HRM Database Management System Java Project Report

Introduction to HRM Database Management System Java Project:

The Project is to create software for the Manager to record the information related to their Personnel and structure in an organization. This application has all terms and its meanings related with all stages of the system in an organization, their wages and salaries according to the category in the system, and complete employee database that works in different departments in above mentioned areas. This includes the Database administrator to access and update the information of the employees. This updating and accessibility is only by the authorized person. An authorized person can edit, update and

Add the information of the employees. The personnel and the administrator can communicate each other. 

The user can access the data or information and edit and get the information without any problem. The system is user interface oriented. The information is secured from an unauthorized person access and the information needed for any inquiry is easy, fast and efficient. 

The aim of the Project is following.

  1. To develop a systematic structure of the organization according to its position and its updating.
  2. To search for the employees, departments, and other information according to department wise, level, and required information.
  3. To keep contact between the administrator and the employee.
  4. Simple handling of the database with important features. 

The system developed for the Windows 2000/XP/vista by applying the Java Net Beans for the front end, Oracle SQL for the rear end. The design tool used is UML. 

The system needs hardware specification x86 compatible processor, 512 MB RAM, 20 GB hard disk. 

Download  HRM Database Management System Java Project Report .

Hotel Nextgen Java Project Abstract

Introduction to Hotel Nextgen Java Project:

The Hotel Nextgen is the software application solution for the Hotel and their associates to perform their work in an easier manner as following:

  1. To maintain Master Data of the Hotel and its Places.
  2. To maintain Master Data of the particular Hotel room or suite Inventory and accounts.
  3. To maintain the Master Data every room needs.
  4. To maintain the seasonal/festival/yearly Tariffs.

The Existing System

  1. The existing system does not able to secure the data as required and the data may be lost due to mishandling.
  2. The existing system doesn’t have the provision to book or reserve the room or suite online for the customers.
  3. Similarly the existing system don’t provide the online status of the Hotel.
  4. The existing system is not able to give the vacant room details immediately.

The Proposed System

The new system gives the opportunity to the Hotel clients to maintain their regular actions in an automatic manner by using data integrating approach. The following functions are there for the users.

  1. To organize the hierarchy or systematic approach for the Hotel group and its associates Locations.
  2. To organize the inventory and account details of the facility of every room and suite.
  3. To organize the details and management of the facility such as Banquet Halls, the Brand stores, about Restaurants, the Coffee Shops, Wallet parking and many more functions.
  4. To organize the Associate Hotel locations and places along with every room facility and Hotel facility.
  5. To organize the Tariff plans for each Hotel.
  6. To create the important reports in Excel sheets.

Software Requirements for the Hotel Management System

Windows XP/2000 or Linux operating system.

HTML, CSS user interface.

JavaScript, JAVA Programming language.

JDBC, Servlets, JSP web applications, My Eclipse 6.0 IDE or Workbench.

Oracle 10g Database, Tomcat 5.x Server, Struts 1.x Framework.

Hardware Requirements for the Hotel Management system

Pentium IV processor, 40 GB hard disk, 512 MB RAM.

Download  Hotel Nextgen Java Project Abstract .

Hotel Management System Project Report

Introduction to Hotel Management System Project:

The theme of my Project is Hotel Management System. This Project is a fine thought to make the complex procedure of the Hotel management system to an easy manner which is systematic, modular designed, selective menu based user display. The modular design and constructed system is very much user oriented in which user can easily understand the tools and can do edit of his own choice. The system is not any tough more and does not possesses many applications but it is made by focusing on the maintaining records employee’s actions in a computerized system rather than time taking and cumbersome manual system.

The project is a software application that can be easily handled by minimum educated and simple computer knowledge person without any option of error. Two kinds of users can handle the system.

  1. Online Users, 2. Administrator or Hotel Management.

The Online users are the customers or the staff who can see the news and updates of the Hotel and the Administrator are responsible for updating the Hotel details on computer. The Administrator is the authorized user who has power to change or edit the updates as well as the Password. In case of the forgetting of password there is provision to password recovery and Logout and Login in the system.

The Purpose of the whole process is to ease the daily or regular activities of the Hotel Management into an automatic computerized retrievable process. The daily activities includes the Room activities, Entering details of the new customer check in, To allocate a room as per the customer need and interest, Recording the checkout time and details, Releasing or Empty of room and to record the process in a computer system for future.

Due to time constraint and the minimum resources, the system is not made for the high level use. But the Management system can use the application in a very easy and minimum effort.

The application of the Hotel Management System bears the following functions to use by the Administrator.

  1. Room status
  2. New Room inauguration
  3. Allocated Room Modification
  4. Details for the Customer Check in and Check out
  5. New Customer Admission
  6. Allocation of Room as per the Customer Interest
  7. Statement and Transactions of the Customer
  8. Total Customers Present In The Hotel
  9. Separate Customer Report.

Download  Hotel Management System Project Report .

Estate Agent and Property Management System Project Report

Introduction to Estate Agent and Property Management System Project:

The main objective of this paper is to give idea of e-property.  Generally, when we want to buy/sell property some of us go to real estate professionals. These real estate professional collect all the details which we are interested in. These details are collected manually and may lead to some problems like misplacing etc. In order to avoid these problems, e-property has been developed. E-property is defined as property management system which can be used by real estate professionals to save time. By using this system we can collect all the details of client and property.

Brief into E-property

This system involves mainly three modules, they are master module, transaction modules and search and query module.  In Master module the details like property registration, floor plan, property images, client registration, and vendor registration are stored. Transaction modules is used to store details like matching the property requested by client and maintain history of property, client and vendor and to send email of matched one.

Search and Query module allows user to search from database stored. Only certain actions are given to the user who is accessing the system based on  user types for example user is given only read only operation he can’t modify anything. While supervisor is given only certain actions like updating, editing etc and supervisor is given all the rights to modify anything.

Advantages and Disadvantages:

We can have all the required details of client at one place. This system can save time. This system is user-friendly. It is secure. When there are any faults with the machine we can’t access it.

Download  Estate Agent and Property Management System Project Report .

Dual Link Failure Resiliency through Backup Path Mutual Exclusion Abstract

Introduction to Dual Link Failure Resiliency through Backup Path Mutual Exclusion Project:

The main objective of this paper is to give idea of dual link failures. As usage of networks are increasing are day to day, we expect high transmission speed without any interruption. At present huge amount of information is being transferred in the networks and it is necessary to avoid any interruption due to failures.

The main reason why interruption occurs is due to dual link failures. These are important to solve because the links share resources, if there is any failure in shared resources this results in the failure of multiple links and the repair time for a failed link may be few hours or days and this is sufficient  for a second failure to occur. These dual link failures can be reduced by giving automatic backup path. By using this we can avoid dual link failures. This requires a hard disk of 40gb capacity, Ram of minimum 256mb,Processor with speed 3.0ghz and software’s like JDK, Java Swing and Sql 2000.

Brief into design and working:

The networks can be protected from link failures by path protection or link protection. By using path protection we can restore connection end to end by giving a backup path, back up path is given such that if the original path fails to work then this backup path comes into action.

Link protection is used to recover the signal by re-routing the connection at the place where the link is failed. When link protection is done to two failed links independently, then if they fail simultaneously these two links will not use each other in backup paths. This is called Backup link mutual exclusion. 

Download  Dual Link Failure Resiliency through Backup Path Mutual Exclusion Abstract.

Evacuation of Delayed Packets in Networks Java Project Report

Introduction to Evacuation of Delayed Packets in Networks Java Project:

The main objective of this paper is to give idea of delayed packets in networks. At present the networks which we are using supports only two classes of traffic, it takes long time to service if there is any failure. Hence to solve all these problems a OCGRR technology has been developed. This is the advanced version of OCRR technology. It requires a processor of 500MHZ and above, ram of 128 mb and hard disk of 10 gb size. It makes use of jdk 1.5, windows 2000 server family operating system and sql server databases. 

Brief into Evacuation of delayed packets in networks

In OCGRR, small rounds of a frame and a packet-by-packet are made used such that every stream inside a class can send only one packet in each small round. .In this packets of same class  are sent to the destination. Before frame is scheduled, each output port  data streams are stored in a separate Buffer .

Buffers are placed in frames such that each frame consists of only one buffer. Once Scheduling is done transmission traffic occurs and data is transferred according to their priorities. Only one packets are transmitted in one single round.


It minimizes delay, latency and jitter occurring in the network due to delaying of the packets. It can provide good bandwidth for the transmission of data packets. It reduces packet transmission time in the same stream. It can support multi class traffic which can increase the performance of the network.

Download  Evacuation of Delayed Packets in Networks Java Project Report .

Distributed Cache Updating For the Dynamic Source Routing Protocol Java Project Report

Introduction to Distributed Cache Updating For the Dynamic Source Routing Protocol Java Project:

The main objective of this technique is to find the broken links which are transferring information and to divert them to the other nodes which are present in the cache. A cache update algorithm is used for updating the new cache structure called a cache table for the broken links. In this paper we will see for the cache algorithms are implanted for find the broken links and updating the caches.

Brief into the working of the distributed cache updating:

To make cache update for the broken links each node maintains the cache table information required for making the cache updates. When a link failure is detected the algorithm notifies all the reachable nodes which have the cached link. The proactive cache updating includes some protocols for patching up the broken links.

We have two types of routing protocols available for the adhoc networks. The proactive protocols maintain a up to date information of the nodes which periodically disseminates the topology updates through the network. Whereas the on demand protocols make the discovery of the routes only when the routes are required.

Limitations of existing system and advantages of distributed cache updating:

In the existing system the link failure occurs in the mac layer as it undergoes multiple transmissions due to increase of stale route packet delivery latency. The stale route packets remain in the caches only due to the usage of FIFO replacement algorithm.

By using proactive cache updating the propagation of stale routes to other routes gets prevented. A new cache updating algorithm is used which makes the dynamic source routing to adapt quickly to the changes occurred in the topology.

Download  Distributed Cache Updating For the Dynamic Source Routing Protocol Java Project Report.

An iPhone Application for BCS (British Computer Society) Project Proposal

Project Proposal

I want to make an Apple iPhone Application for the British Computer Society from which Users will gain a richer web experience for BCS users. The BCS members will be the Sole beneficiaries from this Project. 


  1. Users will be able to register themselves to the BCS Membership.
  2. Student will be able to register to their exams and submit their various applications
  3. Users will have all the information about BCS on-the-go.
  4. Users will be able to search through their own course syllabus, Exam Papers, Reports and their Results.
  5. Event Reminder will remind members whenever their chosen events will about to happen.
  6. Users will be able to buy books from book-shop and registered members will be able to read books online from 24×7 from bookshop. 

Project Scope: 

            BCS members will be highly benefited from this Application as It will take them to another Dimension of iPhone (currently iPhone has covered 23 % of smart-phone market). This application will serve over 70,000 BCS Members across the globe.

            This application will have two main interfaces, one for its registered members and another for non-registered members. It will contain all the information which is available on BCS website. Application will have several screens, first Screen will contain all the Information about BCS and from there Users will have choices to login into member area or just surf through other features like general information about courses & qualification & Training, Membership Criteria, BCS Products, services and events, book-shop, ask a question and many more. Mainly users will be able to use this application as shorter, richer and better interface then the ordinarily website. 


            This application will fetch all the data from bcs website and will be totally dependent on it. I will use Hessian Kit language to send and receive data. It will work as mediator between the users and BCS website. It will not store any data on local machine Permanently but it will store temporarily as a back-up, in-case of loss of connection or any other fall-out.

            This application will work in-synchronization with all the basic iPhone application like Safari Browser, Word, Excel, PDF and Flash Player so that I will be able to reduce the application size.

            This application  will be based on Apple iOS SDK 4.3 and  to create interface and I will use XCode as a developing software and Objective C and Cocoa as a main Programming language .I will test my Application First on iPhone Simulator and then I will build it on real iPhone 

Documentation : 

            . Once I have finished with my project I will submit my software with various reports in details like feasibility report about the various phases of my project, Functional and non-functional requirement Report which will contain the functionality of application and all the non-functionality like the quality, performance, usability, availability, reliability and supportability of the software.  This documentation will be based on doxygen. I will attach my testing script with the project and I will provide suitable documentation for the user.

            This documentation and SDK will help BCS to decide and verify, if they wants to link it to Apple APP Store as an Official BCS Application or not. 

Individual Achievement 

            From This Project I am intended to learn more about developing Mac & Particularly iPhone and iPad Application & I will learn more about the security, Safety, Performance and the application quality. I will cover several of my subjects from this project which will be System Analysis & Design, Software engineering, Database Management, Website Development and Copyright rules abiding BCS website ( Professional Issues in IT) 

Intended Completion Date of Project :

            I am working on my own, under the guidance of my authenticator. I am intended to finish my project within 7 months. 

            Please Accept this Proposal so that I can start working on and complete it within the deadline.

Discovering Conditional Functional Dependencies Java Project

Introduction to Discovering Conditional Functional Dependencies Java Project:

The main objective of this paper is to give idea of conditional functional dependencies. As usage of computers is increasing are day to day, the storage of data also is more. The data has to  be cleaned an removed if it is not useful.

Data cleaning should be done automatically by finding out the errors. Hence this gave rise to conditional functional dependencies. CFDs are considered as a extension of functional dependencies. CFD supports patterns of  related constants, and hence it can be used as rules for cleaning relational data. 

For discovering CFD three methods are used . First, CFD Miner is used to discover CFDs whish have constant patterns. These constant CFDs are important for identifying an object to clean .The two algorithms which are used for discovering general CFDs is CTANE and FastCFD, CTANE is considered as extension of TANE which is used  in mining of FDs. 

FastCFD is based on the depth-first approach and it reduces the search space. When the relation is large, CTANE is said to work well. FastCFD works better than CTANE in terms of arity, when the arity of the relation is large. Using CFDMiner is faster than CTANE and FastCFD. These algorithms used for cleaning are based on type of application by the user.

Download  Discovering Conditional Functional Dependencies Java Project.

Digital Rights Management Project Report

Introduction to Digital Rights Management Project:

The main objective of this paper is to give idea of digital rights management. As usage of internet are increasing are day to day, Though internet provides many benefits there are some of the risks for content providers . Pirating the content has become more. This lead to development of digital rights management. Digital Rights Management Systems provides the content providers to protect and exploit their digital content . By using this system, we can fight from being pirated.   

Brief into Digital Rights Management:

In general ,DRM is defined as technology to protect digital contents from being illegally copied . It allows only authorized users to access the contents. This is very useful for businesses because  they can secure their content. There are two generations of Digital Rights Management . In first generation, Digital Rights Management has mainly focused on security and encryption. The distribution was limited and was permitted to distribute for those who pays.

In second generation, Digital rights management focuses on the description, identification, trading, protection, monitoring and tracking of all forms in term of rights Mississauga  The Digital Rights Management chain is as follows , first the content to be published is secured and then it is distributed by certain licensing features and at last it allows the subscriber to play the protected content if  they are licensed to use. 


This Digital rights management finds use in music, print and movie distribution areas to identify the misuse of their data done by the other persons. This is the efficient encryption algorithm for reducing the misuse of data. 

 Download  Digital Rights Management Project Report.