Development of Blood Bank Management System Java Project

Our Project “Blood Bank Management System” is a computerized system used to store and retrieve information related to Blood donations/inventory the project aims to expose the relevance and importance of Blood Bank Management Systems. The system allows the admin/receptionist to store and retrieve information like blood donor details, blood receiver details, amount of blood present in the inventory of the blood bank store, etc.

The Blood Bank Management System checks for the availability of a certain blood type like A+, A-, B+, B- etc. If the blood type is available, then the system allows the admin to further proceed with the procedure. Otherwise, it asks the admin to choose another blood type. The system asks the admin to enter customer details for further blood transactions. The main purpose of this Blood Bank Management System is to reduce the manual/paperwork involved in blood bank management and make it convenient for the admin/receptionist to store and retrieve data as and when required. The software supports the concept of modifications by admin and allows inserting, modifying, or deleting customer data.


Considering the volumes of data that need to be tracked and accessed, it would be very difficult to manage the accuracy and quality of data manually and deliver them accordingly. It would be almost impossible to get the details required in case of manual maintenance of data. The BBM (Blood Bank Management system) is an innovative solution that helps in managing huge loads of blood bank data. The Blood Bank management system simplifies the manual work and allows smooth administration of the operations of blood transactions.


This project is aimed to reduce the manual work involved in data maintenance in the Blood bank management system. This project is developed mainly to simplify the manual work and allows smooth administration of the operations of blood transactions. The purpose of the project is to computerize the administrative operations of a blood transaction and to develop software that is user-friendly, simple, fast, and cost-effective. It deals with the collection of Donors, Receivers’ Inventory information, etc. Traditionally, it was done manually. The main function of the system is to enter and retrieve these details as and when required, and also to manipulate these details meaningfully.

  • To ease the process of blood donation and reception.
  • To improve the existing system.
  • To develop a scalable system.
  • To be highly available


  • Ensure that all the functionalities of a manual blood bank are covered
  • To ensure proper contactable information.
  • Make sure the program is simple and easy to use.


The Blood Bank Management System is a great improvement over the manual system which uses lots of manual work and paper. The computerization of the system speeds up the process. This system was thoroughly checked and tested with dummy data and found to be very reliable. Thus, we have implemented a fully comprehensive and minimalistic efficient system for use by Admins/Receptionists without any additional training.

Limitations of the Project

The donor cannot modify/add/delete his details like address, and phone number. The whole project is done for an offline blood bank since there is no way to access the details online. Moreover, there is no feature to modify donor details.

Future Enhancements

The Blood bank Management System can be enhanced by including more functionality like allowing online access to the donor to modify the details if he has gone wrong while registering. Online implementation to the nearest blood banks may be implemented.

Visit Here or download the complete Development of Blood Bank Management System Java Project Source Code, Report, and how to run files.

Implementing a Blood Bank backend system.

An Individual Donor donates blood at the branch. The donated blood is tested for safe use. The Tested blood can either be kept as whole blood for ‘whole blood’ transfusion or can be processed into different components. The different components can be Red cells, Fresh Frozen Plasma, and Platelet Concentrate.

By using blood components, several patients can be treated with the blood from one donor, leading to optimal use of every unit of donated blood.

The system will be designed as a set of rest endpoints.

● Register a Blood Bank Branch with Address and Contact details.
● Register members who can donate blood or request blood or its components.
● Record blood donation details.
● Record Test results for a blood donation.
● Store request for donated blood unit either as Whole or as Component. Calculate Shelf life and update the inventory.
● Record blood or component requests and update the inventory.
● Search for blood or blood component active inventory across branches.
● Leader board – for top donors. By Period – by month, year, and By Branch or Across Branches.

Donation and Receipt Records can have the following information,

● Unique Transaction ID
● MemberID
● BranchID
● TransactionDate
● Quantity
● Tested
● BloodGroup

Inventory Records can hold the following information,

● Donor transaction reference
● Quantity In milli-liter
● Blood Group type
● Sub Type (Whole, RBC, Plasma, Platelet)
● Expiry Date
● Active


● Record blood test results, and mark the unit as unusable in case of a failed test.
● A Single donation by a donor can be fixed at 450ml for the assignment
● Interval of 90 days should be maintained between two donations by the same donor.
● Expired inventory should not be searchable.

Design & Development of Tender Management System Project


The Tender Management System was developed to enable the vendors to get all the tender details online and provide a facility to submit the tender. This Tender Management System project was developed & designed with Java & MySQL Database.

Existing System:

  • Contractors need to submit their documents by visiting the office or centers on time.
  • Contractors have to bid for a particular tender on time by applying forms and need to wait for an approval reply.
  • The Admin Needs to post the Projects or contracts as a poster or advertisements regularly.
  • It takes a long time to access tenders or vendors’ data access.

Proposed System:

  • User Needs to Have a Network Connection.
  • New User needs to register a new vendor on the website.
  • Contractors can log in and bid for some existing tenders.
  • They need to log in using their login-id and password which they used while registration
  • To reduce paperwork, and data that are available online, using this final decision can be taken by the administration and can contact directly to such suppliers.
  • Easy to access the tenders and vendors’ data.

Software Requirements:

Language: Java
Web technologies : J2EE (JDBC/Servlets/JSP)
Front-end Design : Html, CSS, JSP, Bootstrap
Database: MYSQL
Scripting: JavaScript , CSS

Application Work Flow



Uploading advertisement documents
Verifying projects and contractors by using their information
Accepting and Rejecting Bids
Maintaining data and confirmation of the final report.
Update Notice Board
Make some announcement
Block or unblock some vendors or company


The Company needs to get registered to proceed.
The company can log in with a valid username and password.
Apply or releases new tenders and view the status of the tender.
Make Some announcements.
Change the tender details


Vendors are the key persons or contractors who look for new upcoming tenders on the website
Vendors’ Functionality includes:
New Vendors can register
Login using vendor-id and password
View and update their profile
See the new open tenders and their details
Bid for a tender with an amount greater than its base price
See the bid approval or denial status

After the tender status approval, they can view and submit the documentation
Vendors can look for the important notice in the notice section


Our Project Tender management System Successfully Created a user-friendly environment for the tender management process.
This Project is flexible and changes can be incorporated easily.
Easy for further Modification
Saves a lot of time by doing most of the processes online
It may lead to increase profit and improve the quality of a company.
Assigns the tenders and project in a good manner and optimal way to the contractors in less time with low-cost charges.

Download the complete Design & Development of Tender Management System Project using Java, MySQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, and J2EE.

Chess Game Project using HTML & Java Script

The objective of the project:

The objective of our Online Chess Game project is to create an online Chess game that enables you to both play with your friends as well as against the computer.

Chess Game Rules:

  • The player with white pieces starts his turn first.
  • The Player has to protect his king and subsequently make strategies to kill the opponent’s king.
  • When the king of one player is checked by the other player’s pieces, he will have to take the king out of that check to a safe place. The player who checks the king has to warn the opponent by saying “CHECK”.
  • The one to lose his king will be the one to lose the game.


Player vs Computer:

The player will have to start with whites and make her first move, and the computer will take blacks.

Player vs Player:

The player who takes whites should start first and the other player plays alternately.

Main Functions in Player vs Computer code:

1 updateSquarecolor()
This function is used to update the colors of each square after each move.
2 checkBlack(n,values)
This function is used to find all the possible places where a selected white chess piece can be moved in this step.
3 checkWhite(n,values)
This function is used to find all the possible places where a selected black chess piece can be moved in this step.
4 checkmate()
This function is used to check if there would be a danger to your king if you make any move and declares you to have lost.
5 check()
This function is used to make your moves, if possible, and also to warn the player if the king is in check and the player is not trying to protect it, by the use of the checkBlack and check white functions described above.
6 chooseTurn()
This function is helpful for the computer to play its move by moving forward with the best possible move. It also declares the player as a winner if there is no possible move for the computer to make while protecting its king. It basically
helps in the propagation of the game step by step.
7 startTime()
This function is to show the current time and day.
8 maxxTime()
This function is used to check the time limit for each move and warn the player after 45 seconds and stop the game and declare him to have lost after 1 minute.
9 maxxTime2()
This function is used to check and stop the game at a maximum time limit of 45 minutes and the game would be declared drawn.
10 restart()
This function is used to restart the timer after each move.

Main functions in Player vs Player code:

1 updateSquarecolor()
This function is used to update the colors of each square after each move.
2 checkBlack(n,values)
This function is used to find all the possible places where a selected white chess piece can be moved in this step.
3 checkWhite(n,values)
This function is used to find all the possible places where a selected black chess piece can be moved in this step.
4 checkmate()
This function is used to check if there would be a danger to one’s king if they make any move and declares him to have lost.
5 check()
This function is used to make your moves, if possible, and also to warn the player if the king is in check and the player is not trying to protect it, by the use of the checkBlack and check white functions described above.
6 startTime()
This function is to show the current time and day.
7 maxxTime()
This function is used to check the time limit for each move and warn the player after 45 seconds and stop the game and declare him to have lost after 1 minute.
8 maxxTime2()
This function is used to check and stop the game at a maximum time limit of 45 minutes and the game would be declared drawn.
9 restart()
This function is used to restart the timer after each move.


Download all our files and put them collectively in a folder named “Chess”.

In Ubuntu:

Now put this folder into the /var/www/HTML/ folder in the other locations on your computer.

In Window:

Download XAMPP on your PC and put this folder into the htdocs folder of XAMPP.
Now go to your web browser and type localhost/Chess/
Best viewed in Google Chrome and Mozilla.
Download the Chess Game HTML project Code & Report

Student Project Portal Website Project

Whether you are a fresher or a senior, you’ll agree that making a project is quite a tedious task. No matter how great an idea you have, till the time you don’t have a proper network, you won’t be able to build a team to execute it efficiently. Communicating with others is one of the most important skills required to build a proper team for your project to be successful. Unfortunately, many people due to their lack of networking skills hit a blockade at this stage itself and are not even able to try their idea.

Target audience

Our target audience for this Student Project Portal project is all the students in VIT Vellore. This application will help students to take part in any project they like or find interesting and can make their team.

This Student Project Portal application will bring students with similar interests and thinking together to work on various ideas and learn from each other.


Initially, students create their profiles by signing up for the application. After that, they can either create their projects or apply them to other projects. When someone applies for a project, the project manager of that project can see the profile of the applicant and if he/she has the desired skills they are accepted into the team else their request is declined.

Students can create as many projects as they like and can also apply for as many projects as they want to.

The project manager will receive a list of all the applicants and he/she can see their profiles. According to the skills required for the project they can choose whom to accept into the team and whom to reject.

This Student Project Portal Website project will help many students who have ideas for projects but are not able to execute them due to the lack of a proper team.

Cycle diagram

Sign Up

Sign up for the app using your credentials


Share and present your ideas for projects

Form Team

Form your ideal team according to your requirements.


Apply for the projects that interest you.

For a Demo of the website you can visit:

Download the complete Student Project Portal Website project on GitHub.

Online Judge – Online Assessment of Programming Assignments Project

Online Judge Objective :

To create an automatic testing system that checks programming assignments/problems wherein teachers add problems and students submit programs.

Abstract :

The online judge will be a system that can be used for the online assessment of programming assignments. The system will have a resemblance with websites such as hackerrank, code forces, etc which provide a platform for competitive programming. A similar system can be deployed in colleges for the submission of practical assignments online. It will be a system where college faculty will have to design the problem statements and prepare test cases that need to be tested on the code submitted by the students and the expected output for each test case. The system will execute the code on all test cases and compare the output generated by the code with the expected output.

Briefs about Contents:

1. Introduction:

Online Judge will be a system that checks for the correct output of a program. As the name suggests the Online Judge will judge the correctness of the programs submitted to it on various parameters like accuracy, time complexity, space complexity, etc.

The purpose of the system is to create a platform where aspiring programmers can improve their coding skills and compete with others and make themselves well-acquainted with the sport of competitive programming. The system also aims at creating the interest of computer science students in competitive programming.

2. Technical Details :

The system will be a web-based interface that will provide a problem setting to faculty and problem description for students and an editor to type his code and submit it. Three languages will be provided. C++, Java, and Python.

3. Working:

The product will check the output of the program submitted by the end-user by comparing it with the sample output already fed to the system by the person who has designed the problem. The sample test cases will be given by the problem designer and the code submitted by the student will be checked on all the test cases.

The time complexity and Space complexity of the program will also be checked by adding a time limit and memory limit. Role of the students: To think of the algorithm for the problem statements. Implement the algorithm using an appropriate programming language. Make a timely submission. Role of the faculties: Faculty will have to give a precise description of the problem statement. They will have to create test cases considering all the scenarios of the problem. Faculty will have to give the format of the input and the output.

4. Applications:

This system can serve as an assignment submission interface as well as a practice site for programming problems thereby improving the programming skills of the students.

Online Student Project Report Submission and Evaluation System PHP Project

Project Overview

The online project report submission and evaluation system enables the student to submit their project report online without submitting any physical file. Before the submission, the student needs to update their progress to the system and the lecturer can view their progress and give comments online.

The online project report submission and evaluation system is providing an online discussion and document sharing for students and lecturers. The pre-existing systems didn’t have the functionalities such as notifying the student when he/she is being added to the project group, online automatic generation of the certificate after the completion of the entire project, and many more which are being implemented in this version of the system.

The proposed system will take away the biggest risk out of the picture i.e. the manual transmission of all the tasks related to the project report and also the design is formulated in such a way that the impersonation will be reduced to a greater level. With the increase in technology, the need for systems is constantly increasing.

What is new today will be old tomorrow. Our system at present will help to overcome the drawbacks of the previous versions of the system as per mentioned in the literature survey. Smooth access and a more user-friendly UI will help the users to get a home-like environment.

A special feature has been inculcated into the system as a result of which the notifications will be received by the faculty as well as the students on their respective registered mobile numbers. The faculty who will be added to the portal as well as the students who will be allotted to them will all get an individual notification that they have been allotted under which group and to which project they have been entitled. No submission is permitted by the system after the deadline has been crossed. The upload report button will be automatically disabled by the system itself so that no reports can be uploaded once the deadline has been crossed.


  • The system provides online processing of the reports.
  • Accurate results can be obtained.
  • The proposed system is used to reduce chaos and manual errors.
  • By viewing the reports the management can improve the institutional facilities.


  • As society is developing and new trends are emerging in the education sector every coming day.
  • The ‘Online project report submission and evaluation system’ approach is all about managing project reports online for institutional and educational practices
  • Intelligence is used for the automatic generation of the certificates once the project report has been finalized or the deadline is crossed.
  • The motivation is to propose an intelligent system that can be implemented in any organization.

Use Case Diagram for the Proposed System:


With the increase in technology, the need for systems is constantly increasing. What is new today will be old tomorrow. The proposed system at present will help to overcome the drawbacks of the previous versions of the system as per mentioned in the literature survey. Smooth access and a more user-friendly UI will help the users to get a home-like environment. The electronic marking of student project reports will save a lot of time, effort, and energy as well as expenses. It will also be more accurate and reliable for both the students and their instructions. In all, it will be a great help at the institutional level.

This application can be implemented in various situations. New features can be added as and when required. Reusability is possible as and when required in the proposed system. All modules are flexible. A very useful functionality from which the students could benefit would be if the system had a forum where any discussion could be opened that is related to the project. In the future, a useful feature that can be added is a platform to upload the student’s projects (like applications) to their instructors by the students.

Software Requirements

  • Front-end Design: JS, CSS, HTML
  • Back-end Coding: PHP, MySQL
  • Web Browser: Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, or later.
  • Operating System: Linux, Ubuntu, Windows 10.
  • Application Server: XAMPP Server

Download the complete Online Project Report Submission and Evaluation System for College students with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP & MySQL Source code, and Full report documentation.

Attendance Tracking Management System PHP & MySQL Project

The Attendance Tracking Management System maintains the information about the attendance of the students in primary school. The system also maintains the record of all the students and faculty in the school. The records are maintained to maintain the attendance of students. The Attendance Tracking Management System shall be developed using client/server architecture and will be compatible with any Operating System. The front end of the system will be developed using HTML and CSS, and the back end will be developed using PHP and MySQL.


With the increasing number of students and the courses, the departments, faculties, and the students are facing issues like:

  • The attendance is taken manually by the faculty.
  • Data in the attendance list might be inaccurate due to deception.
  • Faculty needs to manually analyze the number of absentees and the percentage.
  • It is very time-consuming and the result of the calculation might be inaccurate.
  • Data loss may happen and the whole attendance process is prone to human mistakes.

The proposed software would allow the following functionalities:

  • It enhances the speed of performing attendance task easily.
  • The entire student’s attendance data will be stored and managed properly and effectively.
  • The system enables the lecturer to add, view, delete or make changes accordingly.
  • The system enhances the calculation process to be more accurate and fast.
  • The system will help to analyze all the data inserted and then verified whether every student is following the university attendance policy or not.
  • The attendance will be marked period wise and the reports of the students will be generated.


The Attendance Tracking Management System for students is to be developed. The system would allow the following functionalities:

  • It enhances the speed of performing attendance task easily.
  • The entire student’s attendance data will be stored and managed properly and effectively.
  • The system enables the faculty to add, view, delete or make changes accordingly.
  • The system enhances the calculation process to be more accurate and faster.
  • The system will help to analyze all the data inserted and then verified whether every student is following the attendance policy or not.
  • The attendance will be marked date wise and the reports of the students will be generated.

Overall Description

• The ATMS maintains records of attendance of students and details of students, faculty and courses in the school.
• It is assumed that the students have already admitted in the school.
• It is assumed that the students are already enrolled in the courses.
• The system administrator will receive the lists of the admitted students (course wise) from the academic section.
• The establishment section will provide the list of faculty appointed and courses offered in the school.
• The ATMS maintains and views the attendance of students enrolled in the course offered by the school.
• It allows the faculty to mark the attendance of the students in his class.
• It allows the student to view his attendance.

The administrator/DEO will have to maintain the following information:

  1. Attendance details (only admin)
  2. Student details
  3. Faculty details
  4. Course details

Download the complete project on Attendance Tracking Management System project PHP & MySQL code, project report.

Daily College Class Work Report Book PHP Project Code


Problem Definition

To maintain classes throughout the semester, Academic Institutions follow a course/ lesson plan that informs about the order in which classes shall be held. Daily reports are generated and are periodically cross-validated with the lesson plan, such that any inconsistencies can be identified and managed; doing so aids the institutions in reaching course deadlines effectively and in completing curricula without any hurry or stress. This report is known as Daily College Class Work Report Book. A typical Daily Class Work Report requires three candidates, a Report book, and a Lesson-plan document.

A Lesson-plan is created by Academic In-charges, after considering various factors such as potential holidays, with the aim that it must be followed for a stress-free administration.

Each page of a Daily College Class Work Report Book has a table with rows about the hours in a day and columns about the days in a week. Each table cell has two boxes, one for the subject details and another for the topic discussed in that subject; and between table cells, there is an additional space provided for remarks related to the above cell. An additional column is provided for the signature and details of the Class Representative.

These candidates consist of a Class Representative (a student), a Class In-charge (or a mentor), and an Academic In-charge. The CR (Class Representative) notes down the details regarding the classes conducted and the topics discussed on the Daily College Class Work Report Book and forwards it to the CI (Class In-charge). The CI verifies the report for errors and in turn forwards it to the Academic In-Charge. They cross-check the report with the lesson plan and make relevant remarks wherever necessary.


Login Module:

Authenticates the user details and based on the account type, it redirects to an appropriate module

Academic In-charge Module:

Presents a unique page for the Academic In-charge, wherein they can select a class in their respective departments. During the beginning of a New Year or semester, it allows for Academic In-charges to create and upload new schedules, Lesson plans, and other such data.

Class Representative Module:

Allows Class Representatives to add or modify details relating to classes that have occurred, during the semester.

Reporting Module:

The data, entered by the CR, will be stored in the database and a report will be generated. This report will be displayed to the respective CRs, Class In-charges, and Academic In-charges. The report will have an option for approval and also an option that allows for In-charges to notify lower-level members to make respective changes, in case of any inconsistencies. This module is incorporated in the ‘Home page’, where Class In-charges and Academic In-charges can access other data such as Lesson-plan, and Schedule details.

UML Diagrams

Activity Diagram

ER Diagram

Output Results will be below:

Download the complete PHP & MYSQL project on Daily College Class Work Report Book. Here you can download the project code, and report.

Human Resource Management System PHP & MySQL Web Application Project

The HR Management System is a simple academic web-based mini-project created with PHP & MySQL databases. The primary goal of this Human Resource Management System PHP project is to build a web application that helps the organization manages its human resources.

There will be the main module named the project module in the human resource management system application. It Records of all employees in the organization are stored in the application MySQL backend along with their skills and abilities. When a new company-based project is assigned to an employee team, the project module creates a new file. Details of project team members and the estimated completion date of the project or deadline will be set.

The project manager in the application should update the assessment of team members in the application. This rating is used by the application to make recommendations for promotions. The final decision on employee future promotions is made by the senior manager.

The second module of the application is the hiring module that can be used in the new employee hiring process in the company. This module provides information on future projects and progress in current projects, based on which it predicts the demand for talent.

The third and final module of the application is the Employees module, it will be available to all the employees to view their salaries and permitted leave details. Using this HRMS web application, all employees can easily check the information and ask questions at any time on the Human Resource Management System page. Top management can also use this system to access employee records and performance statistics of the employees to improve the organization’s standards.

HRMS Project

Download Human Resource Management System PHP & MySQL Web application mini project. This project was developed with HTML, CSS, Javascript and Bootstrap.

College Sports Resource Booking Android and Web Application

The main aim of this College Sports Resource Booking Android cum Web Application project is for students in the college to book sports material on the college premises. This Project is a combination of both an Android app and a Web application, where the android app is developed by Java and XML, and the web application is developed using Html, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript, Django, and SQLite technologies.



The College Sports Resource Booking Application has been developed in order to enable the ​students to book sports resources. The administrator can keep a tab on the availability of the resources along with streamlining the fine process. This application overcomes the problems prevailing in the existing manual system. It also makes it extremely simple for the students to book a resource or to check the availability of the resources, view dues if any, as well as history of bookings, and for the administrator to issue resources, impose fines and view the history of bookings.

The API developed for this application is deployed on Heroku and is ready to respond to the requests made by the application with expected outputs by accessing the database.

Scope of the project

This College Sports Resource Booking application can be used to reduce the problems faced by the manual system. The administrator can issue and reject a booking in one click and it even helps the admin to keep a tab on the Booking History and also the Blocked list of users. The administrator can also add or delete the resources. It makes it easy for the administrator to keep track of all the resources and bookings. The mobile application makes it so simple for users to book a resource and check the history of their previous bookings.

System Analysis


Sports Resources Management System is a web and android app. The admin can add and delete resources on the web and manage the users in accepting and rejecting resources. The users can book the resources from the android app and collect them from the office within 20 min and even cancel the request.

Existing System

In the existing system, the users have to visit the sports office manually and collect the resources. And also the users cannot reserve a resource from wherever he/she is. Even though the user is blocked, he can go to the office and make a request for the resource. The admin has to manually check the user if he/she is in the blocked list and issue the resource.

Proposed System

In the proposed system, the users can reserve and book the resource from wherever they are and collect it within 20min. In this system, if a user is blocked he cannot book the new resource until he clears the fine. The user can check the fine amount to be paid by him in the android app.

Software Requirement Specification

User Requirement

There is an admin and the user i.e., a student. The minimum requirement of the user is that he/she must understand basic English and must know how to book a resource, check the fine and collect from the sports office. The admin must know how to accept the user’s request, block the user, issue resources manually and collect fines from users and unblock users.

Module Description

There are two modules in this College Sports Resource Booking project. They are users and admins.

Features of User

The user is a student who is going to use the Android Application “SportEasy”. The app has the following features:

  • Can view all the resources available in the sports block with its count in the app. This reduces the inquiry time at the issue counter.
  • He can send a booking request with just one click so that he can collect it in 20mins from his booking time.
  • The user also has the option to cancel the booking request within 20 minutes of the booking time.
  • User can view all their past booking requests with their status so that they can know what requests he made.
  • The user has the option to set his password to a new one when he forgets his password or wants to change it.

Features of Administrator

The administrator is the one who accepts and approves booking requests. They handle the Web application. The functionalities of the admin module include:

  • Adding and deleting the resource when required.
  • Accepting or rejecting the resource requested by the user based on the timetable.
  • Updating the booking depending on whether the resources were returned or not and imposing fines accordingly.
  • Blocking the user if the resource is damaged.
  • Collecting fine manually and unblocking the user.

Software Requirement

  • ​Any Web Browser
  • ​Python 3 with Django Module
  • 64-bit operating system.
  • Emulator
  • Android Studio
  • pip
  • virtualenv
  • Virtualenvwrapper
  • Flask module

Web Requirements

  • Html, CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • Javascript
  • Django

Android Requirements

  • Java
  • XML


  • Flask

This is the Django code for displaying all the resources present in the web app


This College Sports Resource Booking project is for computerizing the workers employed in order to borrow a sports resource. It is a great improvement over the manual system. The computerization of the system has sped up the process. In the current system, the front office management is very slow. This application was thoroughly checked with dummy data and thus is found to be very reliable. The software takes care of all the requirements and is capable of providing easy and effective storage of information related to students who book sports resources. Responsive web design and mobile apps make work easier and safe for any field. With the provision of an easily accessible user interface, the entire process of booking and approval of resources, along with other features, has become extremely facile while also significantly averting the numerous errors that would otherwise be caused in a manual system. With this platform we developed, we are hoping to achieve the following:

● ​Reduced time wastage
● Providing comfortable facilities to students
● ​Provide easy data flow
● ​Less employee investment


The College Sports Resource Booking mobile application which has been developed for the students for booking sports resources is only compatible with android versions 5.0+, it requires a minimum android runtime version of 5.0
The Admin has to check the timetable while issuing a resource.
There is no deadline for the user to clear the due and no notification system to intimate the user to clear the due.

Future Scope

This application can be enhanced by including numerous new features. One such feature is adding a notification system through which the admin can send notifications to a user regarding his bookings. In the current system, the user should manually go into the app and check whether the resource is accepted or not. Instead, an improvement to this would be sending a confirmation to the user when his booking request is approved by the admin. In case of unavailability of a resource, a “notify when available” button could be included too.

As of now, when a student wants to book a resource, the admin manually checks whether the student has a free hour at that particular time and issues the resource accordingly. But in the future, an app can be made which itself detects whether the student is having a free hour or not, thereby eliminating the involvement of the admin.

Subsequently, a separate page linked to the admin webpage could also be developed, where the admin can add updates about upcoming sports events or competitions in such a way that these updates will also be visible in the mobile app for students, therefore allowing them to be aware of all the ongoing or upcoming sports events through their mobile.

Download the complete College Sports Resource Booking Android App and Web Application Source code, Project Report, PPT, and How to run Video file.

Download the Complete College Sports Management System .Net Project Source Code.