Controlling Ac Lamp Dimmer Through Mobile EEE Abstract

The main aim of Controlling Ac Lamp Dimmer Through Mobile project is to control the lamp in the remote area by transferring related data corresponding to intensity of the lamp through mobile. The project is divided into two modules. One module arrangement includes a micro controller, DTMF decoder, and mobile handset where as the other module consists of mobile hand set. DTMF stands for dual tone multi frequency, which is going to generate equivalent signal for the keys being pressed at the transmitting block (controlling block).    The system has been used to control the lamp at the remote location by sending signals through mobile handset. Here one mobile is placed at the transmitting side and the  another  mobile at the receiving side. The mobile at the receiving side receives the signals from the transmitting side which upon received signal controls the vehicle direction whose signals have been decoded using DTMF decoder. Total intensity of lamp is being controlled by the signal sent by the mobile at the transmitting side. Intensity is adjusted  by pressing/selecting different keys in mobile at the transmitting side, these signal will be received by the mobile at the receiving side and converted to equal digital data and given to microcontroller  here controller adjusts the PWM . the PWM is fed to the TRIAC where lamp is connected.  Each key will have predefined intensity levels.   

download  Controlling Ac Lamp Dimmer Through Mobile EEE Abstract.

Tracking Police Man Using RF Proximity Card

Tracking police man using RF proximity card embedded system project explains about new method for bank officials for checking their security of the bank by implementing accurate method to control police officials. In present scenario banks are playing important role in providing security for people for saving their money, gold..Etc. So banks are taking serious steps to maintain security like hiring police officials at night time for patrolling banks, but there are chances in irregularity of police officials so this method will provide card system for every police official who should scratch his card. Data and time is stored inside system which can connect to computer and analyze details of his attendance.  Functionality RTC is providing the clock with date and time, and this date and time is displaying in LCD. When the police man swipe the card, RF reader will read the card and decode the card value. Decoded card value is send to microcontroller. Microcontroller is receiving the card value and the card value is stored in external EEPROM memory with the swiped date and time. Details of the card swiping are retrieved by connecting the machine to a PC. After connecting to PC through serial port, valid password is required to retrieve the data. Upon successful entry of the password data will transfer from machine to PC. 

download  TRACKING POLICE MAN USING RF PROXIMITY CARD Embedded system Abstract.

Mems Sensor Based Projects

mems based projects list:

This category consists of mems sensor based projects abstracts,MEMS SENSOR 2011 abstracts. ECE mems sensor based final year project.


A Wireless Design of Low Cost Irrigation System Using Zigbee Technology

In  A Wireless Design of Low Cost Irrigation System Using Zigbee Technology Project we generally use induction motors where the water has to be pulled out and irrigate the plant. But it is difficult to check the availability of the water in the field all the time. So here we are considering a wireless system to monitor the condition of the plant and then if there in any insufficient amount of water in the field then the network built will check the plants status and then water level and gives the required water level condition by indication the status to concern person of that field.

Normally in the field it is not possible for a person to continuously monitor the condition and the water level in the field. The water level that is in the field ahs to be monitored and the level of the sump has to be checked and then the motor has to work accordingly. This every this in divided in different sub networks and then according to the levels and status of the field the motor will run under condition. Here actually we are using a wireless network. That is RF communication system with 433MHz frequency with an address to match the identity. This actually monitors the humidity in the field and water level in the tank and the currents and voltage of the motor.

In the field it is common to find that the current and voltage are not always the same. So that we check the current s and voltages and then if the voltages and currents are at required level then it immediately transfers the signal to the motor to switch it on. This checks not only the current and voltage values even the level of the water that is present. If the level of the water is at a sufficient level then it automatically switches on the motor. At the same time it even monodies the condition dint he field. If the water level is sufficient for that time then it instructs the motor to switch it off.

This is all done with a wireless network since it is difficult to plant and wire the complete field for the application in this manner. The address has to be matched with the relevant master unit and the master unit controls the remaining part. A complete network is been implemented in this field with a wireless system. The motor speed is also controlled with a pulse width modulation technique because normally these motors in the field do not have a slow start to regulate the initial currents in the motor.

download Project on A Wireless Design of Low Cost Irrigation System Using Zigbee Technology  project.

Touch Screen Based Digital Devices Control System

The aim of Touch Screen Based Digital Devices Control System project is to design and construction of a module to control the devices   through touch screen. The project was divided into three phases. The First phase is to demonstrate the application of touch screen controlled digital devices. The second phase of the project attempts controlling and display data on Graphic lcd and the third phase of the project is to control the Digital devices.

Now a days touch screen technology is widely used in different fields. Using this technology makes users comfortable and time saving. This technology is widely used in mobiles as smart phones but machines in mechanical or chemical fields are using touch screen technology. This project will explain a basic method to control digital devices using touch screen.

In this project Graphic accelerator and image buffer and digital control logic is used in LCD controller.

download Project on Touch Screen Based Digital Devices Control System.


Construction of Touch Screen Based Portable Digital Clock

For any application in the industries there are many parameters to be handled. In Construction Of Touch Screen Based Portable Digital Clock project we are concentrating RTC (Real Time Clock).RTC sends the time and date information to the microcontroller continuously. The microcontroller receives the values and sends the corresponding values to the Graphic LCD to display.

We are using DS1307 which is a Real Time Clock. Micro Controller is used to read the values from DS 1307. DS1307 is interfaced to the Microcontroller to display the date and time. TOUCHSCREEN with GRAPHIC LCD used to edit and display the date and time values according to our requirement. 

download  Construction Of Touch Screen Based Portable Digital Clock  project information.

Touch Screen Operated Liquid Dispensing System

Touch Screen Operated Liquid Dispensing System application need to handle different parameters that to be handled. This projects uses temperature sensors. Sensors are located at different points to sense temperature variations. Micro controller will handle information from sensors for further processing. Graphic LCD display is used for displaying messages.

In this process as we have to reach our requirement we assign a certain Set-Points for the sensor to monitor the temperature (Ex; Temperature-39 degrees). Based on temperature variations motor operations will set on or off.If the value from the sensor gets below the Set point, the microcontroller drives the heater ‘ON’ and starts the heating to reach the set point.  This is a cyclic process. Touch screen is used to set the Set-Points for the sensor to monitor.

A typical graphics LCD system is shown in Figure 1. The system consists of a microcontroller, a LCD controller (digital-control logic, optional graphic accelerator, image buffer, gate driver), and a LCD glass. 

download Touch Screen Operated Liquid Dispensing System  project information.

Touch Screen Based Nurse/Attendant Calling System For Physically Impaired

The aim of Touch Screen Based Nurse/Attendant Calling System For Physically Impaired project is to design and construction of a module used for patient who are unable to move . it  control the buzzer/light indication by a simple touch   through touch screen.    The project was divided into three phases. The First phase is to demonstrate the application of touch screen. The second phase of the project attempts controlling and display data on Graphic lcd and the third phase of the project is to control the devices(buzzer/lamp). 

A typical graphics LCD system is shown in Figure 1. The system consists of a microcontroller, a LCD controller (digital-control logic, optional graphic accelerator, image buffer, gate driver), and a LCD glass. 

Devices used in this project.

Micro controller.

Digital control

logic Image


Graphic Accelerator

Gate Driver

 LCD Glass

 ATMGA32 micro controller




power supply

download Touch Screen Based Nurse/Attendant Calling System For Physically Impaired project information.

Touch Screen Based Advanced Home Automation System For Next Generation Apartments Project

The aim of Touch Screen Based Advanced Home Automation System For Next Generation Apartments project is to design and construction of a module to control the home appliances  through touch screen.The project was divided into three phases. The First phase is to demonstrate the application of touch screen home automation. The second phase of the project attempts controlling and display data on Graphic lcd and the third phase of the project is to control the appliances to the applications.A typical graphics LCD system is shown in Figure 1. The system consists of a microcontroller, a LCD controller (digital-control logic, optional graphic accelerator, image buffer, gate driver), and a LCD glass.

 In current project a system is designed to control the home appliances on the touch screen and graphics. This project demonstrates how touch screen can be easily interfaced to real world to control operation of complex systems like home automation.Below image shows the block diagram.

download Touch Screen Based Advanced Home Automation System For Next Generation Apartments Project PROJECT.

Line Follower Robot embedded Project

Line Follow Robot project is developed using a 8 bit micro controller named AT89C52.  This robots path is followed using path of black and white line. Black line is drawn on white surface and white line is drawn under black surface.

This application uses infra red rays for wireless communication. Based on white and black light systems infra red system will take send signals. If light is fallen of black surface light will be reflected else it will not. Decision making is maintained by micro controller and the entire system will be under control of micro controller.

The micro controller used in this project contains 40 pins. Based on the signals that are generated from infra red rays movement of motors are controlled.

download Line Follower Robot embedded Project.