleted or edited whenever necessary. 

Generate Quotation

            In this module a Quotation is generated based on the system specification selected by the customer in the build computer module.  This quotation is later mailed to the concerned syndicate member and the visitor/ customer. 

Warranty and Replacement

            Warranty check is done when a customer approaches for a replacement.  If the product warranty has not expired then the necessary replacement action is performed otherwise if the warranty period has been expired there will be no replacement and for further details he is asked to contact the concerned Syndicate member. 


            Help is the module in which an e-mail application is created.  If any customer/visitor needed some details and has any doubts he may search through the FAQ provided.  If still he is not satisfied he may contact the administrator by sending a mail with question and receive immediate response.

Download Distribution Management System Project Synopsis, PPT.

Distribution Management System Project

Distribution Management System Project is a web application developed for trading products through online. In order to increase business and reach maximum number of users this application is developed.

Distribution Management System

Internet is the best media for all what they want to provide to their customers. Internet can be used to optimal benefit in this case, with much lesser budget than any other solution. They want their web presence more interactive and informatory yet simple and easy to navigate.

The features and the facilities they are looking in their web site are…

  • Different logins for casual visitors and registered customers
  • Visitors, prospective buyers and as well as existing customers can choose to get more information from the variety of the products displayed either on screen or through mail
  • Visitors can virtually build their computer system using online visual guide
  • Different combinations and configurations should be displayed along with the advantages and disadvantages of each
  • The selected product or system’s pricing details should be visible upon selection, and it will be immediately get changed when they select different configuration
  • The system should generate an electronic estimate or quote to the customer – on screen, and the same should be sent to the visitor’s email
  • A copy of each electronic quotation / estimation will be stored in central database for further reference and the same has to be mailed to the concerned syndicate member for further persuasion
  • The said central database should maintain all the information about the Visitors, customers, syndicate members, distributors, vendors, products, and their pricings, etc.,
  • The intelligent option here is to provide the pricing structure to the visitor will be automatic, i.e. the pricing are competitive and up to date, without manually updating.
  • There should be option to manual override to change the product prices and the margin levels by the administrator.
  • The proposed system will facilitate the communication between the syndicate members very easily.
  • In addition to the quotation building, the system also tracks the status of the ordered product and furnishes the invoice when the order is executed.
  • The logged in visitor, who ordered for a product or service, can also track the status of his order or enquiry online.
  • They have also intentions to provide online service help to the existing customers

Distribution Management System Project Modules:

This project is mainly divided into 6 modules known as

  1. Login
  2. Build Computer
  3. Administration Tasks
  4. Generate Quotation
  5. Warranty and Replacement
  6. Help.

Food Management System Project in Asp.Net

Food Management System Project in Asp.Net is a web based application which is designed by considering importance of software for  food co operation of india for handling most of the work through online. Managing different departments for supplying food to people will be a tough task it requires effective mechanism like online application. In this application we designed important modules which are given below.

Food Management System

Food Management System Modules:

Store details, procurement details, movement, allotment, organization chart, man power, photos..etc.

We can say that the application is very useful for organization and it helps very much to them in their work. This automated System make for organization, so that they don’t put their much effort and time to manage the information of godown and grain and I am sure that this application is very useful for that purpose.

 Future Enhancements:

  1. We keep the information of  owner of private godown.
  2.        2.   We can add the record of tronsport medium for movment.
  3.        3.   Above limitations are rectified as per requirement of authority.

Land And Water Management System Project

Brief Description of WALMI Training System

Land And Water Management System Project (WALMI) software in Asp.Net firstly maintains the employee record of Water And Land Management Institute. The employee of the organization make schedule of courses ( in their terms Department). 

Land And Water Management System

Schedule is Available in Net for the user so that they come to WALMI for the Training, And they provide training to the user which is on demand training by the user. Training is basically package training or Non Package Training. After the registration they can able to use the facilities (like Hostel, Transport , Mess, Reading Material)these all facilities are handle by this project with the Account section too. Before taking the Certificate they have to enter the Feedback form and on that bases the reports are generated to the director and then certificate is provided to the Trainee.

Technical Feasibility

Information which would be static can be added to the site using html tags and can be arranged in paragraphs. The dynamic content like training details can be done using ASP.Net technology. The C# language provides all support that can be used in our website. So in technical point of view the project is feasible. 

Economic Feasibility: 

“Training Management System, WALMI   reduces the time thus money. Ultimately  we can say that it acts as catalyst in the growth of the organization. Through this application  we save the amount for manage the paper which are used for saving information of whole training. So we can Say that our application is economically feasible.

Information Management System for IT Institution Project Report

Information Management System for IT Institution Project is  a web based Information System that facilitates easy access of information for the user’s and helps them to seek expert guidance from the faculties through the Internet. The system is fine tuned to cater the varying demands of the user’s community seeking a career with Systems Domain courses and projects. 

Information Management System Modules:

Student :

This module is divided into ten sub modules given bellow- 

  • Information About US
  • Enquiry
  • Registration
  • Course Material
  • Attendance
  • Fees
  • Online Exam
  • Feedback
  • Certificate
  • FAQ 

Administrator :

This module is divided into six sub modules given bellow- 

  • Recruitment
  • Employee
  • Attendance
  • Follow ups
  • Evaluation
  • Expenses

Library :

This module is divided into three sub modules given bellow- 

  • Stock
  • Issue / Return
  • Audit 

Information About US: – 

 This module works include the process of displaying the various details to the excited users. The Course Details are maintained in a database. This module describes all the details of the courses including course codes, syllabus, and prerequisite information.

This module works also include the process of displaying the various details to the excited users. The Project Details are maintained in a database. This module describes all the details of the projects including project codes, fees, and prerequisite information.

Enquiries: – 

This module comes in picture when the user wants to send queries or requests or suggestions to the centre. This module passes the message sent by the user directly to the Systems Domain Pvt. LTD. Web server. The administration has the privilege to view the various queries and make a decision to include them in the FAQ module.

Shift Management System Project in Asp.Net

Shift Management System Project in Asp.Net is web based application which is specially developed for companies for managing employees daily shift details and updating total number of shifts and calculate monthly salaries, attendance of each employee and provide a online report for every employee.

Shift Management System

User Requirements

  1. Setting/Editing Shifts for Employees Working in Different Projects

and Shift Time.

  1. Employee can View his/her Shifts and Allowances.
  2. Provision of employee backup in case an employee not turning up.
  3. A “Help file” pertaining to different possible queries.
  4. The system runs on any platform.
  5. Employee can view his/her schedule in calendar form.
  6. Automatic Allowances generation.


  • Managing shifts (setting/editing) for different employees.
  • Maintaining information about entities like – the project the employee is working on, his/her leader worked in different shifts.
  • Calculation of shift-related allowances for the employees.
  • Audit trails (containing the history of transactions)
  • User authentication.
  • Different interfaces corresponding to different user-levels.
  • Report generation, printing, publishing and mailing as per requirement that can be exported to excel sheet
  • Provision of employee backup in case an employee not turning up. – To be implemented with user intervention
  • Sending mails to team members whenever there is new schedule or change in schedule.