Human Heat Radiation Based Home Security System

Human heat radiation based home security system project explains about home security system.

In  this world of knowledge everything around us is run by Computing Systems. The technical Brilliance and Developments in different fields has led to a drastic change in our lives especially in the communications field. Due to various changes in technologies many systems have come up with breathtaking developments. 

One amongest them is the Embedded Systems.  It is the evolution or further development of computing system.  Its applications provide tremendous opportunities for creative use of computer technology.  Almost every new system introduced in the market is an example of Embedded System.

Also See:Wireless Live Human Detection Robot Project

Working procedure : 

  • When a intruder is detected PIR sensor output increases which in turn is filtered to make sure that the increased output voltage is due to the human intruder.
  • This signal is amplified and converted to TTL logic 0-5v
  • Amplifier output is connected to the microcontroller, controller detects the transition from 0-5v as the presence of the intruder then it notes the current date time from RTC.
  • Controller stores this time stamp in to EEPROM for future records.
  • Controller then activates the outside lights along with the siren (PWM driven from controller) 
  • System provides the provision to activate DAY-NIGHT MODE , when this logic is activated system gets automatically deactivated during the day time and activates during night.
  • System can also work on TIME MODE  where the the user can specify when the system should get activate like only after 11:00PM and deactivate at 6:00 AM this time can be set using RS232 connection with the computer.

A Multi-Agent Multi Sensor Based Real-Time Sensory Control System for Intelligent Security Robot

The multi-agent multi sensor based real-time sensory control system for intelligent security robot is a autonomous robot is an unmanned vehicle that runs in a field continuously by sensing an obstacle in its path. This obstacle sensing is possible by an infra red sensor.An embedded project is a combination of hardware and software designed to perform a specific task. The main scope of this project Sensing fire using the flame sensor and prevent the fire accidents domestically sector, safe the human resource and reduce the complexity in design. 

                 Unlike current IR transmitter and receiver based projects in which the intruder has to pass through a certain region where IR radiation from transmitter is interrupted which in turn is detected as a intruder presence, this approach has following major drawbacks. Any non living body or animals which pass through this setup will trigger the alarm which is totally undesirable (we want only human intruder to detect). It is confined to very small region i.e. you can only attach this mechanism to passage or gate or door .You cannot detect presence of intruder jumping the fence with one sensor or big open spaces like your garden etc Advantage of Human heat based home security system. Totally eliminates false alarm triggering, i.e. it detects human intruder only. It can detect presence of intruder small to large area i.e. it can detect up to  14meters with 110 degree freedom. With the help of microcontroller and GSM the system can send SMS to the preloaded number when a intruder is detected. Microcontroller will activate the alarm and lights once the intruder is detected. System is automatically disabled during the day time to avoid unnecessary alarm triggering, this feature can be enabled or disabled.

                 The moments of this robot is controlled using motors, the motor is driven with the help of driver i.e. L293D which consists of (H-bridge circuit) internally. The controller can’t drive a stepper motor which requires above 5 Volts, for that reason we required L293D driver externally.

download  A Multi-Agent Multi Sensor Based Real-Time Sensory Control System for Intelligent Security Robot .

PIR Based Energy Conservation System For Corporate Intelligent Robot

The PIR Based energy Conservation System For Corporate Intelligent Robot is a autonomous robot is an unmanned vehicle that runs in a field continuously by sensing human in the range of 12 meters in its path . The Human sensing is possible by an PIR sensor.An embedded project is a combination of hardware and software designed to perform a specific task. The main scope of this project Sensing humans and prevent the intruders.

                 Unlike current IR transmitter and receiver based projects in which the intruder has to pass through a certain region where IR radiation from transmitter is interrupted which in turn is detected as a intruder presence, this approach has following major drawbacks. Any non living body or animals which pass through this setup will trigger the alarm which is totally undesirable (we want only human intruder to detect). It is confined to very small region i.e. you can only attach this mechanism to passage or gate or door .You cannot detect presence of intruder jumping the fence with one sensor or big open spaces like your garden etc Advantage of Human heat based home security system. Totally eliminates false alarm triggering, i.e. it detects human intruder only. It can detect presence of intruder small to large area i.e. it can detect up to 14meters with 110 degree freedom. With the help of microcontroller and GSM the system can send SMS to the preloaded number when a intruder is detected.  Microcontroller will activate the alarm and lights once the intruder is detected. System is automatically disabled during the day time to avoid unnecessary alarm triggering, this feature can be enabled or disabled.

                 The moments of this robot is controlled using motors, the motor is driven with the help of driver i.e. L293D which consists of (H-bridge circuit) internally. The controller can’t drive a stepper motor which requires above 5 Volts, for that reason we required L293D driver externally.

download PIR Based Energy Conservation System For Corporate Intelligent Robot.

RS232 TO RS485 Converters for Control Applications

AIM:RS232 TO RS485 CONVERTERS For Controll Applications project is designed to implementation MODBUS protocol using RS485 half duplex transmission.In the present days the field of electronics has took lot of developments and the security services in the presence and the absence of manpower. The industrial security system comes under the class of emerging embedded technologies.

DESCRIPTION: This project is designed to implement a MODBUS protocol using RS485 half duplex transmission. At the transmitter side data that is transmitted by the master is transmitted through LTC485 transceiver and at the receiver side the data is received through LTC485 and the resulted data will give to PC through RS232 communication. Max232 is a driver for rs232 communication. It is used in multiple master slave applications, RTU applications, HMI’s, innumerable gas and oil substation applications. Advantages are simplicity, standard Ethernet, availability of many devices.

download RS232 TO RS485 CONVERTERS For Controll Applications.

PC Operated Robo Using Wi-Fi

The main scope of PC OPERATED ROBO USING WI-FI project is to control the Industrial Machines by using Wi-Fi Technology. An embedded project is a combination of hardware and software designed to perform a specific task. The main scope of this project is to develop the application for industrial automation using wire less communication as Wi-Fi embedded technology to reduce the complexity in design.

Wi-fi also known as 802.11b uses radio waves to send information at speeds of up to 11 Megabits per second over a range of up to 300 feet. When combined with a wireless access point or wireless router, it provides users with wireless high speed internet access. 

In our project we tried to demonstrate the wi-fi technology using small application. The project work includes study and design of hardware unit and software. We programmed Wi-Fi module which is interfaced to the micro-controller unit and some analog circuit which in turn drives the loads. So the complete project can be divided in to two modules i.e. Design of the user interface application and the other is the microcontroller Unit and its software which will be written in Embedded C Language.


PC Controlled Robot Using Zigbee Network

PC controlled Robot using ZigBee network projects main idea is to develop a robot application which can control through remotely using a ZigBee network. This network is one of the widely used open source wireless network available in the market. This can be used for developing projects.

To control the direction of the robot we are using Xbee modules one as transmitter and the other as receiver. The transmitter is fixed to PC and the receiver is fixed to the robot on the other end. We send signals from PC through the Xbee (transmitter) to the receiver which is in built to the robot.

We can use this process to visually control the robot direction even though we are far away by connecting a camera in front of the robot.


  • ISP Programmer
  • Embedded C Programming
  • RF Communications 


  • Microcontroller
  • LCD display,
  • XBEE(TX/RX).
  • Dc motors

download PC Controlled Robot Using Zigbee Network project.

PC Based Synchronizing and Speed Controlling Of Dc Motor

Aim:The main aim of PC BASED SYNCHRONIZING AND SPEED CONTROLLING OF DC MOTOR project is to control the speed of DC motor and on/off the motor using PC.

Description:  If the voltage is varied, the motor would not be able to deliver the rated torque when operated at voltages lower than its recommended operating voltage. This problem can be over come by using PWM technique. PWM stands for pulse width modulation. The speed of the DC motor controlled by PC. This data is transferred to Micro controller serially. Here in Microcontroller  produce a square wave with variable duty cycle. The variable duty cycle in effect dictates the speed of the motor. Here the fundamental frequency of the square wave is constant for only the ON and OFF, time is appropriately manipulated. More ON time will cause the motor to run at higher speeds. As the ON time is reduced and proportionally the time is increased, the motor would slow down.

Typical 50% duty cycle: Equal On time and off time.

Hard ware: 

  • MAX232
  • Microcontroller
  • PC

Soft ware: 

  • Functionality of all above components
  • Embedded C programming
  • PWM Technique 

download PC Based Synchronizing and Speed Controlling Of Dc Motor project.

MMC Card Interface to the Microcontroller Using SPI Protocol

MMC card interface to the micro controller using SPI protocol for industrial data loggers project explains about procedure to interface pen drive like device called MMC to the micro controller. This application users SPI protocol for implementing this project. Basically MMC device is used for storing data, it can be easily connected to digital cameras to store images. This device can be connected to personal computer or laptops for transfer of data.

            In this project we are using LM35 as a temperature sensor. The Microcontroller reads the temperature data and stores it into the MMC card. This application note includes all of the necessary code for reading from and writing to an MMC card that has been formatted with a FAT file system.


  • Cellular phones
  •  digital audio players
  • digital cameras
  •  PDAs

download MMC Card Interface to the Microcontroller Using SPI Protocol.

Safety Auto Brake System for Hill Station Vehicle Using MEMS Sensor

The aim of Safety Auto Brake System for Hill Station Vehicle Using MEMS Sensor project is to design and construction of a module used for vehicles in the hill stations. auto breaking system is used when vehicle is moving up ward direction  .  The project was divided into two phases. The First phase is to demonstrate the application of MEMS. The second phase of the project attempts controlling motors.

I2C protocol is used for interfacing MEMS sensors with micro controller, Micro controller main functionality is to receive signals for sensors and process information by taking desired decision. Applications which use this technology are refrigerators, operation theaters and microwaves.

Block diagram consists of.

MEMS sensor

LCD Display


ATMGA 32 micro controller.

2 driver

Motor 1

Motor 2

download Safety Auto Brake System for Hill Station Vehicle Using MEMS Sensor.

Motion Operated Scrolling Display Using Dual Axis MEMS Accelerometer and LCD Display

This paper will explain the detailed information on Motion Operated Scrolling Display Using Dual Axis MEMS Accelerometer and LCD Display A motion operated scrolling display system including a motion sensor responsive to motion of a device and providing a signal corresponding to movement of the device.

A database including stored data values corresponding to predetermined motion of the device; motion sensors will interact with electronic circuit to analyze motion sensor signals with the information contained in the database and, in response, to provide an output signal for performing at least one display angle of a pres elected set of display angles when the comparison reveals that the device has moved in a way which corresponds to the stored data values. And it scrolls the displayed data according to the angle. 

Related projects with full report on scrolling message display on LCD using ARM controller.

download Motion Operated Scrolling Display Using Dual Axis MEMS Accelerometer and LCD Display.