Help desk project management system software ( ASP.NET ) helps is taking requests from different departments and assigning work to respective department and completing task in short time span. This help desk concept is developed for software companies for improving process of communication between team members, team leaders and networking team using a simple web application.
Project Category:
Online Help Desk website Software
Design Overview:
Project design consists of five phases where each module will have a method to communicate with other module and after viewing request they can reject, process to other team.
Main modules:
Admin, team leader, team member, network manager and networking engineer
Admin: He can handle team leader requests and reject requests an forward request to network engineer for further processing.
Team Leader: Each team leader will have option to take request from team members and even reject requests and forward request to admin. He can track request status and view employee profiles.
Team Member: Employee who is working for a project will request for help by raising complaint which will be forwarded to team manager. This module will have employee profile who can edit at any time.
Network manager: Network manager is head for different networking employees who will take requests from admin and forward to team members
Network Engineer: He is network employee who will take task from manager and complete task and update status.
Download Help Desk Project Management System Project Source Code in Asp.Net
Software requirements:
Front End design: Asp.Net ( C# )
Database: Sql server
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