Institute Mailing System Project in Asp.Net

The Gmail Client  Institute Mailing System Project which we have developed basically fulfills the needs of college system in terms of assistance, sending notices to the college staffs, students, sending the daily updates to the people of the college, sending the results to the students which can be internal exams or external exams results through our mailing system, intra mailing interaction can be done in an easier and in a convenient way.

Institute Mailing System Project

Institute Mailing System Purpose  :            

The purpose of developing this project is to provide effective and efficient intra mailing system, which can be effectively controlled by the admin or head of the college.


Our project better suits for intra organization such as Colleges, Company’s etc where they need efficient communication between users and effective control   by the admin of the site.


Goal or aim of our project college mailing system is to enhance the features of existing mailing  system and utilize the existing system features such as mailing communication and also to import new features such as central control of our website by the admin of the organization such as company, college etc. 

 Features of our project (Advantages)               

  • It provides Intra College mailing in an easier and in a convenient way.
  • Can be used to send any kind of notices such as exam tables or attendance

or information regarding any kind of due fees to be paid onto the students login accounts in our Gmail Client.

  • The head or the administrator can have the complete control on our Gmail Client which is one of the important features of our project.
  • This mailing system can be used before and after appearing for the internal or

External exams wherein user should send the mail to the administrator mentioning

His/her present thereby administrator will send the acknowledgement in the form of mail, this can also be useful for the college management wherein students appearing

for the exam if falls in different batches, say morning batch or afternoon batch, than admin can block the passwords for the afternoon batch students if the exam is for morning batch students, thereby the afternoon batch students cant send the request of their present as they cant login in the morning batch , as their login ids will be temporarily blocked by the administrator.

Also it will be useful, when head of the college or admin checks the status of students such as his/her attendance, fees etc. Considering this details admin will send the acknow

-ledgement to the student when his/her attendance, fees is clear. So that after receiving the acknowledgement student will appear for the exam, whose exam paper will be evaluated only when student gets clearance acknowledgement from the admin or head. 

Visa Management System Project in Asp.Net

Visa management system project is a web based application which works on client server module where companies will use this application to manage employees visa processing details while they are transferred to other countries for work.

This application will store details of every employee with related documents like passport, experience letters, related documents, other countries visiting details, police statement details..etc.

This application has four main modules admin module, visa processing module, onsite data module and report generation module. Few modules over view is provided below.

Onsite Data Module:

When employee is sent to onsite for work related work experience and project he is working on and time period with renewal status and which countries he worked ..etc this type of details are managed using this module.  Hr Executive will update each employee onsite details where are HR manager will manage employee renewal details. Employee from any location can view visa processing application to know his visa details.

Report Manager Module:

Managing reports is a important task for every application .In this application there are many report generation types like visa status, visa interview..etc. This module is visible for both HR manager and HR executive.

Mail Server Project in Asp.Net

Mail Server Project in Asp.Net is  a simple web based application which is useful for configuring settings of internet server. Students can download full project report and source code.

Existing system:

In present system when the user wants to configure the server the user has to do the necessary tasks on the computer where server is installed that is the user need to go to the place where IIS is installed and perform the necessary tasks. So there existed wastage of time and also this proved inconvenient to the user. 


Now the new system is web based as it, the system we are proposing is very useful system in network administration. The network administrator can manage a server from any remote location over the internet. 

For implementing these functionalities following modules are made:

  • Login module.
  • Module to add virtual directory
  • Module to add default files to virtual directory
  • Module to  get basic information of virtual directory
  • Module to display detailed information of virtual directory
  • Module to delete virtual directory 

Step by Step Process 

            The system we are proposing is very useful system in network administration. The whole system is divided into many sub processes. 

 Since the system will manage IIS of companies which contains company related information which may be critical to be used by others hence there will be a process which will be used to filter out unauthorized users by accepting username and passwords. 

After the user has been authenticated a control panel will be displayed for managing the IIS. It will display the different configuration values of IIS and will allow the network administrator to change the values of the configuration attributes of IIS. 

The above form will communicate with the configuration files of the IIS using the ADSI APIs using ASP.Net with C#. The modification to the files is saved. 

We can also keep track of the system which are sending request to the IIS and can maintain a log for security purposes. 

Also we can change the Read/Write permissions with the virtual directory.

Data Structure used for configuration files will be like the following: 

            Field                                                                 Type

            Virtual directory                                             Text

            Read/Write                                                      Boolean

            Read Only                                                       Boolean

            Files                                                                 Text

            Username                                                        Text

            Password                                                         Text

            SMTP user                                                      Text

Budget Analysis Project in Asp.Net

Budget Analysis project is web based application developed in programming language. Main objective of this application is to automate process of calculation which was actually done by excel sheet. This software will use RDBMS for retrieving and manipulation data. 

Budget Analysis project  Screens Explanation:

Admin can login to application from home screen by entering user name and password.  This screen consists of home , products and about us page.

After login process is complete admin can view project details with SKU, Package Cost, actual shipping cost, unit cost, ebay fee, market fee detalis. This screen consists of Home , projects, uploads, summary, assumption, products  and About Us page.

New project Creation:

User can create net project by entering project name, description and status of project. Display unit will show project name and description on screen.

Upload Files:

There are two upload options available for user

  1. Directly uploading product information file. ( in this option user can upload excel file to system using browse option and select from system and click upload)
  2. Uploading inventory file which contains the daily sales details. ( in this option user should selection project name and upload daily inventory sales details using browse option and click upload.)


In summary option we can view project details by date, month wise and year wise.  Display GUI will show ( SKU, Quantity sold, unit price, total sales, packaging cost, actual shipping cost, unit cost, ebay fee, market fee, total unit cost, total cost and profit loss )

We can sort our summary by selecting date range from staring to ending and specific month, and specific year.


In this form we can upload assumptions excel file details and store in dataset which are shown in GUI.

Mutual Fund Management System Project Report

Mutual Fund Management System Project aims developing a system to automate the Mutual Fund Management System. The system would provide facility for display the profit/loss statement of the MF detail for the particular user/client folio. Our system is also compare with Mutual Fund daily price. Admin can edit information in the database which will be retrieved automatically during the dynamic generation of webpage and also view the client information.

In Mutual Fund Management System some work can be done manually but some cannot be done because it is time consuming and cumbersome to do that work. This system works ASP.Net, but some data entry is necessary which cannot be avoided.

Before developing this project all the problems were identified thoroughly and we performed the analysis on existing system.

Following are the existing system components:

Multiple Portfolio:

Create and Update folio pages includes information about the specific user`s Mutual Fund portfolio.

Purchase Mutual Fund:

Purchase script includes total purchase script detail, which is purchase by particular client.

Sales Mutual Fund:

          Sale script includes total purchase script detail, which are sales by particular client.

Script Search:

Script search includes finding a script using script code or script id.

Watch List:

Watch list include displaying share detail which is included by login user. 

Script Detail:

Script details include displaying stock movement price and stock history weekly.

Overview of the Existing System

In most of the Mutual Fund Management System is based on completely website application.

Drawbacks of the existing system

The current website application is good and successful. But it has some drawbacks as follows:

Existing system is not providing live price for shares.

In existing system online purchase and online sales is not available.

Existing system totally work on the static page.

In existing system not maintain the multiple portfolios.

School Automation System Project in Asp.Net

School Automation System Project in Asp.Net is a simple web based application which is designed for schools for managing students details, parents details, fees payment, marks..etc.

School Automation System Project Overview:

  • Administrator can update and delete the whole information.
  • Administrator has the status of all member and can give permission to allow the member of this site.
  • The website is very flexible which can accommodate the any feature later on which we want to add for update the site.
  •  Provide the facility like send mail to faculty and principal
  • Student can view profile.
  • Student view result, news, schedule, photo gallery.
  • Parents can view student profile, student attendances, news for school, photo gallery, exam time table.
  • End user can seen all information about school event and school result.
  • Information about school result.
  • Bifurcation of the student’s information
  • Bifurcation of the student’s exam information
  • End user can know about new events held in School, Results, Rankers of the school
  • This System has large scope for the online school management of all the students & school information. 
  • This system store all information’s of the students with snap of the student. 
  • This system store all information’s of the staff with snap of the staff. 
  • System can able to accept user request and manages information like student’s result . 
  • System also provides inter messaging facilities for send  messages to Principal and Faculty. 
  • System provides enhance security facilities to give such user rights to protect from unauthorized user. It creates password for login users like  admin. 
  • System can give the all activities of student images. 
  • System can give the information about further study. 
  • System can give all detail information about school past history and present history. 
  • System can give all current news and activities.

Future System Enhancement

  • In future our system can include Online Accounting System, Good Backup and Restore Facility.
    • This system is enough for student management but if possible then some new modules can be added into the system such as staff management module.
    • Online E-mail can be added for user awareness.
    • System is so much flexible so in future it can increase easily and new modules can be added easily.

Classified Website Project Report

Classified Website Project is a web based application developed in programming language. Detailed explanation about this project is explained below. 


Guest Site:

 Our website enables the Guest user to register themselves as user or advertiser.

 Guest user can see the categorized classifieds/ads uploaded by advertiser and also search particular classified. 

User Site:

User can see the categorized classified/ads and also search particular classified.

User can send a query to advertiser for particular classified and get response for that query.

User can save particular ads.

User can update personal detail 

Advertiser Site:

Advertiser can purchase scheme to upload classifieds/ads.

 To upload classified, advertiser has to select particular scheme that have sufficient balance and has to define display format for that classified.

Advertiser can receive query from user for particular classifieds/ads and give them response.

Advertiser can view scheme ledger that contain current status of scheme and classifieds/ads upload in different scheme.

Advertiser can get remainder related scheme status i.e. scheme expiry and point expiry.

Advertiser can update their personal detail

 Advertiser can search particular classifieds/ads. 

Admin Site:

Admin can manage the different databases.

Admin can also upload and mange classifieds behalf of advertiser.

Admin can approve scheme activation and ad activation request of the advertiser.

Admin can view the details of user, advertiser and their scheme detail and feedback detail.

Admin can search particular classifieds/ads.

Classified Website Project Advantages:

We hope that this type of online classified portal will yield to certain benefits to customer. We have tried our best to illustrate some of them. 

 Large amount of documentation preparation is reducing to a large extent because this system automatically dose required calculations and maintains records. 

Save time of users and yield accurate and precise results. 

Proposed system can keep track of important details of users and also of classifieds. 

Large amount of data can be maintained easily. 

 It provides descriptive information to the users about classifieds on a single key stroke.

Building Management System Project Report

Building Management System Project is a property related website project which is designed to help users to post requirements and available offers for selling properties.

Building Management System

Existing System:

Building Management System Components:

  • In each and every system, there is a particular system components through the system are running till now. The existing system can be any type, they can kept in either maintain in traditional manual system or can be maintained using computerized system. But after some time there is need of implementation to make our organization work in more in advanced way and can competed with the existing system of others. 
  • In the existing system, it cannot keep the track of building  or categories. So the admin and user cannon see the analysis. 
  • The member registers without building exchanging, so more user register here and increase the burden on web application.
  • Member search the building , categories, or highest viewed building  with using the searching tools.
  • No facility for user.

Admin Functionality:

  • In the current application, Admin has no facility to manage design of the website. 
  • Admin is provided with the searching tool, which helps him to manage the members, building and category.
  • Admin also having the reports of below things :

Following are the few types of reports. 





Drawback of Existing System:

  • Free membership is increase the burden on the web application.
  • Customer service takes long to reply and their verification process is unfair and random.
  • The main disadvantage is that this system provides no change to other interactive user to exchange the building..
  • Admin has no facilities for the any kind of reports.

Production Automation System Project

 Raw material production automation system project is a software application developed in programming language. Main objective of this project is to help companies to manage production related work like purchase raw material, production of sales of cloths. This application will help management team to handle work according to time and organize data in a procedure oriented manner. 

Existing System:

In existing system most of the manufacturing companies use records to handle stock details and production details which is a time taking task. As the use of software is improving in all fields there is scope of developing this application.

Proposed System:

Raw material production automation system will help to automate all types of production related works and manage details in database. This procedure will help to look after old records and reduce errors and improve production cost.

Production Automation System Modules:

 Sales :

Sales book includes the Party detail, Product Detail like Material, Due  Amount & Due Date  previous sales data record and payment detail are include in Sales book etc…

Purchase :

Purchase book includes the Party Detail, Dealer Detail, Product Detail like  Row Material Amount & previous data record and payment detail are include in Sales book etc…..  

Send Mill :

Send Mill  book includes the Mill  Detail, Dealer Detail, Taka Wise Detail like  Send takas Cloths Detail & previous data record and payment detail are include in Sales book etc.

School Management System Project Report

 The main purpose using School Management System Project is to avoid  manual problems and also documentation storage problem we can’t maintain long period data that’s why we used computerized system to overcome all problem related to school’s data storing and other arias.

  •  This website handles online student admission procedure.
  •   Hillfort public school is a web based project that maintains all the activity related to school. This project works on dynamic website handling.
  •  Hillfort project show time to time event information related to school. It also provides the facility for sending mail to parent regarding student activity.
  •  The proposed website controls student information and faculty details.
  • This is web based project it’s provide privilege facility for security purpose and provide login facility according to designation and restrict unauthorized used, if user is not admin then it can’t access everything, this project provide four type of designation facility and access permission.
  •   We can generate report according to date & show all report also; Because of manual system we faced many problems. The maintenance cost of manual system was very high. And they didn’t store historical information and not possible to view all at a time.
  •   This web site reduces the time & cost and provides the facility to retrieve student all information according to requirement.
  •   School event and all activity related information display on this web site, the school related latest news display on this site
  •  School related all information display on this project.