Water Tax Billing System Project

Main aim of this Water Tax Billing System project is to implement an application which deals with maintaining water tax managing activities like generating a water tax bill, customer personal records and other administrative activities. Initially, all the information about customers will be entered and maintained, which in turn helps to generate water tax bill based on the customer’s consumption of electricity. This system will reduce manual work for maintaining records in files.

This system provides effective mechanism to manage water tax bills for admin by recording each and every activity. Regular transactions which include bill generation, payment etc. and exceptional transactions that are related to  change of customer’s address, not  clearing bills within due date etc. also will have to be handled by the system

Following is the list of modules that comprise this system:

a)      Managing the generated bills

b)      Managing Customer records

c)      Tracking bill status

d)     Menu design and integrating of all   modules

Main functions of these modules are:

Managing Customer records

a)      To create customer file

b)      To update customer file

c)      To generate Reports

d)     To search for customer information

Managing the water tax bills

a)      To create Bills file

b)      To update bills file

c)      To generate Reports

Tracking bill status

a)      To update payments

b)      To notify defaulters

c)      To generate Reports

Menu design and integrating of all  modules

a)      To display system banner.

b)      To process menu.

c)      Integration of all the modules

d)     To provide security

Network Intrusion Detection System

This lacks standard interface for the low-level interaction. The characteristic affects the portability of used can be categorized as an ordinary system that can be used to detect only a known or ungeneralised set of users. The main drawback lies in the fact that the system cannot be generalized. The system acts as a subsystem of the firewall itself.  The system contains the details of the intruder, which is then forwarded to the firewall.

Network Intrusion Detection System Home Page


The system has no access to the data in the packets. The existing system only checks with the IP address of the arriving packets. It is possible to identify the intruder with the IP address and not with the contents of the packet. It sometimes happens that the data arrive with data that has the capability of hacking the information from the network. This is possible using certain keywords. The existing system fails to detect such intrusion. The existing system is a faster one as far as the performance is considered.

Network Intrusion Detection System details

Network Intrusion Detection System Data Flow Diagrams


The most important feature of the system is that the system can generalize the type of intrusion. Large amount of checking has to be done in the packets with the data stored in the adaptive model database.

Software Configuration:

FRONT END:           VB.NET


The output forms are: –

Intruder details display Form.

Adaptive modal display Form.

IP request Form.

Port scanning Form.

Ping Machine Form

TCP sniffing Form.

UDP sniffing Form.

All packet sniffing Form

Packet Detection Form

Data Mining Form

Active Machine Form

Instance Management Form

Instant Message Form

Reports Form.

Input forms are: –

Login Form.

Change Security Form.

Intruder registration Form.

Intruder alteration Form.

Adaptive modal registration Form.

Adaptive modal modification Form.

Locking Form.


The project ‘Network Intrusion Detection System’ is meant for providing security to a system by forwarding the validated packet details to the firewall.

The current system has four modules.

Registration     : To register intruders and data model details.

Sensor : For capturing raw data packets.

Detector          : Detection of the intruder packet and forwarding packets to the firewall for blocking.

Options           : Monitoring certain system details by the administrator.

The administrator, who is the only user, can monitor all the network traffic that is the packets arriving into the network filtering the protocol type that is whether the packet is TCP or UDP. The administrator can also find out which all are the intruder packets and can forward the message for blocking the packets to the firewall.

Considering the current trends and the developments the future might offer, this is a secure system with a promising bright future in the coming networking era.

Detection Details


Table number            :           1

Title                            :           Administrator Login

Table Name               :           Login

Description                 :           The table stores in the login user ID and the password for the authorization checking. It is used both during login and locking.

Constraint                  :           The user ID is the primary key.

Field name Type Length Description
Username Varchar 25 User Identification
Password Varchar 25 User Password

Table Number           :           2

Title                            :           Intruder Registration Details

Table name                :           Intruder

Description                 :           The details of already known intruders

Constraints                :           The int code is the primary key, IP address not null.

Field Name Type Length Description
Intcode Numeric 9 Intruder Code
Ipaddress Varchar 25 Ip Address
Intdesc Varchar 25 Intruder Description
Regdate DateTime 8 Registration Date
Starttime DateTime 8 Start Time
Endtime DateTime 8 End Time

Table number            :           3

Title                            :           Adaptive Model Table

Table name                :           Modal

Description                 :           The Adaptive model is created and stored

Constraints                :           The modcode is the primary key

Field name Type Length Description
Modcode Numeric 9 Model Code
Regdate DateTime 8 Registration date
Pattern Varchar 200 Model Pattern

Table Number           :           4

Title                            :           The Intrusion block details

Table name                :           Detection

Description                 :           The packets detected of intrusion are stored here.

Constraints                :           The Detipaddr  is the primary key 

Field name Type Length Description
Detipaddr Varchar 25 Detected IP Address
Detdate DateTime 8 Detection Date
Dettime DateTime 8 Detection Time
Protocol Varchar 10 Protocol
Dettype Varchar 25 Detection Type

Network Administrator Assisting Tool

This system is used to make security professional aware of packets entering and leaving the monitored network. It is used to sniff out the network packets. It helps to increase packet throughput as inspecting every packet can slow traffic considerably. It is an essential tool that compliments any security suite such as firewall and a good antivirus.

Large amount of checking has to be done in the packets with the data stored in the adaptive model. The system uses up LAN bandwidth. It has double the total network bandwidth requirements from any LAN. The system is more adaptable to cross platform environments.

Network Administrator Assisting Tool

The important modules of the system are: 

  • Admin
  • Detection
  • Monitor
  • Remote Control
  • Utility
  • Recovery Service

Admin: Administrator registers the intruder’s known IP addresses and  the harmful data.

Detection: Packets are detected comparing the IP address and data table.

Monitor: Pinging and shortest path is found.

Remote Control: Shut down, Restart and log off activities are done.

Utility: Change password, locking the application in server system  and Sending messages is done.

Recovery service: Backups of the data running in client machine is maintained.



The project named “Network Administrator Assisting Tool” is a system that not only detects the intruders by IP address; it detects the system with its contents also. It is used to sniff out the network packets. It helps to increase packet throughput as inspecting every packet can slow traffic considerably.

Large amount of checking has to be done in the packets with the data stored in the adaptive model. The system uses up LAN bandwidth. It has double the total network bandwidth requirements from any LAN. The system is more adaptable to cross platform environments.


The proposed system can be used to attain information relating to network. It can be used to retrieve the information regarding the current systems in the network, the ports in use, locking the system etc. The system is first fed in with the currently available intruders and the kind of data that are to be kept out of network. Information once is stored into the system is used to check the data packets. The IP addresses that are registered are forwarded to the firewall once found among the packets. The case is different with the adaptive modal. The unwanted type of data that are stored in the adaptive modal database is compared with the data that is passing through the network. On finding any packet that contains any of the contents of the adaptive modal database they are registered as intruders and the information is stored in the database.

Network Administrator Assisting Tool Administration


Platform: Windows 2000/XP


Environment: C#.NET

Database: Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000



The most important feature of the system is that the system can generalize the type of intrusion. Large amount of checking has to be done in the packets with the data stored in the adaptive model database.


  • The system proposed can be used to attain information relating to the network
  • It can be used to retrieve the information about the current systems in the network, the ports in use, locking the system etc.
  • The proposed system can be used to get the shortest path for the packet from source to destination.
  • The system is used to monitor currently active machines in the network and with that admin can logoff, shutdown or restart the system from the server machine.
  • The system can take the backups from the client machine and restore it back to the client machine.
  • The system is first fed in with the currently available intruders and the kind of commands that are to be kept out of the network. Information once is stored into the system is used to check the data packets. The IP addresses that are registered are forwarded to the firewall once found among the packets.
  • The case is different with the adaptive modal. The unwanted type of data that are stored in the adaptive modal database is compared with the data that is passing through the network. On finding any packet that contains any of the contents of the adaptive modal database they are registered as intruders and the information is stored in the database.

NAAT Data Flow Diagrams


Drawbacks of existing system

  • The existing system does not provide proper security over the network.
  • It needs manual processes to stop the intruder.
  • Administrator has to be in front of the system all the time.
  • Since the existing system does not have any details about the hosts, an unauthorized access cannot be detected easily.
  • The intruder cannot be found at appropriate time and blocked.
  • The existing system does not use any shortest path algorithm, so that it takes a large amount of time to transfer data packets from one host to another.
  • Cannot ensure whether the packet has been send are received at the destination.
  • The server application can be used by an unauthorized user as the existing system does not provide the facility of locking the application.
  • It does not provide activities such as shut down, log off and restart.

NAAT Data Flow Diagram1


The project named “Network Administrator Assisting Tool” is done by using C#.NET as a Frontend and SQL Server as a Backend. This system compliments any security suite such as firewall and antivirus. The system not only detects the intruders by IP address; it detects the system with its contents also. The system checks the database for the already registered intruders. If found intruding, they are forwarded to the firewall for blocking. The firewall is responsible for the blocking of the packets.

The proposed system can be used to attain information relating to network. It can be used to retrieve the information regarding the current systems in the network, the ports in use, locking the system etc. The system is first fed in with the currently available intruders and the kind of data that are to be kept out of network. Information once is stored into the system is used to check the data packets.

The IP addresses that are registered are forwarded to the firewall once found among the packets. The case is different with the adaptive modal. The unwanted type of data that are stored in the adaptive modal database is compared with the data that is passing through the network. On finding any packet that contains any of the contents of the adaptive modal database they are registered as intruders and the information is stored in the database.

NAAT Data Flow Diagram2

Benefits of proposed system: 

  • User friendly
  • Ease of access
  • Fast retrievals
  • Single point system administration and maintenance
  • Added security to system
  • Can be implemented in network
  • Easy to mention an IP address.


The database design is a must for any application developed especially more for the data store projects. Since the chatting method involves storing the message in the table and produced to the sender and receiver, proper handling of the table is a must.

In the project, login table is designed to be unique in accepting the username and the length of the username and password should be greater than zero.

The complete listing of the tables and their fields are provided in the annexure under the title ‘Table Structure’.


Table Name                 :           Admin

Purpose                       :           Maintain Host In formations and Login Details

Table Structure            :

Field Data Type Length Description Key
Hip Var char 20 Host IP Primary
Hname Var char 20 Host Name
Passwd Var char 29 Pass word
Ltime Date/Time 10 Login Time
Ldate Date/Time 10 Login date

Adaptive Model

Table Name                 :           Adaptive model

Purpose                       :           Maintain Packet Informations

Table Structure            :

Field Data Type Length Description Key
Hip Var char 20 Host IP Foreign
Tdata Var char 20 Type of data
Size Numeric 10 Size of data

Intruder Registration

Table Name                 :           Intruder Registration

Purpose                       :           Maintain Intruder Information

Table Structure            :

Field Data Type Length Description Key
Iip Var char 20 Intruder IP Primary
Rtime Date/Time 10 Reg Time
Rdate Date/Time 10 Reg Date
Tdata Var char 20 Type of data

Intruder Blocking

Table Name                 :           Intruder Blocking

Purpose                       :           Maintain Intruder Blocking Informations

Table Structure            :

Field Data Type Length Description Key
Iip Var char 20 Intruder IP Foreign
state Boolean 10 State

Backup Process

Table Name                 :           Backup

Purpose                       :           Maintain Backup data

Table Structure            :

Field Data Type Length Description Key
Hip Var char 20 Host IP Foreign
Dip Var char 20 Dest IP
Tdata Var char 20 Type of data


Table Name                 :           Remote

Purpose                       :           Maintain Remote Process Information

Table Structure            :

Field Data Type Length Description Key
Hip Var char 20 Host IP Foreign
hname Var char 20 Host name
actionp Var char 20 Action perf
actiont Date/Time 10 Action time
actiond Date/Time 10 Action date


Table Name                 :           Monitor Table

Purpose                       :           Maintain Ping, Port scanning and Route Tracing


Table Structure            :

Field Data Type Length Description Key
Hip Var char 20 Host IP Foreign
Dip Var char 20 Dest IP
Ctime Date/Time 10 Conn time
Cdate Date/Time 10 Conn date
Spath Numeric 10 Shortest path
Portno Numeric 10 Port number Primary


The code design should be such that with less amount of coding we can achieve more results. The speed of the system will be more if the coding is less. Whether the data in the system is usable and readable by the system is depending on the coding.

In the project, the coding is being done such that proper validations are made to get the perfect input. No error inputs are accepted. In addition care is taken such that the data integrity and referential integrity is not violated in the database.

Checking the username and password, non-acceptance of duplicate username is made properly.

In addition, coding is designed such that concurrency avoidance of accessing the database, limited user access to the table is made perfect. The coding is designed such that the consumer can view only his complaints.


Output Forms are, 

  • Intruder Details Display Form.
  • Adaptive Modal Display Form.
  • IP Request Form.
  • Port Scanning Form.
  • Ping Machine Form.
  • TCP Sniffing Form.
  • UDP Sniffing Form.
  • All Packet Sniffing Form.
  • Packet Detection Form.
  • Data Mining Form.
  • Active Machine Form.
  • Instance Management Form.
  • Instant Message Form.
  • Report Form.


The important modules of the system are:

  • Admin
  • Detection
  • Monitor
  • Remote Control
  • Utility
  • Recovery Service


In this module administrator registers the intruder’s known IP addresses and the harmful data. The full control for the system is in admin and in this module administrator can update the IP as well as the modal data of the intruder.


This module detects the packets and it schedules the packets as TCP and UDP packets. Then it checks the data packets and the IP address. If any intruder or harmful data is there the system detects it.


It lists all the processes and the error that is occurring and stores it in the database. Pinging is done and shortest path is found.

Remote Control

In this module, Administrator can find out all the active machines in the network. Administrator can then perform remote control activities such as shut down, Restart and log off according to the need.


Administrator can do the utilities like change password, lock the application in server system, and sending messages to the network.

Recovery service

Administrator can take backups of data, which are running in the client machine. Whenever the data is needed the data can be recovered and also can schedule the time.


The Remote Monitoring System project can be thus found to be useful in various applications in both home use as well as office use to detect unnoticed malpractices in our system. Thus it makes the user to be careful about the improper usage of his system thus enabling him to take appropriate actions to stop them. Hence he can have a control over his system even in his absence. Hence it provides a level of security to the administrator’s PC. Remote Monitoring System is a powerful monitoring and surveillance tool that is useful on all platforms. This project helps us in a networking environment to monitor and spy all the system in the network connection without knowing the user.

Electronic Employment Management System

Abstract: The project entitled “Electronic Employee Management System” fully describes about the process of employment office schemes and provides the strong connection between job seekers and job providers. In this portal the job seeker has to register their details into the employment office database. Once they register the identities the system automatically post the complete details like Renewal time, validity and the cost if any required to the registered candidate.

Electronic Employment Management System Architecture

The candidate can view the current opportunity through the job portal of the respective candidate. The system provides complete opportunity to the job providers to upload the job details immediately into the site; many candidates/job seekers get benefits from this system. This system provides one more add-on like if the date is expired to renew then the system automatically alert the candidate by sending mail to them whenever the site gets logged in. For all the entire system handles the process of employment office and provides the bridge between job seekers and the job providers.


  2. Employee REGISTRAION
  3. VERIFYING employee detail
  4. Experience renewal


The authentication module that allows the user provides to the identity of their own into the system, and gets full access rights to handle the website. Basically this website starts with the authentication port once the user properly registered in this website after that making the process. The employee management system provides the secure authentication and authentication process. The employee can login into the system with correct username and password and get all benefits of the site.


The registration process allows the user to enter the proper identity into the system. The identities are nothing but it is the basic information about the respective individual. The information like name mail id address username and password, which in be store to the server. The employee management system is to provide the registration process. In employee side the registration process is based on the personal detail like as name, Mail Id, address etc.

VERIFYING employee detail

This module is used to view the working employee details and relieve employee details. It is used to calculate the overall manpower of company, and calculate the overall employee salary details. And this module allows to verifying the present employee details like name, employee designation, and address. 

Experience renewal

Experience renewal module allows to renewal the employee experience. This module helps to improving the employee salary based on their qualification and their experience. The company gives the promotion for employees based on their experience. This renewal portal is used to update each and every employee experience up to date.

Electronic Employment Management System Registration Table





Electronic Employment Management System DFD



Hardware Requirements: 

  • System                            :   Pentium IV 2.4 GHz.
  • Hard Disk                      :   40 GB.
  • Ram                                 :   512 Mb. 

Software Requirements:

  • Operating system           :    Windows 7 Ultimate (32-bit)
  • Coding Language           :   ASP.Net
  • Data Base                         :   Ms-Access

Time Table Generation System in ASP.Net

The aim of this project is to create software for college and for the purpose is to maintain the “TIME TABLE GENERATION” for both the students and staff.  Each Department head is having problem in work scheduling to their sub ordinates and work status feedback.  This project solves the above problem.  This software gives permission to the students and staff to view their allotted subject and Time Table.

Interaction Between The Student And The System

This software is used to maintain the details of staff and student’s Time Table details and college Time Table details.  Visual Basic.NET is used as front end that is used to design the user interface.  Microsoft Access is used as back end and used to design the database and stores the details.

The tables used here are Course Details, Department details, Staff Details, Time Table Allocation details, Subject Details.

The project is more user-friendly so that anyone have minimum computer knowledge can access and handle the software without having any complexity.  This system provides security to the users by providing proper login.

Time Table Generation System

Modules in this project are,

  1. Course Details
  2. Department Details
  3. Staff Details
  4. Time Table allocation Details
  5. Subject Details


In this module both the entry and view of the course details can be done.  If the entry should be done, then the details will be checked.  After that the details will be added in the database and a message will be displayed to confirm the entry.

Time Table Generation System Semister wise


If the Department details entered then the Id of the corresponding Department must be entered, then the entered Id will be checked against the database. If the match is found, then the Department details of the Corresponding Department will be shown in that module, Else an error message will be displayed.

Staff Detail: 

In this module both the entry and view of the staff Details can be done.  If the entry should be done, then the details must be entered and checked for duplicate.  Then the details will be added in the database and a message will be displayed to confirm the entry.

Time Table Allocation:

In the Time Table Allocation Details the staff, subject of the Corresponding staff will be entered, then the entered staff Name will be checked against the database.  If the match is found, then the Time Table Allocation details of the corresponding staff will be generated and stored in database, Else an error message will be displayed.


The subject details master includes subject name, id and the staff handling the subject will be entered and stored in database. In time table generation the details will be retrieved and used as per the requirement.

Existing System 

In the existing system, each task is carried out manually and processing is also a tedious job.  The Organization is not able to achieve its need in time and also the results may not accurate. Because of the manual maintenance there are number of difficulties and drawbacks exist in the system. Some of them are

Drawbacks of the Existing System:

  • Increased transaction leads to increased source document and hence maintenance becomes difficult.
  • If any student, staff entry is wrongly made then the maintenance becomes very difficult.


The proposed system is designed to be more efficient than the manual system. It invokes all base tasks that are now carried out manually, such as the forms transactions and reports which is added advantage.

Advantages of the Proposed System:

  • Gives accurate information
  • Simplifies the manual work
  • It minimizes the documentation related work
  • Provides up to date information
  • Friendly Environment by providing warning messages.


Software specification 

Platform                      :           Microsoft Windows XP

Front – End                 :           VB .Net

Back – End                 :           MS Access

Environment               :           Microsoft Visual Studio .Net 2005

Flight Booking Portal


The project entitled “Flight Booking Portal” is all about and for passenger assistance as the name states.  Now-a-days passenger traveling on a Flight gets confused very Often and is in contact only for the duration of the course that they undergo. Only one third of the passengers in a Flight Onboard are able to frequent travelers and interact with each other. The primary objective of this project is to announce the passenger list, Takeoff time and landing time of each flight. Flight details, Airport details and Airline timings are maintained in this project. The passenger list tells about the details of each passenger and the takeoff time tells about when the flight will takeoff and landing time tells about when the flight lands. This project is used to eliminate problems that arise in the manual system. This site provides the facility to handle the details and data easily and accurately.

Flight Booking Portal System Architecture

Primary Objective

The primary objective of this project is to announce the passenger list, Takeoff time and landing time of each flight. Flight details, Airport details and Airline timings are maintained in this project. The passenger list tells about the details of each passenger and the takeoff time tells about when the flight will takeoff and landing time tells about when the flight lands. This project is used to eliminate problems that arise in the manual system. This system is user friendly to maintain the records easily and accurately. 

Flight Booking Portal Login Page

Working Nature of Flight Booking Portal

The working nature of the flight booking portal does not facilitates only the booking and cancellation of flights and also it maintains the complete working scenario of the airport and the flight landing and take-off strategies as well as the clear passenger details into the concern. Once the passenger book for the particular flight it confirms the passenger details like in which class they book for the particular flight and in which day the flight is turned on to fly and so on. Basically the working scenario of the entire system fully handles the working nature of the airport and provides facility to the passengers to book for the flight and know the complete details regarding the corresponding flight to move on.

Flight Booking Portal Flight details

Scope of the System

The scope of the flight booking portal starts from the maintenance of airport strategies and the maintenance of passenger details. Once the flight details are entered into the system the employees and flight capacity are decided by the administrator end such as the particular flight contains this much of seats and the capacities like class I, II and III. For each class the passengers can book their seats based on the necessities. This system maintains one interesting scenario that is the Age Fare Concession, once the passenger details are collected it automatically calculates the fare based on the age of the respective passenger.

Development Environment 

Hardware Requirements:

System                           :   Pentium IV 2.4 GHz.

Hard Disk                      :   40 GB.

Ram                               :   512 Mb. 

Software Requirements:

Operating system           :    Windows 7 Ultimate (32-bit)

Coding Language           :   ASP.Net

Data Base                      :   Ms-Access

Organics Management System


The project titled “Organics Management System” is a Web-based compensation model for companies which help in managing all the activities in the Organic Farm. Organics is a public limited company engaged in organic farming and having a keen attitude towards establishing a research based agri-business. Organics provides equity and preferential shares, organic products and many services to the public.

The purpose of this application is to have a consistent and reliable system which can track all the activities within the company. It also provides supervisors and directors a tool that manages and estimates the company productivity on a monthly or weekly basis.

The system functional specifications can be used for streamlining activities, provide information flow and manage all the activities effectively. The process of “Organics Management System” is to provide software for the company which helps in tracking the team and individual transactions with the company.

The main objective of the project is to develop and provide an effective management system which can be used for managing shares, products and services. The module is developed based on the requirement gathered from the company. All the shares, products and services are sent to the administrator of the company for his approval before each transaction can be completed.


The main aim of proposed system is to provide an automated managing system which can track all the daily activities in the Organic Farm. The development of a well-structured, secured and approval based system will allow staff and customers to understand better and will be able to contribute to the growth of the company.

Reduce the manual process flow of discussion and approval from management; promote efficient and scalable products with the company’s growth. It also helps in tracking the profit and quality of the products and also helps establish the company as a major competitor in the field of organic agricultural farming.


The aim of this project is to develop a management system with the following objectives:

  1. To create a management system that can be used to track all the activities within the company.
  2. To reduce the time of management and long discussion process.
  3. System can be implemented on daily or weekly or monthly basis.


The software requirements for developing the application are Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 to handle front end basically – .NET controls, windows forms and SQL Server to take care of the database part (back end) and Windows 7 as operating system.

Hardware Specification

Processor                        :        Intel Core 2 Duo

RAM                              :         1 GB RAM

Hard disk                        :        2GB

Software Requirements

Operating System                   :            Windows 7

Front-End                   :            Microsoft Visual Studio 2008

Back-End                   :            SQL SERVER 2008

Software Personnel Management System in VB

The Software Personnel management system is highly unique, because of its distinguished activities and behavior. It sounds to be different, because of its classified nature. It starts right from the conception of an application and it covers up the entire life cycle till the customer’s problems are successfully handled. The management of this process and its required documentation proves to be challenging as it has many cases to concern.

The special cases arise from this management system such as handling the customer’s problem in such a way that it can be clearly mapped to the development details in the database.

In the existing system all the processing are done manually. These systems will have to maintain the data in a hard file. While searching any data it is too difficult to find those.

Maintaining too many data about the software in separate files are too complicated. Similarly, it is too difficult to maintain data for each and every activity. So, the time utilization will be more in the manual system. In order to overcome these problems we have to propose the system which overcomes the problem of the existing method.

We have proposed a system that would modernize the activities of Software Personnel management system. The developed system would perform all the function of the manual system. Using this system we can save time and the operation will be performed with ease comparatively.

Software Personnel Management System Login Software Personnel Management System


         To analyze, Design and develop code for Software Personnel Management system using Rational Rose software and Visual Basic 6.0.


The main scope of the project is to provide the developing company to maintain an interface to store and access the project details and the respective customer associated with it along with the assignment details with regards to the team working on the project.


The main objective of designing and developing a Software Personnel Management system is to provide with a system which proves to be manually beneficial i.e., benefits the software developing company. The complete activities and the process right from projects inception to its successful delivery is incorporated in this system.

Software Personnel Management System Use case Diagram


Software personnel system is a real time application used in the developer’s day to day system. This is a database to store the project configuration that is specified by the customer and the software developed for it includes customer and developer requirements needed for the process. Here we assume ourselves as the developing company:

1.The company is the developer of the software and it contains the necessary information of the software such as requirements, time limit etc.

2. The customer provides the requirements to the company and requests a suitable solution system. The company is only responsible for developing the system out of the requirements of the customer.

3. The company mainly obtains the requirements from the customer and by analyzing it, prepares a requirements and feasibility documentation initially.

4. Then the company develops a software system that is apt for the integrated requirements and tests it within itself and by exposure to the concerned customer, and finally builds a complete a satisfactory solution.


Design Tool : Rational  Rose Software

Front  End: Visual basic 6.0

Back End : MS-Access


Existing System:

The existing system is the manual system.   The manual system is error prone.  It is time consuming.  It is very difficult for a person to produce report.  There are chances for manipulating the reports and changing it.  This system involves a lot of manual entries with the applications to perform the desired task.


  • Data maintenance adopted by the present system is not accurate.
  • Inaccurate result in case of duplicating, delay and inconsistency in reporting.
  • Generating consolidated reports is more difficult in manual system and it may not be consistent.
  • The transactions are very time consuming.
  • There is no facility for the users to know whether the data is entered is valid or not.  This disadvantage is the major cause of errors in transaction.
  • There is inconsistency in maintaining data’s.
  • No global view ability of data’s.
  • No chance of knowing other members sales daily.
  • It is not user friendly.

Proposed System: 

The proposed system is designed to eliminate the drawbacks of the existing system.  It is designed by keeping in mind all the drawbacks of the present system in order to provide a permanent solution to the problems.  The primary aim of the new system is to speedup process.  The report is prepared for the software personnals.

The personnel code and software code are validated. Accuracy for all the data entered is maintained in the proposed system through validation and verification from all the files.  Verification of personnel code, software code, validation of records, etc., are performed with maximum accuracy.  In short, efficiency is established.  The advantages of this system are listed below,

  • User friendliness is the keyword for all the new software in the market.  The proposed system incorporates this concept into itself to guide the user.
  • At every stage of data entry necessary comments and validation messages are provided to the user.
  • The proposed system is also expected to reduce the amount of paper work involved.  The hard copies of only necessary documents need to be taken the rest can be avoided.
  • Competitive environment is developed with the publications of other members of same level.
  • Good communication is being held via mail options.
  • Data’s are maintained accurately via daily submission of information details. 

Need For Computerization:

            The Project entitled “Software personnel management system” was not computerized previously.  In this system, the information about the software and the progress of personnels and the  movement of the products in the market cannot be noted easily. If these informations are needed we need to spend lot of time, money and energy.

If the company’s turn over has to be increased then there is some need for experts ideas for that up to date information has to supplied this is quite impossible in the present system.

If the company wants to inform some important meeting/decisions, this process should start before sometime before the actual happening. If some person are added this too has to be informed individually for that quite some money has to be spent.

Reports cannot be created easily with much flexibility and with limited amount of time. The head of the company cannot sit at a place and maintain the records without much assistance.

Data maintenance is quite tough when maintained manually. High level of data redundancy exists.


The project ”Software personnel management sytem” deals with the process of managing the software personnels of a company.  This project consists of many UML diagrams that are described below,

• Use case diagram

• Class diagram

• Sequence diagram

• Collaboration diagram

• State chart diagram

• Activity diagram

• Component diagram

• Deployment diagram

• Package diagram

The project can be explained diagrammatically using the following diagrams.


The use cases are a set of scenarios to guide together by a common user goal. A scenario is the sequence of steps describing an interaction between a user and their system.

List of employeeLoginCEOEmployee detailsDatabase


The use case diagram in the software personnel management system illustrates the sequence of sequencing and describing an interaction between a CEO and a system.


This use case gives as entry to the CEO and the database.

List of employee:

This will create the situation for the CEO to select particular employee from the available list.

Employee details:

The CEO can able to view the details of the employee using this use case.


The system is developed for automating the activities involved in the software done by the personnel. The data maintenance and reports generated are compatible with the daily activities of the department.

The main advantage of the system over the existing system is the increase in the speed of information retrieval since that data is maintained systematically and any type of information required for the end user of the system can be generated easily.

This system is of vital use to the software personnel incharge, to the distributor and to the representative also.  They can very well know about the sales done by them on a particular day or a month, between dates, in an area,…

Though “Software Personnel Management System ” is so designed that not much amendment is required.  This system has provisions for adapting to future enhancements.

Examination Information System (EIS) in VB



The whole process starts from registration of the candidate for the exam. Registration contains information related to students like

  • Registration number
  • Name
  • Branch
  • Year
  • Exam Fee details…

After the registration is completed a list of students who have registered will be issued application forms. Filled up applications are sent to the university by the college exam cell incharges. Then after some time basing on those applications, STUDENTS details year-wise, branch-wise, regular/supply, subject-wise, are stored in the system. Students get the hall-tickets along with the details of exams they are appearing and the concerned dates.

Level 2 Class Diagram

Details of conduct of examination:

The university in Net displays the timetable of examinations and by that the students are allowed to attend the examinations basing on the schedule.  STUDENT’s details date-of-exam-wise should be taken.

Seating order-Arrangement:

Seating arrangement depends on the number of students appearing for a particular exam and the capacities of the examination halls.

Based on date of exam, Branch, Subjects, Years, Regular/Supp/Transfer

=> Number of students of each exam are sorted in order.

Sorting Order:

Based on date of exam, Branch, Subjects, Years, Regular/Supp/Transfer

=> Number of students of each exam are retrieved.

Then they are sorted as explained below:

  • Students attending regular exam are followed with supplementary students (if any) attending the same exam.
  • Supplementary students are further sorted in increasing order based on their current year of study.
  • Each batch of students (reg/supp) are in turn sorted as below :

Regular students followed by lateral entry students (if any) and

transfer candidates (if any).

In this seating arrangement we have to consider various hall capacities like

  • 24
  • 36
  • 74
  • 48 (with combination in 24)

and in this seating arrangement process students can be arranged with or without combination.

Combination of students can be made in a hall only when the subjects to which they are appearing are different.

Depending on sets allotment we have to check for seating conditions like:

No two members of same year and same set and same branch should sit adjacent (side by side or across) to each other.

Sets Allotment:

Question paper set allotment will be done for the sorted  students with the starting set number mentioned by the JNTU.

Manually the set numbers are represented corresponding to their register number in the seating arrangement form. All the above data is fed into Excel sheet.

Nominals and Additional Sheet Forms:

After the seating arrangement nominal rolls and additional sheet forms will be generated for the respective exam halls from seating arrangement database .

In nominal form we have the columns:

  • Register number with corresponding register number
  • Set number
  • Signature

In additional sheet form we have the columns:

  • Register Number
  • Main sheet no. of student
  • Number of additional sheets taken
  • Signature

These nominal rolls and additional sheet forms provide further fields

like : number of students in that hall, number of students present and number of students absent.

The filled-up information in Nominal rolls will be manually verified by the invigilators and the chief superintend. Finally this information is again updated in absentees statements which is a D-FORM.


In D-form students list of a particular branch/exam are grouped according to set allotment done and this list is further sorted in order as per seating arrangement.

The absentees for that exam in that list are obtained from nominal rolls and corresponding register numbers are manually rounded.

Total number of students registered, number of students present in each set are further details provided by D-Form.


Present system is time consuming and involves lot of paper work.

The risks involved in present system are due to its manual effort of collecting required data and summarizing them for report generartion.

Some of the risks involved in present system are:

  • Student can register only when he/she is eligible for that.

Ex: If the student has attendance less than required percentage then he is

not eligible to register.

Many conditions like these are being checked manually before

registration, which is time consuming and error prone.

  • In allotting sets, if a mistake is done at a point, then this becomes cumulative and this may result in adverse consequences.
  • By mistake, in D-Form if a student present is marked as absent, confusion occurs in evaluation process.
  • If there is any need to retrieve any details, it may seem to be difficult to search manually.

There are many other risks involved that can be easily tackled by computerizing present system.



Examination Information System [EIS] is the computerized system. Which will automate all the process that is going on in the present system. The main aims for going to computerized system is

  • Fast processing
  • Less paper work
  • Robust
  • Adaptable
  • Intuitive
  • Easy retrieval


This process starts from Registration process and in this registration we fill the details of the candidate like:

  • Name of the student
  • Register number
  • B-tech or M.C.A
  • Year of study
  • Regular / supplement

Just before getting registered the student is checked against enrollment database, attendance database, debar list,1f4 and many other databases.

Thus only the eligible students can register.

Based on the entered criteria, fees gets automatically calculated and fees slip gets generated. If there are any changes made in fee structure by JNTU, due to the flexibility provided they can be easily reflected back in fee calculation.

The fee structure will be different for regular and supplementary.   As per present fee structure, if regular he/she should pay the total amount of Rs.815 and if it is supplement he/she should pay the amount of Rs.200 for every subject  and this should be verified against previous marks database.

 Sets Allotment:

We allot sets for the students with the starting set number mentioned by the JNTU people and programatically the sets will be allocated to the sorted students and forms will be generated accordingly.

Seating Arrangement:

After completion of set allotment we get into seating arrangement. The seating arrangement consists of with/without combination of students we have to check for conditions like no two members of same year and branch should sit side by side.

There are varieties of seating arrangements:

  • 24
  • 36
  • 74

By mistake, if the user chooses the same subject students for combination in the same hall, then the process restricts the user by giving a meaningful message.

Depending on number of students we categorize them in that particular room selected and we will store the placing of the students in base database that will be useful for automatically generating two forms namely,

  • Nominal Rolls
  • Additional sheet forms


D-form gives the whole details or status of the class, and the absentees will be marked with red color automatically by checking register numbers against absentees database.

Total students are grouped automatically based on set allotment database

and then the calculations like no. of students present, absent per set are done and reflected back in report.

This D-form will be sent to JNTU examination cell to inform status of the student.


Examination Information System

Student Information Subject Codes Branch Codes


Day Wise Statement Seating Arrangement Supplementary Registration


The Student Enrollment System is aimed to automate examination system of a college. The total system, which was planned and designed to develop is vast in nature and functionality. The system is user friendly and intuitive and can be used even by novice users.

Though there was much that can be developed apart from what has been attempted, there were number of occasions on which new thoughts about various aspects of the project have been projected by the observers of the project, the duration of the project was considered to be a limiting factor for curtailing further previews and implementations.

The hope is that the project will be a major commercial product when the gaps leftover in the development are filled and a full-fledged project is built from the analysis and design that has been done during the project.

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  121. estimation of defects based on defect decay model ed3m
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  136. harnessing the cloud for securely outsourcing
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  142. Integration of Sound Signature in Graphical Password Authentication System
  143. Internet and Online Information Privacy An Exploratory Study of Preteens and Early Teens
  144. Jamming-Aware Traffic Allocation for Multiple-Path Routing Using Portfolio Selection
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  146. Knowledge-Based Interactive Postmining of Association Rules Using Ontologies
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  150. Layered Approach Using Conditional Random Fields for Intrusion Detection
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  153. localized sensor area coverage with low communication overhead
  154. MeetYou – Social Networking on Android
  155. Minimize File Download Time
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  170. One Size Does Not Fit All Towards User-and Query-Dependent Ranking For Web Databases
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  175. optimized resource allocation for software release planning
  176. Orthogonal Data Embedding for Binary Images in Morphological Transform Domain-A High Capacity Approach
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  178. PAM
  179. Participatory Privacy Enabling Privacy in Participatory Sensing
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  182. Persuasive Cued Click-points Design, Implementation, And Evaluation Of A Knowledge-based Authentication Mechanism
  183. Pfusion A P2P Architecture for Internet-Scale Content-Based Search and Retrieval
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  186. Privacy Preserving Public Storage
  187. Privacy-Preserving Multi-keyword Ranked Search over Encrypted Cloud Data
  188. Privacy-Preserving Public Auditing for Data Storage Security in Cloud Computing
  189. Privacy-Preserving Public Auditing For Secure Cloud Storage
  190. Probabilistic Packet Marking for Large-Scale IP Trace back
  191. Protecting Sensitive Labels in Social Network Data Anonymization
  192. Publishing Search Logs – A Comparative Study Of Privacy Guarantees
  193. QoS Ranking Prediction for Cloud Services
  194. Query Processing in peer to peer networks
  195. Quiver Consistent Object Sharing For Edge Services
  196. Ranking And Suggesting Popular Items
  197. Rate Allocation and Network Lifetime Problems for Wireless Sensor Networks
  198. Rateless Forward Error Correction for Topology-Transparent Scheduling
  199. Record Matching over Query Results from Multiple Web Databases
  200. Redundancy Management of Multipath Routing for Intrusion Tolerance
  201. Reputation-Based Resource Allocation in P2P
  202. Resource Allocation for QoS Support in Wireless Mesh Networks
  203. Resource Overbooking Using Aggregation profiling in large scale Resource Discovery
  204. Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images by Reserving Room Before Encryption
  205. Robust Correlation of Encrypted Attack Traffic through Stepping Stones by Flow Watermarking
  206. Robust Face-Name Graph Matching for Movie Character Identification
  207. Robust Video Data Hiding Using Forbidden Zone Data Hiding And Selective Embedding
  208. ROSSE Grid Services Discovery
  209. Rough Cluster Quality Index Based On Decision Theory
  210. Route Stability in MANETs under the Random Direction Mobility Model
  211. Scalable and Secure Sharing of Personal Health Records in Cloud Computing using Attribute-based Encryption
  212. Scalable Learning Of Collective Behaviour
  213. Secure and Efficient Handover Authentication Based on Bilinear Pairing Functions
  214. Secure and efficient handover authentication based on bilinear pairing functions
  215. Secure Client-Side ST-DM Watermark Embedding
  216. Secure Data Collection In Wireless
  217. Secure Distance-Based Localization in the Presence of Cheating Beacon Nodes
  218. Secure Mining Of Association Rules In Horizontally Distributed Databases
  219. Securing Node Capture Attacks for Hierarchical Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks
  220. Securing User-Controlled Routing Infrastructures
  221. Security Analysis of a Single Sign-On Mechanism For Distributed Computer Networks
  222. Security Conscious Web Service Composition with Semantic Web Support
  223. Semi supervised Biased Maximum Margin Analysis for Interactive Image Retrieval
  224. Service-Oriented Architecture for Privacy-Preserving Data Mashup
  225. SigFree A Signature-Free Buffer Overflow Attack Blocker
  226. SIGFREE
  227. Slicing A New Approach To Privacy Preserving
  228. Slow Adaptive OFDMA Systems Through. Chance Constrained Programming
  229. SocialTube P2P-assisted Video Sharing
  230. Some Performance Aspects Considerations of a Class of Artificial Neural Network
  231. sort a self-organizing trust model for Peer to Peer Systems
  232. SORT A Self-Organizing Trust Model
  233. SPOC A Secure and Privacy-preserving Opportunistic Computing Framework for Mobile-Healthcare Emergency
  234. SSL Backend Forwarding Scheme in Cluster-Based Web Servers
  235. Statistical Techniques for Detecting Traffic Anomalies through Packet Header Data
  236. Stock And Portfolio Management Solution
  237. Supporting Search-As-You-Type Using SQL in Databases
  238. Target Tracking and Mobile Sensor Navigationin Wireless Sensor Networks
  239. Temporal Partitioning of Communication Resources in an Integrated Architecture
  240. The Awareness Network,To Whom Should I Display My Actions And, Whose Actions Should I Monitor
  241. The Effect of Pairs in Program Design Tasks
  242. The Effectiveness of Checksums for Embedded Control Networks
  243. The Geometric Efficient Matching Algorithm for Firewalls
  244. The Target Tracking in Mobile Sensor Networks
  245. The World in a Nutshell Concise Range Queries
  246. Three-Party Authentication using Quantum Key Distribution Protocols
  247. Throughput Optimization in High Speed Downlink
  248. Topology control in mobile ad hoc networks with cooperative communications
  249. Towards Secure and Dependable Storage Services in Cloud Computing
  250. Towards Secure Multi-Keyword Top-k Retrieval over
  251. Traditionally administrative personnel functions with performance management system
  252. Trustworthy Computing under Resource Constraints with the DOWN Policy
  253. Tv Broadcasting
  254. Understanding The External Links Of Video
  255. Using Ontologies and Vocabularies for Dynamic Linking
  256. VEBEK Virtual Energy-Based Encryption and Keying for Wireless Sensor Networks
  257. Video Steganography
  258. Watermarking Relational Databases Using Optimization-Based Techniques
  259. Web server load balancing using ssl back-end forwarding method
  260. Web Service interactions through XML
  261. Xml Database Migration
  262. A Distributed Database Architecture for Global Roaming in Next-Generation Mobile Networks
  263. A General Model for Sequential Pattern Mining with a Progressive Database
  264. Biased Random Walks in Uniform Wirless Networks
  265. Competitor Mining with the Web
  266. Conditional Shortest Routing in Delay Tolerant Network
  267. Hiding Sensitive Association Rules with Limited Side Effects
  268. Intelligent Heart Disease Prediction System (IHDPS) using data mining techniques
  269. Query Processing on Autonomous Incomplete Database
  270. Single Sign-On Assistant An Authentication Broker for Web Applications
  271. Truth Discovery with Multiple Conflicting Information Providers on the Web
  272. Unsupervised Word Sense Disambiguation and Rules Extraction using Non-Aligned Bilingual Corpus