E-Commerce Application Project using Python Django Framework


An E-Commerce Website selling a wide variety of products needs to be developed. Products must be grouped into categories based on their characteristics. Some of the broad categories include Electronics, Apparel, Books & Media.

For eg, mobile phones and laptops come under the category Electronics, and T-shirts and pants come under the category Apparel.

The webpage should provide a search bar for the user to search for the products of his/her choice and should provide functionality for an admin to log in and modify the database.

The backend of the website should comprise a database to store:

1. The list of products available
2. The various categories of products available
3. The list of sellers available
4. Table of details of all the users who have purchased items.

The specifications of the various items in the database are given below.

A PRODUCT has the following requirements

– Each Product has the following attributes to identify it Name, ID, Seller, Price, Colour, Number of Items Left
– Each product may have a number of SELLERS.
– Each Seller has a location, products he/she is selling, discount he/she is willing to offer on the products as well as the time of delivery.

The products are organized into CATEGORIES.

– Each Category has a name and an ID.
– Each Category may be further subdivided into more categories.

Eg: Electronics is a broad category that is comprised of a number of products such as Laptops, of which Dell Inspiron is a type of Laptop.

The database must store data of the various USERS of the website

– Each user has a name, address, price to be paid, and ID of the product purchased.

Admin logs in to the PRODUCT database to add new products, and delete and modify the existing database.

Physical Design

E-Commerce Project Computation of the Blocking Factor for each of the Tables with the use of the standard block size of 512 bytes. The Blocking Factor is a lower-limit integer value as part of the tuple cannot be saved in one block of data storage.

List of Entity Types

Goods – This table has details of all the Goods in the Database.

Seller – This table has the details of all the Sellers in the database.

Product – This table has the details of all products being sold.

Customer – This table has the details of all customers who have registered with the website.

Customer Items – This table has the shopping cart of all the customers.

Book – This table has the specifications of all books being sold.

Fashion – This table has the specifications of all fashion apparel being sold.

Media – This table has the specifications of all Media being sold.

Mobile – This table has the specifications of all Mobiles being sold.

TV – This table has the specifications of all TVs being sold.

Laptop – This table has the specifications of all Laptops being sold.

All Columns are NOT NULL unless explicitly mentioned

Relational Schema:

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