Internet Protocol CSE Seminar Reference Material for Computer Science Students

Introduction to Internet Protocol Seminar Topic:

The existing systems named as the Internet Protocol are the set of rules that are used to access the internet services successfully. This protocol or the set of rules are interconnected to the same networks of the personal computers where there is the connection for the internet. The current version that is under use by the users is the Internet Protocol 4 but with some of the advance features and benefits the developers launched the new version as the Internet Protocol 6. This is developed by IETF to take the place of the old version of the Internet Protocol 4.

The key features of the Internet Protocol are Larger IP Address Space where the user has the benefit to enter 128 bits of data in the Internet Protocol 6 as the old version has only 32 bits data space. This helps to communicate with each other in a large amount called as the end-to-end connection. Development of current technologies here the developers are kept on trying to develop the current version to add extra benefits to it. These developments of technologies also have more sub key features which he developers refer while updating the system.

The main objects or the Goals of the Internet Protocol 6 are Internet Protocol 6 will diffidently continue to be the technology enabling device, Focus on mobile devices, Development and testing are some of the more related objectives of the Internet Protocol 6.

The latest version of the Internet Protocol the sixth version is on great demand in the industries and in market to. Internet Protocol 6 has some extra features, large configuration speed and transmission of data is also possible here. The networks that are related to the Mobile phones also are in advantage due to this Internet Protocol 6. One day this protocol will be the back bone to balance this largely populated world. This protocol will be of great use to the new generation peoples and students.

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CSE Case Study Report on Real Time Systems with Examples

Real time system is mainly related or similar to the case studies like it is the System controller system which fully controls the system and keep it fully maintained all over the time. There is also a protection of the system device to the standard integrated system which prevents the system from the attacks and keeps it secured every time. It is most useful device for the real time communication which can be used to communicate from one place or station to another place or station. Virtual affects in the asynchronies system device. Here AFTI is the example for the anomalies system.

The application here contains a water tank which is called as the main plant in which the system working functions, operations and equations are written or coded. From here the control goes to the sensor where the device displays or else detects the signals that are required while the execution process of the system. Then the estimator and from the estimator the control goes to the regulator which is also called as the system laws that are stored in the device to get the successful results according to the written laws.

There are some of the problems and critical issues in the device like the startup which makes the confirmation that the sender and the receiver start the transmitter or the presentation during the execution process.

Buffer control controls the size area of the execution process out.  Real time systems are divided into two types called as the hard real type and the soft real time. A process is a hard real time when the executing process has a large number of the dead-end present is totally hard. A process is a soft real time when the allocated portion or the responsibilities of the executing process present in it is totally soft.

 Download  CSE Case Study Report on Real Time Systems with Examples .

Computer Seminar Topic on Broadband Wireless

Wireless broadband is the internet accessing service which is completely wireless and this service is developed by the one of the famous company called the Intel. Wireless broadband has very large speed communication facility; the applications like Wi-Fi, WiMAX, 3G and Ultra-Wideband are also the technologies which are compulsory to generate the global wireless broadband connection wizard.

The 3G is the large world spreader application which is used widely by near about 60% of the world people. The term broadband wireless in other words means a full complete range of the internet access without any connection issues. This wireless as compared to the WI-FI is sometimes a completely free internet access service to the users.

Here there are various wireless services which have their limited area of coverage like UWB range upto 30 feet, WI-FI upto 300 feet, WiMAX upto 4-6 miles, UMTS upto 1-3 miles, CDMA upto 1-5 miles, EDGE upto 1-5 miles. Each of the various wireless service communications has different-different range of coverage area.  The benefits of the wireless Broadband are same and similar design architectural plans, the market provides mass type of production system, provides moving computing applications, quick transaction and access when multiple user access at the same duration of time. Large service provider and application supports to most of all devices.

Now coming to the end of the broadband wireless world, till now millions of people have used this wireless broadband services and that services which are allocated to the services to the users. People access this internet services whenever they want and they need. Intel and the employees of the Intel Company are in help to develop more featured device which has great features in advance and also have more benefits and advantages. 


Intel 8086 Architecture and Programming CSE Paper Presentation

Introduction to Intel 8086 Architecture and Programming CSE Paper Presentation:

Intel 8086 is the programming language and also used to create the architectural plans, there are various features that are related to Intel 8086 like this has the 16-bit ALU in other words the 16 bit numbers are easily and directly executed by the 8086. It has the presence of the 16 bit bus where the data can be directly written on the input and the output memory ports whether it can be an 8 bit or the 16 bit numbers. This has the Multiprocessing facility means it can be used with the co processors too. 8086 also comes with the many other newly launched versions. 8086 comes with the 40 pin configuration with the advanced HMOS technology and its features. 

The architecture of the 8086 is that it can catch the new information along with the old information that is saved. This is mainly called as the pipelining. When the 8086 are reset to the internet protocol then all the registers are brought to complete zero based on the CS and the FFFF H. 

There are some advantages for the segmentation of the memory are it permits the capacity of the memory of 1MB and also the address are also allocated to the self instructors which suppose to be 16 bits or more with it. The uses of the separate memory are increased and the data are saved inside the stacks. Programs are allowed to be saved in various separate memories when the time the program is been executed.

The 8086 are simplified into seen types like Data Transfer, arithmetic, local, control, Processor control instructor, String manipulation, Interrupt control etc. Processor controls, string control, interrupt control; Assembler directives, transfer control and logical instructions are some of the related topics of the existing system but now a day’s the 8086 are never been used in today’s software development.

 Download  Intel 8086 Architecture and Programming CSE Paper Presentation  .

Latest Seminar Topic Idea on Integrating Enterprise Communications

Introduction to  Seminar Topic Idea on Integrating Enterprise Communications:

The existing system is the integrating Enterprise communication working with the Google Wave system. This system is used to make a communication with the servers over the internet. It is mad to combine multiple communications like the email, wikis, instant messages, social media etc… the chunks of the system were made into three different departments like firstly the voice communication, Secondly the bringing the Google wave functions to handle the calls and third is to permit the user to control the calls from the function from the Google wave system. This system can also be used for the enterprise communication.

There are some of the related technology and terminology in the existing system of Google wave. Here in the Google wave the user conversation can be referred to as the Wave. This conversation is mostly viewed from the IM called as the Instant Messenger. There are two parts of the Google wave called as the Google wave robots and the Google wave gadgets.

The Google Wave uses the server which is named as the Twilio. Handling the event and its system calls, monitoring the Communication events, future planning, and some of the related work are some of the related features and attributes of the existing system.

This system concludes that it is considered as the great approach on implementing the communication through enterprise and the function related to the Google Wave. On the other side the enterprise communication is the main feature that is related to the employee of the Google wave and communication. During the execution process the developers also noticed the limitations and drawbacks regarding the Google wave. The feedback from the developer team and the end user will surely help the system to make it more effective and some other extra benefits to the system. The Google Engine also has some architecture according to the communication networks.

Climatic Conditions and Holiday Packages in India

Climatic Conditions

To choose India as tourist’s destination climate and weather plays a vital role. Travellers choose India because sunlit mild weather, moderate cold. The favoured vacation weather is the similar for all sightseers, autonomous of the home weather. Though, travellers from hot or cold climatic conditions have more prominent first choice. 

Holiday Packages:

Package tours for the tourists or casual weekend tour made at the ease. Some of the associations chosen marketing agent of the most excellent as well as sole possessions in India as well as overseas. Agents can direct tourist to obtain the most excellent purchases or offers of the period, once making an allowance for their personal favourite as well as financial plan. They are able to keep informed to the tourists regarding the newest as well as to no avail destination.

Hybrid Wireless Networks Security Issues

Hybrid wireless networks: 

     Hybrid wireless networks even though are very promising domain, in this area research is not now still intensively discovered. Main important research is presented; the aspects which are treated as major will consider routing, radio resources management, security and architectures. Afterwards existing type classifications are developed for the hybrid wireless networks. 

Security issues: 

In fact there are some contributions associated to the protection. The effort in Unified Cellular and Ad-hoc Network architecture (UCAN) offers security on attacks of selfish nodes. Avoiding the Individual hosts from eliminating legitimate hosts or making non-authorized hosts toward the relaying nodes set. But, this security has partial to the non colluding nodes. The Capkun et al. permits the anonymity and mobile hosts privacy sheltered with various access points in a hybrid wireless network . 

Introduced the routing protocol based on secure tree, secure routes set up between the MNs and BS. An AAA (authentication, authorization and accounting) system is projected on public key cryptography by Zhang et al. used by the virtual notion operator, by this approach joins both the process of authentication, authorization and accounting and sending data to the IP layer, and permits ad hoc thus it mitigates attack of selfish nodes; though it will not combine layer 2 security devices which causes vulnerable to a large extent of layer 2 and attacks of DHCP. 

Lastly, some work modified 802.11i protocol for hybrid ad hoc network, Shaer et al. suggest a secure handoff system combining the infrastructure mode and wireless networks ad hoc mode. An increased framework of 802.11i is executed increasing the APs functional range and approving the 802.11i security benefits. But, this type of scheme is not personalized to the common hybrid network situation as it may not manage in every mobile not less than two hops. 802.11i has adapted in vehicular contacts on highways. Other architecture is projected presenting contact between vehicles and also vehicular link to the Internet. Vehicles are the Ad hoc networking which is used to increase the Zone of 802.11 AP, with intermediate nodes. But this approach may not suggest a mobility management result.

       Algorithms of Power control can abuse channel differences to increase the fairness and act. This can be obtained by opportunistically influencing the instant or past channel quality information achieved with dimensions and feedback. Effort on pioneer power control in downlink involves. 

       The main opportunistic power control idea is to use more power and enhance rate as improves the channel quality, and to prevent by the channel under an optimized stop. Example, in transmission of uplink in a fading channel of frequency-flat, to increase the overall throughput, just a sequence of user by achievement of the total best channel must be permitted to send its information at any period of time.  Opportunistic power control may also carry advantages to a network when the users usually fit in to two precedence groups, example, transmission in cellular network which is higher priority for voice and lower priority for data.

Previous Chapter ->  Algorithm for implementing power management

Next Chapter -> In Uplink Opportunistic Throughput Maximization

Full Project Report -> Incorporating Energy maps to measure and compare the coherence time and spreading period across mobile wireless networks

Internet and Its Application Computer Seminar Report

Introduction to Internet and Its Application Computer Seminar Topic:

Internet and its applications are mainly made or developed by the web design language called as the HTML web design language. This is a language which is specially used for creating the web pages and more web applications too. HTML is called as the Hyper Text Markup Language. This markup language is based on the markup tags. These tags are then used for the description of the web pages. The HTML files are stored and saved with the extension named as the .Html and this file then opens in a browser and shows the results.

Html markup tags are generally named as the Html tags this are the standard keywords that are written between the angle brackets at the start and the end of the standard keyword. These tags are always in couples or pairs like the opening tag and the closing tag. Here every tag that is opened is compulsorily been closed or else the Html file will display some error.

It is also called as the start tag and the end tag. Starts are the opening tag and the end tags are the closing tags. This start and the end tags are written to develop the web page but it never gets displayed while the web page gets executes.

The heading of the Html is denoted by the keyword <h1> where the number of the <h> decreases the size of the font get decreased. Paragraphs in the Html are denoted by the keyword <p> which has a start tag as well as the end tag too. Links in Html are denoted by the keyword <a> which provides a link to the other web pages. Image tag is displayed like <img> which adds image to the web pages. <hr> tag gives the horizontal lines and <br> creates the break in the letters.

There are many more tags that can be learned briefly by reading the HTML reference books too.

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Computer Seminar Report on Hybernate Query Language

Introduction to Computer Seminar Topic on Hybernate Query Language:

The main attraction of the software depends on the technique on the development style, type of the creation and the way the software is further maintained. If a single change is made in any of the part the entire changes are needed to me made in the whole application too. This hibernate is used to solve this problem only.

This hibernates mainly with the frameworks and the java applications. Hibernate mainly works with the set of objects or the set of applications. This gives the large computing language related to the allocated query. The mainly architecture this hibernate support is the JMX called as the java management extensions.

Some of the key features of the hibernate system are hibernate is a service that supports all types of J2EE applications programs. It also has the extension with the EJB architectures. It is the Free and a very open source provider which is registered by the LGPL called as the Lesser GNU Public LIcense. It is also a environmental coding languages which has the concept like the inheritance, polymorphism etc… it supports the scability as it is always executed in two different types of layers. The language used to query the code here the data is normally coded in the data saved in the database. The EJB which has the version number 3.0 which supports the hibernate systems.

 Hibernate called as the query language is very strong and also very rich in demand. It is the OOQL called as the Object Oriented Query language containing the hibernate framework system in it. The Hibernate query system has also has many extra added features like Relational operations, Projections, Orders, Functions called etc… Hibernate language also saves the time duration and also the cost that is needed to test the applications. Hibernate language mainly uses the SQL server to connect with the database.

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Computer Seminar Report on Parallel Model

Introduction to Computer Seminar Topic on Parallel Model:

In the field of computers the Parallelism is defined for the Parallel algorithm or the Concurrent algorithm which has been run on different devices and computers in the same time and combined at the end to get an accurate result.  

The algorithms can be separated simply to perform a task into the different systems, for instance to check the numbers containing prime numbers, which can be identified by appointing the subset of numbers for every processor and at the end combined the executed tasks in a single system to get the prime numbers. 

In some situations like for computing the Pi value is not simple as the algorithm to calculate cannot be separated easily. Because the result of the first stage to evaluate the next stage of algorithm. This is known as the inherently serial problems. The other examples of the inherently serial problems areNewton’s method or three body problem. The other complicated situation to parallelize the algorithm is called Recursive. The example is Depth first search of graphs. 

The importance of the parallel algorithms came into highlight after finding efficiency of multiprocessing systems and the development of the multi- core processors. Normally to make a computer by the only but fast processor is simple compared to the many slow processors. The processor speed and efficiency can be developed by shortening the circuits and the new processors are different in size and the heat concern. The mentioned obstacles are the conclusion of the developing of the multi processing working for the systems. 

The price and the complicated feature of the serial algorithms can be measured for its memory and the processing time required. The development in the parallel algorithms needs to maximize by enhancing communications between the processors. The communication between the parallel processors can be of two types.

  1. The Shared memory
  2. The Message passing

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