Budget Analysis Project in Asp.Net

Budget Analysis project is web based application developed in asp.net programming language. Main objective of this application is to automate process of calculation which was actually done by excel sheet. This software will use RDBMS for retrieving and manipulation data. 

Budget Analysis project  Screens Explanation:

Admin can login to application from home screen by entering user name and password.  This screen consists of home , products and about us page.

After login process is complete admin can view project details with SKU, Package Cost, actual shipping cost, unit cost, ebay fee, market fee detalis. This screen consists of Home , projects, uploads, summary, assumption, products  and About Us page.

New project Creation:

User can create net project by entering project name, description and status of project. Display unit will show project name and description on screen.

Upload Files:

There are two upload options available for user

  1. Directly uploading product information file. ( in this option user can upload excel file to system using browse option and select from system and click upload)
  2. Uploading inventory file which contains the daily sales details. ( in this option user should selection project name and upload daily inventory sales details using browse option and click upload.)


In summary option we can view project details by date, month wise and year wise.  Display GUI will show ( SKU, Quantity sold, unit price, total sales, packaging cost, actual shipping cost, unit cost, ebay fee, market fee, total unit cost, total cost and profit loss )

We can sort our summary by selecting date range from staring to ending and specific month, and specific year.


In this form we can upload assumptions excel file details and store in dataset which are shown in GUI.

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