File Handling in C PPT Presentation

Introduction to File Handling in C Presentation:

File handling in C language is the accumulation of same types of data that a system considers as a single unit. This system saves the file to secondary storage device like the hard-disk so that the data saved remains permanently in the computer’s memory when the system is turned off. While reading the file documents the system transfer the file from the storage devices to the computer memory and when the system writes the data it again sends the data from memory to the secondary storage devices.

Buffers are the special area where the data is kept of wait and is executed step by step when the system sends the data from memory to the secondary storage device. These buffers help to arrange the data in the programs. Buffers also controls the over flow of the data when the program uses it for execution. It also helps in holding the data properly and saves the data for the better outputs.

The file handling programs needs proper details related to the file which also includes the operating system of the system and also the location of the on working characters. These files are used in the header file named as stdio.h to save the file attributes in it. Streams are the concept of the input and output of the files and documents. C languages supports two files type called the Text stream files and binary stream files. A text stream divides the sequential files into new lines. Binary stream has the data values like Integer, Float, and Double etc…

A file is executed in the standard way like firstly a stream is created in the system named as file *spData, then by opening the file the data is read and then after reading the file is closed again. For writing a file in C language the fputc() or the similar like putch() is used. 

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