File Handling in C PPT Presentation

Introduction to File Handling in C Presentation:

File handling in C language is the accumulation of same types of data that a system considers as a single unit. This system saves the file to secondary storage device like the hard-disk so that the data saved remains permanently in the computer’s memory when the system is turned off. While reading the file documents the system transfer the file from the storage devices to the computer memory and when the system writes the data it again sends the data from memory to the secondary storage devices.

Buffers are the special area where the data is kept of wait and is executed step by step when the system sends the data from memory to the secondary storage device. These buffers help to arrange the data in the programs. Buffers also controls the over flow of the data when the program uses it for execution. It also helps in holding the data properly and saves the data for the better outputs.

The file handling programs needs proper details related to the file which also includes the operating system of the system and also the location of the on working characters. These files are used in the header file named as stdio.h to save the file attributes in it. Streams are the concept of the input and output of the files and documents. C languages supports two files type called the Text stream files and binary stream files. A text stream divides the sequential files into new lines. Binary stream has the data values like Integer, Float, and Double etc…

A file is executed in the standard way like firstly a stream is created in the system named as file *spData, then by opening the file the data is read and then after reading the file is closed again. For writing a file in C language the fputc() or the similar like putch() is used. 

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File Handling PPT Presentation in Java

Introduction to File Handling PPT Presentation:

A file handling is a process which is capable of storing the data information forever. This data can be files like documents; the data that is required to execute the programs etc… but the main non benefit of this file handling is that if any user wants to proceed the data again and again then that user needs to enter the file system again and again to process the file or the documents.

The solution for this can be that the data can be forever saved and can be read direct. This permanent storage is called the File or File handling. This file handling takes two attributes for code executions. The mode in which the user wants to save the file and all it should be in string types.

There are two types of file mainly the Sequential File and Random access File. In sequential file the data is stored and saved lastingly. If any user wants to read the data of the sequential file then that user needs to read all the records before the one her wants to read. In Random access file data can be updated and modified when a user wants too. Here if a user wants to read the last file then that user can directly jump to that document instead of reading the first documents.

Here a file handling can be shortly defined as the combination of data structure and the pointer. These files are included in the header files of the programming languages. These files can be saved by using a .DOC extension also.

The operations of the file system is the Read mode(r) which is used to read the content inside the file, Write mode(w) which is used to write the data in the files and documents, append mode(a), Read+ , Write+ and append+ are some of the other operations of the file handling.

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Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems PPT Paper Presentation

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems Paper Presentation:

Artificial intelligence is a group of team from stream named as Computer Science which is planning to develop the system computers to act same like that of human beings. In other words artificial intelligence means the system which is capable of making the replica of actions of the human brains. The characteristics of the artificial intelligence consists of the software, the hardware, data required, the talent needed to develop such system, and a machine which practically proves and leads the experiment to success.

The sectors of the artificial intelligence is firstly the perceptive system which a system which makes the replica of the human behavior, secondly the vision system which saves the images, thirdly the robotics which contains all the machinery devices in it, and lastly the expert system which saves the knowledge in it.

Artificial intelligence contains concepts like playing games which codes the system in such a way which can play games like chess etc… Expert System which is capable of capable of making the right decisions whenever needed. The Natural Language which makes the system to understand the Human Spoken languages.

There are also some of the limitations of the artificial intelligence too like it is never demand used or never tested. The small problems are limited in count. It fails to knowledge required; there are many changes of getting errors, it is very hard to keep the maintenance of it. Here are some of the components of the expert system like Knowledge based which has storage of all the important information’s.

The Inference Engine which searches the information required in it. And rule which is a statement that records the outputs. Its advantages are very easy to develop, satisfactory devices, development by professional engineers only. Some of the expert system applications are granting of credits, Information Management, creating plans, Hospitals and schools facilities, Loan system, virus detection’s  marketing.

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Mobile IP PPT Paper Presentation

Introduction to Mobile IP PPT Paper Presentation:

Mobile IP called as the Mobile Internet Protocol is an internet technology which has acquired a lot success in the time, distance etc but the internet technologies have to be increased in the user system computer access periods. The latest technology named as the 3G technology mobile networks making a great distinguish between the international business groups. As 3G technologies is never depended on one standard technology but also depended on the group of radio technology like the CDMA, TDMA, and WCDMA etc…  mobile IP is mainly defined as the Home agents in which the client has the connection with the foreign agents. 

The main Objectives of the Mobile IP is It understands the address scheme of the Host, Secondly it defines the address care, home, location and much more things, thirdly  it understands the communication between the home and the away means the foreign agents too, Fourthly it also understands that mobile communication is so extravagant. It also knows the main three objects which are the contents of the mobile communications. 

The main critical things faced by the IP communications are the addressing concepts. This IP’s are developed to work with those of the fixed host because it provides the information about the host which is already fixed one. Mobile IP has two main addresses namely the home address and the one care address. The home address is constant and the one care host changes or varies when the host is placed or moves from one place to other. These Mobile IP never use a packet for the agent works but it uses a sever packet named router solicitation which is a packet of the ICMP. 

The data transfer is done like first the data is placed in the Mobile home host which can be also said as the home network then the data is sent through the internet to the foreign host by the remote hosts called as the mobile host.

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CSE Seminar Paper on Digital Watermarking

Introduction to CSE Seminar Topic on Digital Watermarking:

The world largest and very useful device is the Internet and the MMNS called as the Multi Media Networking System. This devices are required in each and every field now a day’s. All work related to technology is done by this devices. Because of this the replica of various data and information’s are launched. So to stop this malware of making copy right of the original application this system has been developed called as the Digital Watermarking also abbreviated as DWM. This is meant to a very strong device to solve these issues. This all information and the data are stored in the digital content.

Digital watermarking is of various types like robust, fragile, visible and invisible etc… this device has the security protection like the finger prints of the admin, unique identity etc… the data stored in digital formats are called as the digital documents which are developed in digital based media. This has a couple of advantages like secure data storage, copyright of the application without data loss. There are some of the limitations of this device like malware copies, duplicate copies, lack of protection to copyright, lack of admin identity.

Some of the applications related to the digital watermarking are Monitoring the Broadcast of the work that is active. Second is Encoding, Controlling the copyright and playbacks, authentications of the data and information contents. These applications are those which are widely supportable to the Digital Watermarking.

The demanding issues of the digital watermarking has incremented the need of the copyright protections. The illegal lose of the digital watermarking should be prevented. Because the internet plays the key role in transferring the data from one system to another this digital watermarking is the best option to protect its copyright issues. This is largely use to protect the malware functions and actions happening over the internet. 

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Smart Dust Technology CSE Seminar Report

Introduction to Smart Dust Technology CSE Seminar Topic:

This existing device called as the Smart dust is a small size device which has more featured benefits too. It fusions the sensor technology, computer technique, wireless communication technology, current supply and many more mechanics foe the development of proper system which also balance the cost and make it cheaply available in markets. Smart dust is generally made small in size so that it can be carried anywhere in the environment same like the other dust particles. The size of the fully developed Smart dust device is 5mm only. They are also called as the motes as the name suggest motes means small in size. This makes the use of micro sensors which supports the electro mechanism.

The applications of the Smart dust are protection to the environment and atmosphere, monitoring the habits of the device, applications related to defense, inside or outside management of the environment. Security issues by uses the track method, health managements, power consumption, new discovery of location and its awareness, company automotive systems, systematic maintenance of the device, maintaining the traffic and solving it.

Communication technologies related to this Smart Dust have two sub technologies mainly the Radio Frequency Transmission and Optical Transmission technologies. Optical transmission technology has three more sub types like passive laser based communication, active laser based communication, fiber optic communications. All this technologies has some of the other advantages and some limitations too.

Now the developers are already working on the developments of the Smart Dust devices to make it updated which can have more advantages in the next version of the device. It is also available at very less cost in shops. In some days all will be seen making the use of the Smart Dust. This device will be very helpful in related to the communication purpose. Due to available in low cost people can buy it at its perfectly matches their budgets and other issues.

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Seminar Report on Computer Forensics Free Download

Introduction to Seminar Topic on Computer Forensics Free Download:

Threats the most dangerous thing similarly as compared to the virus which damages the system completely making it disables to use. This system threats can be distinguished into human and environments. Environment threats contains fire, flood etc… human threats are to two types like malicious and non-malicious.

It is said to be malicious when any action or a crime is done purposely. And the non-malicious is just the vice versa of the malicious. In non-malicious the person doesn’t knows the target had the makes the crime without any purpose.

The basic forensics tools and technology materials are the types the computer crimes are related to. The rules and the laws that are allotted to the cyber’s, Tracking email service, cracking the hacked account passwords, computer monitoring, trace online happening activity, searching the hidden resources, searching the deleted data, developing the tracking files, and recognizing the duplicate software’s

The advantages of the computer forensics are DOS depended for quick speed, automatic execution of any binary data, Display output in ASCII formats, abilities to execute files upto 2GB memory storage, it is also used to identify the active activity on selected computers,  it is also used to filter and clean the data stored in the system and make free from threats.

This computer forensics is challenging the private, co-operations and also the public departments too. The entire online transfer person and also the stake holders must be careful about transferring the data through internet as they firstly must see the secured position and must keep own self prevention.

Filing the crimes and other issues is greatly disparaged. As it contains many risky factors like frauds and hackers etc… a computer forensics system must be launched to prevent all this happening crimes all over the internet so that the internet will be safe and get free from the frauds and the hackers.

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Computer Cluster CSE Seminar Report

Introduction to Computer Cluster CSE Seminar Topic:

This device is a set of linked connected computers which works together to form a single system computer. The contents of the computer are always connected to each other by the quick LAN as local area networks. This cluster is designed to update the progress of the performance of the single computer. This cluster constructs the hardware attributes software’s which are used by the engineers, commercial use, businessman etc… this also develops the software for large performance issues, share computing, incrementing the power of the computer etc.

The architectures of the computer cluster are Shared Disk Clusters which controls the input and output devices as the developers called this architecture as shared disk clusters. Second architecture is the Shared Nothing Cluster which it does not contain any sharing to the disk drives from the systems. In other words this cluster has lack of the lock manager. Third is the Mirror disk cluster which makes the duplications means it removes the replica of the disk drives that is to be shared or transferred. 

The components of the computer clusters are Various High Performance Computers which contains personal computers, Workstations and SMPs as its sub attributes. Secondly is the operating system classification which has Linux, Microsoft NT, Sun solaries, HP UX, OS layers as its sub attributes.

Third is the high performance, Quick communications, Cluster maintainers, Hardware, Applications, Parallel Programs are some of the other components of the computer clusters. There are also the step that how to develop and install the clusters in the systems, its design, its network protocol in the article in detail.

This networks cluster provides large frequency and also the large performances same like as the computers.  This clusters architecture also makes the system a dependable of its architectures. By selecting the hardware is the start process of the cluster, applications, maintenance of the system and much more etc… 

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Surface Computing Technology Seminar Report

Introduction to Surface Computing Technology Seminar Topic:

The concept called the surface computing is a stage where it replies the natural handmade objects and also the real world objects too. This device is about 360 degree user interface product and have about 30 inch of the screen surface too. This system used the infrared rays for the camera and a single finger touch for the surface screen. As this device is very expensive only rich people can afford to take this device like businessman etc… actually it is the latest way to communicate with the computers. This system also has an attractive keyboard and also a mouse.

The key attributes of the surface computing is Direct Interaction which are usually used to gather and store the user information in just a single touch only. Multi touch contact which allows touching many fingers touch at a time and not only the one finger.  Multi user experience which connects many people at one time to share files, documents etc… Object recognition here the user can place any object on the point of the trigger of the device, there are also various devices responding to the transmission of the digital contents.

The hardware used to develop this device is firstly the screen which a rectangle shaped touch screen for the display of the outputs, it is also a multi touch supportable screen, Infrared rays for transfer of the data, the central processing unit called the main part of the device which acts as the brain of the system, Projector to display the results to all the people present during the experiment.

The features of the surface computing are Multi Touch display which enables the several touches at a time that is served by the Microsoft Surfaces. It allows many touches at the same time and not only single touch like the other devices. It also allows the sensor devices of the objects too. 

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Seminar Paper for Computer Science on Ethical Hacking

Introduction to Seminar Paper for Computer Science on Ethical Hacking:

Ethical hacking by hearing this word one question comes to every one’s mind is the word hacking. But ethical hacking is the safest and legal way to track the crimes doing crime and trace their actions that are going on. For learning the ethical hacking the easiest way is to start with the Windows Operating system.

Internet in today’s world has taken a long jump into the development stages. Each and every person now is educated about the access of the internet services. But for the people who see internet as the machine of destruction are the Hackers and the Cyber criminals.

Government, IT companies, Businessman are using internet this days but they are afraid because they are the most likely target of the Hackers. Hackers on the internet visit the commercial sites hacks their sites and they update it as they want for example changing the company logo with some bad photographs, thefts steal the credit card number of the user from the online shopping sites and then nulls the accounts in very less time.

To solve this problem ethical hacking is the best option. The ethical hackers are the legal hackers which are free from happening frauds and they help the user to solve their hacked account problems too. Many IBM clients are also in the ethical department who helps the customer. There are also various branches where ethical hacking is done to prevent the account to get illegally hacked from the criminal hackers.

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