Extending Grids with Cloud Resource Management for Scientific Computing Seminar Report

Introduction to Extending Grids with Cloud Resource Management for Scientific Computing Seminar Topic:

Extending Grids with Cloud Resource Management for Scientific Computing explains about using  super computers, scientific computing is constant to the next levels such as cluster computing, Meta computing. Grid computing gained the high popularity in the field of scientific computing. Scientific computing is a traditional high work load.

Today in this generation cloud computing is emerging as the paradigm for the next generation of large scale scientific computing, the cloud computing has the four main advantages they are

  1. The cloud cannot buy their own hardware they promote the concept of leasing remote resources which frees from permanent maintenance costs and eliminate the burden of hardware.
  2. Cloud technology reduces cost of installation by removing extra hardware applications that need to be added to super computer but fulfills recruitment. To the resources needed. Through the new concept of “scaling-by credit card”.
  3. The concept of hardware virtualization can represent a significant breakthrough automatic and scalable deployment of complex scientific software.
  4. The provision of resources through business relationships contains specialized data Centre companies in offering reliable services which existing grid infrastructure fail to deliver. For scientific applications there exist several integrated environments for transparent programming and high performance.

Background concepts:

There are several workflow execution middle wares for grid computing, it is used to support the new type of cloud infrastructure.


ASKALON is a grid application. In this the user composes workflow application at a high level of abstraction using a UML graphical modeling tool. The abstract workflow is given in a XML form to the ASKALON middleware services for transparent execution on to the grid.


It is used for the provisioning services through internet which are built like utilities. The most popular interpretation of cloud computing is infrastructure as a service (iaas).  Iaas provides modern hardware facilities to customers that pay only for what you use effectively.

Virtualization in (iaas) is distributed, automatic, scalable, deployment, installation and maintenance software. 

Download Extending Grids with Cloud Resource Management for Scientific Computing seminar report.

MS Dissertation Project on A Development of Computerized Chess Game Board Source Code

Aims and Objectives

Following are the aims and objectives of this research

Aim: To develop a desktop application for Chess Game that can be played between human player and computer using the tools related to artificial intelligence techniques.


Following are the research objectives

  • To critically review the computer games and the usage range of these games
  • To identify the role of AI in developing a chess game and different algorithms used across to develop a desktop chess game
  • To develop a single user desktop chess game that can be used to play against the computer
  • To evaluate the performance of the AI algorithm in terms of their moves 


  • A Desktop game for Chess board that can be played against human and computer.
  • The application offers some major features like undo and redo functions, and also has an option for loading and saving the game and also the application will be a user friendly application that will have a good GUI (Graphical User Interface).
  • The application that’s developed will meet all the requirements and the validation of moves for the chess board. 

Research question(s):

  • How can Artificial Intelligence improve the challenge and entertainment of the chess game?
  • Which artificial tools would be more suited?

 Download MS Dissertation Project on A Development of Computerized Chess Game Board Source Code.

The Network Monitoring Tool Pick packet Filtering Ftp And Http Packets Project Report

Introduction to The Network Monitoring Tool Pick packet Filtering Ftp And Http Packets Project:

The widespread utilization of computers and networks for interchange of knowledge has also had divisions on the development and extension of crime via their utilization. In order to discover and restrain the crime, the law imposing departments require following the evolving traits in these regions. Amidst the various requirements of these departments is the necessity to supervise, examine and evaluate unwanted network traffic. Though the supervising, examining and evaluating of this traffic might be opposing the objective of managing the privacy of people whose network interactions are being supervised.

This project explains about Pickpocket, which is a Network Monitoring Tool and can discuss the incompatible problems of network monitoring and privacy via its reasonable utilization. This tool was created as a section of an investigation project patroned by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, New Delhi.

Pick Packet contains four elements- the Pickpocket Configuration File Generator for aiding the user in organizing the guidelines for catching packets, the Pick Packet Filter for catching packets, the Pick Packet Post-Processor for evaluating packets and the Pick Packet Data Viewer for displaying the attained data to the viewer. Pick Packet is a beneficial tool for collecting and giving data moving across the network. The model of Pick Packet is modular, manageable, strong and effective. Reasonable utilization of the system can also assist to defend the privacy of people and can discard only the required information to the disk. Tools for post-processing and consequential giving makes it a simple and easy tool to be utilized.

This project also deals with the modules for refining FTP and HTTP packets. The users of Pick Packet can indicate names of users, file names and text search strings for refining packets pertaining to FTP sessions. For refining packets pertaining to HTTP sessions, Host names, path names and text search strings are indicated.

Download The Network Monitoring Tool Pick packet Filtering Ftp And Http Packets Project Report .

Routing With Security in Mobile ADHOC Networks Project Report

Introduction to Routing With Security in Mobile ADHOC Networks Project:

This project is planned employing Java Swing alongside Java Application Programming Interfaces involving Microsoft SQL Server as database. Mobile adhoc networks dismiss the reliance on a stable network framework by dealing each accessible node as an in between switch, by stretching the degree of nodes farther than their base transmitters. Manets also help in calamity management. Route Discovery or creation and Route maintenance are the two major techniques included. The ideas of Dynamic Source Routing algorithm are included here. 

Each node manages a file for recognizing its neighbor node and finds out the route among the source and the destination, in Route Discovery. On finding out the path once, the information is arranged alongside the source and the destination. In Route Maintenance, the route among the source and the destination is managed as long as the information is being sent. Every node associates its address with the source during conveying between the source and the destination. While the data is being sent, the safety is used by executing the route randomizing, which also discovers a new route that has not been employed for any earlier information transfer. 

Mobile adhoc network is a comparatively new conception in the sphere of wireless technology. Wireless investigation mainly stresses on the functional prospects of manets which have been executed as a project for the refined transfer of packets from a node to another. This system is consistent to alterations that may take place in future. 

Hardware Requirements:

 An Intel Pentium III Processor, 550,650 MHz, a 512 MB RAM, a Hard Disk of 10 GB and a Wi-fi Router are required.

Software Requirements: 

A Microsoft Windows 2000 and Windows XP OS, Programming Language- Java Swing, J2SDK 1.5 and Java APIs and a database-MS SQL Server are required.

Download Routing With Security in Mobile ADHOC Networks Project Report .

Robust Lane Detection for Video-Based Navigation Systems Java Project

Introduction to Robust Lane Detection for Video-Based Navigation Systems Project:

Video based car navigation systems are evolving as the latest car navigation systems that offer virtual navigation services than traditional navigation systems based upon map. The technique needed to create these systems involves collecting object information through cameras and the drawn out characteristic is carried out to attain information regarding colour, margin and thing.

Drawn out characteristics include several sounds like shadow, spoiled outer face of the road and cars obstructing road markings. To identify road and things on the road, dismissal of outliers and thing identification techniques are employed. Path discovery is important to identify things on the road. But path discovery is a serious problem for several illumination states like shadow, sunset, rear lights etc. This paper suggests a new concept that identifies path for several roads and illumination, path markings situations like spoiled road outer faces obstructed by a car, shadow, backlights etc. For strong path discovery, the shape knowledge of drawn out path markings and a moving average filtering are merged, refining the precision of identification. 

 Here, a system has been employed to create a robot which can move by itself minus the assistance of anyone else and go to its destination. 

Proposed System:

In the times to come, intelligent Vehicles, as a section of Intelligent Transportation Systems(ITS) would cause a major influence. They can comprehend their close surroundings and can interact with fellow traffic partners like vehicles, frameworks and traffic maintenance centers. 

Hardware Requirements:

A Pentium IV Processor, a 32 Bit System Bus, a 512 MB RAM, a HDD of 40 GB, a SVGA Colour display and a Windows /Linux keyboard are required. 

Software Requirements:

A front end –J2EE, a back end-My Sql, a Windows/Linux OS and a Net Beans IDE are required.

Download Robust Lane Detection for Video-Based Navigation Systems Java Project .

Resource Allocation in of DMA Wireless Communications Systems Supporting Multimedia Services

Introduction to Resource Allocation in of DMA Wireless Communications Systems Supporting Multimedia Services:

A resource allocation algorithm for downlink of orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) systems upholding real-time (RT) and best-effort(BE) services concurrently over a time-differing wireless route is crafted. The suggested algorithm’s chief objective is increasing system throughput while gratifying quality of service(QoS) needs of the RT and BE services. 

Two types of QoS services are considered. First includes the necessary average transfer rate for RT and BE services. Second includes the bearable average absolute deviation of transmission rate (AADTR) which is only for RT services and is employed to curb the variation in transfer rates and to restrict the RT packet defer to a temperate degree. We define the maximization problem portraying the resource allocation being regarded, and resolve it by employing the dual optimization technique and the projection stochastic sub gradient method. Assumption outcome displays that the supposed algorithm satisfies the QoS needs with great throughput and surpasses the modified largest weighted delay first (M-LWDF) algorithm that upholds same QoS needs. 

Though this approach refines the system throughput, it can lead to the deprivation of the user who is facing a difficulty from a faulty route since long, that leads to extensive packet defer. As far as the RT users are concerned, the extensive defer heads to extreme deterioration of performance. The suggested algorithm conquers this hurdle by the limited use of route deviation, where the limitation is provided by the QoS needs of RT and BE traffic. 

Hardware Requirements: 

The system should have a Pentium- IV 2.4 GHz processor, a Hard Disk of 40GB, A Floppy Drive of 1.44MB, a 15 VGA colour Monitor, a Logitech mouse and a RAM of 256 MB. 

Software Requirements: 

The system should have an Operating Software-Windows XP Professional, a Front end-Visual Studio 2005, a Coding Language-Visual C# .Net and a Back-End-Sql Server 2000.

Download Resource Allocation in of DMA Wireless Communications Systems Supporting Multimedia Services.

Preemptive Scheduling Systems Project Report

Introduction to Preemptive Scheduling Systems Project:

Preemptive scheduling systems are systems which can be employed to predict possibly threatening grave harms in several territories such as framework, factory machines, ancient statues, dams, bridges etc. The accumulation and interconnection of field data usually employing a dispensed structure of transducers is the essence of Preemptive scheduling. Every application leads to change in the state and the situation of the transducer.

The traditional maintenance systems in factories and other places point out the harm already done and report it after the harm has occurred. The reporting of the harm after its done is not a reasonable and optimum manner for the functioning of a factory.

This project suggests a new method that anticipates grave harms that may terminate production beforehand and schedule the maintenance correspondingly. The critical feature of preemption systems is that information from different sections of a machine undergoes frequent exertion. For instance, a part such as a ball bearing doesn’t show the harm caused immediately.

It’s a prolonged and slow procedure that initiates with a petty distortion in the ball bearings. Such distortions are noticed by the unusual conduct like sudden fluctuations. These sudden signs can be considered and based on a data over an extended period, the degree of the harm caused may be determined in the initial phases of the procedure.

 The project deals with Embedded System, which is a blending of hardware and software employed to attain a sole job. Embedded Systems mean computer systems which supervise, react to or curb exterior surroundings that are linked to systems via sensors, actuators and alternative I/O interfaces. These systems must maintain the timing and other restrictions enforced on it by the surroundings. An Embedded System is an element residing in bigger system. This system aims to accomplish a sole and well-determined job.

Download Preemptive Scheduling Systems Project Report.

Seminar Report on A Distributed Mobile Database Implementation On Pocket Pc Mobile Devices Communicating Over Bluetooth

Introduction to  A Distributed Mobile Database Implementation On Pocket Pc Mobile Devices Communicating Over Bluetooth Seminar topic:

A distributed database system is formed on self-contained mobile databases organized on mobile gadgets. At the core of the architecture, there are chosen gadgets that act as data directories which gather the outline of the databases and be the connection points for the whole nodes which desire to send queries related to the distributed database. The system is executed on pocket PCs which operate the Microsoft WinCE operating system and converse employing a Bluetooth.

The most fascinating and encouraging type of such surroundings is the mobile adhoc network(MANET) , where a  mobile host can turn as a hub of knowledge, destination or a path finder that transmits data to its destination. The chief objective of this plan and execution is to offer a system by which mobile objects contribute data in disjointed settings.

 The system involves moving nodes that can acquire one of three available parts: requesting nodes(RNs), database nodes(DBNs) and a database directory(DD). A DBN comprises of  mobile database of its own. The outline of the DBNs in the network are reserved in DD. RN acts as a node that transmits its inquiry to the DD for further proceedings.

This paper suggests a distributed mobile database system for execution on Bluetooth-enabled mobile devices. The benefits of this the suggested mechanism include

  • Flexibility: Mobile devices can adapt their proceeding ability to alter to their requirements.
  • Scalability: The suggested system can uphold services that are based upon location with innumerable mobile devices and supervising inquiries protecting the server from additional responsibilities.
  • Reliability: The dependability of the suggested system is highly appreciable as it has always succeeded.

Download Seminar Report on A Distributed Mobile Database Implementation On Pocket Pc Mobile Devices Communicating Over Bluetooth.

Hybrid Model For JIT-Oriented Web Service Discovery Project Abstract

Introduction to Hybrid Model For JIT-Oriented Web Service Discovery Project:

In the present situation, the location of a specific web service in a limited time for any user busy in a particular job has become a very challenging task. Web service discovery is a procedure of finding out a machine-process able explanation of a web service that might have been earlier anonymous and which satisfies specific operational measure. Most of the Web Service Discovery procedures have not succeeded to find out the definite services.

The supposed system assists in offering effective web service discovery and refines the unnecessary services, with the help of Just-In-Time (JIT) ideology. JIT offers effective services to consumers on the basis of their context. The final goal of JIT is to remove the insignificant services so that the user receives the significant services. Effectiveness can be strengthened by understanding the context.  The knowledge of the context intents to know the definite services relying on the consumer’s position for the consumer needs to be met to the highest level. By grading the services, refining can be carried out. The recommended structure matches the consumer context to the service context in order to remove the insignificant services.

There are two varied procedures of web service discovery systems-Non-Semantic web service discoverer and Semantic web server discoverer. The services are compared on the basis of keywords in Non-Semantic web service discovery. It is tough for a consumer to get the wished results as number of significant services regained with regard to the keywords might be few and number of significant services might be many. In Semantic web service discovery procedures, every service contains semantic knowledge regarding services and it would be brought on the basis of semantic explanation.

Just-In-Time (JIT) is a building ideology that removes wastage related to time, labor and place for storing. It offers solely the wished services to the users.

Download Hybrid Model For JIT-Oriented Web Service Discovery Project Abstract.

Defending Against Sybil Attacks Using Sybil limit Protocol Project Report

Introduction to Defending Against Sybil Attacks Using Sybil limit Protocol Project:

There is always a threat to open-access distributed systems like peer-to-peer systems from Sybil attacks, where a ill-willed user creates many fake identities known as Sybil nodes. Unless a reliable central authority is organized to bond identities to real persons, safeguarding against Sybil attacks is a serious problem. 

Amidst the limited dispersed approaches, our recent SybilGuard protocol uses a key perception on social networks to restrict the number of Sybil nodes acknowledged. In spite of its encouraging efforts, SybilGuard can permit many number of Sybil nodes to be acknowledged. Moreover, SybilGuard believes that social networks are fast-mingling, which has not been accepted in the actual world. 

This project deals with the SybilLimit protocol that uses the similar perception as SybilGuard, but provides a refined and close to reality results. In our trial for a million-node system, the number of Sybil nodes acknowledged is decreased by a factor or about 200 times. When the approaches based on fast-mingling social networks are regarded, SybilLimit’s assurance is at most a log and factor away from maximum. Ultimately, on the basis of three large-scale real-world social networks, the foremost proof that real-world social networks are really fast-mingling has been offered by us. This proves the basic supposition behind SybilLimit’s and SybilGuard’s approach. 

Hardware Requirements: 

The system should have a Pentium IV 2.0GHz or above Processor, a RAM of 1 GB or above, a HDD of 40 GB and above and a Display of 64 x 480(SVGA). It should have Multimedia support, a keyboard and a mouse.

Software Requirements: 

The system needs a platform of Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP, a Frontend ASP.NET and a Backend Microsoft SQL Server.

Download Defending Against Sybil Attacks Using Sybil limit Protocol Project Report.