RF Control of Induction Stepper Motors and other industrial Loads

RF Control Of Induction Stepper Motors and other industrial Loads projects main idea is to develop a wireless application using Radio frequency for industries for remotely controlling motors. Developing this application will increase comfort for users to operate remotely using a simple remote application.

                    RF receiver is used at the receiving signals. Which can easily grasp signals with low strength? IR rays are generated by pressing a key and it will be transmitted using RF transmitter. At the receiver side signal is analyzed and send to micro controller for taking decessions.     

Hardware components

  • Key pad
  • Embedded Controller
  • LCD
  • RF Communication
  • Relay Control
  • Unit
  • Another
  • Appliances
  • Stepper
  • Motor
  • Appliances

download Paper On  RF Control Of Induction Stepper Motors and other industrial Loads.

Industrial Automation System Using RF

Industrial Automation System Using RF projects main idea is to provide a wireless solution for industries to maintain their system. Radio frequency is used as wireless platform, which works only for a shorter distance. TLP434A is the RF transmitter used in this application. It works at the frequency of 433.92MHZ. . This is one of the smallest wireless transmitters used for remote control projects. This unit takes  2 to 12 v with 5v range of up to 200m. 12V battery is used for antenna. 

Suitable for data rates of up to 4.8 KHz and the typical operating current is only 4.5mA. For example, firefighters and rescuers entering a building can use a heads-up display to track their location and monitor safe exit routes. The data that we sent will be in the form of pre defined commands they help us in controlling the home appliances using RF communication.

download  Industrial Automation System Using RF project information.

Channel RF Based Remote Control

Aim:The main aim of CHANNEL RF BASED REMOTE CONTROL project is to control RF based robot-using remote.

Description:AT89S52 transmitter is used in this project which works at 418MHZ frequency, at this frequency battery life can be increased.The receiver constituted by RF receiver module RLP434A at 418 MHz, the micro controller AT89S52 and the two relays with can handle any electric device up to 10Amps Power on the receiver and press S1 key to transmitter. You will see that relay on PB0 of receiver will arm. If you press one more times the same key, the relay will disarms. If you press S2 key from transmitter you will see that relay on PB1 of receiver will arm.Each key works for only one relay. Whenever the same is pressed the relay will show disarm.

Hard ware:

  • Tlp434a
  • Rlp434
  • AT89S52
  • Relay
  • remote 

Soft ware:

  • Functionality of all above components
  • Embedded C programming
  • CVAVR cross compiler.

download Channel RF Based Remote Control project information.

Advanced Railway Signaling Process by Excluding Manpower Using Sensor

AIM:The aim of Advanced rail way signaling process by excluding manpower using sensor project is to operate the railway gates depending on movement of rail and sensor’s operation.

DESCRIPTIONHere we are using two IR transmitters and two IR receivers for both the side sides of the train track which are placed on both the sides of the track at some distance from the station. When the train was come the fore side sensors will operate and when the train is leaving the other side sensors are operated. When the train was come then the stepper motor will rotate in on direction and after the train left the stepper motor s are operated in opposite direction. Depending on the direction of the train the sensors are operated. The main advantage is to avoid the rail accidents happening at un attended railway gates.


  • IR transmitter
  • IR receiver
  • AT89S52 controller
  • ULN driver
  • Stepper motor
  • 555 timer 


  • Functionality of all above components
  • Embedded C programming
  • IR functionality

download  Advanced rail way signaling process by excluding manpower using sensor  project.

Rolling Code Security for Remote Controls Interface with Ps/2 Keyboard

Rolling Code Security For Remote Controls Interface With PS/2 Keyboard projects main idea is to develop a application which can provide security for remote control keyboard. This application uses micro controller with PC AT Keyboard.

We are interfacing AT Keyboard to the microcontroller. When we press a key on the keyboard it sends an ASCII value for the corresponding key we pressed. The microcontroller reads that ASCII value and displays the certain key that we pressed on LCD.

                        In certain applications there is a need of sending more data to the controller including different signs, which can be made easier through this compared to the basic 4×4 keypad.





download Rolling Code Security for Remote Controls Interface with Ps/2 Keyboard project information.

Network Time Protocol for Time Synchronization in Embedded Products

  In any kind of industries or our day-to-day life “ Network Time Protocol for Time Synchronization in Embedded Products plays a vital role in controlling several applications. For any application in the industries there are many parameters to be handled. In this project we are concentrating on temperature and RTC (Real Time Clock). We are using LM35 as a Temperature sensor. The LM35 is fixed at specified location, for our application to be performed. . These values are displayed along with the time, date, month and year with the help of RTC.

We are using DS1307 which is a Real Time Clock. EEPROM is used to store the Temperature values which work on the basis of I2C. 8051 Controller is used to read the values from LM35. LM35 gives values in Analog format to change them into Digital format MCP3201 is used which is an ADC (Analog to Digital Converter). DS1307 and AT24C08 are interfaced to the Microcontroller to display the date and time. 74LS21 is an AND gate IC and is used to edit the date and time values according to our requirement. If a problem arises in any application where this is implemented we can identify the exact time and date using all these parameters.

All this arrangement when assigned to the PC we can monitor all phenomenon’s from the PC itself. These days all kinds of Industries are using this application. Applications are Industries, offices, residential homes and any can be implemented in any such kind.

download Network Time Protocol for Time Synchronization in Embedded Products project information.

Miniature Real-Time Controller with Pc Inters Face and I2c Protocol

In MINIATURE REAL-TIME CONTROLLER WITH PC INTERS FACE AND I2C PROTOCOL project we are using AT89S52 micro controller which belongs to 8051 family. In order to collect the information from the different sensors we are using the 8channel ADC i.e. MCP3208. With the help of MCP3208 we can connect 8 sensors and we can get the data from these sensors and we can send that data to PC so that the data may be useful for several applications.

The data that is stored in the PC is easier to monitor or retrieve at any time compared to storing in a particular memory.

 Different sensors are used for different parameter measurement, the output from these sensors are analog which is then given to a ADC which converts the analog signal into digital the controller then sends this  parameter to the PC where a database is maintained. This is a cyclic process.

download Miniature Real-Time Controller with Pc Inters Face and I2c Protocol.

Communicating Single Master with Many Slaves by Using SPI Protocol

Communicating single master with many slaves using SPI protocol project is used for communication between sensors and micro controller and personal computer for further analysis. This project can be used as base project for many other projects. The process of reading data continuously from sensors is called as data acquisition. This projects works on serial communication for communication between pc and micro controller. Micro controller will receive information from sensors which will convert from analog to digital and send data to computer. Received data can be further analyzed on P.C, information contains time stamp and data. 

 The data that is stored in the PC is easier to monitor or retrieve at any time compared to storing in a particular memory.  Many industries are using this procedure to store data on to their system.

 A sensor is usually an analog voltage and can take any value between + 10 to -10 volts. However a digital signal has only two states. “1” (ON) or “0” (OFF). Thus it is required to have additional circuitry between the digital system and analog system that translates the analog signal in to a digital signal. Such conversion can be performed by an analog to digital converter. 

 download Communicating Single Master with Many Slaves by Using SPI Protocol.

Access Control System Using I-Button

ACCESS CONTROL SYSTEM USING I-BUTTON project uses LCD display for displaying numbers in serial manner which can avoid chances of mistakes for setting password. Employee code is displayed on LCD screen. EPROM has been used to store the password in the default location even not to be erased in the absence of power supply. In this project we use I-Button as a key to a system for security purpose.

In present scenario security system are more important for every organization and home applications. This system will provide vital link in security chain. This system is developed to provide security system using micro controller , digital lock is a access control system which will  authorize persons to access a secured data. The system comprises of two modules where we use small electronic unit, which is fixed outside the entry door to control a lock and the LCD display to set the password. The other module contains I2C EEPROM. 


  • Access control system
  • Employee card
  •  Digital ID card
  •  office access security
  •  home access security,
  • Parking security
  •  Mall security access.

download Access Control System Using I-Button.

Human Detection by Live Body Sensor

HUMAN DETECTION BY LIVE BODY SENSOR projects main idea is to develop a application which can detect human body using sensors.This application can be mostly used in health care systems.

Working procedure : When a intruder is detected PIR sensor output increases which in turn is filtered to make sure that the increased output voltage is due to the human intruder.

  • This signal is amplified and converted to TTL logic 0-5v
  • Amplifier output is connected to the microcontroller, controller detects the transition from 0-5v as the presence of the human
    • Controller then activates the  siren (PWM driven from controller)


1. Micro controller

2. interfacing human heat detection Sensor                                                                        

3. Power Supply

8.BUZZER Indication

download Human Detection by Live Body Sensor project abstract.