Online Medical Store or Pharmacy Shop Java Project with code

Here download the complete Online Medical Store or Pharmacy shop Java Project with code, Abstract Seminar, Project Report, and how to run project user manual. The main aim of developing this project is to buy medicines online.



An online medical store is a pharmacy that operates over the Internet and sends orders to customers through shipping companies.
This project helps the users to provide medicines on time to the delivery location online.
This system requires a prescription for the specified drugs which is prescribed by the doctor and validated.


The main goal of this project is to help the user easily find medicines that are good for their health.
If there is no medicine in the store, it will be brought elsewhere.
If a prescription is attached to any medicine, the service department will check and confirm the prescription accordingly.


Online medical store has become famous these days.
Certain changes have to be made to the existing system or technology.
There is no feature of asking for prescriptions for the specified medicines.
This is the drawback of the existing system.


As the existing system has exhibited some ineffectiveness and inefficiency, some features are to be incorporated.
The prescription will be asked for specified medicines or drugs.
This helps in reducing the misuse of drugs.


I3 processor or more
Hard Disk: Min 40GB HDD
CPU TYPE: Pentium processor IV


Designing Tool: Notepad++
Operating System: Windows 7 or higher
Back end: JAVA, MySQL Database


This system helps to significantly reduce search time by allowing the user to enter a health issue and search accordingly.
The system also allows the user to add items to the user’s cart and place an order to pay for them.
This system will help reduce addiction.
Thus, this system is a great help in getting the most suitable medicine for the user’s health.

Download Online Medical Store or Pharmacy Shop Project Java & MySQL Source Code

Download Online Medical Store or Pharmacy Shop Project Report / Documentation, it includes Project Synopsis, UML Design Diagrams, Output Screen results, and SRS.

Download Online Medical Store or Pharmacy Shop Project Final Review Seminar PPT

Movie Ticket Booking / Reservation System Java & MySQL Project Source Code & Report


Web-based Movie Ticket Booking/ Reservation System for cinema halls and multiplex movie theaters which can be accessed over the internet. Presently most movie lovers book their tickets via Paytm or Bookmyshow mobile apps and websites. This web project will automate the reservation of movie tickets and inquiries about the availability of seats. This online java based application includes email confirmation for the movie tickets with seat numbers and movie time. This project was developed using Java & MySQL.

Users of the system

  1. Administrator
  2. Manager
  3. External users

High-Level Requirements

  1. System to allow the administrator to maintain masters such as Cinema Halls, type details like multiplexes or single, number of screens, seating capacity per screen, approximate rates per screen, other facilities at the location and its map, etc to be published.
  2. The cinema halls listed are of different types and offer different types of seats/classes. Information like seating capacity, and rates for different classes. Only 50% of the seats are available for online reservations.
  3. System to allow the admin to upload the details of a number of shows, movies being screened, ticket rates, etc on the site only on registration.
  4. System to allow users to search for cinema halls, movies, and shows based on selection criteria, for 2 weeks in advance.
  5. System to allow users to choose the seats which are available for a selected movie, selected screen, selected show, or selected class. Users can select the mode of transfer of tickets whether through the courier or collection at the counter, and charges for the same are to be added to the total of ticket charges.
  6. Users subscribe for new release information.
  7. System to mail information as per subscription.

System Design Use Case Diagram:

Class Diagram:

Activity Diagram:

Movie Booking Output Screens:

  • User login page
  • User home page
  • Book ticket page
  • Select movie Page:
  • Book Ticket Page
  • Ticket booked Page
  • Payment gateway Page
  • Subscribe to the new movies page
  • User Registration page
  •  Manager Login Page
  • Cinema Hall Registration
  • Movie Timings Page
  • Add a new movie page
  • Admin login page
  • Manager registration page

Home Page

Book Your Show Page:

Download Online Movie Ticket Booking Java & MySQL Project Source Code & Project Report.

Download the complete Desktop application Project code on Online Movie Ticket Booking System.

College Fest HTML Project Report


In India, the celebration of culture fest is an annual cultural event organized by a group of students and participants from other universities that accompany the university or university. Professional artists are usually invited and many competitions are held for students. Although some universities claim public acceptance, the celebration is sponsored by sponsors.

Problem Definition

The event is organized by almost all universities, but all work is done by hand. The proper event is then asked whether the student will process or not and then all the information is stored manually in the file. Most colleges have web pages that are specific to the event they are hosting, but this site works to provide information about some of the events that will take place at this university to inform other students.

Students also do not have a good search platform to start again
There is no Android application or event management or corporate web application to set up automatic records and also show participants all events that can be registered and online that can be scheduled


The proposed system will produce:
– The communication gap between teachers and student coordinators has been reduced.
-Teachers can see all the events and can participate according to their interests.
– Any changes in the schedule are easily reported to all student coordinators and participants in the event.
-Remember daily to participants about the event.

Download College Fest HTML Project Report

Java Project on Computer to Computer Learning System

Computer to Computer Learning System

Computer to Computer Learning is the modern way of education, in which the students can get the valuable information through CD’s and Digital Copies. Generally, an existing system the educational institutions provide online material which is one-way uploading and hence the database is limited to a single person and hence the information updating needs time, But in this project, the database was made online so the database was accessible to multiple users. Any Format of information can be uploaded like audio, video, text etc. In this application, there are 3 modules

  1. Admin

Admin can view the institutes and students registered and delete them if he feels unnecessary. Admin can also view the complaints given by students

All the users are controlled by admin. Administrator services are

  1. Approve the institute
  2. delete institute
  3. view students
  4. view complaints
  1. College:

The college needs to register and log in and upload the articles on different topics providing the information and maintains the faculty details and view the responses and requests provided by students.

College is an Organization which can handle the all the student details. The College services are

  1. Registration
  2. Upload Articles
  3. Faculty Management
  4. Update profile of College
  5. Send Responses
  6. send a response for appropriate requests
  7. view request and send feedback
  1. Student:

The student will log in with a valid username and password and he can send a request to college he can view the response from college and he can also give feedback to admin. He can also update his profile.

The Student services are

  1. Update profile
  2. send a request to the college
  3. view responses
  4. and send feedback

Existing System:

In the existing Computer to Computer Learning System, the main problem is the database is maintained at individual such as in excel sheets and hence the system is not available for all college students so we propose the multiple access database systems in this project.

Proposed System:

In Proposed Computer to Computer Learning System, we used Centralized or Multiple access databases and it is automatically updated with the multiple users on the system so this makes the system fast.

Output Screens:

  1. Login Page:
  2. Registration Page:
  3. Clooege Registration:
  4. Student Registration:
  5. Admin Login:
  6. Student List:
  7. College Login:
  8. Student Login:

Architecture Diagram:

Use Case Diagram:

Sequence Diagram:

Activity Diagram:

Class Diagram:

Download Computer to Computer Learning System Java Project Source Code,  Project Report, PPT, UML Diagrams.

Online Seminar Hall and Auditorium Booking System

The Online Seminar Hall and Auditorium Booking System is divided into four main modules. Each and every module performs a particular work. Those 4 modules are

  1. Maintenance of user and seminar hall
  2. Booking the seminar hall
  3. Approval and Rejection by In-charge
  4. Role of Principal

Maintenance of user and seminar hall

It consists of Signup, Login and update details of the seminar halls, users. The Administrator creates a separate account for each Department, Seminar hall in-charges, other cells like placement and training, EMDC etc., and Principal.

Booking the seminar hall

Each department has the username and password to book the seminar hall for their requirement. Through this they can view the available dates of particular seminar hall and also the facilities in the hall like capacity, mic’s, projector, marker board etc., This provides user-friendly environment while booking the seminar hall it gives suggestion regarding the selection of seminar hall based on the capacity and availability. The concern department head can view the list of the request. The acceptance and rejection can be viewed by the user through that log in or even by the email id.

Approval and Rejemailon by In-charge

The role of seminar hall in-charge is to check the request came to the seminar hall. When in-charges login into their account the list of new requests are displayed in their page as shown. The request can be either accepted or rejected based on the priority of the request. If more than one request is made for the same seminar hall on the same date after granting approval to a particular request by seminar hall in-charge, the remaining requests are automatically rejected and the email is sent to the bookie and also it is notified on their page.

Module – IV: Role of Principal

The Principal can view the entire process which is happening on the website and can fetch the data from the past to present who all are used the seminar hall. In an emergency case, he can reject the accepted request and the email will be sent to the booker as well as the seminar hall in-charge by suggesting alternate seminar halls.

User Registration Form

This form contains new user Registration Fields. Admin will take the role of this process to register user details. Here all the fields are validated using JavaScript Validation.

Signup Form

Login Form
The user can enter username and password. These Fields are mandatory. Both fields are validated using PHP. Login option given separated for four types of users.

Checking Availability

To check the availability of the seminar hall by Booker

Checking the availability
Availability Details
Seminar hall Booking FormIt contains all required fields for booking seminar halls like booking date, session, Booker name, dept, etc., Here all the fields are validated using JavaScript validation. For date picker, we are using ‘jQuery Date Picker’.

It contains all required fields for booking seminar halls like booking date, session, booker name, dept, etc., Here all the fields are validated using JavaScript validation. For date picker, we are using ‘jQuery Date Picker’.

Booking Form

Booking suggestion form


It contains a list of users on this system.

Administrator portal

Seminar hall Incharge Portal

It lists out the request came for the seminar hall with Booker details.In-charges approve the request based on the priority based on First Come First Serve order based on booking id or booking date and time.

Seminar hall in-charge portal

Usage details
It is Users availability checking page. On this user can check the availability of particular seminar halls.

Usage details

User page-Request details

It contains a list of requests have been sent to the seminar halls, viewed by the Head of the Departments.

Rejection of Acceptance

Notification of Approval Rejection

Usage details –principal portal

From this page, Principal can view the entire process which is happening on the website and can fetch the data from the past to present who all are used the seminar hall.

Acceptance rejection page

It shows the acceptance rejection page details, it can be viewed by principal

Admin portal

Principal portal


The project is developed and hosted in our Engineering College web server. It is going to use by our college. Users can access this website by using the intranet. It helps users by reducing manual works. It will be a User-friendly website.


The project entitled “Seminar Hall and Auditorium Booking System” was successfully executed.  This system replaces the existing system with more features.  The system provides security to user documents.

However, the possibilities for innovation are infinite and scope for development is innumerable. The future extension can be made to provide more option in this application.


Good amount of user friendliness has been incorporated in this system. It is possible to exploit these features to get the details of not only seminar hall but also the total number of blocks and which contains the total list of the hall in a block wise.  The process is suitable to extend the kind of task and the number of more process.

Download Seminar Hall booking System PHP project.

Easy Resource Utilization System

This Easy Resource Utilization System project aims to development of booking seminar halls and auditoriums in our college through online. It reduces the traditional/manual maintenance system. It creates a user-friendly website for users.

Here, four types of users are available like Principal, Administrator, Seminar hall in-charge and Head of Departments or Booker. Booker can check seminar hall availability, booking and viewing the status through online. Any faculty can reserve the seminar hall and auditorium based on the availability.

In this system, the seminar hall in-charges can view the requests and accept the request(s) according to the priority and also view the usage reports and status for a particular period. Administrator plays a vital role to maintain complete details of all the users, hall details and he/she is the only authorized person to update all details.

The principal can view all user details and usage details of seminar halls. Other users can only view the details of the seminar halls. Each event like seminar hall booking, cancellation of seminar hall will be intimated to the concern seminar hall in-charge, bookie, and Heads of the department through E-mail. Ultimately this project helps to utilize the seminar hall in an easy way.


The project is developed for the requirement of our Kongu Engineering College. It is used to book the seminar hall through the online. Four roles are available for this project i.e., Principal, Administrator, Seminar hall In-charge and Hod. Booker can reserve the conference/seminar halls and auditorium easily.

Hall in-charges can accept and reject request came for the seminar hall. The principal can view the entire user, in-charge and usage details and he can reject the approval of hall in-charge. The administrator is responsible for users and hall details maintenance.

The project is developed and hosted in our Kongu Engineering College web server and linked to

In the first step, the administrator has to provide the user id, password for the principal, seminar hall in-charges, Hod’s in order to avoid unwanted users to access the file, the second step Booker can book the seminar hall which is required, third step is hall in-charge can approve/reject the request of Booker. The final step is principal can view the usage details of the hall and also he has the rights to cancel the approval of hall in-charge which is accepted.


• It is mainly to implement for departments to book seminar hall through online instead of carrying out documents and maintaining it.
• To reduce the effort of maintaining documents of seminar hall usage.
• It is the effective way of using the college resources properly.



This seminar hall booking is done only through the process on paper which means the process done through manual maintenance system.


• Checking availability of seminar halls.
• Checking the capacity of seminar halls.
• Viewing the detail of the seminar halls.
• Phone conversations with seminar hall in-charges.
• Time wastage for the Booker.
• Mental stress to the booker.
• Non-availability of the technician.
• Booking form maintenance by the in-charge.


This application entirely based on the online process as we can view the status of all seminar halls. It mainly reduces the effort and time of the Booker and hall in-charge. Based on the priority of request hall in-charges can easily accept or reject the request.


This application is proposed by our principal as it is a valid one, which is a must for Kongu Engineering College as for the seminar hall booking process. This is efficiently done and helpful for all the faculty and HOD of the entire department. The drawbacks mentioned above in the current/ existing system will not reflect the proposed system.



Processor: Intel Pentium i3 1.3 GHz
Hard Disk: 320 GB
Monitor: 17inch color display
Key Board: standard 104 Keys
Mouse: 4Button Scroll


Operation System: Windows 7
Front End : HTML, PHP
Back End: MySQL
Scripting Languages: JavaScript and jQuery, PHP
Web server: XAMPP server 1.8.1


Income Tax Return Processing Java Project


Income tax return processing is an application which will make the processing of income tax returns forms faster and provides the users to  see all the advantages with details.


Income tax return processing is a java based web application where all the automated processing is introduced. By this application we can reduce our time and get accurate information. We can also know the processing of tax return in step by step manner.

By this application we can also improve the performance of the system. This system makes the processing of income tax returns forms faster and easier.


The main objective of this Income Tax Return Processing Java Project is to provide the information about tax return process in an easy way.


Charted Account: Charted account can perform the following operations.

1.verify form16:In this the charted account verifies form16 details of the tax payer.

2.upload form16:In this the charted account uploads the above verified form16 to administrator.

Income Tax Payer: In this module the tax payer can perform the following operations.

1.Download form16: In this the tax payer download the form16.

2.Post IT Return details: In this the tax payer has to submit all the details related to his tax payment.

3.Upload form16:In this the tax payer uploads his signed form16 to charted accountant.

Admin: In this module the admin can perform the following operations.

1.view reports: In this the admin view all the reports.

2.CA acceptance: In this the admin can  able to accept/reject the Charted accountant registration.

3.view feedback: In this the admin can view the feedback that are send by tax payers.

Software Requirements:

Operating System                     :           Windows

Technology                                :           Java and J2EE

Web Technologies                    :           Html, JavaScript

IDE                                            :           My Eclipse

Web Server                              :           Tomcat

Database                                  :           Oracle

Java Version                             :           J2SDK1.5

Development of Online Examination System Java & MySql database Project

The main aim of developing this Online Examination system is to provide all college examinations in educational institutions without manual efforts. Have developed this application using java and the MySql database.Here we divide the project into 3 major modules, They are Admin, Faculty, and Student.

The objective of the project:

This Online Examination system website contains many modules to conduct the exams in the proper manner that helps us to conduct exams. With the help of this site, exams can be conducted anytime, anywhere with ease. One of our objectives is to create a User-Friendly system and reach a responsive design. Make out report generated process fast so that user will not get wait.

Modules are described below

Admin features list


Manage subjects

  • Add subject  list
  • Delete subject  list
  • Edit  subject  list

Manage  tests

  • prepare exam
  • manage exams (edit)
  • manage questions (exam wise)
  • edit/delete

Student management

  • add student
  • delete student

Manage results

admin can view a list of attempted students along with their results.

Prepare questions

  • add questions
  • delete questions
  • edit questions


Faculty features list


Manage subjects

  • add subjects list
  • delete the subjects list

Manage  tests

  • prepare exam
  • manage exam (edit)
  • manage questions (exam wise)
  • edit/delete

Manage results

Students can view a list of attempted students along with their results.

Prepare questions

  • add questions

Manage questions

  • edit questions
  • delete questions

Edit your profile


Student features list:


View results

Take tests

  • View the list of attempted exams along with the result

Practice test

Resume test

Edit your profile


Technologies :

  • The student has to be present in the examination hall till the end for that please hide the submit button till the completion of the time
  • Please provide a timer for the exam.

Future scope

1. This Online Examination system will reduce the manual operation done by people.
2. People can directly enter the examination hall with one click.
3. People will be able to redirect to the link of the website where the exam is available.
4. Quick and accurate results.
5. No need for pen, paper, and any examiner.

Scope for Extension

Things that can be added to extend this project into a major one:

1. This Online Examination system web interface can also be converted into an android application for easy access to the people.
2. We can add some functionality related to the security of data.
3. Also, we can increase the efficiency of our system.
4. We can also focus to increase the restriction on Remote Proctoring to encourage talented students.
5. In this COVID-19 pandemic, the chances of extension of this project are very high.

Music World HTML Project

Name of the Project : Music World

Project Objectives : Create a website which displays all the information about music and various categories of music like: jazz, rock, rap, pop and classical. All the information about artists and their Histories.

Music Website Home Page

Project Initiation / Requirement Documents

  1. Information about the artists.
  2. Information about the albums.


  1. Hardbound Documentation of the project.
  2. You need to follow all the following points as a part of your Projects execution process and will carry 10 marks in the final project Results.

a)   Send us 2 eprojects status mail, each should be after 10 days interval from
your eprojects start date. Incase if your project is less than 30 days then also you need to send 2 status mails (first status mail between 7-10 days and second 3 days before the end date of project).

b)  The status mail should consist of Snapshot / screenshot with description / review (what’s going on the project). Also you can send your doubts / clarification or any additional inputs required to complete your eproject any time during the project planning and execution.

c)    At the time of project submission also send us the feedback along with your documentation (soft and hard bound copy). The feedback form is attached with this mail.

  1. Project Dependencies
  2. Quality plan

o   Review Activities

o   Testing Activities


  1. Hardware

o   A minimum computer system that will help you access all the tools in the courses is a Pentium 166 or better.

o   64 Megabytes of RAM or better.

o   Windows 98 (or higher if possible)

  1. Software

o   Notepad / HTML editor

o   Dreamweaver

o   IE 5.0 / Netscape 6.0

Music Project Design


Index  Page:     This  page  serves  as  home  page  of  the  site  where  user  is  introduced  to  the  site.  It also categorize   all   the functions  of  the  site.

Classical  Music  Page:   Shows  all  the  information  about  Classical  music  and  Classical  artists. 

Jazz  Music  Page:  Shows  all  the  information  about  Jazz  music  and  Jazz  artists. 

Pop  Music  Page: Shows  all  the  information  about  Pop  music  and  Pop  artists. 

Rock  Music  Page:   Shows  all  the  information  about  Rock  music  and  Rock  artists.

Rap  Music  Page:  Shows  all  the  information  about  Rap  music  and  Rap  artists. 

Artists Page:Shows   the information about Artists of all the time. 

Albums Page:Shows the information about top rated Albums and new Albums.

Instruments  Page:  Shows  all  the  information  about  the  instruments  which  are
used  by  the  artists.

About Us PageA  brief  introduction  about  the  members  who  created  the  site.

Automation Of Stationery Shopping Center Java HTML Project

The Automation Of Stationery Shopping Center Java HTML Project is a web based application intended to online for customer. The main objective of this application is to make it interactive and its ease of use. It would make searching, viewing and selection of a product easier. It contains an easy search methods for users to search item specific target their needs. The search engine provides an easy and convenient way to search for products where a user can Search for a product interactively and the search engine would treat the products available based on the user’s input. The user can view the complete detail of each product.

Automation Of Stationery Shopping Centre Modules overview:


The application also provides user can add a product to the shopping cart (push cart) by dragging the item in to the shopping cart. The main emphasis lies in providing customer to order item in easy way by using add to cart or select one item .The system generate receipt for the customer when successfully order item .

The Admin have many privilege in the system, such as delete, update item detail, create account for sales person, search item, view comment and view report . The sales person also have privilege such as register item, generate receipt, view comment  ,view order and add advertisement.

The customer also have privilege such as search an item and order item. In this system unauthorized access and data is not allowed, the system can display error message when the user enter incorrect input and not give permission of transaction for customers who have no account number or insufficient balance.

So we develop online selling and buying transaction for Shop canter for customer who lives around that shop centre and generate advertisement for items which price is discount and when new item is registered.