High Speed Material Transferring Robot through Remote

High speed material Transferring Robot Through Remote projects main idea is to develop a robotic application which can look of the works where humans cannot take the challenge. This applications are mostly used in military, space fields.

For a robot it is obviously important that it can operate from batteries. Since the micro controller runs with 5V the motors also must work with 3-5V. Maintaining size of the project is important so we need to be look after that.

In this project micro controller is attached with two motors which will make the system more generic. All the logic is developed in the software. That means by changing the software you can change almost everything as you like.




Machine Load / Unload

Machine Tending

Material Handling



download High Speed Material Transferring Robot through Remote Project.

Paper on Compact Zigbee Hand Held Unit for Robot Control

Compact Zig bee Hand Held Unit For Robot Control project is developed by using Zig Bee protocol . This protocol is a free open source protocol which can be downloaded and used for developing this type of applications. This protocol is a low cost protocol with low power wireless sensor network. This protocol will provide reliable delivery of data between remote sensors. This application works at ISM 2.4 GHZ frequency.

We can use this process to visually control the robot direction even though we are far away by connecting a camera in front of the robot.

download  Compact Zig bee Hand Held Unit For Robot Control.

Bridge Follower Robot Embedded Project

Aim: To build a BRIDGE FOLLOWER ROBOT System that can track a pre laid path.

Description:The system comprises of the following hardware:  AT89C51 micro controller is used in this project which is main heart of the project. Micro controller used in the project is 8 bit micro controller which was manufactured by ATMEL. C language is used for programming inside micro controller. Two sensors are used for sensing which are placed on opposite sides of the system. Steppers motors are used for movement of the robot when motor movies forward system will move backward. A differential is usually employed in cars, jeeps, trucks and buses. The differential is usually found compiled to the rear wheels. 

Principle of differential:

 when making a turn the wheel that lies in the direction of turn moves less compared to the outer wheel.

Since Robotic Platform is equipped with two motors for the drive, controlling the motors, i.e. when making a right turn, the right wheel can be stopped i.e. power to the stepper motor is switched off.

The tape detector circuitry consists of two IR integrated detection. The detector houses the emitter as well as detector. The detectors are positioned accurately either side of the tape.  They are placed such that they are just out of the tape.

  • AT 89C 51 micro controller
  • IR Sensors
  • AT 24C08 EEPROM
  • 74LS20 NAND Gate
  • Allegro 5804 Stepper Motor Drives – 2 nos.
  • Unipolar 7.5 stepper motors
  • Battery
  • Switches for increasing and decreasing speed.
Skill Set:
  • Functionality of all above components
  • Embedded C programming

download Bridge Follower Robot Embedded Project

Ai Based Video Capturing and Transferring To Pc Using Robot

AI Based Video Capturing and Transferring to PC Using Robot projects main idea is to sense the obstacles moving in the path. Infra red is used to sense information remotely.GP2D12 is the sensor used as sensor with integrated PSD,IRED and signal processing unit. Sensors are not affected by any environmental changes like temperature, humidity …etc.                      

The micro controller always measures the voltage giving by the sensor and whenever the obstacle occurs it takes a control action to turn into a left/right direction. Hence the robot avoids the colliding from any object. This can be attained by connecting a Web-Cam to the robot so that we can control the movements of the robot wirelessly and from any desired place.


  • In military applications
  • Industrial automation


  1. Keiluv2 ide tool
  2. Isp programer
  3. Embedded c programming


  1. Micro controller
  2. Lcd display
  3. L293d driver ic
  4. Camera
  5. Gp2d12  sensor

download Advanced Robotic Pick And Place Arm And Hand System

Advanced Robotic Pick and Place Arm and Hand System

Advanced Robotic Pick And Place Arm And Hand System projects main idea is to develop a application which can handle tough tasks like bomb disposing and many other situations where human being can not reach. 

For a robot it is obviously important that it can operate from batteries. Since the microcontroller runs with 5V the motors also must work with 3-5V. They must also not take too much current as the batteries and the control circuit will get too big and heavy. For this design we use an integrated motor driver chip, called l293d. The l293d motor driver chip can drive peak. All the logic is implemented in the software. That means by changing the software you can change almost everything as you like. 

The good thing about this robot is that the hardware is somehow generic: It’s basically 2 motors attached to a microcontroller. 

download Advanced Robotic Pick And Place Arm And Hand System

RFID Based Attendance System

RFID Based Attendance System project uses Radio frequency for developing this application. This system users scanning antenna and a transceiver.

Each employee is assigned with unique employee id. Employee should place this card at a distance from 5cm of RFID reader. The RFID Reader writes down the time, date and type of departure/arrival in a NVRAM or EEPROM. The type of arrival/departure is indicated on the LCD display. The display also indicates the current time. After recording the attendance data this information can be downloaded into a supervisory PC through a RS-232 serial port.

Attendance records maintenance is done by the interface software. Reports can be generated in different formats. This software can be easily integrated with the pay roll software for calculating salary and tracking employee details.

download  RFID Based Attendance System project information.

RF-ID Based Animal Tracking System

RF-ID Based Animal Tracking System projects main idea is to track the animals using physical tags. These applications are widely used in pharmaceutical companies and logistics. 

The parcel tracking system contains that each parcel is having one RFID sticker with its unique bar code. The RFID reader reads the parcel id .Every parcel enters into the room will be recorded. The RFID reader is designed to give serial communication data to the microcontroller. Then the microcontroller records its id and time of the parcel by interfacing a real time clock.

download RF-ID Based Animal Tracking System project information.

Automated Vehicle Identification and Toll Pass System

Automated Vehicle Identification and Toll Pass system projects main idea is to develop a application which can reduce human resource for maintain toll pass system in parking places. This new system is a automated system which uses micro controller and sensors to find the vehicle information. This system will increase the security for vehicles in parking lots.

In a toll pass system each vehicle consists of a specific rfid. The control room consists of the data for toll payment balance for that particular vehicle. The microcontroller checks the information and the due of that vehicle. For each travel the balance of the vehicle decreases if the payment of the vehicle is having with out due that allows the vehicle; if not automatically gate closes. 

download Automated Vehicle Identification and Toll Pass system

Wireless Data Encryption and Decryption Using RF Communication

Objective:The main aim of WIRELESS DATA ENCRYPTION AND DECRYPTION USING RF COMMUNICATION project is to transmit encrypted and receive that data through RF.

DescriptionTLP434A RF transmitter is used in this project. Frequency used for transmitter is 433.92MHZ. In remote control applications this ultra small wireless transmitter is used. This transmitter operates between 2V to 12V. This project uses micro controller as a decoder. 

Before data is transmitted by transmitter data is displayed on LCD screen. Transmitter signal is generated at 433MHZ frequency. On the receiver side antenna will receive the signal and send it to  receiver. And the data is send to micro controller for further processing.

download Wireless Data Encryption and Decryption Using RF Communication project information.

SMS Transmitting Using RF Module

In  SMS Transmitting Using RF Module system the wireless communication link is made possible between the two controllers with the help of RF. RF is ideal for effective and short distance wireless communication.   

Frequently there is lot of requirement to transfer the data between any two devices, here the two devices may be controllers, or one may be controller and other may be some peripheral .The main aim of this project is to transfer data effectively between two microcontrollers using one RF transmitter and one RF receiver. 

The two micro controller units have their own setup. In Transmitter side AT keyboard, display unit and RF transmitter and Receiver side RF receiver and Display Unit. Here the RF transceiver is a combination of RF transmitter and RF receiver, display unit. both transmitter and receiver operate in synchronous mode that means, when one unit sends the data the other unit will be in ready mode to receive the transferred data between the two controllers.With the help of this system we can transfer data effectively from one point to another. 

download SMS Transmitting Using RF Module project information.